2011-11-13 13:52:07 +01:00

637 lines
22 KiB

* Sapphire's generic RESTful server.
* This class gives your application a RESTful API for free. All you have to do is define static $api_access = true on
* the appropriate DataObjects. You will need to ensure that all of your data manipulation and security is defined in
* your model layer (ie, the DataObject classes) and not in your Controllers. This is the recommended design for Sapphire
* applications.
* Enabling restful access on a model will also enable a SOAP API, see {@link SOAPModelAccess}.
* Example DataObject with simple api access, giving full access to all object properties and relations,
* unless explicitly controlled through model permissions.
* <code>
* class Article extends DataObject {
* static $db = array('Title'=>'Text','Published'=>'Boolean');
* static $api_access = true;
* }
* </code>
* * Example DataObject with advanced api access, limiting viewing and editing to Title attribute only:
* <code>
* class Article extends DataObject {
* static $db = array('Title'=>'Text','Published'=>'Boolean');
* static $api_access = array(
* 'view' => array('Title'),
* 'edit' => array('Title'),
* );
* }
* </code>
* <b>Supported operations</b>
* - GET /api/v1/(ClassName)/(ID) - gets a database record
* - GET /api/v1/(ClassName)/(ID)/(Relation) - get all of the records linked to this database record by the given reatlion
* - GET /api/v1/(ClassName)?(Field)=(Val)&(Field)=(Val) - searches for matching database records
* - POST /api/v1/(ClassName) - create a new database record
* - PUT /api/v1/(ClassName)/(ID) - updates a database record
* - PUT /api/v1/(ClassName)/(ID)/(Relation) - updates a relation, replacing the existing record(s) (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
* - POST /api/v1/(ClassName)/(ID)/(Relation) - updates a relation, appending to the existing record(s) (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
* - DELETE /api/v1/(ClassName)/(ID) - deletes a database record (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
* - DELETE /api/v1/(ClassName)/(ID)/(Relation)/(ForeignID) - remove the relationship between two database records, but don't actually delete the foreign object (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
* - POST /api/v1/(ClassName)/(ID)/(MethodName) - executes a method on the given object (e.g, publish)
* <b>Search</b>
* You can trigger searches based on the fields specified on {@link DataObject::searchable_fields} and passed
* through {@link DataObject::getDefaultSearchContext()}. Just add a key-value pair with the search-term
* to the url, e.g. /api/v1/(ClassName)/?Title=mytitle.
* <b>Other url-modifiers</b>
* - &limit=<numeric>: Limit the result set
* - &relationdepth=<numeric>: Displays links to existing has-one and has-many relationships to a certain depth (Default: 1)
* - &fields=<string>: Comma-separated list of fields on the output object (defaults to all database-columns).
* Handy to limit output for bandwidth and performance reasons.
* - &sort=<myfield>&dir=<asc|desc>
* - &add_fields=<string>: Comma-separated list of additional fields, for example dynamic getters.
* <b>Access control</b>
* Access control is implemented through the usual Member system with Basicauth authentication only.
* By default, you have to bear the ADMIN permission to retrieve or send any data.
* You should override the following built-in methods to customize permission control on a
* class- and object-level:
* - {@link DataObject::canView()}
* - {@link DataObject::canEdit()}
* - {@link DataObject::canDelete()}
* - {@link DataObject::canCreate()}
* See {@link DataObject} documentation for further details.
* You can specify the character-encoding for any input on the HTTP Content-Type.
* At the moment, only UTF-8 is supported. All output is made in UTF-8 regardless of Accept headers.
* @todo Finish RestfulServer_Item and RestfulServer_List implementation and re-enable $url_handlers
* @todo Implement PUT/POST/DELETE for relations
* @todo Access-Control for relations (you might be allowed to view Members and Groups, but not their relation with each other)
* @todo Make SearchContext specification customizeable for each class
* @todo Allow for range-searches (e.g. on Created column)
* @todo Allow other authentication methods (currently only HTTP BasicAuth)
* @todo Filter relation listings by $api_access and canView() permissions
* @todo Exclude relations when "fields" are specified through URL (they should be explicitly requested in this case)
* @todo Custom filters per DataObject subclass, e.g. to disallow showing unpublished pages in SiteTree/Versioned/Hierarchy
* @todo URL parameter namespacing for search-fields, limit, fields, add_fields (might all be valid dataobject properties)
* e.g. you wouldn't be able to search for a "limit" property on your subclass as its overlayed with the search logic
* @todo i18n integration (e.g. Page/1.xml?lang=de_DE)
* @todo Access to extendable methods/relations like SiteTree/1/Versions or SiteTree/1/Version/22
* @todo Respect $api_access array notation in search contexts
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage api
class RestfulServer extends Controller {
static $url_handlers = array(
'$ClassName/$ID/$Relation' => 'handleAction'
#'$ClassName/#ID' => 'handleItem',
#'$ClassName' => 'handleList',
protected static $api_base = "api/v1/";
* If no extension is given in the request, resolve to this extension
* (and subsequently the {@link self::$default_mimetype}.
