mirror of https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
Sam Minnee 3ee8f505b7 MINORE: Remove training whitespace.
The main benefit of this is so that authors who make use of
.editorconfig don't end up with whitespace changes in their PRs.

Spaces vs. tabs has been left alone, although that could do with a
tidy-up in SS4 after the switch to PSR-1/2.

The command used was this:

for match in '*.ss' '*.css' '*.scss' '*.html' '*.yml' '*.php' '*.js' '*.csv' '*.inc' '*.php5'; do
	find . -path ./thirdparty -not -prune -o -path ./admin/thirdparty -not -prune -o -type f -name "$match" -exec sed -E -i '' 's/[[:space:]]+$//' {} \+
	find . -path ./thirdparty -not -prune -o -path ./admin/thirdparty -not -prune -o -type f -name "$match" | xargs perl -pi -e 's/ +$//'
2016-01-07 10:15:54 +13:00

1017 lines
30 KiB

* Tests for FieldList
* @package framework
* @subpackage tests
* @todo test for {@link FieldList->setValues()}. Need to check
* that the values that were set are the correct ones given back.
* @todo test for {@link FieldList->transform()} and {@link FieldList->makeReadonly()}.
* Need to ensure that it correctly transforms the FieldList object.
* @todo test for {@link FieldList->HiddenFields()}. Need to check
* the fields returned are the correct HiddenField objects for a
* given FieldList instance.
* @todo test for {@link FieldList->dataFields()}.
* @todo test for {@link FieldList->findOrMakeTab()}.
* @todo the same as above with insertBefore() and insertAfter()
class FieldListTest extends SapphireTest {
* Test adding a field to a tab in a set.
public function testAddFieldToTab() {
$fields = new FieldList();
$tab = new Tab('Root');
/* We add field objects to the FieldList, using two different methods */
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root', new TextField('Country'));
$fields->addFieldsToTab('Root', array(
new EmailField('Email'),
new TextField('Name'),
/* Check that the field objects were created */
/* The field objects in the set should be the same as the ones we created */
$this->assertSame($fields->dataFieldByName('Country'), $tab->fieldByName('Country'));
$this->assertSame($fields->dataFieldByName('Email'), $tab->fieldByName('Email'));
$this->assertSame($fields->dataFieldByName('Name'), $tab->fieldByName('Name'));
/* We'll have 3 fields inside the tab */
$this->assertEquals(3, $tab->Fields()->Count());
* Test that groups can be added to a fieldlist
public function testFieldgroup() {
$fields = new FieldList();
$tab = new Tab('Root');
$fields->addFieldsToTab('Root', array(
$group1 = new FieldGroup(
new TextField('Name'),
new EmailField('Email')
$group2 = new FieldGroup(
new TextField('Company'),
new TextareaField('Address')
/* Check that the field objects were created */
/* The field objects in the set should be the same as the ones we created */
$this->assertSame($fields->dataFieldByName('Name'), $group1->fieldByName('Name'));
$this->assertSame($fields->dataFieldByName('Email'), $group1->fieldByName('Email'));
$this->assertSame($fields->dataFieldByName('Company'), $group2->fieldByName('Company'));
$this->assertSame($fields->dataFieldByName('Address'), $group2->fieldByName('Address'));
/* We'll have 2 fields directly inside the tab */
$this->assertEquals(2, $tab->Fields()->Count());
* Test removing a single field from a tab in a set.
