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synced 2024-10-22 12:05:29 +00:00
Solr::configure_server now takes "version" as one of the keys in the option array, and behaves slightly differently depending on whether that version is 3 or 4, to provide support for both Solr versions. The Solr extras and templates have also moved, so that different versions can be provided for the two different Solr versions.
495 lines
14 KiB
495 lines
14 KiB
abstract class SolrIndex extends SearchIndex {
static $fulltextTypeMap = array(
'*' => 'text',
'HTMLVarchar' => 'htmltext',
'HTMLText' => 'htmltext'
static $filterTypeMap = array(
'*' => 'string',
'Boolean' => 'boolean',
'Date' => 'tdate',
'SSDatetime' => 'tdate',
'SS_Datetime' => 'tdate',
'ForeignKey' => 'tint',
'Int' => 'tint',
'Float' => 'tfloat',
'Double' => 'tdouble'
static $sortTypeMap = array();
protected $analyzerFields = array();
protected $copyFields = array();
protected $extrasPath = null;
protected $templatesPath = null;
* @return String Absolute path to the folder containing
* templates which are used for generating the schema and field definitions.
function getTemplatesPath() {
$globalOptions = Solr::solr_options();
return $this->templatesPath ? $this->templatesPath : $globalOptions['templatespath'];
* @return String Absolute path to the configuration default files,
* e.g. solrconfig.xml.
function getExtrasPath() {
$globalOptions = Solr::solr_options();
return $this->extrasPath ? $this->extrasPath : $globalOptions['extraspath'];
function generateSchema() {
return $this->renderWith($this->getTemplatesPath() . '/schema.ss');
function getIndexName() {
return get_class($this);
function getTypes() {
return $this->renderWith($this->getTemplatesPath() . '/types.ss');
* Index-time analyzer which is applied to a specific field.
* Can be used to remove HTML tags, apply stemming, etc.
* @see http://wiki.apache.org/solr/AnalyzersTokenizersTokenFilters#solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory
* @param String $field
* @param String $type
* @param Array $params Parameters for the analyzer, usually at least a "class"
function addAnalyzer($field, $type, $params) {
$fullFields = $this->fieldData($field);
if($fullFields) foreach($fullFields as $fullField => $spec) {
if(!isset($this->analyzerFields[$fullField])) $this->analyzerFields[$fullField] = array();
$this->analyzerFields[$fullField][$type] = $params;
function getFieldDefinitions() {
$xml = array();
$stored = Director::isDev() ? "stored='true'" : "stored='false'";
$xml[] = "";
// Add the hardcoded field definitions
$xml[] = "<field name='_documentid' type='string' indexed='true' stored='true' required='true' />";
$xml[] = "<field name='ID' type='tint' indexed='true' stored='true' required='true' />";
$xml[] = "<field name='ClassName' type='string' indexed='true' stored='true' required='true' />";
$xml[] = "<field name='ClassHierarchy' type='string' indexed='true' stored='true' required='true' multiValued='true' />";
// Add the fulltext collation field
$xml[] = "<field name='_text' type='htmltext' indexed='true' $stored multiValued='true' />" ;
// Add the user-specified fields
foreach ($this->fulltextFields as $name => $field) {
$xml[] = $this->getFieldDefinition($name, $field, self::$fulltextTypeMap);
foreach ($this->filterFields as $name => $field) {
if ($field['fullfield'] == 'ID' || $field['fullfield'] == 'ClassName') continue;
$xml[] = $this->getFieldDefinition($name, $field);
foreach ($this->sortFields as $name => $field) {
if ($field['fullfield'] == 'ID' || $field['fullfield'] == 'ClassName') continue;
$xml[] = $this->getFieldDefinition($name, $field);
return implode("\n\t\t", $xml);
* @param String $name
* @param Array $spec
* @param Array $typeMap
* @return String XML
protected function getFieldDefinition($name, $spec, $typeMap = null) {
if(!$typeMap) $typeMap = self::$filterTypeMap;
$multiValued = (isset($spec['multi_valued']) && $spec['multi_valued']) ? "true" : '';
$type = isset($typeMap[$spec['type']]) ? $typeMap[$spec['type']] : $typeMap['*'];
$analyzerXml = '';
if(isset($this->analyzerFields[$name])) {
foreach($this->analyzerFields[$name] as $analyzerType => $analyzerParams) {
$analyzerXml .= $this->toXmlTag($analyzerType, $analyzerParams);
$fieldParams = array_merge(
'name' => $name,
'type' => $type,
'indexed' => 'true',
'stored' => Director::isDev() ? 'true' : 'false',
