mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
This bug will surface when using the ORM and adding an join to DataList where a DataObject inherits another DataObject. If you for example want to restrict the number of pages that only have a related Staff object: $list = DataList::create('Page') ->InnerJoin('Staff', '"Staff"."ID" = "Page"."StaffID"); This will create a SQL query where the INNER JOIN is before the LEFT JOIN of Page and SiteTree in the resulting SQL string. In MySQL and PostgreSQL this will create an invalid query. This patch solves the problem by sorting the joins.
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759 lines
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* An object representing a query of data from the DataObject's supporting database.
* Acts as a wrapper over {@link SQLQuery} and performs all of the query generation.
* Used extensively by {@link DataList}.
* @subpackage model
* @package framework
class DataQuery {
* @var String
protected $dataClass;
* @var SQLQuery
protected $query;
* @var array
protected $collidingFields = array();
private $queriedColumns = null;
* @var Boolean
private $queryFinalised = false;
// TODO: replace subclass_access with this
protected $querySubclasses = true;
// TODO: replace restrictclasses with this
protected $filterByClassName = true;
* Create a new DataQuery.
* @param String The name of the DataObject class that you wish to query
public function __construct($dataClass) {
$this->dataClass = $dataClass;
* Clone this object
public function __clone() {
$this->query = clone $this->query;
* Return the {@link DataObject} class that is being queried.
public function dataClass() {
return $this->dataClass;
* Return the {@link SQLQuery} object that represents the current query; note that it will
* be a clone of the object.
public function query() {
return $this->getFinalisedQuery();
* Remove a filter from the query
public function removeFilterOn($fieldExpression) {
$matched = false;
$where = $this->query->getWhere();
foreach($where as $i => $clause) {
if(strpos($clause, $fieldExpression) !== false) {
$matched = true;
// set the entire where clause back, but clear the original one first
if($matched) {
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Couldn't find $fieldExpression in the query filter.");
return $this;
* Set up the simplest initial query
public function initialiseQuery() {
// Get the tables to join to.
// Don't get any subclass tables - let lazy loading do that.
$tableClasses = ClassInfo::ancestry($this->dataClass, true);
// Error checking
if(!$tableClasses) {
if(!SS_ClassLoader::instance()->hasManifest()) {
user_error("DataObjects have been requested before the manifest is loaded. Please ensure you are not"
. " querying the database in _config.php.", E_USER_ERROR);
} else {
user_error("DataObject::buildSQL: Can't find data classes (classes linked to tables) for"
. " $this->dataClass. Please ensure you run dev/build after creating a new DataObject.",
$baseClass = array_shift($tableClasses);
// Build our intial query
$this->query = new SQLQuery(array());
if($sort = singleton($this->dataClass)->stat('default_sort')) {
$obj = Injector::inst()->get($baseClass);
$obj->extend('augmentDataQueryCreation', $this->query, $this);
public function setQueriedColumns($queriedColumns) {
$this->queriedColumns = $queriedColumns;
* Ensure that the query is ready to execute.
public function getFinalisedQuery($queriedColumns = null) {
if(!$queriedColumns) $queriedColumns = $this->queriedColumns;
if($queriedColumns) {
$queriedColumns = array_merge($queriedColumns, array('Created', 'LastEdited', 'ClassName'));
$query = clone $this->query;
// Generate the list of tables to iterate over and the list of columns required by any existing where clauses.
