(function($) { $.entwine("ss", function($) { /** * GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton */ $(".add-existing-search-dialog").entwine({ loadDialog: function(deferred) { var dialog = this.addClass("loading").children(".ui-dialog-content").empty(); deferred.done(function(data) { dialog.html(data).parent().removeClass("loading"); }); } }); $(".ss-gridfield .add-existing-search").entwine({ onclick: function() { var dialog = $("
").appendTo("body").dialog({ modal: true, resizable: false, width: 500, height: 600, close: function() { $(this).dialog("destroy").remove(); } }); dialog.parent().addClass("add-existing-search-dialog").loadDialog( $.get(this.prop("href")) ); dialog.data("grid", this.closest(".ss-gridfield")); return false; } }); $(".add-existing-search-dialog .add-existing-search-form").entwine({ onsubmit: function() { this.closest(".add-existing-search-dialog").loadDialog($.get( this.prop("action"), this.serialize() )); return false; } }); // Allow the list item to be clickable as well as the anchor $('.add-existing-search-dialog .add-existing-search-items .list-group-item-action').entwine({ onclick: function() { if (this.children('a').length > 0) { this.children('a').first().trigger('click'); } } }); $(".add-existing-search-dialog .add-existing-search-items a").entwine({ onclick: function() { var link = this.closest(".add-existing-search-items").data("add-link"); var id = this.data("id"); var dialog = this.closest(".add-existing-search-dialog") .addClass("loading") .children(".ui-dialog-content") .empty(); $.post(link, { id: id }, function() { dialog.data("grid").reload(); dialog.dialog("close"); }); return false; } }); $(".add-existing-search-dialog .add-existing-search-pagination a").entwine({ onclick: function() { this.closest(".add-existing-search-dialog").loadDialog($.get( this.prop("href") )); return false; } }); /** * GridFieldAddNewInlineButton */ $(".ss-gridfield.ss-gridfield-editable").entwine({ reload: function(opts, success) { var grid = this; // Record position of all items var added = []; var index = 0; // 0-based index grid.find("tbody:first .ss-gridfield-item").each(function() { // Record inline items with their original positions if ($(this).is(".ss-gridfield-inline-new")) { added.push({ 'index': index, 'row': $(this).detach() }); } index++; }); this._super(opts, function() { var body = grid.find("tbody:first"); $.each(added, function(i, item) { var row = item['row'], index = item['index'], replaces; // Insert at index position if (index === 0) { body.prepend(row); } else { // Find item that we could potentially insert this row after replaces = body.find('.ss-gridfield-item:nth-child(' + index + ')'); if (replaces.length) { replaces.after(row); } else { body.append(row); } } grid.find("tbody:first").children(".ss-gridfield-no-items").hide(); }); if(success) success.apply(grid, arguments); }); }, onpaste: function(e) { // The following was used as a basis for clipboard data access: // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2176861/javascript-get-clipboard-data-on-paste-event-cross-browser var clipboardData = typeof e.originalEvent.clipboardData !== "undefined" ? e.originalEvent.clipboardData : null; if (clipboardData) { // Get current input wrapper div class (ie. 'col-Title') var input = $(e.target); var inputType = input.attr('type'); if (inputType === 'text' || inputType === 'email') { var lastInput = this.find(".ss-gridfield-inline-new:last").find("input"); if (input.attr('type') === 'text' && input.is(lastInput) && input.val() === '') { var inputWrapperDivClass = input.parent().attr('class'); // Split clipboard data into lines var lines = clipboardData.getData("text/plain").match(/[^\r\n]+/g); var linesLength = lines.length; // If there are multiple newlines detected, split the data into new rows automatically if (linesLength > 1) { var elementsChanged = []; for (var i = 1; i < linesLength; ++i) { this.trigger("addnewinline"); var row = this.find(".ss-gridfield-inline-new:last"); var rowInput = row.find("."