Updated ChangeLog

git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/phpinstaller/trunk@41590 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
This commit is contained in:
aoneil 2007-09-12 05:01:01 +00:00
parent 3702a09af1
commit 1dd576f34e
1 changed files with 37 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +1,21 @@
SilverStripe ChangeLog
- Theme support
- Widget support
- Better extension API
- Unit testing framework
- Comment administration section, and comment moderation
- TinyMCE has been updated to
- Drastically improved database build performance
- Support for running SilverStripe in safe mode
- Improved spam detection
- More API documentation
- PHP notice fixes
- Added support for __ss_environment.php files
- Use normal authentification rather than basicauth for db/build
- Moved RestfulService from mashups module into sapphire core
- Added BBCodeParser
- Fix CSS of profiler pop-up
- Fix specific newsletter bug
- Added sorting, highlighting, formatting to TableListField
@ -60,8 +67,36 @@ SilverStripe ChangeLog
- Fixed saving root folder causes error
- Fixed "non-numeric ID" error that occurs when visiting newsletter section for a newsletter that doesn't exist (caused by session sometimes)
- Added anchors to page comments, and made rss feed link to them
- Show an rss link for page comments on each page
- Fixed MetaTags so it accepts a string or a boolean, which means it will behave correctly in templates
- Improved the encapsulation of ErrorPage publication
- Added ID,ID,ID syntax for populating many-many joins
- Fix redirect back after failing login
- Fixed renaming of .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 files
- Added validation to TableField
- Fixed validation of DateField, EmailField and NumericField
- Fix livesite bug for visibility handling difference between PHP5.2.0 and PHP5.1.6
- Changed colouring of db/build to be more appropriate for the actual meaning of the messages
- Added PaddedImage to Image
- Allow passing of an array of permission codes to Permission::get_members_by_permission()
- Refactored newsletter system to put recipient selection and form-fieldset generation into the NewsletterType class, to allow for subclassing NewsletterType to create special system newsletters.
- Fixed redirection from /home/ to /./ in IE6
- Use the homepage as a model for the security base-page, so that things like the current subsite are factored in
- Added Director::redirected_to / Controller::redirectedTo() for redirection-detection
- Added '<% if HasPerm(PERM_CODE() %>' to ViewableData for template
- Sorted permission codes in Permission::get_codes
- Added EDIT_PERMISSIONS permission code for SecurityAdmin
- Added Permission::get_groups_by_permission
- Refactored CMS page-URL accessing to use ->AbsoluteLink(), which can be overridden by defining alternateAbsoluteLink()
- Allow logging in via BasicAuth
- Allow the dev and test servers to be set via Director
- Installer changes
- New installer look based on BlackCandy
- Use the new theme system
- Added ability to set servers that will be in dev mode
- When the posix module isn't present, throw a warning instead of dying
- BlackCandy is the new default theme
- Much more API Documentation