SilverStripe ChangeLog 2.1.1 (2 Nov 2007) Bug Fixes - CMS - BBCode help link now works inside CMS - Fixed invalid 'cursor: normal' CSS in cms_left.css - Ensure ComplexTableField CSS is loaded in CMS - Fixed blank comments showing in Comment Admin - Ensure behaviour is applied correctly to new fields in a UserDefinedForm - Fixed fatal error in Newsletter Admin on some servers - Sapphire - Fix infinite redirects when upgrading from 2.0.2 - Use the hostname, not the ip address, in dev/test mode tests - Changed the include of the BBCodeParser so it works on more systems - Fixed saving of HasOneComplexTableField and HasManyComplexTableField when value is undefined - Removed extra comma in TableListField.js - Fixed redirection of login when login fails - Fixed bug where removing a comment via ajax removed all comments from display - Fix $_SESSION not saving correctly on some servers 2.1.0 (2 Oct 2007) New Features - Comment administration section, and comment moderation - Allow CMS users to limit view/edit access to a page - Show an rss link for page comments on each page Developer Tools - Theme support - Widget support - Better extension API - Unit testing framework - More API documentation - Added support for __ss_environment.php files - New classes - BankAccountField - BBCodeParser - HasManyComplexTableField - HasOneComplexTableField - ManyManyComplexTableField - NewsletterType - RestfulService (from mashups module) - Improved classes - ComplexTableField - Validation in popup - ContentController - Added project() - Controller - Added redirectedTo() - Convert - Added raw2htmlatt() - Added raw2mailto() - DatabaseAdmin - Drastically improved database build performance - DataObject - Added ID,ID,ID syntax for populating many-many joins - DataObjectDecorator - Allow member CMS fields to be added - DataObjectSet - Added getRange() - Date - Added past_date() - Director - Added set_dev_servers() - Added set_test_servers() - Added redirected_to() - Refactored CMS page-URL accessing to use ->AbsoluteLink(), which can be overridden by defining alternateAbsoluteLink() - Debug - Optionally hide backtrace-headers in message() and show() (applied in 'showqueries') - Email - MimeType-fallback (from /etc/mime.types) - Improved validation in is_valid_address() - FieldSet - Added insertAfter() - Form - Automatic filesystem backup of POST-data - FormField - Support for right-aligned titles - Custom CSS-classes by addExtraClass() and removeExtraClass() - Group - Added Description field - HtmlEditorField - Allow classes other than 'typography' to be set - Image - Added PaddedImage() - ImageField - Added readonly transformation - PageCommentInterface - Added anchors to page comments, and made rss feed link to them - Permission - Added $strict flag to check() - Allow passing of an array of permission codes to get_members_by_permission() - Added get_groups_by_permission() - PhoneNumberField - Improved validation - Security - Added basicauthlogin() - SecurityAdmin - Added EDIT_PERMISSIONS permission code - TableField - Validation and RequiredFields - TableListField - Added sorting, highlighting, formatting - Improved styling - TreeDropdownField - Improved styling - Varchar - Added RTF() - ViewableData - Added '<% if HasPerm(PERM_CODE() %>' for templates - Javascript - Implemented showIndicator() and hideIndicator() - Improved statusMessage() to clear manually instead of fixed interval - Added hideStatusMessage() Bug Fixes - CMS - Fix specific newsletter bug - Don't show classes user doesn't have permissions to change to in class dropdown - Fix reading of Live pages in CMSMain - Fix double page reading after changing the class - Fix insert flash - Fix version regex for release candidates - Fix delete in Files and Images section - Fixed saving root folder causes error - Fixed "non-numeric ID" error that occurs when visiting newsletter section for a newsletter that doesn't exist (caused by session sometimes) - Fixed CMS sort subpages bug - Sapphire - Improved spam detection - Support for running SilverStripe in safe mode and under open_basedir restrictions - PHP notice fixes - Use normal authentification rather than basicauth for db/build - Fix CSS of profiler pop-up - Changed DropdownField $emptyString syntax from '0' to '' - Fixed IE6 DOM-parsing bug caused by FormResponse::load_form() - Triggering previewwrite for 'delete' and 'replace' SQL-actions - Changed record-insertion in DataObject - Boolean accepts database-default - Fixed Permission::get_members_by_permission() - Added memory_limit to publishall() - Fix many-many component set relation setting - The Link for a RedirectorPage points to its target - Add SQL_ prefix in place it was missing in Email - Added a check to make sure record exists before calling hasMethod on it in CheckboxSetField - Fixed bug in DataObject::addStaticVars() - Check for string 'true' as well as boolean in SiteTree::MetaTags() - Fix AllNewsletters value not being passed to OptionSetField in SubscribeForm - Improved the encapsulation of ErrorPage publication - Fix redirect back after failing login - Fixed renaming of .