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* PEG Generator - A PEG Parser for PHP
* @author Hamish Friedlander / SilverStripe
* See README.md for documentation
require 'PHPBuilder.php' ;
class Flags {
function __construct( $parent = NULL ) {
$this->parent = $parent ;
$this->flags = array() ;
function __set( $k, $v ) {
$this->flags[$k] = $v ;
return $v ;
function __get( $k ) {
if ( isset( $this->flags[$k] ) ) return $this->flags[$k] ;
if ( isset( $this->parent ) ) return $this->parent->$k ;
return NULL ;
* PHPWriter contains several code generation snippets that are used both by the Token and the Rule compiler
class PHPWriter {
static $varid = 0 ;
function varid() {
return '_' . (self::$varid++) ;
function function_name( $str ) {
$str = preg_replace( '/-/', '_', $str ) ;
$str = preg_replace( '/\$/', 'DLR', $str ) ;
$str = preg_replace( '/\*/', 'STR', $str ) ;
$str = preg_replace( '/[^\w]+/', '', $str ) ;
return $str ;
function save($id) {
return PHPBuilder::build()
'$res'.$id.' = $result;',
'$pos'.$id.' = $this->pos;'
function restore( $id, $remove = FALSE ) {
$code = PHPBuilder::build()
'$result = $res'.$id.';',
'$this->pos = $pos'.$id.';'
if ( $remove ) $code->l(
'unset( $res'.$id.' );',
'unset( $pos'.$id.' );'
return $code ;
function match_fail_conditional( $on, $match = NULL, $fail = NULL ) {
return PHPBuilder::build()
->b( 'if (' . $on . ')',
->b( 'else',
function match_fail_block( $code ) {
$id = $this->varid() ;
return PHPBuilder::build()
'$'.$id.' = NULL;'
->b( 'do',
'MBREAK' => '$'.$id.' = TRUE; break;',
'FBREAK' => '$'.$id.' = FALSE; break;'
->b( 'if( $'.$id.' === TRUE )', 'MATCH' )
->b( 'if( $'.$id.' === FALSE)', 'FAIL' )
* A Token is any portion of a match rule. Tokens are responsible for generating the code to match against them.
* This base class provides the compile() function, which handles the token modifiers ( ? * + & ! )
* Each child class should provide the function match_code() which will generate the code to match against that specific token type.
* In that generated code they should include the lines MATCH or FAIL when a match or a decisive failure occurs. These will
* be overwritten when they are injected into parent Tokens or Rules. There is no requirement on where MATCH and FAIL can occur.
* They tokens are also responsible for storing and restoring state when nessecary to handle a non-decisive failure.
* @author hamish
abstract class Token extends PHPWriter {
public $optional = FALSE ;
public $zero_or_more = FALSE ;
public $one_or_more = FALSE ;
public $positive_lookahead = FALSE ;
public $negative_lookahead = FALSE ;
public $silent = FALSE ;
public $tag = FALSE ;
public $type ;
public $value ;
function __construct( $type, $value = NULL ) {
$this->type = $type ;
$this->value = $value ;
// abstract protected function match_code() ;
function compile() {
$code = $this->match_code() ;
$id = $this->varid() ;
if ( $this->optional ) {
$code = PHPBuilder::build()
$code->replace( array( 'FAIL' => $this->restore($id,true) ))
if ( $this->zero_or_more ) {
$code = PHPBuilder::build()
->b( 'while (true)',
$code->replace( array(
'FAIL' =>
->l( 'break;' )
if ( $this->one_or_more ) {
$code = PHPBuilder::build()
'$count = 0;'
->b( 'while (true)',
$code->replace( array(
'FAIL' =>
->l( 'break;' )
'$count += 1;'
->b( 'if ($count > 0)', 'MATCH' )
->b( 'else', 'FAIL' );
if ( $this->positive_lookahead ) {
$code = PHPBuilder::build()
$code->replace( array(
'MATCH' =>
->l( 'MATCH' ),
'FAIL' =>
->l( 'FAIL' )
if ( $this->negative_lookahead ) {
$code = PHPBuilder::build()
$code->replace( array(
'MATCH' =>
->l( 'FAIL' ),
'FAIL' =>
->l( 'MATCH' )
