Damian Mooyman 2d56ea278a API Move ss buttons plugin out of thirdparty
BUG Fix incorrect parsing of shortcode properties
2016-03-21 13:51:33 +13:00

179 lines
5.2 KiB

(function() {
var ssbuttons = {
* Returns information about the plugin as a name/value array.
* The current keys are longname, author, authorurl, infourl and version.
* @returns Name/value array containing information about the plugin.
* @type Array
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Special buttons for SilverStripe CMS',
author : 'Sam Minnée',
authorurl : '',
infourl : '',
version : "1.0"
init : function(ed) {
ed.addButton('sslink', {
icon : 'link',
title : 'Insert Link',
cmd : 'sslink'
ed.addMenuItem('sslink', {
icon : 'link',
text : 'Insert Link',
cmd : 'sslink'
ed.addButton('ssmedia', {
icon : 'image',
title : 'Insert Media',
cmd : 'ssmedia'
ed.addMenuItem('ssmedia', {
icon : 'image',
text : 'Insert Media',
cmd : 'ssmedia'
ed.addCommand('sslink', function(ed) {
// See HtmlEditorField.js
jQuery('#' +'ss').openLinkDialog();
ed.addCommand('ssmedia', function(ed) {
// See HtmlEditorField.js
jQuery('#' +'ss').openMediaDialog();
// Replace the mceAdvLink and mceLink commands with the sslink command, and
// the mceAdvImage and mceImage commands with the ssmedia command
ed.on('BeforeExecCommand', function(e){
var cmd = e.command;
var ui = e.ui;
var val = e.value;
if (cmd == 'mceAdvLink' || cmd == 'mceLink'){
ed.execCommand('sslink', ui, val);
} else if (cmd == 'mceAdvImage' || cmd == 'mceImage'){
ed.execCommand('ssmedia', ui, val);
ed.on('SaveContent', function(o) {
var content = jQuery(o.content);
var attrsFn = (attrs) => {
return Object.keys(attrs)
.map((name) => attrs[name] ? name + '="' + attrs[name] + '"' : null)
.filter((el) => el !== null)
.join(' ')
// Transform [embed] shortcodes
content.find('.ss-htmleditorfield-file.embed').each(function() {
var el = jQuery(this);
var attrs = {
width: el.attr('width'),
class: el.attr('cssclass'),
var shortCode = '[embed ' + attrsFn(attrs) + ']' +'url') + '[/embed]';
// Transform [image] shortcodes
content.find('img').each(function() {
var el = jQuery(this);
var attrs = {
// Requires server-side preprocessing of HTML+shortcodes in HTMLValue
src: el.attr('src'),
width: el.attr('width'),
height: el.attr('height'),
class: el.attr('class'),
// don't save caption, since that's in the containing element
title: el.attr('title'),
alt: el.attr('alt')
var shortCode = '[image ' + attrsFn(attrs) + ']';
// Insert outerHTML in order to retain all nodes incl. <script>
// tags which would've been filtered out with jQuery.html().
// Note that <script> tags might be sanitized separately based on editor config.
o.content = '';
content.each(function() {
if(this.outerHTML !== undefined) {
o.content += this.outerHTML;
ed.on('BeforeSetContent', function(o) {
var matches;
var content = o.content;
var attrFromStrFn = (str) => {
return str
// Split on all attributes, quoted or not
.reduce((coll, val) => {
var match = val.match(/^([^\s\/'"=,]+)\s*=\s*(?:(?:'([^']+)')|(?:"([^"]+)")|(?:[^\s,\]]+))$/),
key = match[1],
value = match[2] || match[3] || match[4]; // single, double, or unquoted match
coll[key] = value;
return coll;
}, {});
// Transform [embed] tag
var shortTagRegex = /\[embed(.*?)\](.+?)\[\/\s*embed\s*\]/gi;
while((matches = shortTagRegex.exec(content))) {
var attrs = attrFromStrFn(matches[1]);
var el;
el = jQuery('<img/>').attr({
'src': attrs['thumbnail'],
'width': attrs['width'],
'height': attrs['height'],
'class': attrs['class'],
'data-url': matches[2]
}).addClass('ss-htmleditorfield-file embed');
attrs['cssclass'] = attrs['class'];
Object.keys(attrs).forEach((key) => el.attr('data-' + key, attrs[key]));
content = content.replace(matches[0], (jQuery('<div/>').append(el).html()));
// Transform [image] tag
var shortTagRegex = /\[image(.*?)\]/gi;
while((matches = shortTagRegex.exec(content))) {
var attrs = attrFromStrFn(matches[1]);
var el = jQuery('<img/>').attr({
'src': attrs['src'],
'width': attrs['width'],
'height': attrs['height'],
'class': attrs['class'],
'alt': attrs['alt'],
'title': attrs['title'],
'data-id': attrs['id']
content = content.replace(matches[0], (jQuery('<div/>').append(el).html()));
o.content = content;
// Adds the plugin class to the list of available TinyMCE plugins
tinymce.PluginManager.add("ssbuttons", function(editor) {