Damian Mooyman d8e9af8af8 API New Database abstraction layer. Ticket #7429
Database abstraction broken up into controller, connector, query builder, and schema manager, each independently configurable via YAML / Injector
Creation of new DBQueryGenerator for database specific generation of SQL
Support for parameterised queries, move of code base to use these over escaped conditions
Refactor of SQLQuery into separate query classes for each of INSERT UPDATE DELETE and SELECT
Support for PDO
Installation process upgraded to use new ORM
SS_DatabaseException created to handle database errors, maintaining details of raw sql and parameter details for user code designed interested in that data.
Renamed DB static methods to conform correctly to naming conventions (e.g. DB::getConn -> DB::get_conn)
3.2 upgrade docs
Performance Optimisation and simplification of code to use more concise API
API Ability for database adapters to register extensions to ConfigureFromEnv.php
2014-07-09 18:04:05 +12:00

842 lines
25 KiB

* The configuration system works like this:
* Each class has a set of named properties
* Each named property can contain either
* - An array
* - A non-array value
* If the value is an array, each value in the array may also be one of those
* three types.
* A property can have a value specified in multiple locations, each of which
* have a hard coded or explicit priority. We combine all these values together
* into a "composite" value using rules that depend on the priority order of
* the locations to give the final value, using these rules:
* - If the value is an array, each array is added to the _beginning_ of the
* composite array in ascending priority order. If a higher priority item has
* a non-integer key which is the same as a lower priority item, the value of
* those items is merged using these same rules, and the result of the merge
* is located in the same location the higher priority item would be if there
* was no key clash. Other than in this key-clash situation, within the
* particular array, order is preserved.
* - If the value is not an array, the highest priority value is used without
* any attempt to merge.
* It is an error to have mixed types of the same named property in different
* locations (but an error will not necessarily be raised due to optimizations
* in the lookup code).
* The exception to this is "false-ish" values - empty arrays, empty strings,
* etc. When merging a non-false-ish value with a false-ish value, the result
* will be the non-false-ish value regardless of priority. When merging two
* false-ish values the result will be the higher priority false-ish value.
* The locations that configuration values are taken from in highest -> lowest
* priority order.
* - Any values set via a call to Config#update.
* - The configuration values taken from the YAML files in _config directories
* (internally sorted in before / after order, where the item that is latest
* is highest priority).
* - Any static set on an "additional static source" class (such as an
* extension) named the same as the name of the property.
* - Any static set on the class named the same as the name of the property.
* - The composite configuration value of the parent class of this class.
* At some of these levels you can also set masks. These remove values from the
* composite value at their priority point rather than add. They are much
* simpler. They consist of a list of key / value pairs. When applied against
* the current composite value:
* - If the composite value is a sequential array, any member of that array
* that matches any value in the mask is removed.
* - If the composite value is an associative array, any member of that array
* that matches both the key and value of any pair in the mask is removed.
* - If the composite value is not an array, if that value matches any value
* in the mask it is removed.
* @package framework
* @subpackage core
class Config {
* A marker instance for the "anything" singleton value. Don't access
* directly, even in-class, always use self::anything()
* @var Object
private static $_anything = null;
* Get a marker class instance that is used to do a "remove anything with
* this key" by adding $key => Config::anything() to the suppress array
* @return Object
public static function anything() {
if (self::$_anything === null) {
self::$_anything = new stdClass();
return self::$_anything;
// -- Source options bitmask --
* source options bitmask value - merge all parent configuration in as
* lowest priority.
* @const
const INHERITED = 0;
* source options bitmask value - only get configuration set for this
* specific class, not any of it's parents.
* @const
const UNINHERITED = 1;
* source options bitmask value - inherit, but stop on the first class
* that actually provides a value (event an empty value).
* @const
const FIRST_SET = 2;
* @const source options bitmask value - do not use additional statics
* sources (such as extension)
// -- get_value_type response enum --
* Return flag for get_value_type indicating value is a scalar (or really
* just not-an-array, at least ATM)
* @const
const ISNT_ARRAY = 1;
* Return flag for get_value_type indicating value is an array.
* @const
const IS_ARRAY = 2;
* Get whether the value is an array or not. Used to be more complicated,
* but still nice sugar to have an enum to compare and not just a true /
* false value.
* @param $val any - The value
* @return int - One of ISNT_ARRAY or IS_ARRAY
protected static function get_value_type($val) {
if (is_array($val)) {
return self::IS_ARRAY;
return self::ISNT_ARRAY;
* What to do if there's a type mismatch.