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 files - Fixed validation of DateField, EmailField and NumericField - Fix livesite bug for visibility handling difference between PHP5.2.0 and PHP5.1.6 - Changed colouring of db/build to be more appropriate for the actual meaning of the messages - Fixed redirection from /home/ to /./ in IE6 - Use the homepage as a model for the security base-page, so that things like the current subsite are factored in - Sorted permission codes in Permission::get_codes - Changes to support gallery module - Added missing has_many in DataObjectDecorator - Replace empty strings in SQL queries with NULL - JSParty - TinyMCE has been updated to Installer - New installer look based on BlackCandy - Use the new theme system - Add first and last name fields - Added ability to set servers that will be in dev mode - When the posix module isn't present, throw a warning instead of dying - Warn if PHP version is less that 5.2.0 in support of GoPHP5 ( - Added favicon to installer and default template - Optional reporting of version information to SilverStripe - Installer now runs with short tags disabled - open_basedir and safe mode fixes 2.0.2 (14 Jul 2007) New Features - BlackCandy is the new default theme - Added pagination for page comments - Updated date field in CMS-edited forms to use CalendarDateField - Added 'open in new window' checkbox to link inserter - Added dimension fields when inserting images Developer Tools - Much more API Documentation - Modules must now have _config.php files in order to be loaded - New Classes - PermissionProvider - Improved Classes - CalendarDateField - Added a calendar icon - CheckboxSetField - Prepared for use editing a many-many join in the CMS, popualted with a SQLMap object - ClassInfo - Added implementorsOf() - ContentNegotiator - Added set_encoding() to choose a character set other than utf-8 - DatabaseAdmin - Removed populate() as it was a security risk, the initial content is now loaded via requireDefaultRecords() - DataObject - Added add_extension() for adding decorators in _config.php - DataObjectDecorator - Added extraDBFields() for modifying the decorated data objects, adding extra database fields - Email - Added send_all_emails_to() - Added cc_all_emails_to() - Added bcc_all_emails_to() - Replaced sentLiveErrorsTo() with send_errors_to(), for more flexibility - Form - Added current_action() - Added single_field_required() - FormField - Added Required(), so that you can put asterisks into a form template if you wish - GenericDataAdmin - Updated to use new permission model - LeftAndMain - Added second argument to setApplicationName() so that the name in the top corner and the name shown elsewhere can be 2 different strings - Permission - Added get_codes() - Profiler - Added trace argument to show() - Added profiling scaffolds - Added ?profile_trace=1 url variable tool to show a trace on the profiler - Sorted the output of profiler - Improvements to profiling information - TableField - Added option to aid putting TableFields inside the ComplexTableField popup - TreeDropdownField - Added setTreeBaseID(), for showing a sub-tree in your field - Javascript - Added event.setStyle to prototype_improvements.js - Add class text field to image properties dialog in TinyMCE - Added ?debug_behaviour=1 URL option for debugging behaviour calls with Firebug Bug Fixes - CMS - Forms in newsletter & security section were incorrectly submitting when enter was pressed - Fixed search in MemberTableField - Don't show popup when validation fails in Security section - Fixed bug where scrollbars aren't shown in the CMS - Let CMSMain be used to manage objects without Sort - The help button now redirects to - Version displayed in CMS now works correctly - Fixed CMS action button support when text size increases - Added message when report is empty - fixed (overrides) to CSS to avoid larger font-size due to em values - Fixed tree scrolling and resizing issues - Fixed sizing issues with CMS right content area - Fixed bug with image insertion - Fixed bug where new pages weren't being highlighted in the CMS - Fixed bug where the last page in the site tree wasn't being highlighted in the CMS - Fixed reordering of groups in security section - Improvements to image inserter - Sapphire - Reduced warnings when E_NOTICE is enabled - Fixed validation of date fields in a user defined form - Fixed multiple security groups being created when logging in with default admin - Fixed permissions for administrating page comments - Fixed ContentController::PageComments() method to die if spammers are POSTing form data when comments are disabled - Fixed permission checking on PHP 5.0.5 - Fixed 'cannot access protected property' error in Security section on PHP 5.0.5 - Fixed javascript validation of forms - Fixed error when asp_tags = On - Fixed bug where you have a non-required field with numeric validation - Added a limit of 20 steps in Breadcrumbs generation - Changed SiteTree.Title length from 100 to 255 - Fixed random password generator in Member::createNewPassword() - Fixed BatchProcess to not display an error if no objects could be processed - Fixed a bug where a user is redirected incorrectly after logging in - Changed temp-folder selection to not leave temp