# Contributing Any open source product is only as good as the community behind it. You can participate by sharing code, ideas, or simply helping others. No matter what your skill level is, every contribution counts. See our [high level contribution overview](http://silverstripe.org/contributing-to-silverstripe) on silverstripe.org on how you can help out. ## Bugtracker ## Bugs are tracked on [github.com](https://github.com/silverstripe/framework/issues). Please read our [issue reporting guidelines](http://doc.silverstripe.org/framework/en/misc/contributing/issues). ## Development and Contribution ## For submitting patches, please read our [guide to contributing code](http://doc.silverstripe.org/framework/en/misc/contributing/code). We only accept pull requests on github.com. ## Links ## * [Server Requirements](http://doc.silverstripe.org/framework/en/installation/server-requirements) * [Changelogs](http://doc.silverstripe.org/framework/en/changelogs/) * [Bugtracker: Framework](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework/issues) * [Bugtracker: CMS](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/issues) * [Bugtracker: Installer](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-installer/issues) * [Forums](http://silverstripe.org/forums) * [Developer Mailinglist](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/silverstripe-dev) ## Licensing By supplying code in issues and pull requests created on github.com and other collaboration tools related to the SilverStripe project, you agree that is can be used in distributions and derivative works of SilverStripe CMS and associated modules, under the BSD license.