Sam Minnee de1494e3a8 ENHANCEMENT: Implemented DataList as the successor of DataObjectSet. DataList doesn't execute the query until it's actually needed, allowing for a more flexible ORM.
API CHANGE: augmentSQL is now passed a DataQuery object from which query parameters can be extracted.
API CHANGE: DataObjectDecorators that manipulate the query can now define augmentDataQueryCreation().
API CHANGE: The container class argument for DataObject::get() is deprecated.
API CHANGE: DataObject::buildSQL() and DataObject::extendedSQL() are deprecated; just use DataObject::get() now.
API CHANGE: DataObject::instance_get() and DataObject::instance_get_one() are deprecated, and can no longer be overloaded.
API CHANGE: DataObject::buildDataObjectSet() is deprecated.
API CHANGE: Cant't call manual manipulation methods on DataList such as insertFirst()
2011-05-01 15:25:45 +12:00

439 lines
14 KiB

* Test the {@link DataObjectSet} class.
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage tests
class DataObjectSetTest extends SapphireTest {
static $fixture_file = 'DataObjectSetTest.yml';
protected $extraDataObjects = array(
function testArrayAccessExists() {
$set = new DataObjectSet(array(
$one = new DataObject(array('Title' => 'one')),
$two = new DataObject(array('Title' => 'two')),
$three = new DataObject(array('Title' => 'three'))
$this->assertEquals(count($set), 3);
$this->assertTrue(isset($set[0]), 'First item in the set is set');
$this->assertEquals($one, $set[0], 'First item in the set is accessible by array notation');
function testArrayAccessUnset() {
$set = new DataObjectSet(array(
$one = new DataObject(array('Title' => 'one')),
$two = new DataObject(array('Title' => 'two')),
$three = new DataObject(array('Title' => 'three'))
$this->assertEquals(count($set), 2);
function testArrayAccessSet() {
$set = new DataObjectSet();
$this->assertEquals(0, count($set));
$set['testing!'] = $test = new DataObject(array('Title' => 'I\'m testing!'));
$this->assertEquals($test, $set['testing!'], 'Set item is accessible by the key we set it as');
function testIterator() {
$set = new DataObjectSet(array(
$one = new DataObject(array('Title'=>'one')),
$two = new DataObject(array('Title'=>'two')),
$three = new DataObject(array('Title'=>'three')),
$four = new DataObject(array('Title'=>'four'))
// test Pos() with foreach()
$i = 0;
foreach($set as $item) {
$this->assertEquals($i, $item->Pos(), "Iterator position is set correctly on ViewableData when iterated with foreach()");
// test Pos() manually
$this->assertEquals(1, $one->Pos());
$this->assertEquals(2, $two->Pos());
$this->assertEquals(3, $three->Pos());
$this->assertEquals(4, $four->Pos());
// test DataObjectSet->Count()
$this->assertEquals(4, $set->Count());
// test DataObjectSet->First()
$this->assertSame($one, $set->First());
// test DataObjectSet->Last()
$this->assertSame($four, $set->Last());
// test ViewableData->First()
// test ViewableData->Last()
// test ViewableData->Middle()
// test ViewableData->Even()
// test ViewableData->Odd()
public function testMultipleOf() {
$comments = DataObject::get('DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment', '', "\"ID\" ASC");
$commArr = $comments->toArray();
$multiplesOf3 = 0;
foreach($commArr as $comment) {
if($comment->MultipleOf(3)) {
$comment->IsMultipleOf3 = true;
} else {
$comment->IsMultipleOf3 = false;
$this->assertEquals(1, $multiplesOf3);
foreach($comments as $comment) {
if($comment->MultipleOf(3, 1)) {
$comment->IsMultipleOf3 = true;
} else {
$comment->IsMultipleOf3 = false;
* Test {@link DataObjectSet->Count()}
function testCount() {
$comments = DataObject::get('DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment', '', "\"ID\" ASC");
/* There are a total of 8 items in the set */
$this->assertEquals($comments->Count(), 3, 'There are a total of 3 items in the set');
* Test {@link DataObjectSet->First()}
function testFirst() {
$comments = DataObject::get('DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment', '', "\"ID\" ASC");
/* The first object is Joe's comment */
$this->assertEquals($comments->First()->Name, 'Joe', 'The first object has a Name field value of "Joe"');
* Test {@link DataObjectSet->Last()}
function testLast() {
$comments = DataObject::get('DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment', '', "\"ID\" ASC");