if ( $this->tag && !($this instanceof TokenRecurse ) ) {
$code = PHPBuilder::build()
'$stack[] = $result; $result = $this->construct( $matchrule, "'.$this->tag.'" ); ',
'MATCH' => PHPBuilder::build()
'$subres = $result; $result = array_pop($stack);',
'$this->store( $result, $subres, \''.$this->tag.'\' );',
'FAIL' => PHPBuilder::build()
'$result = array_pop($stack);',
return $code ;
abstract class TokenTerminal extends Token {
function set_text( $text ) {
return $this->silent ? NULL : '$result["text"] .= ' . $text . ';';
protected function match_code( $value ) {
return $this->match_fail_conditional( '( $subres = $this->'.$this->type.'( '.$value.' ) ) !== FALSE',
abstract class TokenExpressionable extends TokenTerminal {
static $expression_rx = '/ \$(\w+) | { \$(\w+) } /x';
function contains_expression(){
return preg_match(self::$expression_rx, $this->value);
function expression_replace($matches) {
return '\'.$this->expression($result, $stack, \'' . (!empty($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : $matches[2]) . "').'";
function match_code( $value ) {
$value = preg_replace_callback(self::$expression_rx, array($this, 'expression_replace'), $value);
return parent::match_code($value);
class TokenLiteral extends TokenExpressionable {
function __construct( $value ) {
parent::__construct( 'literal', "'" . substr($value,1,-1) . "'" );
function match_code() {
// We inline single-character matches for speed
if ( !$this->contains_expression() && strlen( eval( 'return '. $this->value . ';' ) ) == 1 ) {
return $this->match_fail_conditional( 'substr($this->string,$this->pos,1) == '.$this->value,
'$this->pos += 1;',
$this->set_text( $this->value )
return parent::match_code($this->value);
class TokenRegex extends TokenExpressionable {
static function escape( $rx ) {
$rx = str_replace( "'", "\\'", $rx ) ;
$rx = str_replace( '\\\\', '\\\\\\\\', $rx ) ;
return $rx ;
function __construct( $value ) {
parent::__construct('rx', self::escape($value));
function match_code() {
return parent::match_code("'{$this->value}'");
class TokenWhitespace extends TokenTerminal {
function __construct( $optional ) {
parent::__construct( 'whitespace', $optional ) ;
/* Call recursion indirectly */
function match_code() {
$code = parent::match_code( '' ) ;
return $this->value ? $code->replace( array( 'FAIL' => NULL )) : $code ;
class TokenRecurse extends Token {
function __construct( $value ) {
parent::__construct( 'recurse', $value ) ;
function match_function() {
return "'".$this->function_name($this->value)."'";
function match_code() {
$function = $this->match_function() ;
$storetag = $this->function_name( $this->tag ? $this->tag : $this->match_function() ) ;
if ( ParserCompiler::$debug ) {
$debug_header = PHPBuilder::build()
'$indent = str_repeat( " ", $this->depth );',
'$this->depth += 2;',
'$sub = ( strlen( $this->string ) - $this->pos > 20 ) ? ( substr( $this->string, $this->pos, 20 ) . "..." ) : substr( $this->string, $this->pos );',
'$sub = preg_replace( \'/(\r|\n)+/\', " {NL} ", $sub );',
'print( $indent."Matching against $matcher (".$sub.")\n" );'
$debug_match = PHPBuilder::build()
'print( $indent."MATCH\n" );',
'$this->depth -= 2;'
$debug_fail = PHPBuilder::build()
'print( $indent."FAIL\n" );',
'$this->depth -= 2;'
else {
$debug_header = $debug_match = $debug_fail = NULL ;
return PHPBuilder::build()->l(
'$matcher = \'match_\'.'.$function.'; $key = $matcher; $pos = $this->pos;',
'$subres = ( $this->packhas( $key, $pos ) ? $this->packread( $key, $pos ) : $this->packwrite( $key, $pos, $this->$matcher(array_merge($stack, array($result))) ) );',
$this->match_fail_conditional( '$subres !== FALSE',
$this->tag === FALSE ?
