Remove cmsworkflow tests, no longer supported in 3.x

This commit is contained in:
Ingo Schommer 2013-03-19 09:47:41 +01:00
parent 197692fd6f
commit 708b5a2ad8
5 changed files with 1 additions and 340 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Member::add_extension('FileUploadRole');
if(class_exists('SiteTreeCMSWorkflow')) {
Object::add_extension('SiteConfig', 'CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator');

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
class CMSWorkflowSiteConfigController extends Controller {
function init() {
if(!Director::is_cli() && !Permission::check("ADMIN")) return Security::permissionFailure();
function setStepConfig() {
$whichStep = Director::URLParam("ID");
$validSteps = array('twostep', 'threestep');
if(!in_array($whichStep, $validSteps)) {
return false;
echo "<p>CMS Workflow has been set to <strong>$whichStep</strong></p>";
// rebuild the database schema
return true;

View File

@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
* Extends cmsworkflow to provide an ability to switch bewteen Two-Step and Three-Step workflow mode in SiteConfig in the CMS
* The configuration is stored in a text in {@see self::get_config_file_path()}. Database couldn't be used to store config
* since self::apply_active_config() is invoked the in a _config.php, before database api is ready.
* The config is in form of:
* <code>
* STEP = threestep
* ...
* </code>
* The STEP config can be either twostep or threestep where twostep is the default
class CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator extends DataExtension {
static $config_file_path = '';
static $step_config = "twostep" ;
static $default_config = "STEP = twostep";
* @TODO: add javascript that instantly appends "(active)" to the links - "Set to Two-Step" and "Set to Three-Step"
function updateCMSFields(&$fields) {
$twoStepActive = "";
$threeStepActive = "";
$whichStep = self::get_step_config();
if($whichStep == 'threestep') {
$threeStepActive = "(active)";
else {
$twoStepActive = "(active)";
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", new HeaderField("WorkflowHeader", "CMS Workflow Configuration"));
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", new LiteralField("WorkflowTwoStepLink", '<p><a target="_blank" href="CMSWorkflowSiteConfigController/setStepConfig/twostep">Set to Two Step</a> <span>' . $twoStepActive . '</span></p>'));
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", new LiteralField("WorkflowThreeStepLink", '<p><a target="_blank" href="CMSWorkflowSiteConfigController/setStepConfig/threestep">Set to Three Step</a> <span>' . $threeStepActive . '</span></p>'));
* Apply two step (config) or three step workflow config.
* Two step config is already set in the module so SiteConfig::WorkflowStepConfig is twostep we don't need to do anything
static function apply_active_config() {
$whichStep = self::get_step_config();
if($whichStep == 'threestep') {
// remove two-step decorators
Object::remove_extension('WorkflowRequest', 'WorkflowTwoStepRequest');
Object::remove_extension('SiteTree', 'SiteTreeCMSTwoStepWorkflow');
Object::remove_extension('SiteConfig', 'SiteConfigTwoStepWorkflow');
// add three-step decorators
Object::add_extension('WorkflowRequest', 'WorkflowThreeStepRequest');
Object::add_extension('SiteTree', 'SiteTreeCMSThreeStepWorkflow');
Object::add_extension('LeftAndMain', 'LeftAndMainCMSThreeStepWorkflow');
Object::add_extension('SiteConfig', 'SiteConfigThreeStepWorkflow');
* Get STEP config variable from file self::get_config_file_path()
* @return string | the value of the config variable
static function get_step_config() {
$config = self::get_config_content();
$value = self::get_config($config, "STEP");
return $value;
* Set Get STEP config varial from file self::get_config_file_path()
static function set_step_config($val) {
$config = self::get_config_content();
$newContent = self::set_config($config, "STEP", $val);
* Config file path for frameworktest - two step and three step testing
static function get_config_file_path() {
if (self::$config_file_path) {
return self::$config_file_path;
} else {
return dirname(__FILE__) . "/CMSWorkflow_Config.cfg";
* Config file path for frameworktest - two step and three step testing
* @return file handler
static function get_config_file($mode = "r+") {
$path = self::get_config_file_path();
// create if not existing
if(!file_exists($path)) {
$file = fopen($path, "w");
// default config
fwrite($file, self::$default_config);
return fopen($path, $mode);
* Config file path for frameworktest - two step and three step testing
* @return file handler
static function write_config_file($content) {
$file = self::get_config_file();
// clear the file first
ftruncate($file, 0);
fwrite($file, $content);
* Config file path for frameworktest - two step and three step testing
* @return string
static function get_config_content() {
$file = self::get_config_file();
$content = null;
while(!@feof($file)) {
$content .= @fread($file, 10);
return $content;
* @param content from the file return from self::get_config_file
* @param config variable
static function get_config($content, $var) {
$pattern = "/$var\s*=\s*([\w_]*)/";
preg_match($pattern, $content, $matches);
if(count($matches) < 2) return false;
return $matches[1];
* @param content from the file return from self::get_config_file
* @param config variable
* @param value of the config variable
* @return string | new content
static function set_config($content, $var, $value) {
$pattern = "/$var\s*=\s*([\w_]*)/";
$replaced = preg_replace($pattern, "$var = $value", $content);
// if there varial is not found in the config a new a new one
if(preg_match($pattern, $content) == 0) {
if (trim($replaced) == "") {
$replaced = self::$default_config;
else {
$newConfig = "$var = $value";
$replaced = trim($replaced) . "\n" . $newConfig;
return $replaced;