/* The last object is Dean's comment */
$this->assertEquals($comments->Last()->Name, 'Phil', 'The last object has a Name field value of "Phil"');
* Test {@link DataObjectSet->map()}
function testMap() {
$comments = DataObject::get('DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment', '', "\"ID\" ASC");
/* Now we get a map of all the PageComment records */
$map = $comments->map('ID', 'Title', '(Select one)');
$expectedMap = array(
'' => '(Select one)',
1 => 'Joe',
2 => 'Bob',
3 => 'Phil'
/* There are 9 items in the map. 3 are records. 1 is the empty value */
$this->assertEquals(count($map), 4, 'There are 4 items in the map. 3 are records. 1 is the empty value');
/* We have the same map as our expected map, asserted above */
/* toDropDownMap() is an alias of map() - let's make a map from that */
$map2 = $comments->toDropDownMap('ID', 'Title', '(Select one)');
/* There are 4 items in the map. 3 are records. 1 is the empty value */
$this->assertEquals(count($map), 4, 'There are 4 items in the map. 3 are records. 1 is the empty value.');
function testRemoveDuplicates() {
// Note that PageComment and DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment are both descendants of DataObject, and don't
// share an inheritance relationship below that.
$pageComments = DataObject::get('DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment');
$teamComments = DataObject::get('DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment');
/* Test default functionality (remove by ID). We'd expect to loose all our
* team comments as they have the same IDs as the first three page comments */
$allComments = new DataObjectSet();
$this->assertEquals($allComments->Count(), 6);
$this->assertEquals($allComments->Count(), 3, 'Standard functionality is to remove duplicate base class/IDs');
/* Now test removing duplicates based on a common field. In this case we shall
* use 'Name', so we can get all the unique commentators */
$comment = new DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment();
$comment->Name = "Bob";
$this->assertEquals($allComments->Count(), 4);
$this->assertEquals($allComments->Count(), 3, 'There are 3 uniquely named commentators');
// Ensure that duplicates are removed where the base data class is the same.
$mixedSet = new DataObjectSet();
$mixedSet->push(new DataObjectSetTest_Base(array('ID' => 1)));
$mixedSet->push(new DataObjectSetTest_ChildClass(array('ID' => 1))); // dup: same base class and ID
$mixedSet->push(new DataObjectSetTest_ChildClass(array('ID' => 1))); // dup: more than one dup of the same object
$mixedSet->push(new DataObjectSetTest_ChildClass(array('ID' => 2))); // not dup: same type again, but different
$mixedSet->push(new DataObjectSetTest_Base(array('ID' => 1))); // dup: another dup, not consequetive.
$this->assertEquals($mixedSet->Count(), 2, 'There are 3 unique data objects in a very mixed set');
* Test {@link DataObjectSet->parseQueryLimit()}
function testParseQueryLimit() {
// Create empty objects, because they don't need to have contents
$sql = new SQLQuery('*', '"Member"');
$max = $sql->unlimitedRowCount();
$set = new DataObjectSet();
// Test handling an array
$set->parseQueryLimit($sql->limit(array('limit'=>5, 'start'=>2)));
$expected = array(
'pageStart' => 2,
'pageLength' => 5,
'totalSize' => $max,
$this->assertEquals($expected, $set->getPageLimits(), 'The page limits match expected values.');
// Test handling OFFSET string
// uppercase
$set->parseQueryLimit($sql->limit('3 OFFSET 1'));
$expected = array(
'pageStart' => 1,
'pageLength' => 3,
'totalSize' => $max,
$this->assertEquals($expected, $set->getPageLimits(), 'The page limits match expected values.');
// and lowercase
$set->parseQueryLimit($sql->limit('32 offset 3'));
$expected = array(
'pageStart' => 3,
'pageLength' => 32,
'totalSize' => $max,
$this->assertEquals($expected, $set->getPageLimits(), 'The page limits match expected values.');
// Finally check MySQL LIMIT syntax
$set->parseQueryLimit($sql->limit('7, 7'));
$expected = array(
'pageStart' => 7,
'pageLength' => 7,
'totalSize' => $max,
$this->assertEquals($expected, $set->getPageLimits(), 'The page limits match expected values.');
* Test {@link DataObjectSet->insertFirst()}
function testInsertFirst() {
// inserFirst doesn't work with DataLists any more, because of new ORM.
