Damian Mooyman d8e9af8af8 API New Database abstraction layer. Ticket #7429
Database abstraction broken up into controller, connector, query builder, and schema manager, each independently configurable via YAML / Injector
Creation of new DBQueryGenerator for database specific generation of SQL
Support for parameterised queries, move of code base to use these over escaped conditions
Refactor of SQLQuery into separate query classes for each of INSERT UPDATE DELETE and SELECT
Support for PDO
Installation process upgraded to use new ORM
SS_DatabaseException created to handle database errors, maintaining details of raw sql and parameter details for user code designed interested in that data.
Renamed DB static methods to conform correctly to naming conventions (e.g. DB::getConn -> DB::get_conn)
3.2 upgrade docs
Performance Optimisation and simplification of code to use more concise API
API Ability for database adapters to register extensions to ConfigureFromEnv.php
2014-07-09 18:04:05 +12:00

423 lines
12 KiB

* Represents a date field.
* The field currently supports New Zealand date format (DD/MM/YYYY),
* or an ISO 8601 formatted date (YYYY-MM-DD).
* Alternatively you can set a timestamp that is evaluated through
* PHP's built-in date() function according to your system locale.
* Example definition via {@link DataObject::$db}:
* <code>
* static $db = array(
* "Expires" => "Date",
* );
* </code>
* @todo Add localization support, see
* @package framework
* @subpackage model
class Date extends DBField {
public function setValue($value, $record = null) {
if($value === false || $value === null || (is_string($value) && !strlen($value))) {
// don't try to evaluate empty values with strtotime() below, as it returns "1970-01-01" when it should be
// saved as NULL in database
$this->value = null;
// @todo This needs tidy up (what if you only specify a month and a year, for example?)
if(is_array($value)) {
if(!empty($value['Day']) && !empty($value['Month']) && !empty($value['Year'])) {
$this->value = $value['Year'] . '-' . $value['Month'] . '-' . $value['Day'];
} else {
// return nothing (so checks below don't fail on an empty array)
return null;
// Default to NZ date format - strtotime expects a US date
if(preg_match('#^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)$#', $value, $parts)) {
$value = "$parts[2]/$parts[1]/$parts[3]";
if(is_numeric($value)) {
$this->value = date('Y-m-d', $value);
} elseif(is_string($value)) {
$date = new DateTime($value);
$this->value = $date->Format('Y-m-d');
}catch(Exception $e){
$this->value = null;
* Returns the date in the format dd/mm/yy
public function Nice() {
if($this->value) return $this->Format('d/m/Y');
* Returns the date in US format: “01/18/2006”
public function NiceUS() {
if($this->value) return $this->Format('m/d/Y');
* Returns the year from the given date
public function Year() {
if($this->value) return $this->Format('Y');
* Returns the Full day, of the given date.
public function Day(){
if($this->value) return $this->Format('l');
* Returns a full textual representation of a month, such as January.
public function Month() {
if($this->value) return $this->Format('F');
* Returns the short version of the month such as Jan
public function ShortMonth() {
if($this->value) return $this->Format('M');
* Returns the day of the month.
* @param boolean $includeOrdinals Include ordinal suffix to day, e.g. "th" or "rd"
* @return string
public function DayOfMonth($includeOrdinal = false) {
if($this->value) {
$format = 'j';
if ($includeOrdinal) $format .= 'S';
return $this->Format($format);
* Returns the date in the format 24 December 2006
public function Long() {
if($this->value) return $this->Format('j F Y');
* Returns the date in the format 24 Dec 2006
public function Full() {
if($this->value) return $this->Format('j M Y');
* Return the date using a particular formatting string.
* @param string $format Format code string. e.g. "d M Y" (see
* @return string The date in the requested format
public function Format($format) {
$date = new DateTime($this->value);
return $date->Format($format);
* Return the date formatted using the given strftime formatting string.
* strftime obeys the current LC_TIME/LC_ALL when printing lexical values
* like day- and month-names
public function FormatI18N($formattingString) {
if($this->value) {
return strftime($formattingString, strtotime($this->value));
* Return a date formatted as per a CMS user's settings.