// This second step is skipped if we're fetching the whole dataobject as any required columns will get selected
// regardless.
if($queriedColumns) {
$tableClasses = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($this->dataClass);
foreach ($query->getWhere() as $where) {
// Check for just the column, in the form '"Column" = ?' and the form '"Table"."Column"' = ?
if (preg_match('/^"([^"]+)"/', $where, $matches) ||
preg_match('/^"([^"]+)"\."[^"]+"/', $where, $matches)) {
if (!in_array($matches[1], $queriedColumns)) $queriedColumns[] = $matches[1];
else $tableClasses = ClassInfo::ancestry($this->dataClass, true);
$tableNames = array_keys($tableClasses);
$baseClass = $tableNames[0];
// Iterate over the tables and check what we need to select from them. If any selects are made (or the table is
// required for a select)
foreach($tableClasses as $tableClass) {
$joinTable = false;
// If queriedColumns is set, then check if any of the fields are in this table.
if ($queriedColumns) {
$tableFields = DataObject::database_fields($tableClass);
$selectColumns = array();
// Look through columns specifically requested in query (or where clause)
foreach ($queriedColumns as $queriedColumn) {
if (array_key_exists($queriedColumn, $tableFields)) {
$selectColumns[] = $queriedColumn;
$this->selectColumnsFromTable($query, $tableClass, $selectColumns);
if ($selectColumns && $tableClass != $baseClass) {
$joinTable = true;
} else {
$this->selectColumnsFromTable($query, $tableClass);
if ($tableClass != $baseClass) $joinTable = true;
if ($joinTable) {
$query->addLeftJoin($tableClass, "\"$tableClass\".\"ID\" = \"$baseClass\".\"ID\"", $tableClass, 10) ;
// Resolve colliding fields
if($this->collidingFields) {
foreach($this->collidingFields as $k => $collisions) {
$caseClauses = array();
foreach($collisions as $collision) {
if(preg_match('/^"([^"]+)"/', $collision, $matches)) {
$collisionBase = $matches[1];
$collisionClasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($collisionBase);
$collisionClasses = array_map(array(DB::getConn(), 'prepStringForDB'), $collisionClasses);
$caseClauses[] = "WHEN \"$baseClass\".\"ClassName\" IN ("
. implode(", ", $collisionClasses) . ") THEN $collision";
} else {
user_error("Bad collision item '$collision'", E_USER_WARNING);
$query->selectField("CASE " . implode( " ", $caseClauses) . " ELSE NULL END", $k);
if($this->filterByClassName) {
// If querying the base class, don't bother filtering on class name
if($this->dataClass != $baseClass) {
// Get the ClassName values to filter to
$classNames = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($this->dataClass);
if(!$classNames) user_error("DataList::create() Can't find data sub-classes for '$callerClass'");
$classNames = array_map(array(DB::getConn(), 'prepStringForDB'), $classNames);
$query->addWhere("\"$baseClass\".\"ClassName\" IN (" . implode(",", $classNames) . ")");
$query->selectField("\"$baseClass\".\"ID\"", "ID");
$query->selectField("CASE WHEN \"$baseClass\".\"ClassName\" IS NOT NULL THEN \"$baseClass\".\"ClassName\""
. " ELSE ".DB::getConn()->prepStringForDB($baseClass)." END", "RecordClassName");
// TODO: Versioned, Translatable, SiteTreeSubsites, etc, could probably be better implemented as subclasses
// of DataQuery
$obj = Injector::inst()->get($this->dataClass);
$obj->extend('augmentSQL', $query, $this);
return $query;
* Ensure that if a query has an order by clause, those columns are present in the select.
* @param SQLQuery $query
* @return null
protected function ensureSelectContainsOrderbyColumns($query, $originalSelect = array()) {
$tableClasses = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($this->dataClass);
$baseClass = array_shift($tableClasses);
if($orderby = $query->getOrderBy()) {
foreach($orderby as $k => $dir) {
// don't touch functions in the ORDER BY or public function calls
// selected as fields
if(strpos($k, '(') !== false) continue;
$col = str_replace('"', '', trim($k));
$parts = explode('.', $col);
// Pull through SortColumn references from the originalSelect variables
if(preg_match('/_SortColumn/', $col)) {
if(isset($originalSelect[$col])) $query->selectField($originalSelect[$col], $col);
if(count($parts) == 1) {
$databaseFields = DataObject::database_fields($baseClass);
// database_fields() doesn't return ID, so we need to
// manually add it here
$databaseFields['ID'] = true;
if(isset($databaseFields[$parts[0]])) {
$qualCol = "\"$baseClass\".\"{$parts[0]}\"";
// remove original sort
// add new columns sort
$orderby[$qualCol] = $dir;
} else {
$qualCol = "\"$parts[0]\"";
// To-do: Remove this if block once SQLQuery::$select has been refactored to store getSelect()
// format internally; then this check can be part of selectField()
$selects = $query->getSelect();
if(!isset($selects[$col]) && !in_array($qualCol, $selects)) {
} else {
$qualCol = '"' . implode('"."', $parts) . '"';
// To-do: Remove this if block once SQLQuery::$select has been refactored to store getSelect()
// format internally; then this check can be part of selectField()
if(!in_array($qualCol, $query->getSelect())) {
* Execute the query and return the result as {@link Query} object.