'multiValued' => $multiValued
isset($spec['extra_options']) ? $spec['extra_options'] : array()
return $this->toXmlTag(
$analyzerXml ? "<analyzer>$analyzerXml</analyzer>" : null
* Convert definition to XML tag
* @param String $tag
* @param String $attrs Map of attributes
* @param String $content Inner content
* @return String XML tag
protected function toXmlTag($tag, $attrs, $content = null) {
$xml = "<$tag ";
if($attrs) {
$attrStrs = array();
foreach($attrs as $attrName => $attrVal) $attrStrs[] = "$attrName='$attrVal'";
$xml .= $attrStrs ? implode(' ', $attrStrs) : '';
$xml .= $content ? ">$content</$tag>" : '/>';
return $xml;
* @param String $source Composite field name (<class>_<fieldname>)
* @param String $dest
function addCopyField($source, $dest, $extraOptions = array()) {
if(!isset($this->copyFields[$source])) $this->copyFields[$source] = array();
$this->copyFields[$source][] = array_merge(
array('source' => $source, 'dest' => $dest),
function getCopyFieldDefinitions() {
$xml = array();
foreach ($this->fulltextFields as $name => $field) {
$xml[] = "<copyField source='{$name}' dest='_text' />";
foreach ($this->copyFields as $source => $fields) {
foreach($fields as $fieldAttrs) {
$xml[] = $this->toXmlTag('copyField', $fieldAttrs);
return implode("\n\t", $xml);
protected function _addField($doc, $object, $field) {
$class = get_class($object);
if ($class != $field['origin'] && !is_subclass_of($class, $field['origin'])) return;
$value = $this->_getFieldValue($object, $field);
$type = isset(self::$filterTypeMap[$field['type']]) ? self::$filterTypeMap[$field['type']] : self::$filterTypeMap['*'];
if (is_array($value)) foreach($value as $sub) {
/* Solr requires dates in the form 1995-12-31T23:59:59Z */
if ($type == 'tdate') {
if(!$sub) continue;
$sub = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', strtotime($sub));
/* Solr requires numbers to be valid if presented, not just empty */
if (($type == 'tint' || $type == 'tfloat' || $type == 'tdouble') && !is_numeric($sub)) continue;
$doc->addField($field['name'], $sub);
else {
/* Solr requires dates in the form 1995-12-31T23:59:59Z */
if ($type == 'tdate') {
if(!$value) return;
$value = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', strtotime($value));
/* Solr requires numbers to be valid if presented, not just empty */
if (($type == 'tint' || $type == 'tfloat' || $type == 'tdouble') && !is_numeric($value)) return;
$doc->setField($field['name'], $value);
protected function _addAs($object, $base, $options) {
$includeSubs = $options['include_children'];
$doc = new Apache_Solr_Document();
// Always present fields
$doc->setField('_documentid', $this->getDocumentID($object, $base, $includeSubs));
$doc->setField('ID', $object->ID);
$doc->setField('ClassName', $object->ClassName);
foreach (SearchIntrospection::hierarchy(get_class($object), false) as $class) $doc->addField('ClassHierarchy', $class);
// Add the user-specified fields
foreach ($this->getFieldsIterator() as $name => $field) {
if ($field['base'] == $base) $this->_addField($doc, $object, $field);
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
SS_Log::log($e, SS_Log::WARN);
return false;
return $doc;
function add($object) {
$class = get_class($object);
$docs = array();
foreach ($this->getClasses() as $searchclass => $options) {
if ($searchclass == $class || ($options['include_children'] && is_subclass_of($class, $searchclass))) {
$docs[] = $this->_addAs($object, $searchclass, $options);
return $docs;
function canAdd($class) {
foreach ($this->classes as $searchclass => $options) {
if ($searchclass == $class || ($options['include_children'] && is_subclass_of($class, $searchclass))) return true;
return false;
function delete($base, $id, $state) {
$documentID = $this->getDocumentIDForState($base, $id, $state);
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
SS_Log::log($e, SS_Log::WARN);
return false;
function commit() {
try {
$this->getService()->commit(false, false, false);
} catch (Exception $e) {
SS_Log::log($e, SS_Log::WARN);
return false;
* @param SearchQuery $query
* @param integer $offset
* @param integer $limit
* @param Array $params Extra request parameters passed through to Solr
* @return ArrayData Map with the following keys:
* - 'Matches': ArrayList of the matched object instances
public function search(SearchQuery $query, $offset = -1, $limit = -1, $params = array()) {
