Damian Mooyman 64e802f795
API Move createTag to HTML class
ENHANCEMENT Better HTML generation behaviour for Requirements_Backend
2017-06-16 12:22:05 +12:00

23 lines
935 B

Feature: Lost Password
As a site owner
I want to be able to reset my password
Using my email
Given a "member" "Admin" with "Email"=""
Scenario: I can request a password reset by email
Given I go to "Security/login"
When I follow "I've lost my password"
And I fill in "" for "Email"
And I press the "Send me the password reset link" button
Then I should see "A reset link has been sent to ''"
And there should be an email to "" titled "Your password reset link"
When I click on the "password reset link" link in the email to ""
Then I should see "Please enter a new password"
When I fill in "newpassword" for "New Password"
And I fill in "newpassword" for "Confirm New Password"
And I press the "Change Password" button
Then the password for "" should be "newpassword"