'$this->store( $result, $subres );' :
'$this->store( $result, $subres, "'.$storetag.'" );'
class TokenExpressionedRecurse extends TokenRecurse {
function match_function() {
return '$this->expression($result, $stack, \''.$this->value.'\')';
class TokenSequence extends Token {
function __construct( $value ) {
parent::__construct( 'sequence', $value ) ;
function match_code() {
$code = PHPBuilder::build() ;
foreach( $this->value as $token ) {
$code->l( 'MBREAK' );
return $this->match_fail_block( $code ) ;
class TokenOption extends Token {
function __construct( $opt1, $opt2 ) {
parent::__construct( 'option', array( $opt1, $opt2 ) ) ;
function match_code() {
$id = $this->varid() ;
$code = PHPBuilder::build()
) ;
foreach ( $this->value as $opt ) {
$code->l( 'FBREAK' ) ;
return $this->match_fail_block( $code ) ;
* Handles storing of information for an expression that applys to the <i>next</i> token, and deletion of that
* information after applying
* @author Hamish Friedlander
class Pending {
function __construct() {
$this->what = NULL ;
function set( $what, $val = TRUE ) {
$this->what = $what ;
$this->val = $val ;
function apply_if_present( $on ) {
if ( $this->what !== NULL ) {
$what = $this->what ;
$on->$what = $this->val ;
$this->what = NULL ;
* Rule parsing and code generation
* A rule is the basic unit of a PEG. This parses one rule, and generates a function that will match on a string
* @author Hamish Friedlander
class Rule extends PHPWriter {
static $rule_rx = '@
(?<name> \w+) # The name of the rule
( \s+ extends \s+ (?<extends>\w+) )? # The extends word
( \s* \( (?<arguments>.*) \) )? # Any variable setters
\s*(?<matchmark>:) | # Marks the matching rule start
\s*(?<replacemark>;) | # Marks the replacing rule start
static $argument_rx = '@
( [^=]+ ) # Name
= # Seperator
( [^=,]+ ) # Variable
static $replacement_rx = '@
( ([^=]|=[^>])+ ) # What to replace
=> # The replacement mark
( [^,]+ ) # What to replace it with
static $function_rx = '@^\s+function\s+([^\s(]+)\s*(.*)@' ;
protected $parser;
protected $lines;
public $name;
public $extends;
public $mode;
public $rule;
function __construct($parser, $lines) {
$this->parser = $parser;
$this->lines = $lines;
// Find the first line (if any) that's an attached function definition. Can skip first line (unless this block is malformed)
for ($i = 1; $i < count($lines); $i++) {
if (preg_match(self::$function_rx, $lines[$i])) break;
// Then split into the two parts
$spec = array_slice($lines, 0, $i);
$funcs = array_slice($lines, $i);
// Parse out the spec
$spec = implode("\n", $spec);
if (!preg_match(self::$rule_rx, $spec, $specmatch)) user_error('Malformed rule spec ' . $spec, E_USER_ERROR);
$this->name = $specmatch['name'];
if ($specmatch['extends']) {
$this->extends = $this->parser->rules[$specmatch['extends']];
if (!$this->extends) user_error('Extended rule '.$specmatch['extends'].' is not defined before being extended', E_USER_ERROR);
$this->arguments = array();
if ($specmatch['arguments']) {
preg_match_all(self::$argument_rx, $specmatch['arguments'], $arguments, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($arguments as $argument){
$this->arguments[trim($argument[1])] = trim($argument[2]);
$this->mode = $specmatch['matchmark'] ? 'rule' : 'replace';
if ($this->mode == 'rule') {
$this->rule = $specmatch['rule'];
$this->parse_rule() ;
else {
if (!$this->extends) user_error('Replace matcher, but not on an extends rule', E_USER_ERROR);
$this->replacements = array();
preg_match_all(self::$replacement_rx, $specmatch['rule'], $replacements, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$rule = $this->extends->rule;
foreach ($replacements as $replacement) {
$search = trim($replacement[1]);
$replace = trim($replacement[3]); if ($replace == "''" || $replace == '""') $replace = "";
$rule = str_replace($search, ' '.$replace.' ', $rule);
$this->rule = $rule;
$this->parse_rule() ;
// Parse out the functions
$this->functions = array() ;
$active_function = NULL ;
foreach( $funcs as $line ) {
/* Handle function definitions */
if ( preg_match( self::$function_rx, $line, $func_match, 0 ) ) {
