'lang', 'js' => 'javascript/lang' ); /** * @var String If set, will use existing files rather than try to download them. */ protected $downloadPath; public function getGlUser() { return $this->glUser; } public function setGlUser($newGlUser) { $this->glUser = $newGlUser; return $this; } public function getGlPassword() { return $this->glPassword; } public function setGlPassword($newGlPassword) { $this->glPassword = $newGlPassword; return $this; } public function setModulePath($path) { $this->modulePath = $path; } public function setDownloadPath($path) { $this->downloadPath = $path; } public function setGlProductName($name) { $this->glProductName = $name; } public function main() { if (!is_dir($this->modulePath)) { throw new BuildException("Invalid target directory: $this->modulePath"); } $downloadPath = $this->downloadPath ? $this->downloadPath : $this->download(); $files = $this->findFiles($downloadPath); foreach($files as $file) { $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if($ext == 'yml') { $this->processYmlFile($file); } elseif($ext == 'js') { $this->processJavascriptFile($file); } else { throw new LogicException(sprintf('Unknown extension: %s', $ext)); } } } /** * @return File path to a folder structure containing translation files */ protected function download() { $tmpFolder = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), $this->glProductName . '-'); $tmpFilePath = $tmpFolder . '.zip'; rename($tmpFolder, $tmpFilePath); $url = sprintf(self::$url_translations, $this->glProductName); $this->log(sprintf("Downloading $url to $tmpFilePath")); $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->glUser. ":" . $this->glPassword); $data = curl_exec($ch); $code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if($code >= 400) { throw new BuildException(sprintf( 'Error downloading %s: %s %s', $url, $code, $data )); } if(curl_error($ch)) { throw new BuildException(sprintf( 'Error downloading %s: %s (#%s)', $url, curl_error($ch), curl_errno($ch) )); } curl_close($ch); file_put_contents($tmpFilePath, $data); $this->log(sprintf("Extracting to $tmpFolder")); $this->exec("unzip $tmpFilePath -d $tmpFolder"); return $tmpFolder; } /** * @param String Absolute path to a folder structure containing translation files * @return Array with file paths */ protected function findFiles($path) { // Recursively find files with certain extensions. // Can't use glob() since its non-recursive. // Directory structure doesn't matter here. $files = array(); $matches = new RegexIterator( new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path) ), '/^.+\.(yml$|js)/i', RecursiveRegexIterator::GET_MATCH ); foreach($matches as $match) $files[] = $match[0]; return $files; } protected function processYmlFile($file) { $this->log(sprintf("Processing $file")); // Rename locale to correct convention (underscored rather than dashed). // GL wants filenames to adhere to its saved locales, but SS framework // can't easily change to that format for backwards compat reasons, so we need to convert. // The passed in file name doesn't really matter here, only the contained locale. // By convention, the first line in the YAML file is always the locale used, as a YAML "root key". $content = file_get_contents($file); preg_match('/^([\w-_]*):/', $content, $matches); $locale = $matches[1]; $locale = str_replace('-', '_', $locale); $locale = str_replace(':', '', $locale); // Convert faulty multiline double quoted string YAML // to block format, in order to allow the YAML Parser to open it later // TODO Remove once getlocalization.com has fixed their output format (see support.getlocalization.com #2022) $isBlock = false; $blockIndex = -1; $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $content); $keyedLineRegex = '/^\s*[\w\d-_]*:\s*/'; $leadingQuoteRegex = '/^\s*\"/'; $trailingQuoteRegex = '/[^\\\\]\"$/'; foreach($lines as $i => $line) { preg_match($keyedLineRegex, $line, $matches); $key = $matches ? $matches[0] : null; $val = trim(preg_replace($keyedLineRegex, '', $line)); // If its a multiline double quoted string (no unescaped closing quote) if($val && $line != '"' && preg_match($leadingQuoteRegex, $val) && !preg_match($trailingQuoteRegex, $val)) { $isBlock = true; $blockIndex = $i; } elseif($key) { $isBlock = false; $blockIndex = -1; } else { $lines[$blockIndex] .= $line; unset($lines[$i]); } } $content = implode(PHP_EOL, $lines); // Parse YML as a sanity check, // and reorder alphabetically by key to ensure consistent diffs. require_once '../framework/thirdparty/zend_translate_railsyaml/library/Translate/Adapter/thirdparty/sfYaml/lib/sfYaml.php'; require_once '../framework/thirdparty/zend_translate_railsyaml/library/Translate/Adapter/thirdparty/sfYaml/lib/sfYamlParser.php'; require_once '../framework/thirdparty/zend_translate_railsyaml/library/Translate/Adapter/thirdparty/sfYaml/lib/sfYamlDumper.php'; $yamlHandler = new sfYaml(); $yml = $yamlHandler->parse($content); if(isset($yml[$locale]) && is_array($yml[$locale])) { ksort($yml[$locale]); foreach($yml[$locale] as $k => &$v) { if(is_array($v)) ksort($v); } } $content = $yamlHandler->dump($yml, 99); // don't inline first levels // Save into correct path, overwriting existing files $path = $this->modulePath . '/' . $this->langFolders['yml'] . '/' . $locale . '.yml'; $this->log("Saving to $path"); file_put_contents($path, $content); } protected function processJavascriptFile($file) { $this->log(sprintf("Processing $file")); $locale = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME); $locale = str_replace('-', '_', $locale); // Save into correct path, overwriting existing files $path = $this->modulePath . '/' . $this->langFolders['js'] . '/' . $locale . '.yml'; $this->log("Saving to $path"); file_put_contents($path, file_get_contents($file)); } } ?>