mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
Note that the best solution to this will be to remove the use of SimpleTest entirely. This is quick fix is intended to help us get PHP7 tests running without needing to cross that bridge.
984 lines
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984 lines
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* Base include file for SimpleTest
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
* @version $Id: page.php 1672 2008-03-02 04:47:34Z edwardzyang $
* include other SimpleTest class files
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/http.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/parser.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/tag.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/form.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/selector.php');
* Creates tags and widgets given HTML tag
* attributes.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
class SimpleTagBuilder {
* Factory for the tag objects. Creates the
* appropriate tag object for the incoming tag name
* and attributes.
* @param string $name HTML tag name.
* @param hash $attributes Element attributes.
* @return SimpleTag Tag object.
* @access public
function createTag($name, $attributes) {
static $map = array(
'a' => 'SimpleAnchorTag',
'title' => 'SimpleTitleTag',
'base' => 'SimpleBaseTag',
'button' => 'SimpleButtonTag',
'textarea' => 'SimpleTextAreaTag',
'option' => 'SimpleOptionTag',
'label' => 'SimpleLabelTag',
'form' => 'SimpleFormTag',
'frame' => 'SimpleFrameTag');
$attributes = $this->_keysToLowerCase($attributes);
if (array_key_exists($name, $map)) {
$tag_class = $map[$name];
return new $tag_class($attributes);
} elseif ($name == 'select') {
return $this->_createSelectionTag($attributes);
} elseif ($name == 'input') {
return $this->_createInputTag($attributes);
return new SimpleTag($name, $attributes);
* Factory for selection fields.
* @param hash $attributes Element attributes.
* @return SimpleTag Tag object.
* @access protected
function _createSelectionTag($attributes) {
if (isset($attributes['multiple'])) {
return new MultipleSelectionTag($attributes);
return new SimpleSelectionTag($attributes);
* Factory for input tags.
* @param hash $attributes Element attributes.
* @return SimpleTag Tag object.
* @access protected
function _createInputTag($attributes) {
if (! isset($attributes['type'])) {
return new SimpleTextTag($attributes);
$type = strtolower(trim($attributes['type']));
$map = array(
'submit' => 'SimpleSubmitTag',
'image' => 'SimpleImageSubmitTag',
'checkbox' => 'SimpleCheckboxTag',
'radio' => 'SimpleRadioButtonTag',
'text' => 'SimpleTextTag',
'email' => 'SimpleTextTag',
'hidden' => 'SimpleTextTag',
'password' => 'SimpleTextTag',
'file' => 'SimpleUploadTag');
if (array_key_exists($type, $map)) {
$tag_class = $map[$type];
return new $tag_class($attributes);
return false;
* Make the keys lower case for case insensitive look-ups.
* @param hash $map Hash to convert.
* @return hash Unchanged values, but keys lower case.
* @access private
function _keysToLowerCase($map) {
$lower = array();
foreach ($map as $key => $value) {
$lower[strtolower($key)] = $value;
return $lower;
* SAX event handler. Maintains a list of
* open tags and dispatches them as they close.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
class SimplePageBuilder extends SimpleSaxListener {
var $_tags;
var $_page;
var $_private_content_tag;
* Sets the builder up empty.
* @access public
function __construct() {
* Frees up any references so as to allow the PHP garbage
* collection from unset() to work.
* @access public
function free() {
* Reads the raw content and send events
* into the page to be built.
* @param $response SimpleHttpResponse Fetched response.
* @return SimplePage Newly parsed page.
* @access public
function &parse($response) {
$this->_tags = array();
$this->_page = &$this->_createPage($response);
$parser = &$this->_createParser($this);
return $this->_page;
* Creates an empty page.
* @return SimplePage New unparsed page.
* @access protected
function &_createPage($response) {
$page = new SimplePage($response);
return $page;
* Creates the parser used with the builder.
* @param $listener SimpleSaxListener Target of parser.
* @return SimpleSaxParser Parser to generate
* events for the builder.
* @access protected
function &_createParser(&$listener) {
$parser = new SimpleHtmlSaxParser($listener);
return $parser;
* Start of element event. Opens a new tag.
* @param string $name Element name.
* @param hash $attributes Attributes without content
* are marked as true.
* @return boolean False on parse error.
* @access public
function startElement($name, $attributes) {
$factory = new SimpleTagBuilder();
$tag = $factory->createTag($name, $attributes);
if (! $tag) {
return true;
if ($tag->getTagName() == 'label') {
return true;
if ($tag->getTagName() == 'form') {
return true;
if ($tag->getTagName() == 'frameset') {
return true;
if ($tag->getTagName() == 'frame') {
return true;
if ($tag->isPrivateContent() && ! isset($this->_private_content_tag)) {
$this->_private_content_tag = &$tag;
if ($tag->expectEndTag()) {
return true;
return true;
* End of element event.