View File

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
class CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecoratorTest extends SapphireTest {
protected $workflowConfigPath = "";
function setUp() {
// Change CMSWorkflow config file path to test directory so it doesn't mess up with the real config file
$this->workflowConfigPath = dirname(__FILE__) . "/CMSWorkflow_Config.cfg";
CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::$config_file_path = $this->workflowConfigPath;
function testGetConfigFile() {
$file = CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::get_config_file();
$content = $this->readFile($this->workflowConfigPath);
// the size and the content of the initial config file are the same CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::$default_config's
$workflowDefaultConfig = CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::$default_config;
$this->assertEquals($workflowDefaultConfig, $content);
function testGetConfigContent() {
$content = CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::get_config_content();
$content2 = $this->readFile($this->workflowConfigPath);
$this->assertEquals($content, $content2);
function testWriteConfigFile() {
CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::write_config_file("New workflow config");
$content = $this->readFile($this->workflowConfigPath);
$this->assertEquals("New workflow config", $content);
CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::write_config_file("New workflow config two");
$content = $this->readFile($this->workflowConfigPath);
$this->assertEquals("New workflow config two", $content);
CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::write_config_file("Config three");
$content = $this->readFile($this->workflowConfigPath);
$this->assertEquals("Config three", $content);
function testGetConfig() {
$content = "STEP = twostep\nTESTCONFIG = test";
$value = CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::get_config($content, "STEP");
$this->assertEquals("twostep", $value);
$value = CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::get_config($content, "TESTCONFIG");
$this->assertEquals("test", $value);
$value = CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::get_config($content, "NOTEXISTING");
$this->assertEquals("", $value);
function testWriteConfig() {
$content = "STEP = twostep\nTESTCONFIG = test";
$newContent = CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::set_config($content, "STEP", 'threestep');
$this->assertEquals("STEP = threestep\nTESTCONFIG = test", $newContent);
$newContent = CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::set_config($content, "TESTCONFIG", '');
$this->assertEquals("STEP = twostep\nTESTCONFIG = ", $newContent);
$newContent = CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::set_config($content, "NEWCONFIG", 'newstuff');
$this->assertEquals("STEP = twostep\nTESTCONFIG = test\nNEWCONFIG = newstuff", $newContent);
function testGetStepConfig() {
$value = CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::get_step_config();
$this->assertEquals("twostep", $value);
function testSetStepConfig() {
$content = $this->readFile($this->workflowConfigPath);
$this->assertEquals("STEP = threestep", $content);
$content = $this->readFile($this->workflowConfigPath);
$this->assertEquals("STEP = ", $content);
$content = $this->readFile($this->workflowConfigPath);
$this->assertEquals("STEP = twostep", $content);
function tearDown() {
// delete the config file before begin the test
$path = CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::get_config_file_path();
if(file_exists($path)) {
// Remove custom CMSWorkflow config file path
CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::$config_file_path = '';
* Read the whole content of a (text) file.
* Having this method so that we can avoid relying on CMSWorkflowSiteConfigDecorator::get_config_content()
* @return string - content of the file
private function readFile($path) {
// create if not existing
if(!file_exists($path)) {
return array(null, null);
$file = fopen($path, 'r');
$content = null;
while(!feof($file)) {
$content .= fread($file, 10);
return $content;