public function testRemoveSingleFieldFromTab() {
$fields = new FieldList();
$tab = new Tab('Root');
/* We add a field to the "Root" tab */
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root', new TextField('Country'));
/* We have 1 field inside the tab, which is the field we just created */
$this->assertEquals(1, $tab->Fields()->Count());
/* We remove the field from the tab */
$fields->removeFieldFromTab('Root', 'Country');
/* We'll have no fields in the tab now */
$this->assertEquals(0, $tab->Fields()->Count());
public function testRemoveTab() {
$fields = new FieldList(new TabSet(
$tab1 = new Tab('Tab1'),
$tab2 = new Tab('Tab2'),
$tab3 = new Tab('Tab3')
$this->assertEquals($tab1, $fields->fieldByName('Root')->fieldByName('Tab1'));
public function testHasTabSet() {
$untabbedFields = new FieldList(
new TextField('Field1')
$tabbedFields = new FieldList(
new TabSet('Root',
new Tab('Tab1')
* Test removing an array of fields from a tab in a set.
public function testRemoveMultipleFieldsFromTab() {
$fields = new FieldList();
$tab = new Tab('Root');
/* We add an array of fields, using addFieldsToTab() */
$fields->addFieldsToTab('Root', array(
new TextField('Name', 'Your name'),
new EmailField('Email', 'Email address'),
new NumericField('Number', 'Insert a number')
/* We have 3 fields inside the tab, which we just created */
$this->assertEquals(3, $tab->Fields()->Count());
/* We remove the 3 fields from the tab */
$fields->removeFieldsFromTab('Root', array(
/* We have no fields in the tab now */
$this->assertEquals(0, $tab->Fields()->Count());
public function testRemoveFieldByName() {
$fields = new FieldList();
$fields->push(new TextField('Name', 'Your name'));
$this->assertEquals(1, $fields->Count());
$this->assertEquals(0, $fields->Count());
$fields->push(new TextField('Name[Field]', 'Your name'));
$this->assertEquals(1, $fields->Count());
$this->assertEquals(0, $fields->Count());
public function testDataFieldByName() {
$fields = new FieldList();
$fields->push($basic = new TextField('Name', 'Your name'));
$fields->push($brack = new TextField('Name[Field]', 'Your name'));
$this->assertEquals($basic, $fields->dataFieldByName('Name'));
$this->assertEquals($brack, $fields->dataFieldByName('Name[Field]'));
* Test removing multiple fields from a set by their names in an array.
public function testRemoveFieldsByName() {
$fields = new FieldList();
/* First of all, we add some fields into our FieldList object */
$fields->push(new TextField('Name', 'Your name'));
$fields->push(new TextField('Email', 'Your email'));
/* We have 2 fields in our set now */
$this->assertEquals(2, $fields->Count());
/* Then, we call up removeByName() to take it out again */
$fields->removeByName(array('Name', 'Email'));
/* We have 0 fields in our set now, as we've just removed the one we added */
$this->assertEquals(0, $fields->Count());
* Test replacing a field with another one.
public function testReplaceField() {
$fields = new FieldList();
$tab = new Tab('Root');
/* A field gets added to the set */
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root', new TextField('Country'));
$this->assertSame($fields->dataFieldByName('Country'), $tab->fieldByName('Country'));
$fields->replaceField('Country', new EmailField('Email'));
$this->assertEquals(1, $tab->Fields()->Count());
$fields = new FieldList();
$fields->push(new TextField('Name', 'Your name'));
$brack = new TextField('Name[Field]', 'Your name');
$fields->replaceField('Name', $brack);
$this->assertEquals(1, $fields->Count());
$this->assertEquals('Name[Field]', $fields->first()->getName());
public function testRenameField() {
$fields = new FieldList();
$nameField = new TextField('Name', 'Before title');
/* The title of the field object is the same as what we put in */
$this->assertSame('Before title', $nameField->Title());
/* The field gets renamed to a different title */
$fields->renameField('Name', 'After title');
/* The title of the field object is the title we renamed to, this
includes the original object we created ($nameField), and getting
the field back out of the set */
$this->assertSame('After title', $nameField->Title());
$this->assertSame('After title', $fields->dataFieldByName('Name')->Title());
public function testReplaceAFieldInADifferentTab() {
/* A FieldList gets created with a TabSet and some field objects */
$FieldList = new FieldList(
new TabSet('Root', $main = new Tab('Main',
new TextField('A'),
new TextField('B')
), $other = new Tab('Other',
new TextField('C'),
new TextField('D')
/* The field "A" gets added to the FieldList we just created created */
$FieldList->addFieldToTab('Root.Other', $newA = new TextField('A', 'New Title'));
/* The field named "A" has been removed from the Main tab to make way for our new field named "A" in
* Other tab. */
$this->assertEquals(1, $main->Fields()->Count());
$this->assertEquals(3, $other->Fields()->Count());
* Test finding a field that's inside a tabset, within another tab.