* @param string $name Element name.
* @return boolean False on parse error.
* @access public
function endElement($name) {
if ($name == 'label') {
return true;
if ($name == 'form') {
return true;
if ($name == 'frameset') {
return true;
if ($this->_hasNamedTagOnOpenTagStack($name)) {
$tag = array_pop($this->_tags[$name]);
if ($tag->isPrivateContent() && $this->_private_content_tag->getTagName() == $name) {
return true;
return true;
* Test to see if there are any open tags awaiting
* closure that match the tag name.
* @param string $name Element name.
* @return boolean True if any are still open.
* @access private
function _hasNamedTagOnOpenTagStack($name) {
return isset($this->_tags[$name]) && (count($this->_tags[$name]) > 0);
* Unparsed, but relevant data. The data is added
* to every open tag.
* @param string $text May include unparsed tags.
* @return boolean False on parse error.
* @access public
function addContent($text) {
if (isset($this->_private_content_tag)) {
} else {
return true;
* Any content fills all currently open tags unless it
* is part of an option tag.
* @param string $text May include unparsed tags.
* @access private
function _addContentToAllOpenTags($text) {
foreach (array_keys($this->_tags) as $name) {
for ($i = 0, $count = count($this->_tags[$name]); $i < $count; $i++) {
* Parsed data in tag form. The parsed tag is added
* to every open tag. Used for adding options to select
* fields only.
* @param SimpleTag $tag Option tags only.
* @access private
function _addContentTagToOpenTags(&$tag) {
if ($tag->getTagName() != 'option') {
foreach (array_keys($this->_tags) as $name) {
for ($i = 0, $count = count($this->_tags[$name]); $i < $count; $i++) {
* Opens a tag for receiving content. Multiple tags
* will be receiving input at the same time.
* @param SimpleTag $tag New content tag.
* @access private
function _openTag(&$tag) {
$name = $tag->getTagName();
if (! in_array($name, array_keys($this->_tags))) {
$this->_tags[$name] = array();
$this->_tags[$name][] = &$tag;
* A wrapper for a web page.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
class SimplePage {
var $_links;
var $_title;
var $_last_widget;
var $_label;
var $_left_over_labels;
var $_open_forms;
var $_complete_forms;
var $_frameset;
var $_frames;
var $_frameset_nesting_level;
var $_transport_error;
var $_raw;
var $_text;
var $_sent;
var $_headers;
var $_method;
var $_url;
var $_base = false;
var $_request_data;
* Parses a page ready to access it's contents.
* @param SimpleHttpResponse $response Result of HTTP fetch.
* @access public
function __construct($response = false) {
$this->_links = array();
$this->_title = false;
$this->_left_over_labels = array();
$this->_open_forms = array();
$this->_complete_forms = array();
$this->_frameset = false;
$this->_frames = array();
$this->_frameset_nesting_level = 0;
$this->_text = false;
if ($response) {
} else {
* Extracts all of the response information.
* @param SimpleHttpResponse $response Response being parsed.
* @access private
function _extractResponse($response) {
$this->_transport_error = $response->getError();
$this->_raw = $response->getContent();
$this->_sent = $response->getSent();
$this->_headers = $response->getHeaders();
$this->_method = $response->getMethod();
$this->_url = $response->getUrl();
$this->_request_data = $response->getRequestData();
* Sets up a missing response.
* @access private
function _noResponse() {
$this->_transport_error = 'No page fetched yet';
$this->_raw = false;
$this->_sent = false;
$this->_headers = false;
$this->_method = 'GET';
$this->_url = false;
$this->_request_data = false;
* Original request as bytes sent down the wire.
* @return mixed Sent content.
* @access public
function getRequest() {
return $this->_sent;
* Accessor for raw text of page.
* @return string Raw unparsed content.
* @access public
function getRaw() {
return $this->_raw;
* Accessor for plain text of page as a text browser
* would see it.
* @return string Plain text of page.
* @access public
function getText() {
if (! $this->_text) {
$this->_text = SimpleHtmlSaxParser::normalise($this->_raw);
return $this->_text;
* Accessor for raw headers of page.
* @return string Header block as text.
* @access public
function getHeaders() {
if ($this->_headers) {
return $this->_headers->getRaw();
return false;
* Original request method.
* @return string GET, POST or HEAD.
* @access public
function getMethod() {
return $this->_method;
* Original resource name.
* @return SimpleUrl Current url.
* @access public
function getUrl() {
return $this->_url;
* Base URL if set via BASE tag page url otherwise
* @return SimpleUrl Base url.
* @access public
function getBaseUrl() {
return $this->_base;
* Original request data.
* @return mixed Sent content.
* @access public
function getRequestData() {
return $this->_request_data;
* Accessor for last error.
* @return string Error from last response.
