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include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/SilverStripeBuildTask.php';
* Returns changelogs for the git (or svn) repositories specified in the changelog-definitions file
* @author jseide
class CreateChangelog extends SilverStripeBuildTask {
protected $definitions = null;
protected $baseDir = null;
protected $sort = 'type';
protected $filter = null;
public function setDefinitions($definitions) {
$this->definitions = $definitions;
public function setBaseDir($base) {
$this->baseDir = $base;
public function setSort($sort) {
$this->sort = $sort;
public function setFilter($filter) {
$this->filter = $filter;
* Checks is a folder is a version control repository
protected function isRepository($dir, $filter) {
$dir = realpath($dir);
// open this directory
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
// get each file
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file == $filter && is_dir($file)) {
if ($filter == '.git') { //extra check for git repos
if (file_exists($dir.'/'.$file.'/HEAD')) {
return true; //$dir is a git repository
} else { //return true for .svn repos
return true;
return false;
protected function isGitRepo($dir) {
return $this->isRepository($dir, '.git');
protected function isSvnRepo($dir) {
return $this->isRepository($dir, '.svn');
protected function gitLog($path, $from = null, $to = null) {
//set the from -> to range, depending on which os these have been set
if ($from && $to) $range = " $from..$to";
elseif ($from) $range = " $from..HEAD";
else $range = "";
$log = $this->exec("git log --pretty=tformat:\"%s (%aN) [%h]\"{$range} {$path}", true); //return output of command
return $log;
/** Sort by the first two letters of the commit string.
* Put any commits without BUGFIX, ENHANCEMENT, etc. at the end of the list
static function sortByType($a, $b) {
if (strlen($a) >= 2) $a = substr($a,0,2);
if (strlen($b) >= 2) $b = substr($b,0,2);
if (empty($b)) return -1; //put them at the end of the commit list
if (is_numeric($b)) return -1;
if (self::islower($b)) return -1;
if (!self::isupper($b)) return -1;
if (empty($a)) return +1;
if (self::islower($a)) return +1;
if (!self::isupper($a)) return +1;
if ($a == $b) {
return 0;
return ($a > $b) ? +1 : -1;
/** BETTER SORTING FUNCTION: Sort by the first two letters of the commit string.
* Put any commits without BUGFIX, ENHANCEMENT, etc. at the end of the list
static function sortByType2($array) {
$bugfixes = array();
$enhancements = array();
$apichanges = array();
$features = array();
$minors = array();
$others = array();
foreach($array as $ele) {
if (strlen($ele) >= 2) $ele1 = substr($ele,0,2); else $ele1 = $ele;
if ($ele1 == "BU") $bugfixes[] = $ele;
elseif ($ele1 == "EN") $enhancements[] = $ele;
elseif ($ele1 == "AP") $apichanges[] = $ele;
elseif ($ele1 == "FE") $features[] = $ele;
elseif ($ele1 == "MI") $minors[] = $ele;
elseif ($ele1 == "") ; //discard empty commit messages
else $others[] = $ele;
return array_merge(array("# API Changes"), $apichanges,
array("","# Features & Enhancements"), $features, $enhancements,
array("","# Bugfixes"),$bugfixes,
array("","# Minors"), $minors,
array("","# Others"), $others);
static function isupper($i) {
return (strtoupper($i) === $i);
static function islower($i) {
return (strtolower($i) === $i);
public function main() {
chdir($this->baseDir); //change current working directory
//parse the definitions file
$items = file($this->definitions);
$repos = array(); //git (or svn) repos to scan
foreach ($items as $item) {
$item = trim($item);
if (strpos($item, '#') === 0) {
$bits = preg_split('/\s+/', $item);
if (count($bits) == 1) {
$repos[$bits[0]] = "";
} elseif (count($bits) == 2) {
$repos[$bits[0]] = array($bits[1], null); //sapphire => array(from => HEAD)
} elseif (count($bits) == 3) {
$repos[$bits[0]] = array($bits[1],$bits[2]); //sapphire => array(from => to)
} else {
//check all the paths are valid git repos
$gitRepos = array();
$svnRepos = array();
foreach($repos as $path => $range) {
if ($this->isGitRepo($path)) $gitRepos[$path] = $range; //add all git repos to a special array
//TODO: for svn support use the isSvnRepo() method to add repos to the svnRepos array
//run git log (with author information)
$log = array();
foreach($gitRepos as $path => $range) {
if (!empty($range)) {
$from = (isset($range[0])) ? $range[0] : null;
$to = (isset($range[1])) ? $range[1] : null;
$log[$path] = $this->gitLog($path, $from, $to);
} else {
$log[$path] = $this->gitLog($path);
//merge all the changelogs together
$mergedLog = array();
foreach($log as $path => $commitsString) {
foreach(explode("\n",$commitsString) as $commit) { //array from newlines
$mergedLog[] = $commit;
//sort the output (based on params), grouping
if ($this->sort == 'type') { //sort by type, i.e. first two letters
$mergedLog = $this->sortByType2($mergedLog);
} else {
//leave as sorted by default order
//filter out commits we don't want
if ($this->filter) {
foreach($mergedLog as $key => $item) {
if (preg_match($this->filter, $item)) unset($mergedLog[$key]);
//convert to string
//and generate markdown (add list to beginning of each item)
$output = "";
foreach($mergedLog as $logMessage) {
$firstCharacter = substr($logMessage,0,1);
if ($firstCharacter != "#" && $firstCharacter != "") $output .= "- $logMessage\n";
else $output .= "$logMessage\n";