public function execute() {
return $this->getFinalisedQuery()->execute();
* Return this query's SQL
public function sql() {
return $this->getFinalisedQuery()->sql();
* Return the number of records in this query.
* Note that this will issue a separate SELECT COUNT() query.
public function count() {
$baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->dataClass);
return $this->getFinalisedQuery()->count("DISTINCT \"$baseClass\".\"ID\"");
* Return the maximum value of the given field in this DataList
* @param String $field Unquoted database column name (will be escaped automatically)
public function max($field) {
return $this->aggregate(sprintf('MAX("%s")', Convert::raw2sql($field)));
* Return the minimum value of the given field in this DataList
* @param String $field Unquoted database column name (will be escaped automatically)
public function min($field) {
return $this->aggregate(sprintf('MIN("%s")', Convert::raw2sql($field)));
* Return the average value of the given field in this DataList
* @param String $field Unquoted database column name (will be escaped automatically)
public function avg($field) {
return $this->aggregate(sprintf('AVG("%s")', Convert::raw2sql($field)));
* Return the sum of the values of the given field in this DataList
* @param String $field Unquoted database column name (will be escaped automatically)
public function sum($field) {
return $this->aggregate(sprintf('SUM("%s")', Convert::raw2sql($field)));
* Runs a raw aggregate expression. Please handle escaping yourself
public function aggregate($expression) {
return $this->getFinalisedQuery()->aggregate($expression)->execute()->value();
* Return the first row that would be returned by this full DataQuery
* Note that this will issue a separate SELECT ... LIMIT 1 query.
public function firstRow() {
return $this->getFinalisedQuery()->firstRow();
* Return the last row that would be returned by this full DataQuery
* Note that this will issue a separate SELECT ... LIMIT query.
public function lastRow() {
return $this->getFinalisedQuery()->lastRow();
* Update the SELECT clause of the query with the columns from the given table
protected function selectColumnsFromTable(SQLQuery &$query, $tableClass, $columns = null) {
// Add SQL for multi-value fields
$databaseFields = DataObject::database_fields($tableClass);
$compositeFields = DataObject::composite_fields($tableClass, false);
if($databaseFields) foreach($databaseFields as $k => $v) {
if((is_null($columns) || in_array($k, $columns)) && !isset($compositeFields[$k])) {
// Update $collidingFields if necessary
if($expressionForField = $query->expressionForField($k)) {
if(!isset($this->collidingFields[$k])) $this->collidingFields[$k] = array($expressionForField);
$this->collidingFields[$k][] = "\"$tableClass\".\"$k\"";
} else {
$query->selectField("\"$tableClass\".\"$k\"", $k);
if($compositeFields) foreach($compositeFields as $k => $v) {
if((is_null($columns) || in_array($k, $columns)) && $v) {
$dbO = Object::create_from_string($v, $k);
* Set the HAVING clause of this query
* @param String $having Escaped SQL statement
public function having($having) {
if($having) {
$clone = $this;
return $clone;
} else {
return $this;
* Set the WHERE clause of this query.
