2011-10-18 14:20:26 +02:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Installation instructions:
sudo pear install phing
sudo pear install VersionControl_Git-0.4.4
phing help
<project name= "silverstripe-installer" default= "tag" phingVersion= "2.4.5" >
<!-- Load in the custom tasks -->
<taskdef name= "findRepos" classname= "tools.FindRepositoriesTask" classpath= "${project.basedir}" />
<taskdef name= "ssmodules" classname= "tools.LoadModulesTask" classpath= "${project.basedir}" />
<taskdef name= "sschanglog" classname= "tools.CreateChangelog" classpath= "${project.basedir}" />
<taskdef name= "gitstash" classname= "tools.GitStashTask" classpath= "${project.basedir}" />
<property name= "basedir" value= "." override= "true" />
<property name= "dependent-modules-file" value= "dependent-modules" override= "true" />
<property name= "changelog-definitions-file" value= "changelog-definitions" override= "true" />
<property name= "ni_build" value= "false" override= "true" /> <!-- Prompt if local changes would be overwritten by update -->
<property name= "changelogSort" value= "type" override= "true" />
<available file= "${dependent-modules-file}" property= "dependent-modules-file-exists" />
<available file= "${changelog-definition-file}" property= "changelog-definition-file-exists" />
<target name= "help" >
<echo >
SilverStripe Project Build
This build file contains targets to assist in creating new SilverStripe builds and releases.
Important targets:
* archive - Creates a tar.gz or zip file from the current source, removing version control specific files
* checkout - Switches all working copies to the specified tag or branch
* tag - Creates a new git tag in all the nested working copies (optionally pushes the created tag)
* pushtags - Pushes all local tags to their respective origin repositories
* update_modules - Checks out repositories defined in the 'dependent-modules' file into the current directory
* add_module - Checks out a module at a specific repository URL
* changelog - Create a changelog.md file from the repositories specified in the 'changelog-definitions' file
-Dbasedir = . (the base directory to operate on)
-Ddependent-modules-file = dependent-modules (the file of dependent modules to use when updating modules)
-Dchangelog-definitions-file = changelog-definitions (the file of changelog-definitions to use when generating the changelog)
-DchangelogSort = type (sort the changelog file by commit type)
-Dni_build = false (non-interactive build, overwrite local changes without prompting)
-Dmodurl (the URL of a single module to load when using add_modules)
-Dmodule (the name of the module directory to create the module in when using add_modules)
-Darchivetype (the type of archive to use zip or tar.giz)
-Darchivename (the name of the created archive file)
-Dtagname (the name of the tag/branch to check out or to create as a new tag)
-DincludeBaseDir (whether or not to include the base dir in a git checkout operation)
<target name= "gitRepositories" >
<findRepos TargetDir= "${basedir}" />
<!-- find the git binary and set it -->
<target name= "gitBinary" >
<exec command= "which git" outputProperty= "gitPath1" />
<!-- Tag a git repo with a specific tag (in $tagname) -->
<target name= "tagTask" if= "tagname,reponame,gitPath1" >
force="true" /> <!-- allow overwrite of existing tags -->
<echo msg= "git tag '${tagname}' added to '${reponame}' git repository" />
<!-- Push all local tags -->
<target name= "pushTask" if= "reponame,gitPath1" >
gitPath="${gitPath1}" />
<echo msg= "pushed all tags to '${reponame}' git repository" />
<!-- Checkout the specified tag on all working copies -->
<target name= "checkoutTask" if= "reponame,gitPath1,tagname" >
<echo msg= "checking out ${reponame}" />
<gitstash repository= "${reponame}" gitPath= "${gitPath1}" />
gitPath="${gitPath1}" />
<gitstash repository= "${reponame}" gitPath= "${gitPath1}" pop= "true" />
<echo msg= "checked out ${tagname} tag/branch in '${reponame}' git repository" />
<!-- Archives the base folder as a *.tar.gz or *.zip, without version information -->
<target name= "archiveTask" if= "archivetype,basedir,archivename,archivefilename" >