public function testNestedTabsFindingFieldByName() {
$fields = new FieldList();
/* 2 tabs get created within a TabSet inside our set */
$tab = new TabSet('Root',
new TabSet('MyContent',
$mainTab = new Tab('Main'),
$otherTab = new Tab('Others')
/* Some fields get added to the 2 tabs we just created */
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.MyContent.Main', new TextField('Country'));
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.MyContent.Others', new TextField('Email'));
/* The fields we just added actually exists in the set */
/* The fields we just added actually exist in the tabs */
/* We have 1 field for each of the tabs */
$this->assertEquals(1, $mainTab->Fields()->Count());
$this->assertEquals(1, $otherTab->Fields()->Count());
public function testTabTitles() {
$set = new FieldList(
$rootTabSet = new TabSet('Root',
$tabSetWithoutTitle = new TabSet('TabSetWithoutTitle'),
$tabSetWithTitle = new TabSet('TabSetWithTitle', 'My TabSet Title',
new Tab('ExistingChildTab')
'My TabSet Title',
'Automatic conversion of tab identifiers through findOrMakeTab() with FormField::name_to_label()'
$tabWithoutTitle = $set->findOrMakeTab('Root.TabWithoutTitle');
'Tab Without Title',
'Automatic conversion of tab identifiers through findOrMakeTab() with FormField::name_to_label()'
$tabWithTitle = $set->findOrMakeTab('Root.TabWithTitle', 'My Tab with Title');
'My Tab with Title',
'Setting of simple tab titles through findOrMakeTab()'
$childTabWithTitle = $set->findOrMakeTab('Root.TabSetWithoutTitle.NewChildTab', 'My Child Tab Title');
'My Child Tab Title',
'Setting of nested tab titles through findOrMakeTab() works on last child tab'
* Test pushing a field to a set.
* This tests {@link FieldList->push()}.
public function testPushFieldToSet() {
$fields = new FieldList();
/* A field named Country is added to the set */
$fields->push(new TextField('Country'));
/* We only have 1 field in the set */
$this->assertEquals(1, $fields->Count());
/* Another field called Email is added to the set */
$fields->push(new EmailField('Email'));
/* There are now 2 fields in the set */
$this->assertEquals(2, $fields->Count());
// Test that pushing a composite field without a name onto the set works
// See ticket #2932
$fields->push(new CompositeField(
new TextField('Test1'),
new TextField('Test2')
$this->assertEquals(3, $fields->Count());
* Test pushing a field to the beginning of a set.
* This tests {@link FieldList->unshift()}.
public function testPushFieldToBeginningOfSet() {
$fields = new FieldList();
/* A field named Country is added to the set */
$fields->unshift(new TextField('Country'));
/* We only have 1 field in the set */
$this->assertEquals(1, $fields->Count());
/* Another field called Email is added to the set */
$fields->unshift(new EmailField('Email'));
/* There are now 2 fields in the set */
$this->assertEquals(2, $fields->Count());
/* The most recently added field is at the beginning of the set */
$this->assertEquals('Email', $fields->First()->getName());
// Test that pushing a composite field without a name onto the set works
$fields->unshift(new CompositeField(
new TextField('Test1'),
new TextField('Test2')
$this->assertEquals(3, $fields->Count());
* Test inserting a field before another in a set.
