Updated ChangeLog

git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/phpinstaller/trunk@44271 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
This commit is contained in:
aoneil 2007-11-05 05:31:46 +00:00
parent 04e8b38c41
commit b53d8fff01
1 changed files with 194 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,199 @@
SilverStripe ChangeLog
2.2.0 (in development)
New Features
- New look for CMS
- Usability improvements
- Image editor, allowing a user to rotate, crop and resize an image from within the CMS
- Support for authentification by OpenID
- Google Sitemaps support
- Internationalisation support
- German translation
- Dutch translation
- Chinese translation
- Catalan translation
- Spanish translation
- Support for multilingual content
- Statistics area showing a number of statistics collected on the sight
- Added profile popup in CMS
Developer Tools
- New classes
- Authenticator, allowing multiple authentification methods
- ConfirmPasswordField
- DropdownTimeField
- i18n, for internationalisation
- LanguageDropdownField
- LoginForm, base class for login forms for each authentification method
- MemberAuthenticator, providing username/password authentification
- MemberLoginForm, refactored from old LoginForm form
- PopupDateTimeField
- ToggleField
- OpenIDAuthenticatedRole, which is an extension to Member that adds OpenID authentification columns
- OpenIDAuthenticator, providing OpenID authentification
- OpenIDLoginForm, providing OpenID sign in
- PageView, which saves the details of each page view for statistics
- Statistics, which provides static methods for statistics
- Translatable, for multilingual content
- New third party libraries
- PHP OpenID (http://openidenabled.com/php-openid/)
- Browscap (http://garetjax.info/projects/browscap/)
- Improved classes
- CalendarDateField
- Refactored part of Field() into HTMLField() so it can be used in PopupDateTimeField
- ComplexTableField
- Improved pagination in popup
- Better transformation of save-button (replaced indicator with "saving..." label)
- CompositeField
- Added SmallFieldHolder() to properly render fields in a FieldGroup
- Added insertBeforeRecursive()
- Allow empty children
- Added Field()
- Added linebreaks for HTML
- ConfirmedFormAction
- Respect $extraClass
- ContentController
- Save statistics on page views
- Added LangAttributes(), for use in XML header
- Core
- Added _t() for internationalisation
- Check if TEMP_FOLDER is already defined before defining it, allowing the user to set the temporary folder themself
- DataObject
- Added merge()
- Director
- Added extend_site(), which allows modules to register a function that will be run on every page load
- redirectBack() now redirects to the base URL if neither the referrer nor the _REDIRECT_BACK_URL is set
- Added support for translatable URLs
- Email
- Define 'EMAIL_BOUNCEHANDLER_KEY' in sapphire/_config.php and require its value to be sent as 'Key' $_GET var in pings to /Email_BounceHandler to prevent fake email bounce pings
- Display an error on duplicate bounce logs instead of a blank screen
- If the contents of the X-SilverStripeMessageID header is sent to /Email_BounceHandler in the 'SilverStripeMessageID' _GET variable, then it will be logged in the Newsletter_SentRecipient table so that the bounce report will show up on the 'Sent Status Report' tab of the Newsletter
- Bounced newsletter recipient emails and blacklisted by default
- FieldSet
- Added insertBeforeRecursive()
- FileSystem
- Added $file_create_mask and $folder_create_mask, which are used whenever creating new files/folders in sapphire
- Form
- All Forms now have a hidden SecurityID field to prevent CSRF attacks
- Added disableSecurityToken() to disable the SecurityID field
- Added securityTokenEnabled()
- Changed <p class="Actions"> to <div class="Actions">
- Renamed PureName() to Name()
- GD
- Added rotate()
- Added rotatePixelByPixel(), allowing rotation where the imagerotate function is unavailable
- Added crop()
- Added getWidth()
- Added getHeight()
- Hierachy
- Versioned now automatically add suffixes, so Hierachy no longer needs to
- Added register_modification_timestamp()
- Added register_etag()
- ImageField
- Improved layout
- Int
- Added support for default value
- ManifestBuilder
- Refactored getClassManifest() for clearer ignore rules
- Ignore i18n language files
- Ignore folders that have a '_manifest_exclude' file
- Member
- Automatically login user if the 'remember login' cookie is set
- Added createNewPassword(), which generates a random password, optionally using a word list
- Added support for password encryption
- Added Locale field to store user preferred language
- MemberLoginForm (refactored from old LoginForm)
- Save the email address in the session to reuse when the login fails
- ModelAsController
- Added support for translatable URLs
- PasswordField