* @throws UnexpectedValueException
protected static function type_mismatch() {
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Type mismatch in configuration. All values for a particular property must'
. ' contain the same type (or no value at all).');
* @todo If we can, replace next static & static methods with DI once that's in
protected static $instance;
* Get the current active Config instance.
* Configs should not normally be manually created.
* In general use you will use this method to obtain the current Config
* instance.
* @return Config
public static function inst() {
if (!self::$instance) {
self::$instance = new Config();
return self::$instance;
* Set the current active {@link Config} instance.
* {@link Config} objects should not normally be manually created.
* A use case for replacing the active configuration set would be for
* creating an isolated environment for unit tests.
* @param Config $instance New instance of Config to assign
* @return Config Reference to new active Config instance
public static function set_instance($instance) {
self::$instance = $instance;
global $_SINGLETONS;
$_SINGLETONS['Config'] = $instance;
return $instance;
* Make the newly active {@link Config} be a copy of the current active
* {@link Config} instance.
* You can then make changes to the configuration by calling update and
* remove on the new value returned by {@link Config::inst()}, and then discard
* those changes later by calling unnest.
* @return Config Reference to new active Config instance
public static function nest() {
$current = self::$instance;
$new = clone $current;
$new->nestedFrom = $current;
return self::set_instance($new);
* Change the active Config back to the Config instance the current active
* Config object was copied from.
* @return Config Reference to new active Config instance
public static function unnest() {
return self::set_instance(self::$instance->nestedFrom);
* @var array
protected $cache;
* Each copy of the Config object need's it's own cache, so changes don't
* leak through to other instances.
public function __construct() {
$this->cache = new Config_LRU();
public function __clone() {
$this->cache = clone $this->cache;
* @var Config - The config instance this one was copied from when
* Config::nest() was called.
protected $nestedFrom = null;
* @var array - Array of arrays. Each member is an nested array keyed as
* $class => $name => $value, where value is a config value to treat as
* the highest priority item.
protected $overrides = array();
* @var array $suppresses Array of arrays. Each member is an nested array
* keyed as $class => $name => $value, where value is a config value suppress
* from any lower priority item.
protected $suppresses = array();
* @var array
protected $staticManifests = array();
* @param SS_ConfigStaticManifest
public function pushConfigStaticManifest(SS_ConfigStaticManifest $manifest) {
array_unshift($this->staticManifests, $manifest);
/** @var [array] - The list of settings pulled from config files to search through */
protected $manifests = array();
* Add another manifest to the list of config manifests to search through.
* WARNING: Config manifests to not merge entries, and do not solve before/after rules inter-manifest -
* instead, the last manifest to be added always wins
public function pushConfigYamlManifest(SS_ConfigManifest $manifest) {
array_unshift($this->manifests, $manifest);
// Now that we've got another yaml config manifest we need to clean the cache
// We also need to clean the cache if the manifest's calculated config values change
$manifest->registerChangeCallback(array($this->cache, 'clean'));
// @todo: Do anything with these. They're for caching after config.php has executed
$this->collectConfigPHPSettings = true;
$this->configPHPIsSafe = false;
$this->collectConfigPHPSettings = false;
/** @var [Config_ForClass] - The list of Config_ForClass instances, keyed off class */
static protected $for_class_instances = array();
* Get an accessor that returns results by class by default.
* Shouldn't be overridden, since there might be many Config_ForClass instances already held in the wild. Each
* Config_ForClass instance asks the current_instance of Config for the actual result, so override that instead
* @param $class
* @return Config_ForClass
public function forClass($class) {
if (isset(self::$for_class_instances[$class])) {
return self::$for_class_instances[$class];
else {
return self::$for_class_instances[$class] = new Config_ForClass($class);
* Merge a lower priority associative array into an existing higher priority associative array, as per the class
* docblock rules
* It is assumed you've already checked that you've got two associative arrays, not scalars or sequential arrays
* @param $dest array - The existing high priority associative array
* @param $src array - The low priority associative array to merge in
public static function merge_array_low_into_high(&$dest, $src) {
foreach ($src as $k => $v) {
if (!$v) {
else if (is_int($k)) {
$dest[] = $v;
else if (isset($dest[$k])) {
$newType = self::get_value_type($v);
$currentType = self::get_value_type($dest[$k]);
// Throw error if types don't match
if ($currentType !== $newType) self::type_mismatch();
if ($currentType == self::IS_ARRAY) self::merge_array_low_into_high($dest[$k], $v);
else continue;
else {
$dest[$k] = $v;
* Merge a higher priority assocative array into an existing lower priority associative array, as per the class
* docblock rules.