* This tests {@link FieldList->insertBefore()}.
public function testInsertBeforeFieldToSet() {
$fields = new FieldList();
/* 3 fields are added to the set */
$fields->push(new TextField('Country'));
$fields->push(new TextField('Email'));
$fields->push(new TextField('FirstName'));
/* We now have 3 fields in the set */
$this->assertEquals(3, $fields->Count());
/* We insert another field called Title before the FirstName field */
$fields->insertBefore(new TextField('Title'), 'FirstName');
/* The field we just added actually exists in the set */
/* We now have 4 fields in the set */
$this->assertEquals(4, $fields->Count());
/* The position of the Title field is at number 3 */
$this->assertEquals('Title', $fields[2]->getName());
/* Test arguments are accepted in either order */
$fields->insertBefore('FirstName', new TextField('Surname'));
/* The field we just added actually exists in the set */
/* We now have 5 fields in the set */
$this->assertEquals(5, $fields->Count());
/* The position of the Surname field is at number 4 */
$this->assertEquals('Surname', $fields[3]->getName());
public function testInsertBeforeMultipleFields() {
$fields = new FieldList(
$root = new TabSet("Root",
$main = new Tab("Main",
$a = new TextField("A"),
$b = new TextField("B")
$fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Main', array(
new TextField('NewField1'),
new TextField('NewField2')
), 'B');
$this->assertEquals(array_keys($fields->dataFields()), array(
* Test inserting a field after another in a set.
public function testInsertAfterFieldToSet() {
$fields = new FieldList();
/* 3 fields are added to the set */
$fields->push(new TextField('Country'));
$fields->push(new TextField('Email'));
$fields->push(new TextField('FirstName'));
/* We now have 3 fields in the set */
$this->assertEquals(3, $fields->Count());
/* A field called Title is inserted after the Country field */
$fields->insertAfter(new TextField('Title'), 'Country');
/* The field we just added actually exists in the set */
/* We now have 4 fields in the FieldList */
$this->assertEquals(4, $fields->Count());
/* The position of the Title field should be at number 2 */
$this->assertEquals('Title', $fields[1]->getName());
/* Test arguments are accepted in either order */
$fields->insertAfter('FirstName', new TextField('Surname'));
/* The field we just added actually exists in the set */
/* We now have 5 fields in the set */
$this->assertEquals(5, $fields->Count());
/* The position of the Surname field is at number 5 */
$this->assertEquals('Surname', $fields[4]->getName());
public function testrootFieldList() {
/* Given a nested set of FormField, CompositeField, and FieldList objects */
$FieldList = new FieldList(
$root = new TabSet("Root",
$main = new Tab("Main",
$a = new TextField("A"),
$b = new TextField("B")
/* rootFieldList() should always evaluate to the same object: the topmost FieldList */
$this->assertSame($FieldList, $FieldList->rootFieldList());
$this->assertSame($FieldList, $root->rootFieldList());
$this->assertSame($FieldList, $main->rootFieldList());
$this->assertSame($FieldList, $a->rootFieldList());
$this->assertSame($FieldList, $b->rootFieldList());
/* If we push additional fields, they should also have the same rootFieldList() */
$root->push($other = new Tab("Other"));
$other->push($c = new TextField("C"));
$root->push($third = new Tab("Third", $d = new TextField("D")));
$this->assertSame($FieldList, $other->rootFieldList());
$this->assertSame($FieldList, $third->rootFieldList());
$this->assertSame($FieldList, $c->rootFieldList());
$this->assertSame($FieldList, $d->rootFieldList());
public function testAddingDuplicateReplacesOldField() {
/* Given a nested set of FormField, CompositeField, and FieldList objects */