* @var string
public static $default_extension = "xml";
* If no extension is given, resolve the request to this mimetype.
* @var string
protected static $default_mimetype = "text/xml";
* @uses authenticate()
* @var Member
protected $member;
static $allowed_actions = array(
function handleItem($request) {
return new RestfulServer_Item(DataObject::get_by_id($request->param("ClassName"), $request->param("ID")));
function handleList($request) {
return new RestfulServer_List(DataObject::get($request->param("ClassName"),""));
* This handler acts as the switchboard for the controller.
* Since no $Action url-param is set, all requests are sent here.
function index() {
if(!isset($this->urlParams['ClassName'])) return $this->notFound();
$className = $this->urlParams['ClassName'];
$id = (isset($this->urlParams['ID'])) ? $this->urlParams['ID'] : null;
$relation = (isset($this->urlParams['Relation'])) ? $this->urlParams['Relation'] : null;
// Check input formats
if(!class_exists($className)) return $this->notFound();
if($id && !is_numeric($id)) return $this->notFound();
if($relation && !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/', $relation)) return $this->notFound();
// if api access is disabled, don't proceed
$apiAccess = singleton($className)->stat('api_access');
if(!$apiAccess) return $this->permissionFailure();
// authenticate through HTTP BasicAuth
$this->member = $this->authenticate();
// handle different HTTP verbs
if($this->request->isGET() || $this->request->isHEAD()) return $this->getHandler($className, $id, $relation);
if($this->request->isPOST()) return $this->postHandler($className, $id, $relation);
if($this->request->isPUT()) return $this->putHandler($className, $id, $relation);
if($this->request->isDELETE()) return $this->deleteHandler($className, $id, $relation);
// if no HTTP verb matches, return error
return $this->methodNotAllowed();
* Handler for object read.
* The data object will be returned in the following format:
* <ClassName>
* <FieldName>Value</FieldName>
* ...
* <HasOneRelName id="ForeignID" href="LinkToForeignRecordInAPI" />
* ...
* <HasManyRelName>
* <ForeignClass id="ForeignID" href="LinkToForeignRecordInAPI" />
* <ForeignClass id="ForeignID" href="LinkToForeignRecordInAPI" />
* </HasManyRelName>
* ...
* <ManyManyRelName>
* <ForeignClass id="ForeignID" href="LinkToForeignRecordInAPI" />
* <ForeignClass id="ForeignID" href="LinkToForeignRecordInAPI" />
* </ManyManyRelName>
* </ClassName>
* Access is controlled by two variables:
* - static $api_access must be set. This enables the API on a class by class basis
* - $obj->canView() must return true. This lets you implement record-level security
* @todo Access checking
* @param String $className
* @param Int $id
* @param String $relation
* @return String The serialized representation of the requested object(s) - usually XML or JSON.
protected function getHandler($className, $id, $relationName) {
$sort = array(
'sort' => $this->request->getVar('sort'),
'dir' => $this->request->getVar('dir')
$limit = array(
'start' => $this->request->getVar('start'),
'limit' => $this->request->getVar('limit')
$params = $this->request->getVars();
$responseFormatter = $this->getResponseDataFormatter();
if(!$responseFormatter) return $this->unsupportedMediaType();
// $obj can be either a DataObject or a SS_List,
// depending on the request
if($id) {
// Format: /api/v1/<MyClass>/<ID>
$obj = $this->getObjectQuery($className, $id, $params)->First();
if(!$obj) return $this->notFound();
if(!$obj->canView()) return $this->permissionFailure();
// Format: /api/v1/<MyClass>/<ID>/<Relation>
if($relationName) {
$obj = $this->getObjectRelationQuery($obj, $params, $sort, $limit, $relationName);
if(!$obj) return $this->notFound();
} else {
// Format: /api/v1/<MyClass>
$obj = $this->getObjectsQuery($className, $params, $sort, $limit);
$this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', $responseFormatter->getOutputContentType());
$rawFields = $this->request->getVar('fields');
$fields = $rawFields ? explode(',', $rawFields) : null;
if($obj instanceof SS_List) {
return $responseFormatter->convertDataObjectSet($obj, $fields);
} else if(!$obj) {
return $responseFormatter->convertDataObjectSet(new ArrayList(), $fields);
} else {
return $responseFormatter->convertDataObject($obj, $fields);
* Uses the default {@link SearchContext} specified through
* {@link DataObject::getDefaultSearchContext()} to augument
* an existing query object (mostly a component query from {@link DataObject})
* with search clauses.
