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synced 2024-10-22 15:05:39 +00:00
This change allows for the specification of extra sort fields that are to be applied before the user-defined sort field's order. This is useful in scenarios where a GridField is used with one or more "fixed" columns which eg. categorize the entries and whose order is important but the user should still be allowed to modify the order within a category. This change affects the PHP code only, therefore the Javascript code will still let the user drag rows into foreign "categories". However, after dropping it the GridField will reload and the extra sort order will be enforced again.
347 lines
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Executable File
347 lines
8.6 KiB
Executable File
* Allows grid field rows to be re-ordered via drag and drop. Both normal data
* lists and many many lists can be ordered.
* If the grid field has not been sorted, this component will sort the data by
* the sort field.
class GridFieldOrderableRows extends RequestHandler implements
GridField_URLHandler {
private static $allowed_actions = array(
* The database field which specifies the sort, defaults to "Sort".
* @see setSortField()
* @var string
protected $sortField;
* Extra sort fields to apply before the sort field.
* @see setExtraSortFields()
* @var string|array
protected $extraSortFields = null;
* @param string $sortField
public function __construct($sortField = 'Sort') {
$this->sortField = $sortField;
* @return string
public function getSortField() {
return $this->sortField;
* Sets the field used to specify the sort.
* @param string $sortField
* @return GridFieldOrderableRows $this
public function setSortField($field) {
$this->sortField = $field;
return $this;
* @return string|array
public function getExtraSortFields() {
return $this->extraSortFields;
* Sets extra sort fields to apply before the sort field.
* @param string|array $fields
* @return GridFieldOrderableRows $this
public function setExtraSortFields($fields) {
$this->extraSortFields = $fields;
return $this;
* Gets the table which contains the sort field.
* @param DataList $list
* @return string
public function getSortTable(DataList $list) {
$field = $this->getSortField();
if($list instanceof ManyManyList) {
$extra = $list->getExtraFields();
$table = $list->getJoinTable();
if($extra && array_key_exists($field, $extra)) {
return $table;
$classes = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($list->dataClass());
foreach($classes as $class) {
if(singleton($class)->hasOwnTableDatabaseField($field)) {
return $class;
throw new Exception("Couldn't find the sort field '$field'");
public function getURLHandlers($grid) {
return array(
'POST reorder' => 'handleReorder',
'POST movetopage' => 'handleMoveToPage'
* @param GridField $field
public function getHTMLFragments($field) {
$field->setAttribute('data-url-reorder', $field->Link('reorder'));
$field->setAttribute('data-url-movetopage', $field->Link('movetopage'));
public function augmentColumns($grid, &$cols) {
if(!in_array('Reorder', $cols) && $grid->getState()->GridFieldOrderableRows->enabled) {
array_unshift($cols, 'Reorder');
public function getColumnsHandled($grid) {
return array('Reorder');
public function getColumnContent($grid, $record, $col) {
return ViewableData::create()->renderWith('GridFieldOrderableRowsDragHandle');
public function getColumnAttributes($grid, $record, $col) {
return array('class' => 'col-reorder');
public function getColumnMetadata($grid, $col) {
return array('title' => '');
public function getManipulatedData(GridField $grid, SS_List $list) {
$state = $grid->getState();
$sorted = (bool) ((string) $state->GridFieldSortableHeader->SortColumn);
// If the data has not been sorted by the user, then sort it by the
// sort column, otherwise disable reordering.