files lying around, and put silverstripe temp files into a silverstripe-cache folder - Made guid of PageComments in rss feed unique - Removed duplicate XML class - Fixed bugs caused by missing html elements - Fixed code to remove need for short_open_tag - Fixed FileSize generation for sizes of just over 1 meg - only show $messageBlock in FormField::FieldHolder() if $Message is existing - fixed rightTitle and id in FormField::FieldHolder() - Fixed ?isDev=1 mode - Set default of sendWarnings on Debug::send_errors_to - Fixed formatting of error emails sent from ajax requests - Removed debug plumbing from the results of Debug::backtrace() - Simplified return data of htmlEmail, an inconsequential internal optimisation - Create assets folder if it doesn't exist when uploading a file - Fixed bug in SiteTree::NestedTitle() - Don't append /home to the home page URL - Small fix for windows installations - Fixed efficiency problems in Versioned::get_latest_version - Fixed File::sync(), to let it recurse into new directories in a single execution - Fixed bug with getting form action that was breaking form submission and complextablefield pop-up - Fixed SQLMap iteration - Simplified EmailField validation error message - Fixed some bugs in the debug emailer - Reduced amount of ajax-refetching that the TreeSelectorFields do - Fix macron support in reports - Improved debug message (remove big blocks of redundant data) - Allow for the disabling of default buttons. Apply this to CMSMain and GenericDataAdmin in the administration, so that we don't default to clicking the *DELETE* button. - Added default value to first arg of permissionFailure(); it's not actually used! - Improved handling of EditableFormFields on new UserDefinedForms - Improved search results message shown on first load - Made calendar control register a date change when the calendar is used - Set some good defaults in DataObjectSet::TotalPages() if they have not been set - Changes to support forum - Require authenficiation to do a db/build on live sites - Close directories before trying to remove them - Fixed a bug where CheckboxSetField wouldn't save if there was a method the same as the field name - Fix multiple "broken" in class attribute of HTML Content - Fixed bug with TreeDropdownField when you clicked the expand link 3 or more times, it wouldn't close - Fixed bug when editing properties of new text fields - Fixed duplicate of UserDefinedForm objects - JSParty - Fixed a bug where you couldn't always edit the bottom of an WYSIWYG editor field - Ensure that WYSIWYG context menu always appears on the screen - Javascript performance improvements - Fix weird bug in behaviour to do with class.applyToChildren - Improved console.log alternative Installer - Added option of installing either the default template, or the tutorial template - mod_rewrite check now works with http authentification - Workaround for 'URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration' using curl for mod_rewrite test - Better error message if the installer can't detect the web server - Added an alternative .htaccess configuration - Less file permissions required by the installer - Made deleting the installer files more prominent, it now deletes all the installations files, not just php. - MySQL password is now a hidden field. 2.0.1 (17 Apr 2007) New Features - Improved layout of UserDefinedForm submissions in CMS - Don't show name field on root folder in Assets section Developer Tools - Mime types fallback for servers don't have /etc/mime.types - mb_string module is now an optional dependency - Added strong_create method to Object, as useCustomClass was not working correctly Bug Fixes - Sapphire - Text->FirstParagraph() now only shows the first paragraph - Fixed HTMLText->Summary() - Fixed layout issues on IE7 for TreeDropdownField - Don't show Akismet errors to user - Removed overloaded MemberTableField->sourceItems() that was causing problems - Fixed UserDefinedForm submission emails - Fixed UserDefinedForm permissions - If a file extension doesn't have a maximum upload size associated with it, then allow uploads of any size - Fixed a bug with the TreeMultiselectField that prevented it from displaying the checkboxes - Made Scheduled tasks concrete so they can be instantiated - TableField fixes - Fixed security vunerability in search - GD::color_web2gd() was using incorrect substr - Fixed last link css - Fixed duplicate checkbox fields in UserDefinedForm - Fixed css in UserDefinedForm - CMS - Fixed sizing of tabs in CMS - Fixed popup for single asset in Files & Images section - Fixed link to CMS on default homepage - Fixed permissions table in Security section - Fixed el no properties error in IE - Pressing the flash button a second time now hides the dropdown Installer - Fixed MySQL version check - Merge with existing .htaccess file - Test that mod_rewrite is working - Added option to delete installer files after successful install - Fixed PHP4 parse error so installer loads and shows correct error message - Apache test passes if apache is used but apache php functions are not available - SilverStripe needs at least PHP version 5.0.4 2.0.0 (3 Feb 2007) - Initial release