* GoogleSitemap::enable_google_notificaton(); * * * @see http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=34609 * * @package googlesitemaps */ class GoogleSitemap { /** * List of {@link DataObject} class names to include. As well as the change * frequency and priority of each class. * * @var array */ private static $dataobjects = array(); /** * List of custom routes to include in the sitemap (such as controller * subclasses) as well as the change frequency and priority. * * @var array */ private static $routes = array(); /** * Decorates the given DataObject with {@link GoogleSitemapDecorator} * and pushes the class name to the registered DataObjects. * Note that all registered DataObjects need the method AbsoluteLink(). * * @param string $className name of DataObject to register * @param string $changeFreq how often is this DataObject updated? * Possible values: * always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never * @param string $priority How important is this DataObject in comparison to other urls? * Possible values: 0.1, 0.2 ... , 0.9, 1.0 * * @return void */ public static function register_dataobject($className, $changeFreq = 'monthly', $priority = '0.6') { if (!self::is_registered($className)) { $className::add_extension('GoogleSitemapExtension'); self::$dataobjects[$className] = array( 'frequency' => ($changeFreq) ? $changeFreq : 'monthly', 'priority' => ($priority) ? $priority : '0.6' ); } } /** * Registers multiple dataobjects in a single line. See {@link register_dataobject} * for the heavy lifting * * @param array $dataobjects array of class names of DataObject to register * @param string $changeFreq how often is this DataObject updated? * Possible values: * always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never * @param string $priority How important is this DataObject in comparison to other urls? * Possible values: 0.1, 0.2 ... , 0.9, 1.0 * * @return void */ public static function register_dataobjects($dataobjects, $changeFreq = 'monthly', $priority = '0.6') { foreach($dataobjects as $obj) { self::register_dataobject($obj, $changeFreq, $priority); } } /** * Checks whether the given class name is already registered or not. * * @param string $className Name of DataObject to check * * @return bool */ public static function is_registered($className) { return isset(self::$dataobjects[$className]); } /** * Unregisters a class from the sitemap. Mostly used for the test suite * * @param string */ public static function unregister_dataobject($className) { unset(self::$dataobjects[$className]); } /** * Clears registered {@link DataObjects}. Useful for unit tests. * * @return void */ public static function clear_registered_dataobjects() { self::$dataobjects = array(); } /** * Register a given route to the sitemap list * * @param string * @param string * @param string * * @return void */ public static function register_route($route, $changeFreq = 'monthly', $priority = '0.6') { self::$routes = array_merge(self::$routes, array( $route => array( 'frequency' => ($changeFreq) ? $changeFreq : 'monthly', 'priority' => ($priority) ? $priority : '0.6' ) )); } /** * Registers a given list of relative urls. Will be merged with the current * registered routes. If you want to replace them, please call {@link clear_routes} * * @param array * @param string * @param string * * @return void */ public static function register_routes($routes, $changeFreq = 'monthly', $priority = '0.6') { foreach($routes as $route) { self::register_route($route, $changeFreq, $priority); } } /** * Clears registered routes * * @return void */ public static function clear_registered_routes() { self::$routes = array(); } /** * Constructs the list of data to include in the rendered sitemap. Links * can include pages from the website, dataobjects (such as forum posts) * as well as custom registered paths. * * @param string * @param int * * @return ArrayList */ public static function get_items($class, $page = 1) { $output = new ArrayList(); $count = Config::inst()->get('GoogleSitemap', 'objects_per_sitemap'); $filter = Config::inst()->get('GoogleSitemap', 'use_show_in_search'); // todo migrate to extension hook or DI point for other modules to // modify state filters if(class_exists('Translatable')) { Translatable::disable_locale_filter(); } if($class == "SiteTree") { $filter = ($filter) ? "\"ShowInSearch\" = 1" : ""; $instances = Versioned::get_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', $filter); } else if($class == "GoogleSitemapRoute") { $instances = array_slice(self::$routes, ($page - 1) * $count, $count); $output = new ArrayList(); if($instances) { foreach($instances as $route => $config) { $output->push(new ArrayData(array( 'AbsoluteLink' => Director::absoluteURL($route), 'ChangeFrequency' => $config['frequency'], 'GooglePriority' => $config['priority'] ))); } } return $output; } else if (Object::has_extension($class, 'Versioned')) { $table = singleton($class)->baseTable() . '_Live'; if (DB::getConn()->hasTable($table)) { $instances = Versioned::get_by_stage($class, 'Live'); } else { $instances = new DataList($class); } } else { $instances = new DataList($class); } $instances = $instances->limit( $count, ($page - 1) * $count ); if($instances) { foreach($instances as $obj) { if($obj->canIncludeInGoogleSitemap()) { $output->push($obj); } } } return $output; } /** * Returns the string frequency of edits for a particular dataobject class. * * Frequency for {@link SiteTree} objects can be determined from the version * history. * * @param string * * @return string */ public static function get_frequency_for_class($class) { foreach(self::$dataobjects as $type => $config) { if($class == $type) { return $config['frequency']; } } } /** * Returns the default priority of edits for a particular dataobject class. * * @param string * * @return float */ public static function get_priority_for_class($class) { foreach(self::$dataobjects as $type => $config) { if($class == $type) { return $config['priority']; } } return 0.5; } /** * The google site map is broken down into multiple smaller files to * prevent overbearing a server. By default separate {@link DataObject} * records are keep in separate files and broken down into chunks. * * @return ArrayList */ public static function get_sitemaps() { $countPerFile = Config::inst()->get('GoogleSitemap', 'objects_per_sitemap'); $sitemaps = new ArrayList(); $filter = Config::inst()->get('GoogleSitemap', 'use_show_in_search'); if(class_exists('SiteTree')) { // move to extension hook. At the moment moduleexists config hook // does not work. if(class_exists('Translatable')) { Translatable::disable_locale_filter(); } $filter = ($filter) ? "\"ShowInSearch\" = 1" : ""; $instances = Versioned::get_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', $filter); $count = $instances->count(); $neededForPage = ceil($count / $countPerFile); for($i = 1; $i <= $neededForPage; $i++) { $lastEdited = $instances ->limit($countPerFile, ($i - 1) * $countPerFile) ->max('LastEdited'); $lastModified = ($lastEdited) ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($lastEdited)) : date('Y-m-d'); $sitemaps->push(new ArrayData(array( 'ClassName' => 'SiteTree', 'LastModified' => $lastModified, 'Page' => $i ))); } } if(count(self::$dataobjects) > 0) { foreach(self::$dataobjects as $class => $config) { $list = new DataList($class); $list = $list->sort('LastEdited ASC'); $neededForClass = ceil($list->count() / $countPerFile); for($i = 1; $i <= $neededForClass; $i++) { // determine the last modified date for this slice $sliced = $list ->limit($countPerFile, ($i - 1) * $countPerFile) ->last(); $lastModified = ($sliced) ? $sliced->dbObject('LastEdited')->Format('Y-m-d') : date('Y-m-d'); $sitemaps->push(new ArrayData(array( 'ClassName' => $class, 'Page' => $i, 'LastModified' => $lastModified ))); } } } if(count(self::$routes) > 0) { $needed = ceil(count(self::$routes) / $countPerFile); for($i = 1; $i <= $needed; $i++) { $sitemaps->push(new ArrayData(array( 'ClassName' => 'GoogleSitemapRoute', 'Page' => $i ))); } } return $sitemaps; } /** * Notifies Google about changes to your sitemap. This behavior is disabled * by default, to enable, read the documentation provided in the docs folder. * * After notifications have been enabled, every publish / unpublish of a page. * will notify Google of the update. * * If the site is in development mode no ping will be sent regardless whether * the Google notification is enabled. * * @return string Response text */ public static function ping() { if(!self::enabled()) { return false; } // Don't ping if the site has disabled it, or if the site is in dev mode $active = Config::inst()->get('GoogleSitemap', 'google_notification_enabled'); if(!$active || Director::isDev()) { return; } $location = urlencode(Controller::join_links( Director::absoluteBaseURL(), 'sitemap.xml' )); $response = self::send_ping( "www.google.com", "/webmasters/sitemaps/ping", sprintf("sitemap=%s", $location) ); return $response; } /** * Send an HTTP request to the host. * * @return String Response text */ protected static function send_ping($host, $path, $query) { $socket = fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $error); if (!$socket) { return $error; } if ($query) { $query = '?' . $query; } $request = "GET {$path}{$query} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $host\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n"; fwrite($socket, $request); $response = stream_get_contents($socket); return $response; } /** * Is GoogleSitemap enabled? * * @return boolean */ public static function enabled() { return (Config::inst()->get('GoogleSitemap', 'enabled', Config::INHERITED)); } }