* @todo Allow specifying of different searchcontext getters on model-by-model basis
* @param string $className
* @param array $params
* @return SS_List
protected function getSearchQuery($className, $params = null, $sort = null, $limit = null, $existingQuery = null) {
if(singleton($className)->hasMethod('getRestfulSearchContext')) {
$searchContext = singleton($className)->{'getRestfulSearchContext'}();
} else {
$searchContext = singleton($className)->getDefaultSearchContext();
return $searchContext->getQuery($params, $sort, $limit, $existingQuery);
* Returns a dataformatter instance based on the request
* extension or mimetype. Falls back to {@link self::$default_extension}.
* @param boolean $includeAcceptHeader Determines wether to inspect and prioritize any HTTP Accept headers
* @return DataFormatter
protected function getDataFormatter($includeAcceptHeader = false) {
$extension = $this->request->getExtension();
$contentTypeWithEncoding = $this->request->getHeader('Content-Type');
preg_match('/([^;]*)/',$contentTypeWithEncoding, $contentTypeMatches);
$contentType = $contentTypeMatches[0];
$accept = $this->request->getHeader('Accept');
$mimetypes = $this->request->getAcceptMimetypes();
// get formatter
if(!empty($extension)) {
$formatter = DataFormatter::for_extension($extension);
}elseif($includeAcceptHeader && !empty($accept) && $accept != '*/*') {
$formatter = DataFormatter::for_mimetypes($mimetypes);
if(!$formatter) $formatter = DataFormatter::for_extension(self::$default_extension);
} elseif(!empty($contentType)) {
$formatter = DataFormatter::for_mimetype($contentType);
} else {
$formatter = DataFormatter::for_extension(self::$default_extension);
if(!$formatter) return false;
// set custom fields
if($customAddFields = $this->request->getVar('add_fields')) $formatter->setCustomAddFields(explode(',',$customAddFields));
if($customFields = $this->request->getVar('fields')) $formatter->setCustomFields(explode(',',$customFields));
$apiAccess = singleton($this->urlParams['ClassName'])->stat('api_access');
if(is_array($apiAccess)) {
$formatter->setCustomAddFields(array_intersect((array)$formatter->getCustomAddFields(), (array)$apiAccess['view']));
if($formatter->getCustomFields()) {
$formatter->setCustomFields(array_intersect((array)$formatter->getCustomFields(), (array)$apiAccess['view']));
} else {
if($formatter->getCustomRelations()) {
$formatter->setCustomRelations(array_intersect((array)$formatter->getCustomRelations(), (array)$apiAccess['view']));
} else {
// set relation depth
$relationDepth = $this->request->getVar('relationdepth');
if(is_numeric($relationDepth)) $formatter->relationDepth = (int)$relationDepth;
return $formatter;
protected function getRequestDataFormatter() {
return $this->getDataFormatter(false);
protected function getResponseDataFormatter() {
return $this->getDataFormatter(true);
* Handler for object delete
protected function deleteHandler($className, $id) {
$obj = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $id);
if(!$obj) return $this->notFound();
if(!$obj->canDelete()) return $this->permissionFailure();
$this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(204); // No Content
return true;
* Handler for object write
protected function putHandler($className, $id) {
$obj = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $id);
if(!$obj) return $this->notFound();
if(!$obj->canEdit()) return $this->permissionFailure();
$reqFormatter = $this->getRequestDataFormatter();
if(!$reqFormatter) return $this->unsupportedMediaType();
$responseFormatter = $this->getResponseDataFormatter();
if(!$responseFormatter) return $this->unsupportedMediaType();
$obj = $this->updateDataObject($obj, $reqFormatter);
$this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(200); // Success
$this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', $responseFormatter->getOutputContentType());
// Append the default extension for the output format to the Location header
// or else we'll use the default (XML)
$types = $responseFormatter->supportedExtensions();
$type = '';
if (count($types)) {
$type = ".{$types[0]}";
$objHref = Director::absoluteURL(self::$api_base . "$obj->class/$obj->ID" . $type);
$this->getResponse()->addHeader('Location', $objHref);
return $responseFormatter->convertDataObject($obj);
* Handler for object append / method call.