$state->GridFieldOrderableRows->enabled = !$sorted;
if(!$sorted) {
$sortterm = '';
if ($this->extraSortFields) {
if (is_array($this->extraSortFields)) {
foreach($this->extraSortFields as $col => $dir) {
$sortterm .= "$col $dir, ";
} else {
$sortterm = $this->extraSortFields.', ';
$sortterm .= $this->getSortField();
return $list->sort($sortterm);
} else {
return $list;
* Handles requests to reorder a set of IDs in a specific order.
public function handleReorder($grid, $request) {
if(!singleton($grid->getModelClass())->canEdit()) {
$ids = $request->postVar('order');
$list = $grid->getList();
$field = $this->getSortField();
if(!is_array($ids)) {
$sortterm = '';
if ($this->extraSortFields) {
if (is_array($this->extraSortFields)) {
foreach($this->extraSortFields as $col => $dir) {
$sortterm .= "$col $dir, ";
} else {
$sortterm = $this->extraSortFields.', ';
$sortterm .= $field;
$items = $list->byIDs($ids)->sort($sortterm);
// Ensure that each provided ID corresponded to an actual object.
if(count($items) != count($ids)) {
// Populate each object we are sorting with a sort value.
// Generate the current sort values.
$current = $items->map('ID', $field)->toArray();
// Perform the actual re-ordering.
$this->reorderItems($list, $current, $ids);
return $grid->FieldHolder();
* Handles requests to move an item to the previous or next page.
public function handleMoveToPage(GridField $grid, $request) {
if(!$paginator = $grid->getConfig()->getComponentByType('GridFieldPaginator')) {
$this->httpError(404, 'Paginator component not found');
$move = $request->postVar('move');
$field = $this->getSortField();
$list = $grid->getList();
$manip = $grid->getManipulatedList();
$existing = $manip->map('ID', $field)->toArray();
$values = $existing;
$order = array();
$id = isset($move['id']) ? (int) $move['id'] : null;
$to = isset($move['page']) ? $move['page'] : null;
if(!isset($values[$id])) {
$this->httpError(400, 'Invalid item ID');
$page = ((int) $grid->getState()->GridFieldPaginator->currentPage) ?: 1;
$per = $paginator->getItemsPerPage();
if($to == 'prev') {
$swap = $list->limit(1, ($page - 1) * $per - 1)->first();
$values[$swap->ID] = $swap->$field;
$order[] = $id;
$order[] = $swap->ID;
foreach($existing as $_id => $sort) {
if($id != $_id) $order[] = $_id;
} elseif($to == 'next') {
$swap = $list->limit(1, $page * $per)->first();
$values[$swap->ID] = $swap->$field;
foreach($existing as $_id => $sort) {
if($id != $_id) $order[] = $_id;
$order[] = $swap->ID;
$order[] = $id;
} else {
$this->httpError(400, 'Invalid page target');
$this->reorderItems($list, $values, $order);
return $grid->FieldHolder();
protected function reorderItems($list, array $values, array $order) {
// Get a list of sort values that can be used.
$pool = array_values($values);
// Loop through each item, and update the sort values which do not
// match to order the objects.
foreach(array_values($order) as $pos => $id) {
if($values[$id] != $pool[$pos]) {
'UPDATE "%s" SET "%s" = %d WHERE %s',
$this->getSortTableClauseForIds($list, $id)
protected function populateSortValues(DataList $list) {
$list = clone $list;
$field = $this->getSortField();
$table = $this->getSortTable($list);
$clause = sprintf('"%s"."%s" = 0', $table, $this->getSortField());
foreach($list->where($clause)->column('ID') as $id) {
$max = DB::query(sprintf('SELECT MAX("%s") + 1 FROM "%s"', $field, $table));
$max = $max->value();
'UPDATE "%s" SET "%s" = %d WHERE %s',
$this->getSortTableClauseForIds($list, $id)
protected function getSortTableClauseForIds(DataList $list, $ids) {
if(is_array($ids)) {
$value = 'IN (' . implode(', ', array_map('intval', $ids)) . ')';
} else {
$value = '= ' . (int) $ids;
if($list instanceof ManyManyList) {
$extra = $list->getExtraFields();
$key = $list->getLocalKey();
$foreignKey = $list->getForeignKey();
$foreignID = $list->getForeignID();
if($extra && array_key_exists($this->getSortField(), $extra)) {
return sprintf(
'"%s" %s AND "%s" = %d',
return "\"ID\" $value";