$FieldList = new FieldList(
$root = new TabSet("Root",
$main = new Tab("Main",
$a = new TextField("A"),
$b = new TextField("B")
/* Adding new fields of the same names should replace the original fields */
$newA = new TextField("A", "New A");
$newB = new TextField("B", "New B");
$FieldList->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", $newA);
$FieldList->addFieldToTab("Root.Other", $newB);
$this->assertSame($newA, $FieldList->dataFieldByName("A"));
$this->assertSame($newB, $FieldList->dataFieldByName("B"));
$this->assertEquals(1, $main->Fields()->Count());
/* Pushing fields on the end of the field set should remove them from the tab */
$thirdA = new TextField("A", "Third A");
$thirdB = new TextField("B", "Third B");
$this->assertSame($thirdA, $FieldList->fieldByName("A"));
$this->assertSame($thirdB, $FieldList->fieldByName("B"));
$this->assertEquals(0, $main->Fields()->Count());
public function testAddingFieldToNonExistentTabCreatesThatTab() {
$FieldList = new FieldList(
$root = new TabSet("Root",
$main = new Tab("Main",
$a = new TextField("A")
/* Add a field to a non-existent tab, and it will be created */
$FieldList->addFieldToTab("Root.Other", $b = new TextField("B"));
$this->assertSame($b, $FieldList->fieldByName('Root')->fieldByName('Other')->Fields()->First());
public function testAddingFieldToATabWithTheSameNameAsTheField() {
$FieldList = new FieldList(
$root = new TabSet("Root",
$main = new Tab("Main",
$a = new TextField("A")
/* If you have a tab with the same name as the field, then technically it's a duplicate. However, it's
* allowed because tab isn't a data field. Only duplicate data fields are problematic */
$FieldList->addFieldToTab("Root.MyName", $myName = new TextField("MyName"));
$this->assertSame($myName, $FieldList->fieldByName('Root')->fieldByName('MyName')->Fields()->First());
public function testInsertBeforeWithNestedCompositeFields() {
$FieldList = new FieldList(
new TextField('A_pre'),
new TextField('A'),
new TextField('A_post'),
$compositeA = new CompositeField(
new TextField('B_pre'),
new TextField('B'),
new TextField('B_post'),
$compositeB = new CompositeField(
new TextField('C_pre'),
new TextField('C'),
new TextField('C_post')
$A_insertbefore = new TextField('A_insertbefore'),
'Field on toplevel FieldList can be inserted'
$B_insertbefore = new TextField('B_insertbefore'),
'Field on one nesting level FieldList can be inserted'
$C_insertbefore = new TextField('C_insertbefore'),
'Field on two nesting levels FieldList can be inserted'
* @todo check actual placement of fields
public function testInsertBeforeWithNestedTabsets() {
$FieldListA = new FieldList(
$tabSetA = new TabSet('TabSet_A',
$tabA1 = new Tab('Tab_A1',
new TextField('A_pre'),
new TextField('A'),
new TextField('A_post')
$tabB1 = new Tab('Tab_B1',
new TextField('B')
$A_insertbefore = new TextField('A_insertbefore'),
'Field on toplevel tab can be inserted'
$this->assertEquals(0, $tabA1->fieldPosition('A_pre'));
$this->assertEquals(1, $tabA1->fieldPosition('A_insertbefore'));
$this->assertEquals(2, $tabA1->fieldPosition('A'));
$this->assertEquals(3, $tabA1->fieldPosition('A_post'));
$FieldListB = new FieldList(
new TabSet('TabSet_A',
$tabsetB = new TabSet('TabSet_B',
$tabB1 = new Tab('Tab_B1',
new TextField('C')
$tabB2 = new Tab('Tab_B2',
new TextField('B_pre'),
new TextField('B'),
new TextField('B_post')
$B_insertbefore = new TextField('B_insertbefore'),
'Field on nested tab can be inserted'
$this->assertEquals(0, $tabB2->fieldPosition('B_pre'));
$this->assertEquals(1, $tabB2->fieldPosition('B_insertbefore'));
$this->assertEquals(2, $tabB2->fieldPosition('B'));
$this->assertEquals(3, $tabB2->fieldPosition('B_post'));