* @param Member $member
* @return boolean | string A date formatted as per user-defined settings.
public function FormatFromSettings($member = null) {
require_once 'Zend/Date.php';
if(!$member) {
if(!Member::currentUserID()) {
return false;
$member = Member::currentUser();
$formatD = $member->getDateFormat();
$zendDate = new Zend_Date($this->getValue(), 'y-MM-dd');
return $zendDate->toString($formatD);
* Return a string in the form "12 - 16 Sept" or "12 Aug - 16 Sept"
* @param Date $otherDateObj Another date object specifying the end of the range
* @param boolean $includeOrdinals Include ordinal suffix to day, e.g. "th" or "rd"
* @return string
public function RangeString($otherDateObj, $includeOrdinals = false) {
$d1 = $this->DayOfMonth($includeOrdinals);
$d2 = $otherDateObj->DayOfMonth($includeOrdinals);
$m1 = $this->ShortMonth();
$m2 = $otherDateObj->ShortMonth();
$y1 = $this->Year();
$y2 = $otherDateObj->Year();
if($y1 != $y2) return "$d1 $m1 $y1 - $d2 $m2 $y2";
else if($m1 != $m2) return "$d1 $m1 - $d2 $m2 $y1";
else return "$d1 - $d2 $m1 $y1";
public function Rfc822() {
if($this->value) return date('r', strtotime($this->value));
public function Rfc2822() {
if($this->value) return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($this->value));
public function Rfc3339() {
$timestamp = ($this->value) ? strtotime($this->value) : false;
if(!$timestamp) return false;
$date = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $timestamp);
$matches = array();
if(preg_match('/^([\-+])(\d{2})(\d{2})$/', date('O', $timestamp), $matches)) {
$date .= $matches[1].$matches[2].':'.$matches[3];
} else {
$date .= 'Z';
return $date;
* Returns the number of seconds/minutes/hours/days or months since the timestamp.
* @param boolean $includeSeconds Show seconds, or just round to "less than a minute".
* @return String
public function Ago($includeSeconds = true) {
if($this->value) {
$time = SS_Datetime::now()->Format('U');
if(strtotime($this->value) == $time || $time > strtotime($this->value)) {
return _t(
"{difference} ago",
'Natural language time difference, e.g. 2 hours ago',
array('difference' => $this->TimeDiff($includeSeconds))
} else {
return _t(
"in {difference}",
'Natural language time difference, e.g. in 2 hours',
array('difference' => $this->TimeDiff($includeSeconds))
* @param boolean $includeSeconds Show seconds, or just round to "less than a minute".
* @return String
public function TimeDiff($includeSeconds = true) {
if(!$this->value) return false;
$time = SS_Datetime::now()->Format('U');
$ago = abs($time - strtotime($this->value));
if($ago < 60 && $includeSeconds) {
$span = $ago;
$result = ($span != 1) ? "{$span} "._t("Date.SECS", "secs") : "{$span} "._t("Date.SEC", "sec");
} elseif($ago < 60) {
$result = _t('Date.LessThanMinuteAgo', 'less than a minute');
} elseif($ago < 3600) {
$span = round($ago/60);
$result = ($span != 1) ? "{$span} "._t("Date.MINS", "mins") : "{$span} "._t("Date.MIN", "min");
} elseif($ago < 86400) {
$span = round($ago/3600);
$result = ($span != 1) ? "{$span} "._t("Date.HOURS", "hours") : "{$span} "._t("Date.HOUR", "hour");
} elseif($ago < 86400*30) {
$span = round($ago/86400);
$result = ($span != 1) ? "{$span} "._t("Date.DAYS", "days") : "{$span} "._t("Date.DAY", "day");
} elseif($ago < 86400*365) {
$span = round($ago/86400/30);
$result = ($span != 1) ? "{$span} "._t("Date.MONTHS", "months") : "{$span} "._t("Date.MONTH", "month");
} elseif($ago > 86400*365) {
$span = round($ago/86400/365);
$result = ($span != 1) ? "{$span} "._t("Date.YEARS", "years") : "{$span} "._t("Date.YEAR", "year");
// Replace duplicate spaces, backwards compat with existing translations
$result = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $result);
return $result;
* Gets the time difference, but always returns it in a certain format
* @param string $format The format, could be one of these:
* 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', 'months', 'years'.