<!-- Copy into a new folder, and tar the whole folder in order to avoid toplevel extracts -->
<php function= "sys_get_temp_dir" returnProperty= "systmp" />
<property name= "tmp" value= "${systmp}/archiveTask/" />
<copy todir= "${tmp}/${archivename}" >
<fileset dir= "${basedir}" >
<include name= "**/**" />
<exclude name= "assets/**" />
<exclude name= "mysite/local.conf.php" />
<exclude name= "mysite/db.conf.php" />
<exclude name= "**/*.log" />
<exclude name= "**/.svn/**" />
<exclude name= "**/.git/**" />
<exclude name= "**/.project" /> <!-- remove eclipse configuration file -->
<exclude name= "**/.buildpath" />
<exclude name= "**/.settings" />
<exclude name= "**/.idea/**" /> <!-- remove phpstorm configuration file -->
<exclude name= "tools/**" />
2011-10-18 22:58:56 +02:00
<exclude name= "**/tests/**" />
2011-10-18 16:43:13 +02:00
<exclude name= "cms/docs/**" />
<exclude name= "sapphire/docs/**" />
2011-10-18 14:20:26 +02:00
<exclude name= "build.xml" />
<exclude name= "dependent-modules*" />
<exclude name= "changelog-definitions*" />
<exclude name= "_ss_environment.php" />
<fileset dir= "${basedir}" >
<include name= "assets/Uploads" />
<include name= "assets/.htaccess" />
<include name= "assets/web.config" />
2011-10-18 15:20:47 +02:00
<!-- TODO Remove once we figured out how to nest git repositories for themes -->
<move file= "${tmp}/${archivename}/themes/blackcandy/blackcandy_blog" todir= "${tmp}/${archivename}/themes" />
<move file= "${tmp}/${archivename}/themes/blackcandy/blackcandy_calendar" todir= "${tmp}/${archivename}/themes" />
<move file= "${tmp}/${archivename}/themes/blackcandy/blackcandy" todir= "${tmp}/${archivename}/themes" />
2011-10-18 14:20:26 +02:00
<!-- create tar archive -->
<if >
<equals arg1= "${archivetype}" arg2= "tar.gz" casesensitive= "false" trim= "true" />
<then >
2011-10-18 16:31:04 +02:00
<tar destfile= "${basedir}/../${archivefilename}" compression= "gzip" >
2011-10-18 14:20:26 +02:00
<fileset dir= "${tmp}" >
<include name= "**/**" />
<!-- create zip archive -->
<if >
<equals arg1= "${archivetype}" arg2= "zip" casesensitive= "false" trim= "true" />
<then >
2011-10-18 16:31:04 +02:00
<zip destfile= "${basedir}/../${archivefilename}" >
2011-10-18 14:20:26 +02:00
<fileset dir= "${tmp}" >
<include name= "**/**" />
<delete dir= "${tmp}" />
<target name= "createDependentModulesFile" unless= "dependent-modules-file-exists" >
<copy file= "${dependent-modules-file}.default" tofile= "${dependent-modules-file}" />
<target name= "createChangelogDefinitionsFile" unless= "changelog-definitions-file-exists" >
<copy file= "${changelog-definitions-file}.default" tofile= "${changelog-definitions-file}" />
<!-- tags all git repositories in the current directory with a tag name -->
<target name= "tag" if= "basedir" depends= "gitRepositories,gitBinary" >
<if >
<isset property= "tagname" />
<then >
<echo msg= "Using '${tagname}' tag" />
<else >
<input propertyName= "tagname" promptChar= ":" > Please enter the name of the tag</input>
<echo msg= "Using '${tagname}' tag" />
<!-- find all git repos and run the tagTask on them -->
<foreach list= "${GitReposList}" param= "reponame" target= "tagTask" />
<input propertyName= "pushToOrigin" defaultValue= "no" validArgs= "yes,no" promptChar= ":" > Push local tags to origin?</input>
<if >
<equals arg1= "${pushToOrigin}" arg2= "yes" casesensitive= "false" trim= "true" />
<then >
<phingCall target= "pushtags" />
<!-- Pushes all local tags to origin -->
<target name= "pushtags" if= "basedir" depends= "gitRepositories,gitBinary" >
<foreach list= "${GitReposList}" param= "reponame" target= "pushTask" />
<!-- Switches all working copies to the specified tag or branch -->
<target name= "checkout" if= "basedir" depends= "gitRepositories,gitBinary" >
<if >
<isset property= "tagname" />
<then >
<echo msg= "Using '${tagname}' tag/branch" />
<else >
<input propertyName= "tagname" defaultValue= "HEAD" promptChar= ":" > Please enter the name of the tag or branch you wish to checkout</input>
<echo msg= "Using '${tagname}' tag/branch" />
<if >
<isset property= "includeBaseDir" />
<then >