public function testInsertAfterWithNestedCompositeFields() {
$FieldList = new FieldList(
new TextField('A_pre'),
new TextField('A'),
new TextField('A_post'),
$compositeA = new CompositeField(
new TextField('B_pre'),
new TextField('B'),
new TextField('B_post'),
$compositeB = new CompositeField(
new TextField('C_pre'),
new TextField('C'),
new TextField('C_post')
$A_insertafter = new TextField('A_insertafter'),
'Field on toplevel FieldList can be inserted after'
$B_insertafter = new TextField('B_insertafter'),
'Field on one nesting level FieldList can be inserted after'
$C_insertafter = new TextField('C_insertafter'),
'Field on two nesting levels FieldList can be inserted after'
* @todo check actual placement of fields
public function testInsertAfterWithNestedTabsets() {
$FieldListA = new FieldList(
$tabSetA = new TabSet('TabSet_A',
$tabA1 = new Tab('Tab_A1',
new TextField('A_pre'),
new TextField('A'),
new TextField('A_post')
$tabB1 = new Tab('Tab_B1',
new TextField('B')
$A_insertafter = new TextField('A_insertafter'),
'Field on toplevel tab can be inserted after'
$this->assertEquals(0, $tabA1->fieldPosition('A_pre'));
$this->assertEquals(1, $tabA1->fieldPosition('A'));
$this->assertEquals(2, $tabA1->fieldPosition('A_insertafter'));
$this->assertEquals(3, $tabA1->fieldPosition('A_post'));
$FieldListB = new FieldList(
new TabSet('TabSet_A',
$tabsetB = new TabSet('TabSet_B',
$tabB1 = new Tab('Tab_B1',
new TextField('C')
$tabB2 = new Tab('Tab_B2',
new TextField('B_pre'),
new TextField('B'),
new TextField('B_post')
$B_insertafter = new TextField('B_insertafter'),
'Field on nested tab can be inserted after'
$this->assertEquals(0, $tabB2->fieldPosition('B_pre'));
$this->assertEquals(1, $tabB2->fieldPosition('B'));
$this->assertEquals(2, $tabB2->fieldPosition('B_insertafter'));
$this->assertEquals(3, $tabB2->fieldPosition('B_post'));
* FieldList::changeFieldOrder() should place specified fields in given
* order then add any unspecified remainders at the end. Can be given an
* array or list of arguments.
public function testChangeFieldOrder() {
$fieldNames = array('A','B','C','D','E');
$setArray = new FieldList();
$setArgs = new FieldList();
foreach ($fieldNames as $fN) {
$setArray->push(new TextField($fN));
$setArgs->push(new TextField($fN));
$this->assertEquals(0, $setArray->fieldPosition('D'));
$this->assertEquals(1, $setArray->fieldPosition('B'));
$this->assertEquals(2, $setArray->fieldPosition('E'));
$this->assertEquals(3, $setArray->fieldPosition('A'));
$this->assertEquals(4, $setArray->fieldPosition('C'));
$this->assertEquals(0, $setArgs->fieldPosition('D'));
$this->assertEquals(1, $setArgs->fieldPosition('B'));
$this->assertEquals(2, $setArgs->fieldPosition('E'));
$this->assertEquals(3, $setArgs->fieldPosition('A'));
$this->assertEquals(4, $setArgs->fieldPosition('C'));
unset($setArray, $setArgs);
public function testFieldPosition() {
$set = new FieldList(
new TextField('A'),
new TextField('B'),
new TextField('C')
$this->assertEquals(0, $set->fieldPosition('A'));
$this->assertEquals(1, $set->fieldPosition('B'));
$this->assertEquals(2, $set->fieldPosition('C'));
$set->insertBefore(new TextField('AB'), 'B');
$this->assertEquals(0, $set->fieldPosition('A'));
$this->assertEquals(1, $set->fieldPosition('AB'));
$this->assertEquals(2, $set->fieldPosition('B'));
$this->assertEquals(3, $set->fieldPosition('C'));
* FieldList::forTemplate() returns a concatenation of FieldHolder values.
public function testForTemplate() {
$set = new FieldList(
$a = new TextField('A'),
$b = new TextField('B')
$this->assertEquals($a->FieldHolder() . $b->FieldHolder(), $set->forTemplate());
* FieldList::forTemplate() for an action list returns a concatenation of Field values.