* Much more expensive that the other way around, as there's no way to insert an associative k/v pair into an
* array at the top of the array
* @static
* @param $dest array - The existing low priority associative array
* @param $src array - The high priority array to merge in
public static function merge_array_high_into_low(&$dest, $src) {
$res = $src;
self::merge_array_low_into_high($res, $dest);
$dest = $res;
public static function merge_high_into_low(&$result, $value) {
$newType = self::get_value_type($value);
if (!$result) {
$result = $value;
else {
$currentType = self::get_value_type($result);
if ($currentType !== $newType) self::type_mismatch();
if ($currentType == self::ISNT_ARRAY) $result = $value;
else self::merge_array_high_into_low($result, $value);
public static function merge_low_into_high(&$result, $value, $suppress) {
$newType = self::get_value_type($value);
if ($suppress) {
if ($newType == self::IS_ARRAY) {
$value = self::filter_array_by_suppress_array($value, $suppress);
if (!$value) return;
else {
if (self::check_value_contained_in_suppress_array($value, $suppress)) return;
if (!$result) {
$result = $value;
else {
$currentType = self::get_value_type($result);
if ($currentType !== $newType) self::type_mismatch();
if ($currentType == self::ISNT_ARRAY) return; // PASS
else self::merge_array_low_into_high($result, $value);
public static function check_value_contained_in_suppress_array($v, $suppresses) {
foreach ($suppresses as $suppress) {
list($sk, $sv) = $suppress;
if ($sv === self::anything() || $v == $sv) return true;
return false;
static protected function check_key_or_value_contained_in_suppress_array($k, $v, $suppresses) {
foreach ($suppresses as $suppress) {
list($sk, $sv) = $suppress;
if (($sk === self::anything() || $k == $sk) && ($sv === self::anything() || $v == $sv)) return true;
return false;
static protected function filter_array_by_suppress_array($array, $suppress) {
$res = array();
foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
$suppressed = self::check_key_or_value_contained_in_suppress_array($k, $v, $suppress);
if (!$suppressed) {
if (is_numeric($k)) $res[] = $v;
else $res[$k] = $v;
return $res;
protected $extraConfigSources = array();
public function extraConfigSourcesChanged($class) {
protected function getUncached($class, $name, $sourceOptions, &$result, $suppress, &$tags) {
$tags[] = "__{$class}";
$tags[] = "__{$class}__{$name}";
// If result is already not something to merge into, just return it
if ($result !== null && !is_array($result)) return $result;
// First, look through the override values
foreach($this->overrides as $k => $overrides) {
if (isset($overrides[$class][$name])) {
$value = $overrides[$class][$name];
self::merge_low_into_high($result, $value, $suppress);
if ($result !== null && !is_array($result)) return $result;
if (isset($this->suppresses[$k][$class][$name])) {
$suppress = $suppress
? array_merge($suppress, $this->suppresses[$k][$class][$name])
: $this->suppresses[$k][$class][$name];
$value = $nothing = null;
// Then the manifest values
foreach($this->manifests as $manifest) {
$value = $manifest->get($class, $name, $nothing);
if ($value !== $nothing) {
self::merge_low_into_high($result, $value, $suppress);
if ($result !== null && !is_array($result)) return $result;
$sources = array($class);
// Include extensions only if not flagged not to, and some have been set
if (($sourceOptions & self::EXCLUDE_EXTRA_SOURCES) != self::EXCLUDE_EXTRA_SOURCES) {
// If we don't have a fresh list of extra sources, get it from the class itself
if (!array_key_exists($class, $this->extraConfigSources)) {
$this->extraConfigSources[$class] = Object::get_extra_config_sources($class);
// Update $sources with any extra sources
$extraSources = $this->extraConfigSources[$class];
if ($extraSources) $sources = array_merge($sources, $extraSources);
$value = $nothing = null;
foreach ($sources as $staticSource) {
if (is_array($staticSource)) {
$value = isset($staticSource[$name]) ? $staticSource[$name] : $nothing;
else {
foreach ($this->staticManifests as $i => $statics) {
$value = $statics->get($staticSource, $name, $nothing);
if ($value !== $nothing) break;
if ($value !== $nothing) {
self::merge_low_into_high($result, $value, $suppress);
if ($result !== null && !is_array($result)) return $result;
// Finally, merge in the values from the parent class
if (
($sourceOptions & self::UNINHERITED) != self::UNINHERITED &&
(($sourceOptions & self::FIRST_SET) != self::FIRST_SET || $result === null)
) {
$parent = get_parent_class($class);
if ($parent) $this->getUncached($parent, $name, $sourceOptions, $result, $suppress, $tags);
return $result;
* Get the config value associated for a given class and property
* This merges all current sources and overrides together to give final value
* todo: Currently this is done every time. This function is an inner loop function, so we really need to be
* caching heavily here.