$active_function = $func_match[1];
$this->functions[$active_function] = $func_match[2] . PHP_EOL;
else $this->functions[$active_function] .= $line . PHP_EOL ;
/* Manual parsing, because we can't bootstrap ourselves yet */
function parse_rule() {
$rule = trim( $this->rule ) ;
/* If this is a regex end-token, just mark it and return */
if ( substr( $rule, 0, 1 ) == '/' ) {
$this->parsed = new TokenRegex( $rule ) ;
else {
$tokens = array() ;
$this->tokenize( $rule, $tokens ) ;
$this->parsed = ( count( $tokens ) == 1 ? array_pop( $tokens ) : new TokenSequence( $tokens ) ) ;
static $rx_rx = '{^/(
((\\\\\\\\)*\\\\/) # Escaped \/, making sure to catch all the \\ first, so that we dont think \\/ is an escaped /
[^/] # Anything except /
)*/}xu' ;
function tokenize( $str, &$tokens, $o = 0 ) {
$pending = new Pending() ;
while ( $o < strlen( $str ) ) {
$sub = substr( $str, $o ) ;
/* Absorb white-space */
if ( preg_match( '/^\s+/', $sub, $match ) ) {
$o += strlen( $match[0] ) ;
/* Handle expression labels */
elseif ( preg_match( '/^(\w*):/', $sub, $match ) ) {
$pending->set( 'tag', isset( $match[1] ) ? $match[1] : '' ) ;
$o += strlen( $match[0] ) ;
/* Handle descent token */
elseif ( preg_match( '/^[\w-]+/', $sub, $match ) ) {
$tokens[] = $t = new TokenRecurse( $match[0] ) ; $pending->apply_if_present( $t ) ;
$o += strlen( $match[0] ) ;
/* Handle " quoted literals */
elseif ( preg_match( '/^"[^"]*"/', $sub, $match ) ) {
$tokens[] = $t = new TokenLiteral( $match[0] ) ; $pending->apply_if_present( $t ) ;
$o += strlen( $match[0] ) ;
/* Handle ' quoted literals */
elseif ( preg_match( "/^'[^']*'/", $sub, $match ) ) {
$tokens[] = $t = new TokenLiteral( $match[0] ) ; $pending->apply_if_present( $t ) ;
$o += strlen( $match[0] ) ;
/* Handle regexs */
elseif ( preg_match( self::$rx_rx, $sub, $match ) ) {
$tokens[] = $t = new TokenRegex( $match[0] ) ; $pending->apply_if_present( $t ) ;
$o += strlen( $match[0] ) ;
/* Handle $ call literals */
elseif ( preg_match( '/^\$(\w+)/', $sub, $match ) ) {
$tokens[] = $t = new TokenExpressionedRecurse( $match[1] ) ; $pending->apply_if_present( $t ) ;
$o += strlen( $match[0] ) ;
/* Handle flags */
elseif ( preg_match( '/^\@(\w+)/', $sub, $match ) ) {
$l = count( $tokens ) - 1 ;
$o += strlen( $match[0] ) ;
user_error( "TODO: Flags not currently supported", E_USER_WARNING ) ;
/* Handle control tokens */
else {
$c = substr( $sub, 0, 1 ) ;
$l = count( $tokens ) - 1 ;
$o += 1 ;
switch( $c ) {
case '?':
$tokens[$l]->optional = TRUE ;
break ;
case '*':
$tokens[$l]->zero_or_more = TRUE ;
break ;
case '+':
$tokens[$l]->one_or_more = TRUE ;
break ;
case '&':
$pending->set( 'positive_lookahead' ) ;
break ;
case '!':
$pending->set( 'negative_lookahead' ) ;
break ;
case '.':
$pending->set( 'silent' );
case '[':
case ']':
$tokens[] = new TokenWhitespace( FALSE ) ;
break ;
case '<':
case '>':
$tokens[] = new TokenWhitespace( TRUE ) ;
break ;
case '(':
$subtokens = array() ;
$o = $this->tokenize( $str, $subtokens, $o ) ;
$tokens[] = $t = new TokenSequence( $subtokens ) ; $pending->apply_if_present( $t ) ;
break ;
case ')':
return $o ;
case '|':
$option1 = $tokens ;
$option2 = array() ;
$o = $this->tokenize( $str, $option2, $o ) ;
$option1 = (count($option1) == 1) ? $option1[0] : new TokenSequence( $option1 );
$option2 = (count($option2) == 1) ? $option2[0] : new TokenSequence( $option2 );
$pending->apply_if_present( $option2 ) ;
$tokens = array( new TokenOption( $option1, $option2 ) ) ;
return $o ;
user_error( "Can't parser $c - attempting to skip", E_USER_WARNING ) ;
return $o ;
* Generate the PHP code for a function to match against a string for this rule
function compile($indent) {
$function_name = $this->function_name( $this->name ) ;
// Build the typestack
$typestack = array(); $class=$this;
do {
$typestack[] = $this->function_name($class->name);
while($class = $class->extends);
$typestack = "array('" . implode("','", $typestack) . "')";
// Build an array of additional arguments to add to result node (if any)
if (empty($this->arguments)) {
$arguments = 'null';
else {
$arguments = "array(";
foreach ($this->arguments as $k=>$v) { $arguments .= "'$k' => '$v'"; }
