# Solr connector for SilverStripe fulltextsearch This module provides a fulltextsearch module connector to Solr. It works with Solr in multi-core mode. It needs to be able to update Solr configuration files, and has modes for doing this by direct file access (when Solr shares a server with SilverStripe) and by WebDAV (when it's on a different server). Since Solr is Java based, this module requires a Java runtime to be present on the server Solr is running on (not nessecarily the same server the SilverStripe server is on). ## Getting started quickly (dev mode) Configure Solr in file mode ```php mysite/_config.php: 'localhost', 'indexstore' => array( 'mode' => 'file', 'path' => BASE_PATH . '/fulltextsearch/thirdparty/solr/server/solr' ) )); ``` Create an index ```php mysite/code/MyIndex.php: addClass('Page'); $this->addAllFulltextFields(); } } ``` Open a terminal, change to thirdparty/solr/server and start Solr by running `java -jar start.jar` In another terminal run the configure task `sake dev/tasks/Solr_configure` Tne run the configure task `sake dev/tasks/Solr_reindex` You can now visit http://localhost:8983/solr/MyIndex/admin/ to search the contents of the now created Solr index ----- These instructions will get you running quickly, but the Solr indexes will be stored in your project. You can also copy the thirdparty/solr directory somewhere else. The instructions are above still apply then - just set the path value in mysite/_config.php to point to this other location, and of course run `java -jar start.jar` from the new directory not the thirdparty one.