* There are two different ways of doing this:
* <code>
* // the entire predicate as a single string
* $query->where("Column = 'Value'");
* // multiple predicates as an array
* $query->where(array("Column = 'Value'", "Column != 'Value'"));
* </code>
* @param string|array $where Predicate(s) to set, as escaped SQL statements.
public function where($filter) {
if($filter) {
$clone = $this;
return $clone;
} else {
return $this;
* Set a WHERE with OR.
* @example $dataQuery->whereAny(array("Monkey = 'Chimp'", "Color = 'Brown'"));
* @see where()
* @param array $filter Escaped SQL statement.
* @return DataQuery
public function whereAny($filter) {
if($filter) {
$clone = $this;
return $clone;
} else {
return $this;
* Set the ORDER BY clause of this query
* @see SQLQuery::orderby()
* @param String $sort Column to sort on (escaped SQL statement)
* @param String $direction Direction ("ASC" or "DESC", escaped SQL statement)
* @param Boolean $clear Clear existing values
* @return DataQuery
public function sort($sort = null, $direction = null, $clear = true) {
$clone = $this;
if($clear) {
$clone->query->setOrderBy($sort, $direction);
} else {
$clone->query->addOrderBy($sort, $direction);
return $clone;
* Reverse order by clause
* @return DataQuery
public function reverseSort() {
$clone = $this;
return $clone;
* Set the limit of this query.
* @param int $limit
* @param int $offset
public function limit($limit, $offset = 0) {
$clone = $this;
$clone->query->setLimit($limit, $offset);
return $clone;
* Add a join clause to this query
* @deprecated 3.0 Use innerJoin() or leftJoin() instead.
public function join($join) {
Deprecation::notice('3.0', 'Use innerJoin() or leftJoin() instead.');
if($join) {
$clone = $this;
// TODO: This needs to be resolved for all databases
if(DB::getConn() instanceof MySQLDatabase) {
$from = $clone->query->getFrom();
$clone->query->setGroupBy(reset($from) . ".\"ID\"");
return $clone;
} else {
return $this;
* Add an INNER JOIN clause to this query.
* @param String $table The unquoted table name to join to.
* @param String $onClause The filter for the join (escaped SQL statement)
* @param String $alias An optional alias name (unquoted)
public function innerJoin($table, $onClause, $alias = null) {
if($table) {
$clone = $this;
$clone->query->addInnerJoin($table, $onClause, $alias);
return $clone;
} else {
return $this;
* Add a LEFT JOIN clause to this query.
* @param String $table The unquoted table to join to.
* @param String $onClause The filter for the join (escaped SQL statement).
* @param String $alias An optional alias name (unquoted)
public function leftJoin($table, $onClause, $alias = null) {
if($table) {
$clone = $this;
$clone->query->addLeftJoin($table, $onClause, $alias);
return $clone;
} else {
return $this;
* Traverse the relationship fields, and add the table
* mappings to the query object state. This has to be called
* in any overloaded {@link SearchFilter->apply()} methods manually.
* @param String|array $relation The array/dot-syntax relation to follow
* @return The model class of the related item
public function applyRelation($relation) {
// NO-OP
if(!$relation) return $this->dataClass;
if(is_string($relation)) $relation = explode(".", $relation);
$modelClass = $this->dataClass;
foreach($relation as $rel) {
$model = singleton($modelClass);
if ($component = $model->has_one($rel)) {
if(!$this->query->isJoinedTo($component)) {
$foreignKey = $model->getReverseAssociation($component);
"\"$component\".\"ID\" = \"{$modelClass}\".\"{$foreignKey}ID\"");
* add join clause to the component's ancestry classes so that the search filter could search on
* its ancestor fields.
