mirror of https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
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The entire framework repo (with the exception of system-generated files) has been amended to respect the 120c line-length limit.  This is in preparation for the enforcement of this rule with PHP_CodeSniffer.
2012-09-30 17:18:13 +13:00

884 lines
25 KiB

* Provides a tabuar list in your form with view, edit and add links to edit records
* with a "has-one"-relationship. Detail-views are shown in a greybox-iframe.
* Features pagination in the overview as well as the detail-views.
* CAUTION: You need to make sure that the original form-call to the main controller (e.g. EditForm())
* returns a form which includes this field even if no data is loaded,
* to provide a "starting point" for action_callfieldmethod and ReferencedField.
* All URL data sent to and from ComplexTableField is encapsulated in $_REQUEST['ctf']
* to avoid side-effects with the main controller.
* Example-URL for a "DetailForm"-call explained:
* "/admin/family/?executeForm=EditForm&action_callfieldmethod&fieldName=Individual&childID=7&methodName=edit"
* - executeForm Name of the form on the main rendering page (e.g. "FamilyAdmin")
* - action_callfieldmethod Trigger to call a method of a single field in "EditForm" instead of rendering the
* whole thing
* - fieldName Name of the targeted formField
* - methodName Method on the formfield (e.g. "ComplexTableField")
* - childID Identifier of the database-record (the targeted table is determined by the $sourceClass
* parameter)
* @deprecated 3.0 Use GridField with GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor
* @todo Control width/height of popup by constructor (hardcoded at the moment)
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-relational
class ComplexTableField extends TableListField {
* Determines the fields of the detail pop-up form. It can take many forms:
* - A FieldList object: Use that field set directly.
* - A method name, eg, 'getCMSFields': Call that method on the child object to get the fields.
protected $addTitle;
protected $detailFormFields;
protected $viewAction;
* @var Controller
protected $controller;
* @var string Classname of the parent-relation to correctly link new records.
public $parentClass;
* @var string Database column name for the used relation (e.g. FamilyID
* if one Family has_many Individuals).
protected $parentIdName;
* @var array Influence output without having to subclass the template.
protected $permissions = array(
* Template for main rendering
* @var string
protected $template = "ComplexTableField";
* Template for popup (form rendering)
* @var string
public $templatePopup = "ComplexTableField_popup";
* Classname for each row/item
* @var string
public $itemClass = 'ComplexTableField_Item';
* Classname for the popup form
* @var string
public $popupClass = 'ComplexTableField_Popup';
* @var boolean Trigger pagination (defaults to true for ComplexTableField)
protected $showPagination = true;
* @var string Caption the popup will show (defaults to the selected action).
* This is set by javascript and used by greybox.
protected $popupCaption = null;
* @var callback A function callback invoked
* after initializing the popup and its base calls to
* the {@link Requirements} class.
public $requirementsForPopupCallback = null;
* @var $detailFormValidator Validator
protected $detailFormValidator = null;
* Default size for the popup box
protected $popupWidth = 560;
protected $popupHeight = 390;
public $defaultAction = 'show';
public $actions = array(
'show' => array(
'label' => 'Show',
'icon' => 'sapphire/images/show.png',
'icon_disabled' => 'sapphire/images/show_disabled.png',
'class' => 'popuplink showlink',
'edit' => array(
'label' => 'Edit',
'icon' => 'sapphire/images/edit.gif',
'icon_disabled' => 'sapphire/images/edit_disabled.gif',
'class' => 'popuplink editlink',
'delete' => array(
'label' => 'Delete',
'icon' => 'sapphire/images/delete.gif',
'icon_disabled' => 'sapphire/images/delete_disabled.gif',
'class' => 'popuplink deletelink',
static $url_handlers = array(
'item/$ID' => 'handleItem',
'$Action!' => '$Action',
public function handleItem($request) {
return new ComplexTableField_ItemRequest($this, $request->param('ID'));
public function getViewer() {
return new SSViewer($this->template);
public function setPopupSize($width, $height) {
$width = (int)$width;
$height = (int)$height;
if($width < 0 || $height < 0) {
user_error("setPopupSize expects non-negative arguments.", E_USER_WARNING);
$this->popupWidth = $width;
$this->popupHeight = $height;
public function PopupWidth() {
return $this->popupWidth;
public function PopupHeight() {
return $this->popupHeight;
* See class comments
* @param Controller $controller
* @param string $name