<echo msg= "Including BaseDir in checkout: ${includeBaseDir}" />
<else >
<input propertyName= "includeBaseDir" validArgs= "yes,no" promptChar= ":" > Include the base dir '${basedir}' in checkout?</input>
<echo msg= "Including BaseDir in checkout: ${includeBaseDir}" />
<if >
<isfalse value= "${includeBaseDir}" />
<then > <!-- get a list of git repos without the base dir -->
<findRepos TargetDir= "${basedir}" includeTarget= "${includeBaseDir}" />
<!-- find all git repos and run the checkoutTask on them -->
<foreach list= "${GitReposList}" param= "reponame" target= "checkoutTask" />
<!-- Creates a gzip archive from the current folder (removes any version control files) -->
<target name= "archive" if= "basedir" >
<if >
<isset property= "archivetype" />
<then >
<echo msg= "Creating '${archivetype}' archive" />
<else >
<input propertyName= "archivetype" defaultValue= "tar.gz" validArgs= "tar.gz,zip" promptChar= ":" > Please choose archive format</input>
<echo msg= "Creating '${archivetype}' archive" />
<if >
<isset property= "archivename" />
<then >
<echo msg= "Creating '${archivename}' archive" />
<else >
2011-10-18 15:22:06 +02:00
<input propertyName= "archivename" defaultValue= "SilverStripe-vX.Y.Z" promptChar= ":" > Please enter a name for the archive (without extension)</input>
2011-10-18 14:20:26 +02:00
<property name= "archivefilename" value= "${archivename}.${archivetype}" />
<echo msg= "Creating '${archivename}' archive" />
<phingCall target= "archiveTask" />
<echo msg= "Created archive in: ${basedir}/${archivename}" />
<!-- Load modules where sensitive dependency exists -->
<target name= "update_modules" depends= "createDependentModulesFile" >
<ssmodules file= "${basedir}/${dependent-modules-file}" noninteractive= "${ni_build}" />
<!-- Add a new module to the system. Run from the commandline, you can pass
in the details of the module as phing add_module -Dmodule=blog -Dmodurl=http://path/to/svn -->
<target name= "add_module" >
<if >
<isset property= "modurl" />
<then >
<echo msg= "Downloading module from '${modurl}'" />
<else >
<input propertyName= "modurl" promptChar= ":" > Please enter the module's git or svn URL</input>
<echo msg= "Downloading module from '${modurl}'" />
<if >
<isset property= "module" />
<then >
<echo msg= "Creating new '${module}' module" />
<else >
<input propertyName= "module" promptChar= ":" > Please enter the module's name (i.e. the folder to module should be created in)</input>
<echo msg= "Creating new '${module}' module" />
<ssmodules name= "${module}" url= "${modurl}" />
<!-- Create a changelog of git changes based on the -->
<target name= "changelog" depends= "createChangelogDefinitionsFile" if= "basedir,changelogSort" >
<sschanglog definitions= "${changelog-definitions-file}" baseDir= "${basedir}" sort= "${changelogSort}" />
<echo msg= "${changelogOutput}" />
2012-10-16 11:18:22 +02:00
<target name= "upload-release"
description="Uploads archives previously created through 'ping archive' to a public webhost, and notifies a group of people of the new release. Requires working public key auth on the release destination.">
<if >
<not > <isset property= "version" /> </not>
<then > <input propertyName= "version" defaultValue= "x.y.z" promptChar= ":" > Please choose a version</input> </then>
<property name= "release_dest" value= "qa-servers@homer:/sites/ssorg-v2/www/assets/releases/" />
<property name= "release_url" value= "http://silverstripe.org/assets/releases/" />
<property name= "release_notify_list" value= "all@silverstripe.com,everyone@silverstripe.com.au" />
<exec command= "scp -P 2222 SilverStripe-v${version}.tar.gz ${release_dest}" checkreturn= "true" logoutput= "true" />
2012-10-30 17:10:05 +01:00
<echo msg= "Release uploaded to ${release_url}SilverStripe-v${version}.tar.gz" />
2012-10-16 11:18:22 +02:00
<mail from= "reports@silverstripe.com" tolist= "${release_notify_list}" subject= "SilverStripe ${version} has been uploaded" > A new SilverStripe release is ready, and although it hasn't been publicly announced yet, is available at the following locations:
Your friendly automated release script.
2011-10-18 14:20:26 +02:00