
320 lines
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use SilverStripe\Core\Config\Config;
use SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injector;
use SilverStripe\i18n\i18n;
* Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.
* It will always return the same instance for this class,
* which can be used for performance reasons and as a simple
* way to access instance methods which don't rely on instance
* data (e.g. the custom SilverStripe static handling).
* @param string $className
* @return mixed
function singleton($className)
if ($className === Config::class) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Don't pass Config to singleton()");
if (!isset($className)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("singleton() Called without a class");
if (!is_string($className)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"singleton() passed bad class_name: " . var_export($className, true)
return Injector::inst()->get($className);
function project()
global $project;
return $project;
* This is the main translator function. Returns the string defined by $entity according to the
* currently set locale.
* Also supports pluralisation of strings. Pass in a `count` argument, as well as a
* default value with `|` pipe-delimited options for each plural form.
* @param string $entity Entity that identifies the string. It must be in the form
* "Namespace.Entity" where Namespace will be usually the class name where this
* string is used and Entity identifies the string inside the namespace.
* @param mixed $arg,... Additional arguments are parsed as such:
* - Next string argument is a default. Pass in a `|` pipe-delimeted value with `{count}`
* to do pluralisation.
* - Any other string argument after default is context for i18nTextCollector
* - Any array argument in any order is an injection parameter list. Pass in a `count`
* injection parameter to pluralise.
* @return string
function _t($entity, $arg = null)
// Pass args directly to handle deprecation
return call_user_func_array([i18n::class, '_t'], func_get_args());
* Increase the memory limit to the given level if it's currently too low.
* Only increases up to the maximum defined in {@link set_increase_memory_limit_max()},
* and defaults to the 'memory_limit' setting in the PHP configuration.
* @param string|int $memoryLimit A memory limit string, such as "64M". If omitted, unlimited memory will be set.
* @return Boolean TRUE indicates a successful change, FALSE a denied change.
function increase_memory_limit_to($memoryLimit = -1)
$curLimit = ini_get('memory_limit');
// Can't go higher than infinite
if ($curLimit == -1) {
return true;
// Check hard maximums
$max = get_increase_memory_limit_max();
if ($max && $max != -1 && translate_memstring($memoryLimit) > translate_memstring($max)) {
return false;
// Increase the memory limit if it's too low
if ($memoryLimit == -1 || translate_memstring($memoryLimit) > translate_memstring($curLimit)) {
ini_set('memory_limit', $memoryLimit);
return true;
$_increase_memory_limit_max = ini_get('memory_limit');
* Set the maximum allowed value for {@link increase_memory_limit_to()}.
* The same result can also be achieved through 'suhosin.memory_limit'
* if PHP is running with the Suhosin system.
* @param string $memoryLimit Memory limit string
function set_increase_memory_limit_max($memoryLimit)
global $_increase_memory_limit_max;
$_increase_memory_limit_max = $memoryLimit;
* @return string Memory limit string
function get_increase_memory_limit_max()
global $_increase_memory_limit_max;
return $_increase_memory_limit_max;
* Increases the XDebug parameter max_nesting_level, which limits how deep recursion can go.
* Only does anything if (a) xdebug is installed and (b) the new limit is higher than the existing limit
* @param int $limit - The new limit to increase to
function increase_xdebug_nesting_level_to($limit)
if (function_exists('xdebug_enable')) {
$current = ini_get('xdebug.max_nesting_level');
if ((int)$current < $limit) {
ini_set('xdebug.max_nesting_level', $limit);
* Turn a memory string, such as 512M into an actual number of bytes.
* @param string $memString A memory limit string, such as "64M"
* @return float
function translate_memstring($memString)
switch (strtolower(substr($memString, -1))) {
case "k":
return round(substr($memString, 0, -1) * 1024);
case "m":
return round(substr($memString, 0, -1) * 1024 * 1024);
case "g":
return round(substr($memString, 0, -1) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
return round($memString);
* Increase the time limit of this script. By default, the time will be unlimited.
* Only works if 'safe_mode' is off in the PHP configuration.
* Only values up to {@link get_increase_time_limit_max()} are allowed.
* @param int $timeLimit The time limit in seconds. If omitted, no time limit will be set.
* @return Boolean TRUE indicates a successful change, FALSE a denied change.
function increase_time_limit_to($timeLimit = null)
$max = get_increase_time_limit_max();
if ($max != -1 && $max != null && $timeLimit > $max) {
return false;
if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) {
if (!$timeLimit) {
return true;
} else {
$currTimeLimit = ini_get('max_execution_time');
// Only increase if its smaller
if ($currTimeLimit && $currTimeLimit < $timeLimit) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Set the maximum allowed value for {@link increase_timeLimit_to()};
* @param int $timeLimit Limit in seconds
function set_increase_time_limit_max($timeLimit)
global $_increase_time_limit_max;
$_increase_time_limit_max = $timeLimit;
* @return Int Limit in seconds
function get_increase_time_limit_max()
global $_increase_time_limit_max;
return $_increase_time_limit_max;
* Returns the temporary folder path that silverstripe should use for its cache files.
* @param string $base The base path to use for determining the temporary path
* @return string Path to temp
function getTempFolder($base = null)
$parent = getTempParentFolder($base);
// The actual temp folder is a subfolder of getTempParentFolder(), named by username
$subfolder = $parent . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . getTempFolderUsername();
if (!@file_exists($subfolder)) {
return $subfolder;
* Returns as best a representation of the current username as we can glean.
* @return string
function getTempFolderUsername()
$user = getenv('APACHE_RUN_USER');
if (!$user) {
$user = getenv('USER');
if (!$user) {
$user = getenv('USERNAME');
if (!$user && function_exists('posix_getpwuid') && function_exists('posix_getuid')) {
$userDetails = posix_getpwuid(posix_getuid());
$user = $userDetails['name'];
if (!$user) {
$user = 'unknown';
$user = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]/', '', $user);
return $user;
* Return the parent folder of the temp folder.
* The temp folder will be a subfolder of this, named by username.
* This structure prevents permission problems.
* @param string $base
* @return string
* @throws Exception
function getTempParentFolder($base = null)
if (!$base && defined('BASE_PATH')) {
$base = BASE_PATH;
// first, try finding a silverstripe-cache dir built off the base path
$tempPath = $base . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'silverstripe-cache';
if (@file_exists($tempPath)) {
if ((fileperms($tempPath) & 0777) != 0777) {
@chmod($tempPath, 0777);
return $tempPath;
// failing the above, try finding a namespaced silverstripe-cache dir in the system temp
$tempPath = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
'silverstripe-cache-php' . preg_replace('/[^\w-\.+]+/', '-', PHP_VERSION) .
str_replace(array(' ', '/', ':', '\\'), '-', $base);
if (!@file_exists($tempPath)) {
$oldUMask = umask(0);
@mkdir($tempPath, 0777);
// if the folder already exists, correct perms
} else {
if ((fileperms($tempPath) & 0777) != 0777) {
@chmod($tempPath, 0777);
$worked = @file_exists($tempPath) && @is_writable($tempPath);
// failing to use the system path, attempt to create a local silverstripe-cache dir
if (!$worked) {
$tempPath = $base . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'silverstripe-cache';
if (!@file_exists($tempPath)) {
$oldUMask = umask(0);
@mkdir($tempPath, 0777);
$worked = @file_exists($tempPath) && @is_writable($tempPath);
if (!$worked) {
throw new Exception(
'Permission problem gaining access to a temp folder. ' .
'Please create a folder named silverstripe-cache in the base folder ' .
'of the installation and ensure it has the correct permissions'
return $tempPath;