import jQuery from 'jQuery'; import i18n from 'i18n'; import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import FormBuilder from 'components/FormBuilder/FormBuilder'; jQuery.entwine('ss', ($) => { /** * Kick off Test React FormBuilder admin section. * Uses React to rebuild the list of fields from FrameworkTest's TestPages. */ $('.cms-content.TestReactFormBuilder').entwine({ onmatch() { setTimeout(() => this._renderForm(), 100); }, onunmatch() { this._clearForm(); }, open() { this._renderForm(); }, close() { this._clearForm(); }, _renderForm() { const store =; const sectionConfig = store.getState() .config.sections['TestReactFormBuilder']; const schemaUrl = sectionConfig.form.TestEditForm.schemaUrl; ReactDOM.render( this._handleSubmit(...args)} /> , this[0] ); }, _clearForm() { ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(this[0]); // this.empty(); }, _handleSubmit(event, fieldValues, submitFn) { event.preventDefault(); return submitFn(); }, }); $('.cms-content.TestReactFormBuilder .nav-link').entwine({ onclick: function (e) { // this is required because the React version of e.preventDefault() doesn't work // this is to stop React Tabs from navigating the page e.preventDefault(); } }); });