2015-07-16 18:18:04 +12:00
< ? php
2017-04-21 12:23:27 +12:00
use SilverStripe\Dev\SapphireTest ;
2017-04-21 13:26:07 +12:00
use SilverStripe\FullTextSearch\Search\FullTextSearch ;
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
use SilverStripe\FullTextSearch\Search\Variants\SearchVariant ;
2017-04-21 13:26:07 +12:00
use SilverStripe\FullTextSearch\Tests\SolrReindexTest\SolrReindexTest_Variant ;
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
use SilverStripe\FullTextSearch\Tests\SolrReindexTest\SolrReindexTest_Index ;
use SilverStripe\FullTextSearch\Tests\SolrReindexTest\SolrReindexTest_TestHandler ;
use SilverStripe\FullTextSearch\Tests\SolrReindexTest\SolrReindexTest_Item ;
use SilverStripe\FullTextSearch\Tests\SolrReindexTest\SolrReindexTest_RecordingLogger ;
use SilverStripe\FullTextSearch\Solr\Services\Solr4Service ;
use SilverStripe\FullTextSearch\Solr\Tasks\Solr_Reindex ;
use SilverStripe\Core\Config\Config ;
use SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injector ;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject ;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DB ;
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
class SolrReindexTest extends SapphireTest
protected $usesDatabase = true ;
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
protected static $extra_dataobjects = array (
SolrReindexTest_Item :: class
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
* Forced index for testing
* @ var SolrReindexTest_Index
protected $index = null ;
* Mock service
* @ var SolrService
protected $service = null ;
public function setUp ()
parent :: setUp ();
// Set test handler for reindex
2017-04-22 21:31:34 +12:00
Config :: modify () -> set ( 'Injector' , 'SolrReindexHandler' , array (
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
'class' => SolrReindexTest_TestHandler :: class
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
Injector :: inst () -> registerService ( new SolrReindexTest_TestHandler (), 'SolrReindexHandler' );
// Set test variant
SolrReindexTest_Variant :: enable ();
// Set index list
$this -> service = $this -> getServiceMock ();
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
$this -> index = singleton ( SolrReindexTest_Index :: class );
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
$this -> index -> setService ( $this -> service );
FullTextSearch :: force_index_list ( $this -> index );
* Populate database with dummy dataset
* @ param int $number Number of records to create in each variant
protected function createDummyData ( $number )
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
self :: resetDBSchema ();
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
// Note that we don't create any records in variant = 2, to represent a variant
// that should be cleared without any re-indexes performed
foreach ( array ( 0 , 1 ) as $variant ) {
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= $number ; $i ++ ) {
$item = new SolrReindexTest_Item ();
$item -> Variant = $variant ;
$item -> Title = " Item $variant / $i " ;
$item -> write ();
* Mock service
* @ return SolrService
protected function getServiceMock ()
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
$serviceMock = $this -> getMockBuilder ( Solr4Service :: class )
-> setMethods ([ 'deleteByQuery' , 'addDocument' ]);
return $serviceMock -> getMock ();
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
public function tearDown ()
FullTextSearch :: force_index_list ();
SolrReindexTest_Variant :: disable ();
parent :: tearDown ();
* Get the reindex handler
* @ return SolrReindexHandler
protected function getHandler ()
return Injector :: inst () -> get ( 'SolrReindexHandler' );
* Ensure the test variant is up and running properly
public function testVariant ()
// State defaults to 0
$variant = SearchVariant :: current_state ();
$this -> assertEquals (
array (
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
SolrReindexTest_Variant :: class => " 0 "
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
// All states enumerated
$allStates = iterator_to_array ( SearchVariant :: reindex_states ());
$this -> assertEquals (
array (
array (
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
SolrReindexTest_Variant :: class => " 0 "
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
array (
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
SolrReindexTest_Variant :: class => " 1 "
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
array (
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
SolrReindexTest_Variant :: class => " 2 "
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
// Check correct items created and that filtering on variant works
$this -> createDummyData ( 120 );
SolrReindexTest_Variant :: set_current ( 2 );
$this -> assertEquals ( 0 , SolrReindexTest_Item :: get () -> count ());
SolrReindexTest_Variant :: set_current ( 1 );
$this -> assertEquals ( 120 , SolrReindexTest_Item :: get () -> count ());
SolrReindexTest_Variant :: set_current ( 0 );
$this -> assertEquals ( 120 , SolrReindexTest_Item :: get () -> count ());
SolrReindexTest_Variant :: disable ();
$this -> assertEquals ( 240 , SolrReindexTest_Item :: get () -> count ());
* Given the invocation of a new re - index with a given set of data , ensure that the necessary
* list of groups are created and segmented for each state
* Test should work fine with any variants ( versioned , subsites , etc ) specified
public function testReindexSegmentsGroups ()
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
$this -> service -> method ( 'deleteByQuery' )
-> withConsecutive (
[ '-(ClassHierarchy:' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ')' ],
[ '+(ClassHierarchy:' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ') +(_testvariant:"2")' ]
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
$this -> createDummyData ( 120 );
// Initiate re-index
$logger = new SolrReindexTest_RecordingLogger ();
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
$this -> getHandler () -> runReindex ( $logger , 21 , Solr_Reindex :: class );
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
// Test that invalid classes are removed
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
$this -> assertContains ( 'Clearing obsolete classes from ' . SolrReindexTest_Index :: class , $logger -> getMessages ());
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
// Test that valid classes in invalid variants are removed
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