* @access public
function getTransportError() {
return $this->_transport_error;
* Accessor for current MIME type.
* @return string MIME type as string; e.g. 'text/html'
* @access public
function getMimeType() {
if ($this->_headers) {
return $this->_headers->getMimeType();
return false;
* Accessor for HTTP response code.
* @return integer HTTP response code received.
* @access public
function getResponseCode() {
if ($this->_headers) {
return $this->_headers->getResponseCode();
return false;
* Accessor for last Authentication type. Only valid
* straight after a challenge (401).
* @return string Description of challenge type.
* @access public
function getAuthentication() {
if ($this->_headers) {
return $this->_headers->getAuthentication();
return false;
* Accessor for last Authentication realm. Only valid
* straight after a challenge (401).
* @return string Name of security realm.
* @access public
function getRealm() {
if ($this->_headers) {
return $this->_headers->getRealm();
return false;
* Accessor for current frame focus. Will be
* false as no frames.
* @return array Always empty.
* @access public
function getFrameFocus() {
return array();
* Sets the focus by index. The integer index starts from 1.
* @param integer $choice Chosen frame.
* @return boolean Always false.
* @access public
function setFrameFocusByIndex($choice) {
return false;
* Sets the focus by name. Always fails for a leaf page.
* @param string $name Chosen frame.
* @return boolean False as no frames.
* @access public
function setFrameFocus($name) {
return false;
* Clears the frame focus. Does nothing for a leaf page.
* @access public
function clearFrameFocus() {
* Adds a tag to the page.
* @param SimpleTag $tag Tag to accept.
* @access public
function acceptTag(&$tag) {
if ($tag->getTagName() == "a") {
} elseif ($tag->getTagName() == "base") {
} elseif ($tag->getTagName() == "title") {
} elseif ($this->_isFormElement($tag->getTagName())) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_open_forms); $i++) {
$this->_last_widget = &$tag;
* Opens a label for a described widget.
* @param SimpleFormTag $tag Tag to accept.
* @access public
function acceptLabelStart(&$tag) {
$this->_label = &$tag;
* Closes the most recently opened label.
* @access public
function acceptLabelEnd() {
if (isset($this->_label)) {
if (isset($this->_last_widget)) {
} else {
$this->_left_over_labels[] = SimpleTestCompatibility::copy($this->_label);
* Tests to see if a tag is a possible form
* element.
* @param string $name HTML element name.
* @return boolean True if form element.
* @access private
function _isFormElement($name) {
return in_array($name, array('input', 'button', 'textarea', 'select'));
* Opens a form. New widgets go here.
* @param SimpleFormTag $tag Tag to accept.
* @access public
function acceptFormStart(&$tag) {
$this->_open_forms[] = new SimpleForm($tag, $this);
* Closes the most recently opened form.
* @access public
function acceptFormEnd() {
if (count($this->_open_forms)) {
$this->_complete_forms[] = array_pop($this->_open_forms);
* Opens a frameset. A frameset may contain nested
* frameset tags.
* @param SimpleFramesetTag $tag Tag to accept.
* @access public
function acceptFramesetStart(&$tag) {
if (! $this->_isLoadingFrames()) {
$this->_frameset = &$tag;
* Closes the most recently opened frameset.
* @access public
function acceptFramesetEnd() {
if ($this->_isLoadingFrames()) {
* Takes a single frame tag and stashes it in
* the current frame set.
* @param SimpleFrameTag $tag Tag to accept.
* @access public
function acceptFrame(&$tag) {
if ($this->_isLoadingFrames()) {
if ($tag->getAttribute('src')) {
$this->_frames[] = &$tag;
* Test to see if in the middle of reading
* a frameset.
* @return boolean True if inframeset.
* @access private
function _isLoadingFrames() {
if (! $this->_frameset) {
return false;
return ($this->_frameset_nesting_level > 0);
* Test to see if link is an absolute one.
* @param string $url Url to test.
* @return boolean True if absolute.
* @access protected
function _linkIsAbsolute($url) {
$parsed = new SimpleUrl($url);
return (boolean)($parsed->getScheme() && $parsed->getHost());
* Adds a link to the page.
* @param SimpleAnchorTag $tag Link to accept.
* @access protected
function _addLink($tag) {
$this->_links[] = $tag;
* Marker for end of complete page. Any work in
* progress can now be closed.
* @access public
function acceptPageEnd() {
while (count($this->_open_forms)) {
$this->_complete_forms[] = array_pop($this->_open_forms);
foreach ($this->_left_over_labels as $label) {
for ($i = 0, $count = count($this->_complete_forms); $i < $count; $i++) {
new SimpleById($label->getFor()),
* Test for the presence of a frameset.
* @return boolean True if frameset.
* @access public
function hasFrames() {
return (boolean)$this->_frameset;
* Accessor for frame name and source URL for every frame that
* will need to be loaded. Immediate children only.