* @param string $sourceClass
* @param array $fieldList
* @param FieldList $detailFormFields
* @param string $sourceFilter
* @param string $sourceSort
* @param string $sourceJoin
public function __construct($controller, $name, $sourceClass, $fieldList = null, $detailFormFields = null,
$sourceFilter = "", $sourceSort = "", $sourceJoin = "") {
$this->detailFormFields = $detailFormFields;
$this->controller = $controller;
$this->pageSize = 10;
parent::__construct($name, $sourceClass, $fieldList, $sourceFilter, $sourceSort, $sourceJoin);
public function isComposite() {
return false;
* @return String
public function FieldHolder($properties = array()) {
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . "/prototype/prototype.js");
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . "/behaviour/behaviour.js");
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . "/greybox/AmiJS.js");
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . "/greybox/greybox.js");
Requirements::add_i18n_javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/lang');
Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/TableListField.js');
Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . "/javascript/ComplexTableField.js");
Requirements::css(THIRDPARTY_DIR . "/greybox/greybox.css");
Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_DIR . "/css/TableListField.css");
Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_DIR . "/css/ComplexTableField.css");
// set caption if required
if($this->popupCaption) {
$id = $this->id();
if(Director::is_ajax()) {
$js = <<<JS
$('$id').GB_Caption = '$this->popupCaption';
// FormResponse::add($js);
} else {
$js = <<<JS
Event.observe(window, 'load', function() { \$('$id').GB_Caption = '$this->popupCaption'; });
// compute sourceItems here instead of Items() to ensure that
// pagination and filters are respected on template accessors
return $this->renderWith($this->template);
* @return SS_List
public function Items() {
$sourceItems = $this->sourceItems();
if(!$sourceItems) {
return null;
if(isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->getName()]['start'])) {
$pageStart = $_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->getName()]['start'];
if(!is_numeric($pageStart)) $pageStart = 0;
} else {
$pageStart = 0;
$output = new ArrayList();
foreach($sourceItems as $pageIndex=>$item) {
$output->push(Object::create($this->itemClass,$item, $this, $pageStart+$pageIndex));
return $output;
* Sets the popup-title by javascript. Make sure to use FormResponse in ajax-requests,
* otherwise the title-change will only take effect on items existing during page-load.
* @param $caption String
public function setPopupCaption($caption) {
$this->popupCaption = Convert::raw2js($caption);
* @param $validator Validator
public function setDetailFormValidator( Validator $validator ) {
$this->detailFormValidator = $validator;
public function setAddTitle($addTitle) {
$this->addTitle = $addTitle;
public function Title() {
return $this->addTitle ? $this->addTitle : parent::Title();
* Calculates the number of columns needed for colspans
* used in template
* @return Int
public function ItemCount() {
return count($this->fieldList);
* Used to toggle paging (makes no sense when adding a record)
* @return Boolean
public function IsAddMode() {
return ($this->methodName == "add" || $this->request->param('Action') == 'AddForm');
public function sourceID() {
$idField = $this->form->Fields()->dataFieldByName('ID');
// disabled as it conflicts with scaffolded formfields, and not strictly necessary
// if(!$idField) user_error("ComplexTableField needs a formfield named 'ID' to be present", E_USER_ERROR);
// because action_callfieldmethod never actually loads data into the form,
// we can't rely on $idField being populated, and fall back to the request-params.
// this is a workaround for a bug where each subsequent popup-call didn't have ID
// of the parent set, and so didn't properly save the relation
return ($idField) ? $idField->Value() : (isset($_REQUEST['ctf']['ID']) ? $_REQUEST['ctf']['ID'] : null);
public function AddLink() {
return Controller::join_links($this->Link(), 'add');
* @return FieldList
public function createFieldList() {
$fieldset = new FieldList();
foreach($this->fieldTypes as $key => $fieldType){
$fieldset->push(new $fieldType($key));
return $fieldset;
public function setController($controller) {
$this->controller = $controller;
return $this;
public function setTemplatePopup($template) {
$this->templatePopup = $template;
return $this;
* Return the object-specific fields for the given record, to be shown in the detail pop-up
* This won't include all the CTF-specific 'plumbing; this method is called by self::getFieldsFor()
* and the result is then processed further to get the actual FieldList for the form.
