[FTPageMakerTask::class, 'generateContentBlock'],
'SilverStripe\ElementalBannerBlock\Block\BannerBlock' => [FTPageMakerTask::class, 'generateBannerBlock'],
'SilverStripe\ElementalFileBlock\Block\FileBlock' => [FTPageMakerTask::class, 'generateFileBlock'],
public function run($request)
// Optionally add blocks
$withBlocks = (bool)$request->getVar('withBlocks');
if ($withBlocks && !class_exists('DNADesign\Elemental\Models\BaseElement')) {
throw new \LogicException('withBlocks requested, but BaseElement class not found');
// Allow pageCountByDepth to be passed as comma-separated value, e.g. pageCounts=5,100,1,1
$pageCounts = $request->getVar('pageCounts');
if ($pageCounts) {
$counts = explode(',', $pageCounts ?? '');
$this->pageCountByDepth = array_map(function ($int) {
return (int) trim($int ?? '');
}, $counts ?? []);
$this->generatePages(0, "", 0, $withBlocks);
protected function generatePages($depth = 0, $prefix = "", $parentID = 0, $withBlocks = false)
$maxDepth = count($this->pageCountByDepth ?? []);
$pageCount = $this->pageCountByDepth[$depth];
$testPageClasses = ClassInfo::implementorsOf('TestPageInterface');
for ($i=1; $i<=$pageCount; $i++) {
$fullPrefix = $prefix ? "{$prefix}-{$i}" : $i;
$randomIndex = array_rand($testPageClasses ?? []);
$pageClass = $testPageClasses[$randomIndex];
$page = new $pageClass();
$page->ParentID = $parentID;
$page->Title = "Test page {$fullPrefix}";
$page->copyVersionToStage('Stage', 'Live');
echo "Created '$page->Title' ($page->ClassName)\n";
if ($withBlocks) {
$pageID = $page->ID;
if ($depth < $maxDepth-1) {
$this->generatePages($depth+1, $fullPrefix, $pageID, $withBlocks);
protected function generateBlocksForPage(Page $page)
$classes = array_filter($this->config()->get('block_generators') ?? [], function ($callable, $class) {
return class_exists($class ?? '');
// Generate a random amount of blocks in the preferred range
$range = $this->blockCountRange;
foreach(range($range[0], array_rand(range($range[0], $range[1]))) as $i) {
$class = array_rand($classes ?? []);
$callable = $classes[$class];
$block = call_user_func($callable, $page);
// Add block to page
// 50% chance of block being published
if (rand(0,1) === 0) {
echo sprintf(" Added '%s' block #%d to page #%d\n", $class, $block->ID, $page->ID);
* @param SiteTree&ElementalPageExtension|null $page
* @return ElementContent
* @throws \SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException
public static function generateContentBlock(?SiteTree $page = null)
$count = $page ? $page->ElementalArea()->Elements()->count() : '';
$content = $page ? "Page {$page->Title}" : "Page";
$block = new ElementContent([
'Title' => sprintf('Block #%s (Content Block)', $count),
'ShowTitle' => rand(0,1) === 1,
'HTML' => sprintf('Content block for %s', $content),
return $block;
* @param SiteTree&ElementalPageExtension|null $page
* @return FileBlock
* @throws \SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException
public static function generateFileBlock(?SiteTree $page = null): FileBlock
$count = $page ? $page->ElementalArea()->Elements()->count() : '';
// Supports both images and files
$file = File::get()->shuffle()->First();
if (!$file) {
throw new \LogicException('No files found to associate with FileBlock');
$block = new FileBlock([
'Title' => sprintf('Block #%s (File Block)', $count),
'ShowTitle' => rand(0,1) === 1,
$block->FileID = $file->ID;
return $block;
* @param SiteTree&ElementalPageExtension|null $page
* @return BannerBlock
* @throws \SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException
public static function generateBannerBlock(?SiteTree $page = null): BannerBlock
$count = $page ? $page->ElementalArea()->Elements()->count() : '';
$content = $page ? "Page {$page->Title}" : "Page";
$block = new BannerBlock([
'Title' => sprintf('Block #%s (Banner Block)', $count),
'ShowTitle' => rand(0,1) === 1,
'Content' => sprintf('Banner block for %s', $content),
'CallToActionLink' => json_encode([
'PageID' => SiteTree::get()->shuffle()->first()->ID,
'Text' => sprintf('Link for page %s', $page->Title),
return $block;