$this -> assertContains ( 'Clearing all records of type ' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ' in the current state: {' . json_encode ( SolrReindexTest_Variant :: class ) . ':"2"}' , $logger -> getMessages ());
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
// 120x2 grouped into groups of 21 results in 12 groups
$this -> assertEquals ( 12 , $logger -> countMessages ( 'Called processGroup with ' ));
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
$this -> assertEquals ( 6 , $logger -> countMessages ( '{' . json_encode ( SolrReindexTest_Variant :: class ) . ':"0"}' ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 6 , $logger -> countMessages ( '{' . json_encode ( SolrReindexTest_Variant :: class ) . ':"1"}' ));
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
// Given that there are two variants, there should be two group ids of each number
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
$this -> assertEquals ( 2 , $logger -> countMessages ( ' ' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ', group 0 of 6' ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 2 , $logger -> countMessages ( ' ' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ', group 1 of 6' ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 2 , $logger -> countMessages ( ' ' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ', group 2 of 6' ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 2 , $logger -> countMessages ( ' ' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ', group 3 of 6' ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 2 , $logger -> countMessages ( ' ' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ', group 4 of 6' ));
$this -> assertEquals ( 2 , $logger -> countMessages ( ' ' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ', group 5 of 6' ));
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
// Check various group sizes
$logger -> clear ();
$this -> getHandler () -> runReindex ( $logger , 120 , 'Solr_Reindex' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 2 , $logger -> countMessages ( 'Called processGroup with ' ));
$logger -> clear ();
$this -> getHandler () -> runReindex ( $logger , 119 , 'Solr_Reindex' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 4 , $logger -> countMessages ( 'Called processGroup with ' ));
$logger -> clear ();
$this -> getHandler () -> runReindex ( $logger , 121 , 'Solr_Reindex' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 2 , $logger -> countMessages ( 'Called processGroup with ' ));
$logger -> clear ();
$this -> getHandler () -> runReindex ( $logger , 2 , 'Solr_Reindex' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 120 , $logger -> countMessages ( 'Called processGroup with ' ));
* Test index processing on individual groups
public function testRunGroup ()
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
$this -> service -> method ( 'deleteByQuery' )
-> with ( '+(ClassHierarchy:' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ') +_query_:"{!frange l=2 u=2}mod(ID, 6)" +(_testvariant:"1")' );
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
$this -> createDummyData ( 120 );
$logger = new SolrReindexTest_RecordingLogger ();
// Initiate re-index of third group (index 2 of 6)
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
$state = array ( SolrReindexTest_Variant :: class => '1' );
$this -> getHandler () -> runGroup ( $logger , $this -> index , $state , SolrReindexTest_Item :: class , 6 , 2 );
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
$idMessage = $logger -> filterMessages ( 'Updated ' );
$this -> assertNotEmpty ( preg_match ( '/^Updated (?<ids>[,\d]+)/i' , $idMessage [ 0 ], $matches ));
$ids = array_unique ( explode ( ',' , $matches [ 'ids' ]));
// Test successful
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
$this -> assertNotEmpty ( $logger -> getMessages ( 'Adding ' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class ));
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
$this -> assertNotEmpty ( $logger -> getMessages ( 'Done' ));
// Test that items in this variant / group are re-indexed
// 120 divided into 6 groups should be 20 at least (max 21)
$this -> assertEquals ( 21 , count ( $ids ), 'Group size is about 20' , 1 );
foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
// Each id should be % 6 == 2
$this -> assertEquals ( 2 , $id % 6 , " ID $id Should match pattern ID % 6 = 2 " );
* Test that running all groups covers the entire range of dataobject IDs
public function testRunAllGroups ()
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
$this -> service -> method ( 'deleteByQuery' )
-> withConsecutive (
[ '+(ClassHierarchy:' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ') +_query_:"{!frange l=0 u=0}mod(ID, 6)" +(_testvariant:"1")' ],
[ '+(ClassHierarchy:' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ') +_query_:"{!frange l=1 u=1}mod(ID, 6)" +(_testvariant:"1")' ],
[ '+(ClassHierarchy:' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ') +_query_:"{!frange l=2 u=2}mod(ID, 6)" +(_testvariant:"1")' ],
[ '+(ClassHierarchy:' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ') +_query_:"{!frange l=3 u=3}mod(ID, 6)" +(_testvariant:"1")' ],
[ '+(ClassHierarchy:' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ') +_query_:"{!frange l=4 u=4}mod(ID, 6)" +(_testvariant:"1")' ],
[ '+(ClassHierarchy:' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ') +_query_:"{!frange l=5 u=5}mod(ID, 6)" +(_testvariant:"1")' ],
[ '+(ClassHierarchy:' . SolrReindexTest_Item :: class . ') +_query_:"{!frange l=6 u=6}mod(ID, 6)" +(_testvariant:"1")' ]
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
$this -> createDummyData ( 120 );
$logger = new SolrReindexTest_RecordingLogger ();
// Test that running all groups covers the complete set of ids
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
$state = array ( SolrReindexTest_Variant :: class => '1' );
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 6 ; $i ++ ) {
// See testReindexSegmentsGroups for test that each of these states is invoked during a full reindex
-> getHandler ()
2017-04-26 22:52:20 +12:00
-> runGroup ( $logger , $this -> index , $state , SolrReindexTest_Item :: class , 6 , $i );
2015-11-21 19:19:20 +13:00
// Count all ids updated
$ids = array ();
foreach ( $logger -> filterMessages ( 'Updated ' ) as $message ) {
$this -> assertNotEmpty ( preg_match ( '/^Updated (?<ids>[,\d]+)/' , $message , $matches ));
$ids = array_unique ( array_merge ( $ids , explode ( ',' , $matches [ 'ids' ])));
// Check ids
$this -> assertEquals ( 120 , count ( $ids ));
2015-07-16 18:18:04 +12:00