Feature: Using Nested GridField with hierarchical relational data As a content editor I want to see all children of hierarchical relational data in nested GridField Background: Given I add an extension "SilverStripe\FrameworkTest\Fields\NestedGridField\SecurityAdminExtension" to the "SilverStripe\Admin\SecurityAdmin" class And there are the following SilverStripe\Security\Member records """ Adam: Name: "Smith" Jim: Name: "Morrison" Tom: Name: "Ford" James: Name: "Dean" """ Given there are the following SilverStripe\Security\Group records """ group-1: Title: "Group One" Members: - =>SilverStripe\Security\Member.Adam - =>SilverStripe\Security\Member.Jim - =>SilverStripe\Security\Member.Tom - =>SilverStripe\Security\Member.James group-2: Title: "Group Two" """ And I go to "/dev/build?flush" And the "group" "EDITOR" has permissions "Access to 'Pages' section" and "Access to 'Security' section" And I am logged in as a member of "EDITOR" group And I go to "/admin/security/groups" Scenario: I want to see all items in nested GridField Given I should see "Group One" in the ".ss-gridfield-item:nth-of-type(1)" element And I should see "Group Two" in the ".ss-gridfield-item:nth-of-type(2)" element When I click on the ".ss-gridfield-item.first.odd button" element And I should see "Adam" in the ".nested-gridfield.odd" element And I should see "Jim" in the ".nested-gridfield.odd" element And I should see "Tom" in the ".nested-gridfield.odd" element And I should see "James" in the ".nested-gridfield.odd" element Scenario: I want to edit and delete items in nested GridField Given I should see "Group One" in the ".ss-gridfield-item:nth-of-type(1)" element When I click on the ".ss-gridfield-item:nth-of-type(1) button" element Then I click on the ".nested-gridfield.odd button[value='First Name']" element And I should see "Adam" in the ".nested-gridfield.odd .ss-gridfield-item.first.odd" element And I should see "James" in the ".nested-gridfield.odd .ss-gridfield-item:nth-of-type(2)" element And I should see "Jim" in the ".nested-gridfield.odd .ss-gridfield-item:nth-of-type(3)" element And I should see "Tom" in the ".nested-gridfield.odd .ss-gridfield-item.last.even" element When I click on the ".nested-gridfield.odd .ss-gridfield-item.first.odd" element And I fill in "Name" with "John" And I fill in "Email" with "john@example.com" And I press the "Save" button Then I click on the ".toolbar__back-button" element Then I click on the ".nested-gridfield.odd button[value='Surname']" element And I should see "James" in the ".nested-gridfield.odd .ss-gridfield-item.first.odd" element And I should see "John" in the ".nested-gridfield.odd .ss-gridfield-item.last.even" element And I click on the ".nested-gridfield.odd .ss-gridfield-item.last.even button[aria-label='View actions']" element And I click on the ".nested-gridfield.odd .ss-gridfield-item.last.even button.action--delete" element, confirming the dialog And I should not see "John"