$arguments .= ")";
$match = PHPBuilder::build() ;
$match->l("protected \$match_{$function_name}_typestack = $typestack;");
$match->b( "function match_{$function_name} (\$stack = array())",
'$matchrule = "'.$function_name.'"; $result = $this->construct($matchrule, $matchrule, '.$arguments.');',
'MATCH' => 'return $this->finalise($result);',
'FAIL' => 'return FALSE;'
$functions = array() ;
foreach( $this->functions as $name => $function ) {
$function_name = $this->function_name( preg_match( '/^_/', $name ) ? $this->name.$name : $this->name.'_'.$name ) ;
$functions[] = implode( PHP_EOL, array(
'function ' . $function_name . ' ' . $function
// print_r( $match ) ; return '' ;
return $match->render(NULL, $indent) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . implode( PHP_EOL, $functions ) ;
class RuleSet {
public $rules = array();
function addRule($indent, $lines, &$out) {
$rule = new Rule($this, $lines) ;
$this->rules[$rule->name] = $rule;
$out[] = $indent . '/* ' . $rule->name . ':' . $rule->rule . ' */' . PHP_EOL ;
$out[] = $rule->compile($indent) ;
$out[] = PHP_EOL ;
function compile($indent, $rulestr) {
$indentrx = '@^'.preg_quote($indent).'@';
$out = array();
$block = array();
foreach (preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $rulestr) as $line) {
// Ignore blank lines
if (!trim($line)) continue;
// Ignore comments
if (preg_match('/^[\x20|\t]+#/', $line)) continue;
// Strip off indent
if (!empty($indent)) {
if (strpos($line, $indent) === 0) $line = substr($line, strlen($indent));
else user_error('Non-blank line with inconsistent index in parser block', E_USER_ERROR);
// Any indented line, add to current set of lines
if (preg_match('/^\x20|\t/', $line)) $block[] = $line;
// Any non-indented line marks a new block. Add a rule for the current block, then start a new block
else {
if (count($block)) $this->addRule($indent, $block, $out);
$block = array($line);
// Any unfinished block add a rule for
if (count($block)) $this->addRule($indent, $block, $out);
// And return the compiled version
return implode( '', $out ) ;
class ParserCompiler {
static $parsers = array();
static $debug = false;
static $currentClass = null;
static function create_parser( $match ) {
/* We allow indenting of the whole rule block, but only to the level of the comment start's indent */
$indent = $match[1];
/* Get the parser name for this block */
if ($class = trim($match[2])) self::$currentClass = $class;
elseif (self::$currentClass) $class = self::$currentClass;
else $class = self::$currentClass = 'Anonymous Parser';
/* Check for pragmas */
if (strpos($class, '!') === 0) {
switch ($class) {
case '!silent':
// NOP - dont output
return '';
case '!insert_autogen_warning':
return $indent . implode(PHP_EOL.$indent, array(
'WARNING: This file has been machine generated. Do not edit it, or your changes will be overwritten next time it is compiled.',
)) . PHP_EOL;
case '!debug':
self::$debug = true;
return '';
throw new Exception("Unknown pragma $class encountered when compiling parser");
if (!isset(self::$parsers[$class])) self::$parsers[$class] = new RuleSet();
return self::$parsers[$class]->compile($indent, $match[3]);
static function compile( $string ) {
static $rx = '@
^([\x20\t]*)/\*!\* (?:[\x20\t]*(!?\w*))? # Start with some indent, a comment with the special marker, then an optional name
((?:[^*]|\*[^/])*) # Any amount of "a character that isnt a star, or a star not followed by a /
\*/ # The comment end
return preg_replace_callback( $rx, array( 'ParserCompiler', 'create_parser' ), $string ) ;
static function cli( $args ) {
if ( count( $args ) == 1 ) {
print "Parser Compiler: A compiler for PEG parsers in PHP \n" ;
print "(C) 2009 SilverStripe. See COPYING for redistribution rights. \n" ;
print "\n" ;
print "Usage: {$args[0]} infile [ outfile ]\n" ;
print "\n" ;
else {
$fname = ( $args[1] == '-' ? 'php://stdin' : $args[1] ) ;
$string = file_get_contents( $fname ) ;
$string = self::compile( $string ) ;
if ( !empty( $args[2] ) && $args[2] != '-' ) {
file_put_contents( $args[2], $string ) ;
else {
print $string ;