+inputWrapperDivClass).find("input"); rowInput.val(lines[i]); elementsChanged.push(rowInput); } // Store the rows added via this method so they can be undo'd. input.data('pasteManipulatedElements', elementsChanged); // To set the current row to not just be all the clipboard data, must wait a frame setTimeout(function() { input.val(lines[0]); }, 0); } } } } }, onkeyup: function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 90 && e.ctrlKey) { var target = $(e.target); var elementsChanged = target.data("pasteManipulatedElements"); if (typeof elementsChanged !== "undefined" && elementsChanged && elementsChanged.length) { for (var i = 0; i < elementsChanged.length; ++i) { elementsChanged[i].closest('tr').remove(); } target.data("pasteManipulatedElements", []); } } }, onaddnewinline: function(e) { if(e.target != this[0]) { return; } var tmpl = window.tmpl; var row = this.find(".ss-gridfield-add-inline-template:last"); var num = this.data("add-inline-num") || 1; tmpl.cache[this[0].id + "ss-gridfield-add-inline-template"] = tmpl(row.html()); this.find("tbody:first").append(tmpl(this[0].id + "ss-gridfield-add-inline-template", { num: num })); this.find("tbody:first").children(".ss-gridfield-no-items").hide(); this.data("add-inline-num", num + 1); // Rebuild sort order fields $(".ss-gridfield-orderable tbody").rebuildSort(); } }); $(".ss-gridfield-add-new-inline").entwine({ onclick: function() { this.getGridField().trigger("addnewinline"); return false; } }); $(".grid-field .action.ss-gridfield-delete-inline").entwine({ onclick: function() { var msg = ss.i18n._t("GridFieldExtensions.CONFIRMDEL", "Are you sure you want to delete this?"); if(confirm(msg)) { this.parents("tr.ss-gridfield-inline-new:first").remove(); } return false; } }); /** * GridFieldAddNewMultiClass */ $(".ss-gridfield-add-new-multi-class .btn__addnewmulticlass").entwine({ onclick: function() { var link = this.data("href"); var cls = this.parents(".ss-gridfield-add-new-multi-class").find("select").val(); if(cls && cls.length) { this.getGridField().showDetailView(link.replace("{class}", encodeURI(cls))); } return false; } }); $(".ss-gridfield-add-new-multi-class select").entwine({ onadd: function() { this.update(); }, onchange: function() { this.update(); }, update: function() { var btn = this.parents(".ss-gridfield-add-new-multi-class").find('[data-add-multiclass]'); if(this.val() && this.val().length) { btn.removeClass('disabled'); } else { btn.addClass('disabled'); } } }); /** * GridFieldEditableColumns */ $('.ss-gridfield-editable .ss-gridfield-item').entwine({ onclick: function(e) { // Prevent the default row click action when clicking a cell that contains a field if (this.find('.editable-column-field').length) { e.stopPropagation(); } } }); /** * GridFieldOrderableRows */ $(".ss-gridfield-orderable tbody").entwine({ // reload the gridfield without triggering the change event // this is because the change has already been saved by reorder action reload: function (ajaxOpts, successCallback) { var self = this.getGridField(), form = this.closest('form'), focusedElName = this.find(':input:focus').attr('name'), // Save focused element for restoring after refresh data = form.find(':input').serializeArray(); if (!ajaxOpts) { ajaxOpts = {}; } if (!ajaxOpts.data) { ajaxOpts.data = []; } ajaxOpts.data = ajaxOpts.data.concat(data); // Include any GET parameters from the current URL, as the view state might depend on it. // For example, a list prefiltered through external search criteria might be passed to GridField. if (window.location.search) { ajaxOpts.data = window.location.search.replace(/^\?