* The default implementation of this processes the value of $this->detailFormFields; consequently, if you want to
* set the value of the fields to something that $this->detailFormFields doesn't allow, you can do so by overloading
* this method.
public function getCustomFieldsFor($childData) {
if($this->detailFormFields instanceof FieldList) {
return $this->detailFormFields;
$fieldsMethod = $this->detailFormFields;
if(!is_string($fieldsMethod)) {
$this->detailFormFields = 'getCMSFields';
$fieldsMethod = 'getCMSFields';
if(!$childData->hasMethod($fieldsMethod)) {
$fieldsMethod = 'getCMSFields';
return $childData->$fieldsMethod();
public function getFieldsFor($childData) {
$detailFields = $this->getCustomFieldsFor($childData);
// the ID field confuses the Controller-logic in finding the right view for ReferencedField
// only add childID if we're not adding a record
if($childData->ID) {
$detailFields->push(new HiddenField('ctf[childID]', '', $childData->ID));
/* TODO: Figure out how to implement this
if($this->getParentClass()) {
$detailFields->push(new HiddenField('ctf[parentClass]', '', $this->getParentClass()));
// Hack for model admin: model admin will have included a dropdown for the relation itself
$parentIdName = $this->getParentIdName($this->getParentClass(), $this->sourceClass());
if($parentIdName) {
$detailFields->push(new HiddenField($parentIdName, '', $this->sourceID()));
return $detailFields;
public function getValidatorFor($childData) {
// if no custom validator is set, and there's on present on the object (e.g. Member), use it
if(!isset($this->detailFormValidator) && $childData->hasMethod('getValidator')) {
$this->detailFormValidator = $childData->getValidator();
return $this->detailFormValidator;
public function add() {
if(!$this->can('add')) return;
return $this->customise(array(
'DetailForm' => $this->AddForm(),
public function AddForm($childID = null) {
$className = $this->sourceClass();
$childData = new $className();
$fields = $this->getFieldsFor($childData);
$validator = $this->getValidatorFor($childData);
$form = new $this->popupClass(
return $form;
* @deprecated 3.0
public function setRelationAutoSetting($value) {
Deprecation::notice('3.0', 'Manipulate the DataList instead.');
return $this;
* Use the URL-Parameter "action_saveComplexTableField"
* to provide a clue to the main controller if the main form has to be rendered,
* even if there is no action relevant for the main controller (to provide the instance of ComplexTableField
* which in turn saves the record.
* This is for adding new item records. {@link ComplexTableField_ItemRequest::saveComplexTableField()}
* @see Form::ReferencedField
public function saveComplexTableField($data, $form, $params) {
$className = $this->sourceClass();
$childData = new $className();
try {
} catch(ValidationException $e) {
$form->sessionMessage($e->getResult()->message(), 'bad');
return Controller::curr()->redirectBack();
// Save this item into the given relationship
$referrer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : null;
$closeLink = sprintf(
'<small><a href="%s" onclick="javascript:window.top.GB_hide(); return false;">(%s)</a></small>',
_t('ComplexTableField.CLOSEPOPUP', 'Close Popup')
$editLink = Controller::join_links($this->Link(), 'item/' . $childData->ID . '/edit');
$message = _t(
'ComplexTableField.SUCCESSADD2', 'Added {name}',
array('name' => $childData->singular_name())
$message .= '<a href="' . $editLink . '">' . $childData->Title . '</a>' . $closeLink;
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'good');
return Controller::curr()->redirectBack();
* @todo Tie this into ComplexTableField_Item better.