- Always show five stars in performReadonlyTransformation(), so it is impossible to use the information of the password length for brute-force attacks
- Permission
- Added declare_permissions()
- Added get_declared_permissions_list()
- Added traverse_declared_permissions()
- Added Permission_Group class, used to group permissions together for showing on an interface
- Added $admin_implies_all, if this is false then the 'ADMIN' permission doesn't imply all permissions
- Refactored Permission::checkMember(), should be faster now because the non-strict checking is now only executed if the user doesn't has the permission
- Added deny(), giving the ability to define 'deny permissions'
- RecipientImportField
- Added default 'GenericEmail.ss' template
- RSSFeed
- Added support for conditional GETs
- Security
- Added support for password encryption
- Added set_word_list() and get_word_list(), to set the location of the word list used in Member::generateNewPassword()
- SiteTree
- Changed references to 'stage site' to 'draft site' in TreeTitle()
- Use Translatable interface by default
- Add content language in MetaTags()
- Add delete class to unpublish and rollback buttons
- SSViewer
- Added support for internationalisation in templates, using <% _t() %>
- Added $Iteration in templates, which keeps track of the number of iterations in a control block
- TableListField
- Prevent onclick event in td.markingcheckbox from showing the popup
- TabSet
- Remove tabset div to reduce wasted space on tabs
- Added insertBeforeRecursive()
- ToggleCompositeField
- Refactored from TogglePanel
- Added icons and used 'cursor: pointer' to make it obvious that it is clickable
- Versioned
- Added the ability to versionise suffixed tables that have names that are not DataObject descendants
- Added canBeVersioned()
- Added extendWithSuffix()
- Added hasVersionField()
Bug Fixes
- Sapphire
- E_NOTICE fixes
- Fixed incorrect deprecated message in Convert::raw2xml()
- Don't show and error message and quit the script when @ is used to suppress the error
- Changed width of HTMLEditorFields to prevent horizontal scrollbars in IE7
- Added checks in DataObjectSet::First() and DataObjectSet::Last() to prevent errors on an empty $items array
- Fixed incorrect treatment of Member::logout() as a static method in Security::logout()
- Ensure Priority is set in SiteTree::onBeforeWrite(), otherwise an invalid SQL statement will be generated when the page is published
- Only highlight broken links in HTMLEditorFields once, to prevent execution timeouts when there are lots of identical broken links
- Fixed bug "Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: Controller::$db in ../sapphire/core/Object.php(282) : eval()'d code on line 1"
- Fixed DataObjectDecorators not supporting indexes and defaults
- Fixed ReportField generating invalid HTML
- In Member::setBlacklistedEmail() call this->write() so that the BlacklistedEmail field state will be saved to the Member database table
- Fix Email_BlackList::isBlocked() to check the BlockedEmail field instead of non-existant Email field so that it will actaully return true when an email is blocked
- Fix layout problems with search box in IE by only generating a label tag if TItle is set in FormField::FieldHolder()
- Fixed Permission::check() not p[assing $strict to Permission::checkMember()
- Fixed HTTP::gmt_date()
- Fix validation of Member extensions
- Removed DriversLicense references from LoginForm (project specific clutter)
- Added check for existence of #sitetree in RelationComplexTableField.js
- Fixed VirtualPage creation
- Fixed lighttpd flushing bug
- Fixed CustomRequiredFields
- Fix bugs with ComplexTableField when it is used outside of the CMS
- Fixed error saving when value is undefined in HasOneComplexTableField and HasManyComplexTableField
- Fixed saving error in FileIFrameField
- Added a security fix for Security::check_default_admin()
- Fixed caching in DataObject::getManyManyComponents() to take into account different SQL parameters
- Geop::ip2country() now throws an E_USER_NOTICE instead of an error when it cannot run geoiplookup
- Added if() check around a foreach loop that was causing errors when there were no entries in an RSS feed
- Fix inheritance in ManyManyComplexTableField
- Fixed FormField::setRightTitle() not showing because of a typo
- Create assets folder if doesn't eixts on ErrorPage publish
- Fixed submission of ImageField when no file was selected
- Catch errors in ContentController::deleteinstallfiles()
- Fix generation of group codes on creation of a Group
- Fix title on LabelledLiteralField
- Fix ImageField deleting the Image instead of unlinking it from the page
- Set TimeField value to null when a bad value is passed
- Don't return a span when the Title doesn't exist in DropdownField
- E_NOTICE fixes
- Fixed Email link not working in page history
2.1.1 (2 Nov 2007)
Bug Fixes