$ancestry = ClassInfo::ancestry($component, true);
$ancestry = array_reverse($ancestry);
foreach($ancestry as $ancestor){
if($ancestor != $component){
$this->query->addInnerJoin($ancestor, "\"$component\".\"ID\" = \"$ancestor\".\"ID\"");
$modelClass = $component;
} elseif ($component = $model->has_many($rel)) {
if(!$this->query->isJoinedTo($component)) {
$ancestry = $model->getClassAncestry();
$foreignKey = $model->getRemoteJoinField($rel);
"\"$component\".\"{$foreignKey}\" = \"{$ancestry[0]}\".\"ID\"");
* add join clause to the component's ancestry classes so that the search filter could search on
* its ancestor fields.
$ancestry = ClassInfo::ancestry($component, true);
$ancestry = array_reverse($ancestry);
foreach($ancestry as $ancestor){
if($ancestor != $component){
$this->query->addInnerJoin($ancestor, "\"$component\".\"ID\" = \"$ancestor\".\"ID\"");
$modelClass = $component;
} elseif ($component = $model->many_many($rel)) {
list($parentClass, $componentClass, $parentField, $componentField, $relationTable) = $component;
$parentBaseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($parentClass);
$componentBaseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($componentClass);
"\"$relationTable\".\"$parentField\" = \"$parentBaseClass\".\"ID\"");
"\"$relationTable\".\"$componentField\" = \"$componentBaseClass\".\"ID\"");
if(ClassInfo::hasTable($componentClass)) {
"\"$relationTable\".\"$componentField\" = \"$componentClass\".\"ID\"");
$modelClass = $componentClass;
return $modelClass;
* Removes the result of query from this query.
* @param DataQuery $subtractQuery
* @param string $field
public function subtract(DataQuery $subtractQuery, $field='ID') {
$subSelect= $subtractQuery->getFinalisedQuery();
$fieldExpression = $this->expressionForField($field, $subSelect);
$subSelect->selectField($fieldExpression, $field);
$this->where($this->expressionForField($field, $this).' NOT IN ('.$subSelect->sql().')');
return $this;
* Select the given fields from the given table.
* @param String $table Unquoted table name (will be escaped automatically)
* @param Array $fields Database column names (will be escaped automatically)
public function selectFromTable($table, $fields) {
$table = Convert::raw2sql($table);
$fieldExpressions = array_map(create_function('$item',
"return '\"$table\".\"' . Convert::raw2sql(\$item) . '\"';"), $fields);
return $this;
* Query the given field column from the database and return as an array.
* @param String $field See {@link expressionForField()}.
public function column($field = 'ID') {
$query = $this->getFinalisedQuery(array($field));
$originalSelect = $query->getSelect();
$fieldExpression = $this->expressionForField($field, $query);
$query->selectField($fieldExpression, $field);
$this->ensureSelectContainsOrderbyColumns($query, $originalSelect);
return $query->execute()->column($field);
* @param String $field Select statement identifier, either the unquoted column name,
* the full composite SQL statement, or the alias set through {@link SQLQquery->selectField()}.
* @param SQLQuery $query
* @return String
protected function expressionForField($field, $query) {
// Special case for ID
if($field == 'ID') {
$baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->dataClass);
return "\"$baseClass\".\"ID\"";
} else {
return $query->expressionForField($field);
* Select the given field expressions.
* @param $fieldExpression String The field to select (escaped SQL statement)
* @param $alias String The alias of that field (escaped SQL statement)
protected function selectField($fieldExpression, $alias = null) {
$this->query->selectField($fieldExpression, $alias);
* An arbitrary store of query parameters that can be used by decorators.
* @todo This will probably be made obsolete if we have subclasses of DataList and/or DataQuery.
private $queryParams;
* Set an arbitrary query parameter, that can be used by decorators to add additional meta-data to the query.
* It's expected that the $key will be namespaced, e.g, 'Versioned.stage' instead of just 'stage'.
public function setQueryParam($key, $value) {
$this->queryParams[$key] = $value;
* Set an arbitrary query parameter, that can be used by decorators to add additional meta-data to the query.
public function getQueryParam($key) {
if(isset($this->queryParams[$key])) return $this->queryParams[$key];
else return null;