* Internally, this works by having FormAction::FieldHolder return just the field, but it's an important
* use-case to test.
public function testForTemplateForActionList() {
$set = new FieldList(
$a = new FormAction('A'),
$b = new FormAction('B')
$this->assertEquals($a->Field() . $b->Field(), $set->forTemplate());
public function testMakeFieldReadonly() {
$FieldList = new FieldList(
new TabSet('Root', new Tab('Main',
new TextField('A'),
new TextField('B')
'Field nested inside a TabSet and FieldList can be marked readonly by FieldList->makeFieldReadonly()'
* Test VisibleFields and HiddenFields
public function testVisibleAndHiddenFields() {
$fields = new FieldList(
new TextField("A"),
new TextField("B"),
new HiddenField("C"),
new Tabset("Root",
new Tab("D",
new TextField("D1"),
new HiddenField("D2")
$hidden = $fields->HiddenFields();
// Inside hidden fields, all HiddenField objects are included, even nested ones
// Visible fields are not
$visible = $fields->VisibleFields();
// Visible fields exclude top level HiddenField objects
// But they don't exclude nested HiddenField objects. This is a limitation; you should
// put all your HiddenFields at the top level.
public function testRewriteTabPath() {
$originalDeprecation = Deprecation::dump_settings();
$fields = new FieldList(
new Tabset("Root",
$tab1Level1 = new Tab("Tab1Level1",
$tab1Level2 = new Tab("Tab1Level2"),
$tab2Level2 = new Tab("Tab2Level2")
$tab2Level1 = new Tab("Tab2Level1")
'/Root\.Tab1Level1\.([^.]+)$/' => 'Root.Tab1Level1Renamed.\\1',
'/Root\.Tab1Level1$/' => 'Root.Tab1Level1Renamed',
$method = new ReflectionMethod($fields, 'rewriteTabPath');
$method->invoke($fields, 'Root.Tab1Level1Renamed'),
"Doesn't rewrite new name"
$method->invoke($fields, 'Root.Tab1Level1'),
'Direct aliasing on toplevel'
$method->invoke($fields, 'Root.Tab1Level1.Tab1Level2'),
'Indirect aliasing on toplevel'
public function testRewriteTabPathFindOrMakeTab() {
$originalDeprecation = Deprecation::dump_settings();
$fields = new FieldList(
new Tabset("Root",
$tab1Level1 = new Tab("Tab1Level1Renamed",
$tab1Level2 = new Tab("Tab1Level2"),
$tab2Level2 = new Tab("Tab2Level2")
$tab2Level1 = new Tab("Tab2Level1")
'/Root\.Tab1Level1\.([^.]+)$/' => 'Root.Tab1Level1Renamed.\\1',
'/Root\.Tab1Level1$/' => 'Root.Tab1Level1Renamed',
$this->assertEquals($tab1Level1, $fields->findOrMakeTab('Root.Tab1Level1'),
'findOrMakeTab() with toplevel tab under old name'
$this->assertEquals($tab1Level1, $fields->findOrMakeTab('Root.Tab1Level1Renamed'),
'findOrMakeTab() with toplevel tab under new name'
$this->assertEquals($tab1Level2, $fields->findOrMakeTab('Root.Tab1Level1.Tab1Level2'),
'findOrMakeTab() with nested tab under old parent tab name'
$this->assertEquals($tab1Level2, $fields->findOrMakeTab('Root.Tab1Level1Renamed.Tab1Level2'),
'findOrMakeTab() with nested tab under new parent tab name'