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-relational
class ComplexTableField_ItemRequest extends TableListField_ItemRequest {
protected $ctf;
protected $itemID;
protected $methodName;
static $url_handlers = array(
'$Action!' => '$Action',
'' => 'index',
public function Link($action = null) {
return Controller::join_links($this->ctf->Link(), '/item/', $this->itemID, $action);
public function index() {
return $this->show();
* Just a hook, processed in {DetailForm()}
* @return String
public function show() {
if($this->ctf->Can('show') !== true) {
return false;
$this->methodName = "show";
return $this->renderWith($this->ctf->templatePopup);
* Returns a 1-element data object set that can be used for pagination.
/* this doesn't actually work :-(
public function Paginator() {
$paginatingSet = new ArrayList(array($this->dataObj()));
$start = isset($_REQUEST['ctf']['start']) ? $_REQUEST['ctf']['start'] : 0;
$paginatingSet->setPageLimits($start, 1, $this->ctf->TotalCount());
return $paginatingSet;
* Just a hook, processed in {DetailForm()}
* @return String
public function edit() {
if($this->ctf->Can('edit') !== true) {
return false;
$this->methodName = "edit";
return $this->renderWith($this->ctf->templatePopup);
public function delete($request) {
// Protect against CSRF on destructive action
$token = $this->ctf->getForm()->getSecurityToken();
if(!$token->checkRequest($request)) return $this->httpError(400);
if($this->ctf->Can('delete') !== true) {
return false;
* Return the data object being manipulated
public function dataObj() {
// used to discover fields if requested and for population of field
if(is_numeric($this->itemID)) {
// we have to use the basedataclass, otherwise we might exclude other subclasses
return DataObject::get_by_id(
ClassInfo::baseDataClass(Object::getCustomClass($this->ctf->sourceClass())), $this->itemID);
* Renders view, edit and add, depending on the given information.
* The form needs several parameters to function independently of its "parent-form", some derived from the context
* into a hidden-field, some derived from the parent context (which is not accessible here) and delivered by
* GET:ID, Identifier of the currently edited record (only if record is loaded).
* <parentIDName>, Link back to the correct parent record (e.g. "parentID").
* parentClass, Link back to correct container-class (the parent-record might have many 'has-one'-relationships)
* CAUTION: "ID" in the DetailForm would be the "childID" in the overview table.
* @param int $childID
public function DetailForm($childID = null) {
$childData = $this->dataObj();
$fields = $this->ctf->getFieldsFor($childData);
$validator = $this->ctf->getValidatorFor($childData);
$readonly = ($this->methodName == "show");
$form = new $this->ctf->popupClass(
// Don't use ComplexTableField_Popup.ss
if ($readonly) $form->makeReadonly();
return $form;
* Use the URL-Parameter "action_saveComplexTableField"
* to provide a clue to the main controller if the main form has to be rendered,
* even if there is no action relevant for the main controller (to provide the instance of ComplexTableField
* which in turn saves the record.
* This is for editing existing item records. {@link ComplexTableField::saveComplexTableField()}
* @see Form::ReferencedField
public function saveComplexTableField($data, $form, $request) {
$dataObject = $this->dataObj();
try {
} catch(ValidationException $e) {
$form->sessionMessage($e->getResult()->message(), 'bad');
return Controller::curr()->redirectBack();
// Save this item into the given relationship
$referrer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : null;
$closeLink = sprintf(
'<small><a href="%s" onclick="javascript:window.top.GB_hide(); return false;">(%s)</a></small>',
_t('ComplexTableField.CLOSEPOPUP', 'Close Popup')
$message = sprintf(
_t('ComplexTableField.SUCCESSEDIT', 'Saved %s %s %s'),
'<a href="' . $this->Link('edit') . '">"' . htmlspecialchars($dataObject->Title, ENT_QUOTES) . '"</a>',
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'good');
return Controller::curr()->redirectBack();
public function PopupCurrentItem() {
return $_REQUEST['ctf']['start']+1;
public function PopupFirstLink() {
if(!isset($_REQUEST['ctf']['start']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['ctf']['start'])
|| $_REQUEST['ctf']['start'] == 0) {
return null;
$start = 0;
return Controller::join_links($this->Link(), "$this->methodName?ctf[start]={$start}");
public function PopupLastLink() {
if(!isset($_REQUEST['ctf']['start']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['ctf']['start'])
|| $_REQUEST['ctf']['start'] == $this->TotalCount()-1) {
return null;
$start = $this->TotalCount - 1;
return Controller::join_links($this->Link(), "$this->methodName?ctf[start]={$start}");
public function PopupNextLink() {
if(!isset($_REQUEST['ctf']['start']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['ctf']['start'])
|| $_REQUEST['ctf']['start'] == $this->TotalCount()-1) {
return null;
$start = $_REQUEST['ctf']['start'] + 1;
return Controller::join_links($this->Link(), "$this->methodName?ctf[start]={$start}");
public function PopupPrevLink() {
if(!isset($_REQUEST['ctf']['start']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['ctf']['start'])
|| $_REQUEST['ctf']['start'] == 0) {
return null;
$start = $_REQUEST['ctf']['start'] - 1;
return Controller::join_links($this->Link(), "$this->methodName?ctf[start]={$start}");
* Method handles pagination in asset popup.
