array( "Priority" => "Varchar(5)", ) ); } function updateCMSFields(&$fields) { $pagePriorities = array( '' => _t('SiteTree.PRIORITYAUTOSET', 'Auto-set based on page depth'), '-1' => _t('SiteTree.PRIORITYNOTINDEXED', "Not indexed"), // We set this to -ve one because a blank value implies auto-generation of Priority '1.0' => '1 - ' . _t('SiteTree.PRIORITYMOSTIMPORTANT', "Most important"), '0.9' => '2', '0.8' => '3', '0.7' => '4', '0.6' => '5', '0.5' => '6', '0.4' => '7', '0.3' => '8', '0.2' => '9', '0.1' => '10 - ' . _t('SiteTree.PRIORITYLEASTIMPORTANT', "Least important") ); $tabset = $fields->findOrMakeTab('Root.Content'); $tabset->push( $addTab = new Tab( 'GoogleSitemap', _t('SiteTree.TABGOOGLESITEMAP', 'Google Sitemap'), new LiteralField( "GoogleSitemapIntro", "
" . sprintf( _t( 'SiteTree.METANOTEPRIORITY', "Manually specify a Google Sitemaps priority for this page (%s)" ), '?' ) . "
" ), new DropdownField("Priority", $this->owner->fieldLabel('Priority'), $pagePriorities) ) ); } function updateFieldLabels(&$labels) { parent::updateFieldLabels($labels); $labels['Priority'] = _t('SiteTree.METAPAGEPRIO', "Page Priority"); } function onAfterPublish() { GoogleSitemap::ping(); } function onAfterUnpublish() { GoogleSitemap::ping(); } /** * The default value of the priority field depends on the depth of the page in * the site tree, so it must be calculated dynamically. */ function getPriority() { if (!$this->owner->getField('Priority')) { $parentStack = $this->owner->parentStack(); $numParents = is_array($parentStack) ? count($parentStack) - 1 : 0; return max(0.1, 1.0 - ($numParents / 10)); } elseif ($this->owner->getField('Priority') == -1) { return 0; } else { return $this->owner->getField('Priority'); } } /** * Set a pages change frequency calculated by pages age and number of versions. * Google expects always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or never as values. * * @return void */ public function setChangeFrequency() { // The one field that isn't easy to deal with in the template is // Change frequency, so we set that here. $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $prop = $this->owner->toMap(); $created = new SS_Datetime(); $created->value = (isset($prop['Created'])) ? $prop['Created'] : $date; $now = new SS_Datetime(); $now->value = $date; $versions = (isset($prop['Version'])) ? $prop['Version'] : 1; $timediff = $now->format('U') - $created->format('U'); // Check how many revisions have been made over the lifetime of the // Page for a rough estimate of it's changing frequency. $period = $timediff / ($versions + 1); if ($period > 60 * 60 * 24 * 365) { // > 1 year $this->owner->ChangeFreq = 'yearly'; } elseif ($period > 60 * 60 * 24 * 30) { $this->owner->ChangeFreq = 'monthly'; } elseif ($period > 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) { // > 1 week $this->owner->ChangeFreq = 'weekly'; } elseif ($period > 60 * 60 * 24) { // > 1 day $this->owner->ChangeFreq = 'daily'; } elseif ($period > 60 * 60) { // > 1 hour $this->owner->ChangeFreq = 'hourly'; } else { // < 1 hour $this->owner->ChangeFreq = 'always'; } } }