owner->hasMethod('AbsoluteLink')) { $hostHttp = parse_url(Director::protocolAndHost(), PHP_URL_HOST); $objHttp = parse_url($this->owner->AbsoluteLink(), PHP_URL_HOST); if($objHttp != $hostHttp) { $can = false; } } if($can) { $can = $this->owner->canView(); } if($can) { $can = $this->owner->getGooglePriority(); } $this->owner->invokeWithExtensions('alterCanIncludeInGoogleSitemap', $can); return $can; } /** * @return void */ public function onAfterPublish() { GoogleSitemap::ping(); } /** * @return void */ public function onAfterUnpublish() { GoogleSitemap::ping(); } /** * The default value of the priority field depends on the depth of the page in * the site tree, so it must be calculated dynamically. * * @return mixed */ public function getGooglePriority() { $field = $this->owner->hasField('Priority'); if(isset($this->Priority) || ($field && $this->Priority = $this->owner->getField('Priority'))) { return ($this->Priority < 0) ? false : $this->Priority; } return GoogleSitemap::get_priority_for_class($this->owner->class); } /** * Returns a pages change frequency calculated by pages age and number of * versions. Google expects always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly * or never as values. * * @see http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=183668&topic=8476&ctx=topic * * @return SS_Datetime */ public function getChangeFrequency() { if($freq = GoogleSitemap::get_frequency_for_class($this->owner->class)) { return $freq; } $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $created = new SS_Datetime(); $created->value = ($this->owner->Created) ? $this->owner->Created : $date; $now = new SS_Datetime(); $now->value = $date; $versions = ($this->owner->Version) ? $this->owner->Version : 1; $timediff = $now->format('U') - $created->format('U'); // Check how many revisions have been made over the lifetime of the // Page for a rough estimate of it's changing frequency. $period = $timediff / ($versions + 1); if ($period > 60 * 60 * 24 * 365) { $freq = 'yearly'; } elseif ($period > 60 * 60 * 24 * 30) { $freq = 'monthly'; } elseif ($period > 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) { $freq = 'weekly'; } elseif ($period > 60 * 60 * 24) { $freq = 'daily'; } elseif ($period > 60 * 60) { $freq = 'hourly'; } else { $freq = 'always'; } return $freq; } }