* @return Object SS_List
public function Pagination() {
$this->pageSize = 9;
$currentItem = $this->PopupCurrentItem();
$result = new ArrayList();
if($currentItem < 6) {
$offset = 1;
} elseif($this->TotalCount() - $currentItem <= 4) {
$offset = $currentItem - (10 - ($this->TotalCount() - $currentItem));
$offset = $offset <= 0 ? 1 : $offset;
} else {
$offset = $currentItem - 5;
for($i = $offset;$i <= $offset + $this->pageSize && $i <= $this->TotalCount();$i++) {
$start = $i - 1;
$links['link'] = Controller::join_links($this->Link() . "$this->methodName?ctf[start]={$start}");
$links['number'] = $i;
$links['active'] = $i == $currentItem ? false : true;
$result->push(new ArrayData($links));
return $result;
public function ShowPagination() {
return false;
* #################################
* Utility
* #################################
* Manually overwrites the parent-ID relations.
* @see setParentClass()
* @param String $str Example: FamilyID (when one Individual has_one Family)
public function setParentIdName($str) {
throw new Exception("setParentIdName is no longer necessary");
public function setTemplatePopup($template) {
$this->templatePopup = $template;
* Single row of a {@link ComplexTableField}.
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-relational
class ComplexTableField_Item extends TableListField_Item {
public function Link($action = null) {
return Controller::join_links($this->parent->Link(), '/item/', $this->item->ID, $action);
public function EditLink() {
return Controller::join_links($this->Link(), "edit");
public function ShowLink() {
return Controller::join_links($this->Link(), "show");
public function DeleteLink() {
return Controller::join_links($this->Link(), "delete");
* @param String $action
* @return boolean
public function IsDefaultAction($action) {
return ($action == $this->parent->defaultAction);
* ComplexTablefield_popup is rendered with a lightbox and can load a more
* detailed view of the source class your presenting.
* You can customise the fields and requirements as well as any
* permissions you might need.
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-relational
class ComplexTableField_Popup extends Form {
protected $sourceClass;
protected $dataObject;
public function __construct($controller, $name, $fields, $validator, $readonly, $dataObject) {
$this->dataObject = $dataObject;
$actions = new FieldList();
if(!$readonly) {
_t('CMSMain.SAVE', 'Save')
->addExtraClass('save ss-ui-action-constructive')
->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept')
parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions, $validator);
if(!$this->dataObject->canEdit()) $this->makeReadonly();
public function forTemplate() {
$ret = parent::forTemplate();
Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/css/ComplexTableField_popup.css');
Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . "/thirdparty/prototype/prototype.js");
Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . "/thirdparty/behaviour/behaviour.js");
Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . "/thirdparty/scriptaculous/scriptaculous.js");
Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . "/thirdparty/scriptaculous/scriptaculous/controls.js");
Requirements::add_i18n_javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/lang');
Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . "/javascript/ComplexTableField_popup.js");
// Append requirements from instance callbacks
$parent = $this->getParentController();
if($parent instanceof ComplexTableField) {
$callback = $parent->requirementsForPopupCallback;
} else {
$callback = $parent->getParentController()->requirementsForPopupCallback;
if($callback) call_user_func($callback, $this);
return $ret;
public function getTemplate() {
return 'Form';
* @return ComplexTableField_ItemRequest
public function getParentController() {
return $this->controller;