/, '') + '&' + $.param(ajaxOpts.data); } form.addClass('loading'); $.ajax($.extend({}, { headers: {"X-Pjax": 'CurrentField'}, type: "POST", url: this.data('url'), dataType: 'html', success: function (data) { // Replace the grid field with response, not the form. // TODO Only replaces all its children, to avoid replacing the current scope // of the executing method. Means that it doesn't retrigger the onmatch() on the main container. self.empty().append($(data).children()); // Refocus previously focused element. Useful e.g. for finding+adding // multiple relationships via keyboard. if (focusedElName) self.find(':input[name="' + focusedElName + '"]').focus(); // Update filter if (self.find('.grid-field__filter-header').length) { var content; if (ajaxOpts.data[0].filter == "show") { content = ''; self.addClass('show-filter').find('.grid-field__filter-header').show(); } else { content = ''; self.removeClass('show-filter').find('.grid-field__filter-header').hide(); } self.find('.sortable-header th:last').html(content); } // update CMS preview var preview = $('.cms-preview'); if (preview.length) { preview.entwine('.ss.preview')._initialiseFromContent(); } form.removeClass('loading'); if (successCallback) { successCallback.apply(this, arguments); } self.trigger('reload', self); // update publish button if necessary const publish = $('#Form_EditForm_action_publish'); // button needs to be updated only if it's in published state if (publish.length > 0 && publish.hasClass('btn-outline-primary')) { publish.removeClass('btn-outline-primary'); publish.removeClass('font-icon-tick'); publish.addClass('btn-primary'); publish.addClass('font-icon-rocket'); publish.find('.btn__title').html('Save & publish'); } }, error: function (e) { alert(i18n._t('Admin.ERRORINTRANSACTION')); form.removeClass('loading'); } }, ajaxOpts)); }, rebuildSort: function() { var grid = this.getGridField(); // Get lowest sort value in this list (respects pagination) var minSort = null; grid.getItems().each(function() { // get sort field var sortField = $(this).find('.ss-orderable-hidden-sort'); if (sortField.length) { var thisSort = sortField.val(); if (minSort === null && thisSort > 0) { minSort = thisSort; } else if (thisSort > 0) { minSort = Math.min(minSort, thisSort); } } }); minSort = Math.max(1, minSort); // With the min sort found, loop through all records and re-arrange var sort = minSort; grid.getItems().each(function() { // get sort field var sortField = $(this).find('.ss-orderable-hidden-sort'); if (sortField.length) { sortField.val(sort); sort++; } }); }, onadd: function() { var self = this; var helper = function(e, row) { return row.clone() .addClass("ss-gridfield-orderhelper") .width("auto") .find(".col-buttons") .remove() .end(); }; var update = function(event, ui) { // If the item being dragged is unsaved, don't do anything var postback = true; if ((ui != undefined) && ui.item.hasClass('ss-gridfield-inline-new')) { postback = false; } // Rebuild all sort hidden fields self.rebuildSort(); // Check if we are allowed to postback var grid = self.getGridField(); if (grid.data("immediate-update") && postback) { self.reload({ url: grid.data("url-reorder") }); } else { // Tells the user they have unsaved changes when they // try and leave the page after sorting, also updates the // save buttons to show the user they've made a change. var form = $('.cms-edit-form'); form.addClass('changed'); } }; this.sortable({ handle: ".handle", helper: helper, opacity: .7, update: update }); }, onremove: function() { if(this.data('sortable')) { this.sortable("destroy"); } } }); $(".ss-gridfield-orderable .ss-gridfield-previouspage, .ss-gridfield-orderable .ss-gridfield-nextpage").entwine({ onadd: function() { var grid = this.getGridField(); if(this.is(":disabled")) { return false; } var drop = function(e, ui) { var page; if($(this).hasClass("ss-gridfield-previouspage")) { page = "prev"; } else { page = "next"; } grid.find("tbody").sortable("cancel"); grid.reload({ url: grid.data("url-movetopage"), data: [ { name: "move[id]", value: ui.draggable.data("id") }, { name: "move[page]", value: page } ] }); }; this.droppable({ accept: ".ss-gridfield-item", activeClass: "ui-droppable-active ui-state-highlight", disabled: this.prop("disabled"), drop: drop, tolerance: "pointer" }); }, onremove: function() { if(this.hasClass("ui-droppable")) this.droppable("destroy"); } }); /** * GridFieldConfigurablePaginator */ $('.ss-gridfield-configurable-paginator .pagination-page-size-select').entwine({ onchange: function () { this.parent().find('.ss-gridfield-pagesize-submit').trigger('click'); } }); }); })(jQuery);