$service = $this->getService();
SearchVariant::with(count($query->classes) == 1 ? $query->classes[0]['class'] : null)->call('alterQuery', $query, $this);
$q = array();
$fq = array();
// Build the search itself
foreach ($query->search as $search) {
$text = $search['text'];
preg_match_all('/"[^"]*"|\S+/', $text, $parts);
$fuzzy = $search['fuzzy'] ? '~' : '';
foreach ($parts[0] as $part) {
$fields = (isset($search['fields'])) ? $search['fields'] : array();
if(isset($search['boost'])) $fields = array_merge($fields, array_keys($search['boost']));
if ($fields) {
$searchq = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$boost = (isset($search['boost'][$field])) ? '^' . $search['boost'][$field] : '';
$searchq[] = "{$field}:".$part.$fuzzy.$boost;
$q[] = '+('.implode(' OR ', $searchq).')';
else {
$q[] = '+'.$part.$fuzzy;
// Filter by class if requested
$classq = array();
foreach ($query->classes as $class) {
if (!empty($class['includeSubclasses'])) $classq[] = 'ClassHierarchy:'.$class['class'];
else $classq[] = 'ClassName:'.$class['class'];
if ($classq) $fq[] = '+('.implode(' ', $classq).')';
// Filter by filters
foreach ($query->require as $field => $values) {
$requireq = array();
foreach ($values as $value) {
if ($value === SearchQuery::$missing) {
$requireq[] = "(*:* -{$field}:[* TO *])";
else if ($value === SearchQuery::$present) {
$requireq[] = "{$field}:[* TO *]";
else if ($value instanceof SearchQuery_Range) {
$start = $value->start; if ($start === null) $start = '*';
$end = $value->end; if ($end === null) $end = '*';
$requireq[] = "$field:[$start TO $end]";
else {
$requireq[] = $field.':"'.$value.'"';
$fq[] = '+('.implode(' ', $requireq).')';
foreach ($query->exclude as $field => $values) {
$excludeq = array();
$missing = false;
foreach ($values as $value) {
if ($value === SearchQuery::$missing) {
$missing = true;
else if ($value === SearchQuery::$present) {
$excludeq[] = "{$field}:[* TO *]";
else if ($value instanceof SearchQuery_Range) {
$start = $value->start; if ($start === null) $start = '*';
$end = $value->end; if ($end === null) $end = '*';
$excludeq[] = "$field:[$start TO $end]";
else {
$excludeq[] = $field.':"'.$value.'"';
$fq[] = ($missing ? "+{$field}:[* TO *] " : '') . '-('.implode(' ', $excludeq).')';
if(!headers_sent()) {
if ($q) header('X-Query: '.implode(' ', $q));
if ($fq) header('X-Filters: "'.implode('", "', $fq).'"');
if ($offset == -1) $offset = $query->start;
if ($limit == -1) $limit = $query->limit;
if ($limit == -1) $limit = SearchQuery::$default_page_size;
$params = array_merge($params, array('fq' => implode(' ', $fq)));
$res = $service->search(
$q ? implode(' ', $q) : '*:*',
$results = new ArrayList();
if($res->getHttpStatus() >= 200 && $res->getHttpStatus() < 300) {
foreach ($res->response->docs as $doc) {
$result = DataObject::get_by_id($doc->ClassName, $doc->ID);
if($result) {
// Add highlighting (optional)
$docId = $doc->_documentid;
if($res->highlighting && $res->highlighting->$docId) {
// TODO Create decorator class for search results rather than adding arbitrary object properties
// TODO Allow specifying highlighted field, and lazy loading
// in case the search API needs another query (similar to SphinxSearchable->buildExcerpt()).
$combinedHighlights = array();
foreach($res->highlighting->$docId as $field => $highlights) {
$combinedHighlights = array_merge($combinedHighlights, $highlights);
// Remove entity-encoded U+FFFD replacement character. It signifies non-displayable characters,
// and shows up as an encoding error in browsers.
$result->Excerpt = DBField::create_field(
implode(' ... ', $combinedHighlights)
$numFound = $res->response->numFound;
} else {
$numFound = 0;
$ret = array();
$ret['Matches'] = new PaginatedList($results);
// Tell PaginatedList how many results there are
// Results for current page start at $offset
// Results per page
// Suggestions (requires custom setup, assumes spellcheck.collate=true)
if(isset($res->spellcheck->suggestions->collation)) {
$ret['Suggestion'] = $res->spellcheck->suggestions->collation;
return new ArrayData($ret);
protected $service;
* @return SolrService
public function getService() {
if(!$this->service) $this->service = Solr::service(get_class($this));
return $this->service;
public function setService(SolrService $service) {
$this->service = $service;
return $this;