* @todo Posting to an existing URL (without a relation)
* current resolves in creatig a new element,
* rather than a "Conflict" message.
protected function postHandler($className, $id, $relation) {
if($id) {
if(!$relation) {
return 'Conflict';
$obj = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $id);
if(!$obj) return $this->notFound();
if(!$obj->hasMethod($relation)) {
return $this->notFound();
if(!$obj->stat('allowed_actions') || !in_array($relation, $obj->stat('allowed_actions'))) {
return $this->permissionFailure();
$this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(204); // No Content
return true;
} else {
if(!singleton($className)->canCreate()) return $this->permissionFailure();
$obj = new $className();
$reqFormatter = $this->getRequestDataFormatter();
if(!$reqFormatter) return $this->unsupportedMediaType();
$responseFormatter = $this->getResponseDataFormatter();
$obj = $this->updateDataObject($obj, $reqFormatter);
$this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(201); // Created
$this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', $responseFormatter->getOutputContentType());
// Append the default extension for the output format to the Location header
// or else we'll use the default (XML)
$types = $responseFormatter->supportedExtensions();
$type = '';
if (count($types)) {
$type = ".{$types[0]}";
$objHref = Director::absoluteURL(self::$api_base . "$obj->class/$obj->ID" . $type);
$this->getResponse()->addHeader('Location', $objHref);
return $responseFormatter->convertDataObject($obj);
* Converts either the given HTTP Body into an array
* (based on the DataFormatter instance), or returns
* the POST variables.
* Automatically filters out certain critical fields
* that shouldn't be set by the client (e.g. ID).
* @param DataObject $obj
* @param DataFormatter $formatter
* @return DataObject The passed object
protected function updateDataObject($obj, $formatter) {
// if neither an http body nor POST data is present, return error
$body = $this->request->getBody();
if(!$body && !$this->request->postVars()) {
$this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(204); // No Content
return 'No Content';
if(!empty($body)) {
$data = $formatter->convertStringToArray($body);
} else {
// assume application/x-www-form-urlencoded which is automatically parsed by PHP
$data = $this->request->postVars();
// @todo Disallow editing of certain keys in database
$data = array_diff_key($data, array('ID','Created'));
$apiAccess = singleton($this->urlParams['ClassName'])->stat('api_access');
if(is_array($apiAccess) && isset($apiAccess['edit'])) {
$data = array_intersect_key($data, array_combine($apiAccess['edit'],$apiAccess['edit']));
return $obj;
* Gets a single DataObject by ID,
* through a request like /api/v1/<MyClass>/<MyID>
* @param string $className
* @param int $id
* @param array $params
* @return DataList
protected function getObjectQuery($className, $id, $params) {
return DataList::create($className)->byIDs(array($id));
* @param DataObject $obj
* @param array $params
* @param int|array $sort
* @param int|array $limit
* @return SQLQuery
protected function getObjectsQuery($className, $params, $sort, $limit) {
return $this->getSearchQuery($className, $params, $sort, $limit);
* @param DataObject $obj
* @param array $params
* @param int|array $sort
* @param int|array $limit
* @param string $relationName
* @return SQLQuery|boolean
protected function getObjectRelationQuery($obj, $params, $sort, $limit, $relationName) {
// The relation method will return a DataList, that getSearchQuery subsequently manipulates
if($obj->hasMethod($relationName)) {
$query = $obj->$relationName();
return $this->getSearchQuery($query->dataClass(), $params, $sort, $limit, $query);
protected function permissionFailure() {
// return a 401
$this->getResponse()->addHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="API Access"');
$this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
return "You don't have access to this item through the API.";
protected function notFound() {
// return a 404
$this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
return "That object wasn't found";
protected function methodNotAllowed() {
$this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
return "Method Not Allowed";
protected function unsupportedMediaType() {
$this->response->setStatusCode(415); // Unsupported Media Type
$this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
return "Unsupported Media Type";
protected function authenticate() {
if(!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || !isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) return false;
if($member = Member::currentUser()) return $member;
$member = MemberAuthenticator::authenticate(array(
'Email' => $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'],
'Password' => $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'],
), null);
if($member) {
return $member;
} else {
return false;
* Return only relations which have $api_access enabled.
* @todo Respect field level permissions once they are available in core
* @param string $class
* @param Member $member
* @return array
protected function getAllowedRelations($class, $member = null) {
$allowedRelations = array();
$obj = singleton($class);
$relations = (array)$obj->has_one() + (array)$obj->has_many() + (array)$obj->many_many();
if($relations) foreach($relations as $relName => $relClass) {
if(singleton($relClass)->stat('api_access')) {
$allowedRelations[] = $relName;
return $allowedRelations;
* Restful server handler for a SS_List
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage api
class RestfulServer_List {
static $url_handlers = array(
'#ID' => 'handleItem',
function __construct($list) {
$this->list = $list;
function handleItem($request) {
return new RestulServer_Item($this->list->getById($request->param('ID')));
* Restful server handler for a single DataObject
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage api
class RestfulServer_Item {
static $url_handlers = array(
'$Relation' => 'handleRelation',
function __construct($item) {
$this->item = $item;
function handleRelation($request) {
$funcName = $request('Relation');
$relation = $this->item->$funcName();
if($relation instanceof SS_List) return new RestfulServer_List($relation);
else return new RestfulServer_Item($relation);