// Get one comment
$comment = DataObject::get_one('DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment', "\"Name\" = 'Joe'");
// Get all other comments
$set = DataObject::get('DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment', '"Name" != \'Joe\'');
// Duplicate so we can use it later without another lookup
$otherSet = clone $set;
// insert without a key
$this->assertEquals($comment, $otherSet->First(), 'Comment should be first');
// Give us another copy
$otherSet = clone $set;
// insert with a numeric key
$otherSet->insertFirst($comment, 2);
$this->assertEquals($comment, $otherSet->First(), 'Comment should be first');
// insert with a non-numeric key
$set->insertFirst($comment, 'SomeRandomKey');
$this->assertEquals($comment, $set->First(), 'Comment should be first');
* Test {@link DataObjectSet->getRange()}
function testGetRange() {
$comments = DataObject::get('DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment', '', "\"ID\" ASC");
// Make sure we got all 8 comments
$this->assertEquals($comments->Count(), 3, 'Three comments in the database.');
// Grab a range
$range = $comments->getRange(1, 2);
$this->assertEquals($range->Count(), 2, 'Two comment in the range.');
// And now grab a range that shouldn't be full. Remember counting starts at 0.
$range = $comments->getRange(2, 1);
$this->assertEquals($range->Count(), 1, 'One comment in the range.');
// Make sure it's the last one
$this->assertEquals($range->First(), $comments->Last(), 'The only item in the range should be the last one.');
* Test {@link DataObjectSet->exists()}
function testExists() {
// Test an empty set
$set = new DataObjectSet();
$this->assertFalse($set->exists(), 'Empty set doesn\'t exist.');
// Test a non-empty set
$set = DataObject::get('DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment', '', "\"ID\" ASC");
$this->assertTrue($set->exists(), 'Non-empty set does exist.');
* Test {@link DataObjectSet->shift()}
function testShift() {
$set = new DataObjectSet();
$set->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => 'Joe')));
$set->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => 'Bob')));
$set->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => 'Ted')));
$this->assertEquals('Joe', $set->shift()->Name);
* Test {@link DataObjectSet->unshift()}
function testUnshift() {
$set = new DataObjectSet();
$set->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => 'Joe')));
$set->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => 'Bob')));
$set->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => 'Ted')));
$set->unshift(new ArrayData(array('Name' => 'Steve')));
$this->assertEquals('Steve', $set->First()->Name);
* Test {@link DataObjectSet->pop()}
function testPop() {
$set = new DataObjectSet();
$set->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => 'Joe')));
$set->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => 'Bob')));
$set->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => 'Ted')));
$this->assertEquals('Ted', $set->pop()->Name);
* Test {@link DataObjectSet->sort()}
function testSort() {
$set = new DataObjectSet(array(
array('Name'=>'Object1', 'F1'=>1, 'F2'=>2, 'F3'=>3),
array('Name'=>'Object2', 'F1'=>2, 'F2'=>1, 'F3'=>4),
array('Name'=>'Object3', 'F1'=>5, 'F2'=>2, 'F3'=>2),
// test a single sort ASC
$set->sort('F3', 'ASC');
$this->assertEquals($set->First()->Name, 'Object3', 'Object3 should be first in the set');
// test a single sort DESC
$set->sort('F3', 'DESC');
$this->assertEquals($set->First()->Name, 'Object2', 'Object2 should be first in the set');
// test a multi sort
$set->sort(array('F2'=>'ASC', 'F1'=>'ASC'));
$this->assertEquals($set->Last()->Name, 'Object3', 'Object3 should be last in the set');
// test a multi sort
$set->sort(array('F2'=>'ASC', 'F1'=>'DESC'));
$this->assertEquals($set->Last()->Name, 'Object1', 'Object1 should be last in the set');
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage tests
class DataObjectSetTest_TeamComment extends DataObject implements TestOnly {
static $db = array(
'Name' => 'Varchar',
'Comment' => 'Text',
static $has_one = array(
'Team' => 'DataObjectTest_Team',
class DataObjectSetTest_Base extends DataObject implements TestOnly {
static $db = array(
'Name' => 'Varchar'
class DataObjectSetTest_ChildClass extends DataObjectSetTest_Base implements TestOnly {