* @return boolean/array False if no frameset or
* otherwise a hash of frame URLs.
* The key is either a numerical
* base one index or the name attribute.
* @access public
function getFrameset() {
if (! $this->_frameset) {
return false;
$urls = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_frames); $i++) {
$name = $this->_frames[$i]->getAttribute('name');
$url = new SimpleUrl($this->_frames[$i]->getAttribute('src'));
$urls[$name ? $name : $i + 1] = $this->expandUrl($url);
return $urls;
* Fetches a list of loaded frames.
* @return array/string Just the URL for a single page.
* @access public
function getFrames() {
$url = $this->expandUrl($this->getUrl());
return $url->asString();
* Accessor for a list of all links.
* @return array List of urls with scheme of
* http or https and hostname.
* @access public
function getUrls() {
$all = array();
foreach ($this->_links as $link) {
$url = $this->_getUrlFromLink($link);
$all[] = $url->asString();
return $all;
* Accessor for URLs by the link label. Label will match
* regardess of whitespace issues and case.
* @param string $label Text of link.
* @return array List of links with that label.
* @access public
function getUrlsByLabel($label) {
$matches = array();
foreach ($this->_links as $link) {
if ($link->getText() == $label) {
$matches[] = $this->_getUrlFromLink($link);
return $matches;
* Accessor for a URL by the id attribute.
* @param string $id Id attribute of link.
* @return SimpleUrl URL with that id of false if none.
* @access public
function getUrlById($id) {
foreach ($this->_links as $link) {
if ($link->getAttribute('id') === (string)$id) {
return $this->_getUrlFromLink($link);
return false;
* Converts a link tag into a target URL.
* @param SimpleAnchor $link Parsed link.
* @return SimpleUrl URL with frame target if any.
* @access private
function _getUrlFromLink($link) {
$url = $this->expandUrl($link->getHref());
if ($link->getAttribute('target')) {
return $url;
* Expands expandomatic URLs into fully qualified
* URLs.
* @param SimpleUrl $url Relative URL.
* @return SimpleUrl Absolute URL.
* @access public
function expandUrl($url) {
if (! is_object($url)) {
$url = new SimpleUrl($url);
$location = $this->getBaseUrl() ? $this->getBaseUrl() : new SimpleUrl();
return $url->makeAbsolute($location->makeAbsolute($this->getUrl()));
* Sets the base url for the page.
* @param SimpleTag $tag Base URL for page.
* @access protected
function _setBase(&$tag) {
$url = $tag->getAttribute('href');
$this->_base = new SimpleUrl($url);
* Sets the title tag contents.
* @param SimpleTitleTag $tag Title of page.
* @access protected
function _setTitle(&$tag) {
$this->_title = &$tag;
* Accessor for parsed title.
* @return string Title or false if no title is present.
* @access public
function getTitle() {
if ($this->_title) {
return $this->_title->getText();
return false;
* Finds a held form by button label. Will only
* search correctly built forms.
* @param SimpleSelector $selector Button finder.
* @return SimpleForm Form object containing
* the button.
* @access public
function &getFormBySubmit($selector) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_complete_forms); $i++) {
if ($this->_complete_forms[$i]->hasSubmit($selector)) {
return $this->_complete_forms[$i];
$null = null;
return $null;
* Finds a held form by image using a selector.
* Will only search correctly built forms.
* @param SimpleSelector $selector Image finder.
* @return SimpleForm Form object containing
* the image.
* @access public
function &getFormByImage($selector) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_complete_forms); $i++) {
if ($this->_complete_forms[$i]->hasImage($selector)) {
return $this->_complete_forms[$i];
$null = null;
return $null;
* Finds a held form by the form ID. A way of
* identifying a specific form when we have control
* of the HTML code.
* @param string $id Form label.
* @return SimpleForm Form object containing the matching ID.
* @access public
function &getFormById($id) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_complete_forms); $i++) {
if ($this->_complete_forms[$i]->getId() == $id) {
return $this->_complete_forms[$i];
$null = null;
return $null;
* Sets a field on each form in which the field is
* available.
* @param SimpleSelector $selector Field finder.
* @param string $value Value to set field to.
* @return boolean True if value is valid.
* @access public
function setField($selector, $value, $position=false) {
$is_set = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_complete_forms); $i++) {
if ($this->_complete_forms[$i]->setField($selector, $value, $position)) {
$is_set = true;
return $is_set;
* Accessor for a form element value within a page.
* @param SimpleSelector $selector Field finder.
* @return string/boolean A string if the field is
* present, false if unchecked
* and null if missing.
* @access public
function getField($selector) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_complete_forms); $i++) {
$value = $this->_complete_forms[$i]->getValue($selector);
if (isset($value)) {
return $value;
return null;