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synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
The main benefit of this is so that authors who make use of .editorconfig don't end up with whitespace changes in their PRs. Spaces vs. tabs has been left alone, although that could do with a tidy-up in SS4 after the switch to PSR-1/2. The command used was this: for match in '*.ss' '*.css' '*.scss' '*.html' '*.yml' '*.php' '*.js' '*.csv' '*.inc' '*.php5'; do find . -path ./thirdparty -not -prune -o -path ./admin/thirdparty -not -prune -o -type f -name "$match" -exec sed -E -i '' 's/[[:space:]]+$//' {} \+ find . -path ./thirdparty -not -prune -o -path ./admin/thirdparty -not -prune -o -type f -name "$match" | xargs perl -pi -e 's/ +$//' done
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(function($) {
$.entwine('ss', function($) {
// setup jquery.entwine
$.entwine.warningLevel = $.entwine.WARN_LEVEL_BESTPRACTISE;
* Horizontal collapsible panel. Generic enough to work with CMS menu as well as various "filter" panels.
* A panel consists of the following parts:
* - Container div: The outer element, with class ".cms-panel"
* - Header (optional)
* - Content
* - Expand and collapse toggle anchors (optional)
* Sample HTML:
* <div class="cms-panel">
* <div class="cms-panel-header">your header</div>
* <div class="cms-panel-content">your content here</div>
* <div class="cms-panel-toggle">
* <a href="#" class="toggle-expande">your toggle text</a>
* <a href="#" class="toggle-collapse">your toggle text</a>
* </div>
* </div>
WidthExpanded: null,
WidthCollapsed: null,
* @func canSetCookie
* @return {boolean}
* @desc Before trying to set a cookie, make sure $.cookie and the element's id are both defined.
canSetCookie: function () {
return $.cookie !== void 0 && this.attr('id') !== void 0;
* @func getPersistedCollapsedState
* @return {boolean|undefined} - Returns true if the panel is collapsed, false if expanded. Returns undefined if there is no cookie set.
* @desc Get the collapsed state of the panel according to the cookie.
getPersistedCollapsedState: function () {
var isCollapsed, cookieValue;
if (this.canSetCookie()) {
cookieValue = $.cookie('cms-panel-collapsed-' + this.attr('id'));
if (cookieValue !== void 0 && cookieValue !== null) {
isCollapsed = cookieValue === 'true';
return isCollapsed;
* @func setPersistedCollapsedState
* @param {boolean} newState - Pass true if you want the panel to be collapsed, false for expanded.
* @desc Set the collapsed value of the panel, stored in cookies.
setPersistedCollapsedState: function (newState) {
if (this.canSetCookie()) {
$.cookie('cms-panel-collapsed-' + this.attr('id'), newState, { path: '/', expires: 31 });
* @func clearPersistedState
* @desc Remove the cookie responsible for maintaing the collapsed state.
clearPersistedCollapsedState: function () {
if (this.canSetCookie()) {
$.cookie('cms-panel-collapsed-' + this.attr('id'), '', { path: '/', expires: -1 });
* @func getInitialCollapsedState
* @return {boolean} - Returns true if the the panel is collapsed, false if expanded.
* @desc Get the initial collapsed state of the panel. Check if a cookie value is set then fall back to checking CSS classes.
getInitialCollapsedState: function () {
var isCollapsed = this.getPersistedCollapsedState();
// Fallback to getting the state from the default CSS class
if (isCollapsed === void 0) {
isCollapsed = this.hasClass('collapsed');
return isCollapsed;
onadd: function() {
var collapsedContent, container;
if(!this.find('.cms-panel-content').length) throw new Exception('Content panel for ".cms-panel" not found');
// Create default controls unless they already exist.
if(!this.find('.cms-panel-toggle').length) {
container = $("<div class='cms-panel-toggle south'></div>")
.append('<a class="toggle-expand" href="#"><span>»</span></a>')
.append('<a class="toggle-collapse" href="#"><span>«</span></a>');
// Set panel width same as the content panel it contains. Assumes the panel has overflow: hidden.
// Assumes the collapsed width is indicated by the toggle, or by an optionally collapsed view
collapsedContent = this.find('.cms-panel-content-collapsed');
this.setWidthCollapsed(collapsedContent.length ? collapsedContent.innerWidth() : this.find('.toggle-expand').innerWidth());
// Toggle visibility
this.togglePanel(!this.getInitialCollapsedState(), true, false);
* @func togglePanel
* @param doExpand {boolean} - true to expand, false to collapse.
* @param silent {boolean} - true means that events won't be fired, which is useful for the component initialization phase.
* @param doSaveState - if false, the panel's state will not be persisted via cookies.
* @desc Toggle the expanded / collapsed state of the panel.
togglePanel: function(doExpand, silent, doSaveState) {
var newWidth, collapsedContent;
if(!silent) {
this.trigger('beforetoggle.sspanel', doExpand);
this.trigger(doExpand ? 'beforeexpand' : 'beforecollapse');
this.toggleClass('collapsed', !doExpand);
newWidth = doExpand ? this.getWidthExpanded() : this.getWidthCollapsed();
this.width(newWidth); // the content panel width always stays in "expanded state" to avoid floating elements
// If an alternative collapsed view exists, toggle it as well
collapsedContent = this.find('.cms-panel-content-collapsed');
if(collapsedContent.length) {
this.find('.cms-panel-content')[doExpand ? 'show' : 'hide']();
this.find('.cms-panel-content-collapsed')[doExpand ? 'hide' : 'show']();
if (doSaveState !== false) {
// TODO Fix redraw order (inner to outer), and re-enable silent flag
// to avoid multiple expensive redraws on a single load.
// if(!silent) {
this.trigger('toggle', doExpand);
this.trigger(doExpand ? 'expand' : 'collapse');
// }
expandPanel: function(force) {
if(!force && !this.hasClass('collapsed')) return;
collapsePanel: function(force) {
if(!force && this.hasClass('collapsed')) return;
$('.cms-panel.collapsed .cms-panel-toggle').entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
$('.cms-panel *').entwine({
getPanel: function() {
return this.parents('.cms-panel:first');
$('.cms-panel .toggle-expand').entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
$('.cms-panel .toggle-collapse').entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
// Expand CMS' centre pane, when the pane itself is clicked somewhere
onclick: function(e) {