* @return string
public function TimeDiffIn($format) {
if($this->value) {
$ago = abs(time() - strtotime($this->value));
switch($format) {
case "seconds":
$span = $ago;
return ($span != 1) ? "{$span} seconds" : "{$span} second";
case "minutes":
$span = round($ago/60);
return ($span != 1) ? "{$span} minutes" : "{$span} minute";
case "hours":
$span = round($ago/3600);
return ($span != 1) ? "{$span} hours" : "{$span} hour";
case "days":
$span = round($ago/86400);
return ($span != 1) ? "{$span} days" : "{$span} day";
case "months":
$span = round($ago/86400/30);
return ($span != 1) ? "{$span} months" : "{$span} month";
case "years":
$span = round($ago/86400/365);
return ($span != 1) ? "{$span} years" : "{$span} year";
public function requireField() {
$parts=Array('datatype'=>'date', 'arrayValue'=>$this->arrayValue);
$values=Array('type'=>'date', 'parts'=>$parts);
DB::require_field($this->tableName, $this->name, $values);
* Returns true if date is in the past.
* @return boolean
public function InPast() {
return strtotime($this->value) < SS_Datetime::now()->Format('U');
* Returns true if date is in the future.
* @return boolean
public function InFuture() {
return strtotime($this->value) > SS_Datetime::now()->Format('U');
* Returns true if date is today.
* @return boolean
public function IsToday() {
return (date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->value)) == SS_Datetime::now()->Format('Y-m-d'));
* Returns a date suitable for insertion into a URL and use by the system.
public function URLDate() {
return date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->value));
public function days_between($fyear, $fmonth, $fday, $tyear, $tmonth, $tday){
return abs((mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $fmonth, $fday, $fyear) - mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $tmonth, $tday, $tyear))/(60*60*24));
public function day_before($fyear, $fmonth, $fday){
return date ("Y-m-d", mktime (0,0,0,$fmonth,$fday-1,$fyear));
public function next_day($fyear, $fmonth, $fday){
return date ("Y-m-d", mktime (0,0,0,$fmonth,$fday+1,$fyear));
public function weekday($fyear, $fmonth, $fday){ // 0 is a Monday
return (((mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $fmonth, $fday, $fyear) - mktime ( 0, 0, 0, 7, 17, 2006))/(60*60*24))+700000) % 7;
public function prior_monday($fyear, $fmonth, $fday){
return date ("Y-m-d", mktime (0,0,0,$fmonth,$fday-$this->weekday($fyear, $fmonth, $fday),$fyear));
* Return the nearest date in the past, based on day and month.
* Automatically attaches the correct year.
* This is useful for determining a financial year start or end date.
* @param $fmonth int The number of the month (e.g. 3 is March, 4 is April)
* @param $fday int The day of the month
* @param $fyear int Determine historical value
* @return string Date in YYYY-MM-DD format
public static function past_date($fmonth, $fday = 1, $fyear = null) {
if(!$fyear) $fyear = date('Y');
$fday = (int) $fday;
$fmonth = (int) $fmonth;
$fyear = (int) $fyear;
$pastDate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $fmonth, $fday, $fyear);
$curDate = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), $fyear);
if($pastDate < $curDate) {
return date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $fmonth, $fday, $fyear));
} else {
return date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $fmonth, $fday, $fyear - 1));
public function scaffoldFormField($title = null, $params = null) {
$field = DateField::create($this->name, $title);
// Show formatting hints for better usability
_t('FormField.Example', 'e.g. %s', 'Example format'),
$field->setAttribute('placeholder', $field->getConfig('dateformat'));
return $field;