* @param $class string - The name of the class to get the value for
* @param $name string - The property to get the value for
* @param int $sourceOptions Bitmask which can be set to some combintain of Config::UNINHERITED,
* Config::UNINHERITED does not include parent classes when merging configuration fragments
* Config::FIRST_SET stops inheriting once the first class that sets a value (even an empty value) is encoutered
* Config::EXCLUDE_EXTRA_SOURCES does not include any additional static sources (such as extensions)
* Config::INHERITED is a utility constant that can be used to mean "none of the above", equvilient to 0
* Setting both Config::UNINHERITED and Config::FIRST_SET behaves the same as just Config::UNINHERITED
* should the parent classes value be merged in as the lowest priority source?
* @param $result array|scalar Reference to a variable to put the result in. Also returned, so this can be left
* as null safely. If you do pass a value, it will be treated as the highest priority
* value in the result chain
* @param $suppress array Internal use when called by child classes. Array of mask pairs to filter value by
* @return array|scalar The value of the config item, or null if no value set. Could be an associative array,
* sequential array or scalar depending on value (see class docblock)
public function get($class, $name, $sourceOptions = 0, &$result = null, $suppress = null) {
// Have we got a cached value? Use it if so
$key = $class.$name.$sourceOptions;
if (($result = $this->cache->get($key)) === false) {
$tags = array();
$result = null;
$this->getUncached($class, $name, $sourceOptions, $result, $suppress, $tags);
$this->cache->set($key, $result, $tags);
return $result;
* Update a configuration value
* Configuration is modify only. The value passed is merged into the existing configuration. If you want to
* replace the current array value, you'll need to call remove first.
* @param $class string - The class to update a configuration value for
* @param $name string - The configuration property name to update
* @param $value any - The value to update with
* Arrays are recursively merged into current configuration as "latest" - for associative arrays the passed value
* replaces any item with the same key, for sequential arrays the items are placed at the end of the array, for
* non-array values, this value replaces any existing value
* You will get an error if you try and override array values with non-array values or vice-versa
public function update($class, $name, $val) {
if(is_null($val)) {
$this->remove($class, $name);
} else {
if (!isset($this->overrides[0][$class])) $this->overrides[0][$class] = array();
if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->overrides[0][$class])) {
$this->overrides[0][$class][$name] = $val;
} else {
self::merge_high_into_low($this->overrides[0][$class][$name], $val);
* Remove a configuration value
* You can specify a key, a key and a value, or neither. Either argument can be Config::anything(), which is
* what is defaulted to if you don't specify something
* This removes any current configuration value that matches the key and/or value specified
* Works like this:
* - Check the current override array, and remove any values that match the arguments provided
* - Keeps track of the arguments passed to this method, and in get filters everything _except_ the current
* override array to exclude any match
* This way we can re-set anything removed by a call to this function by calling set. Because the current override
* array is only filtered immediately on calling this remove method, that value will then be exposed. However,
* every other source is filtered on request, so no amount of changes to parent's configuration etc can override a
* remove call.
* @param string $class The class to remove a configuration value from
* @param string $name The configuration name
* @param mixed $key An optional key to filter against.
* If referenced config value is an array, only members of that array that match this key will be removed
* Must also match value if provided to be removed
* @param mixed $value And optional value to filter against.
* If referenced config value is an array, only members of that array that match this value will be removed
* If referenced config value is not an array, value will be removed only if it matches this argument
* Must also match key if provided and referenced config value is an array to be removed
* Matching is always by "==", not by "==="
public function remove($class, $name /*,$key = null*/ /*,$value = null*/) {
$argc = func_num_args();
$key = $argc > 2 ? func_get_arg(2) : self::anything();
$value = $argc > 3 ? func_get_arg(3) : self::anything();
$suppress = array($key, $value);
if (isset($this->overrides[0][$class][$name])) {
$value = $this->overrides[0][$class][$name];
if (is_array($value)) {
$this->overrides[0][$class][$name] = self::filter_array_by_suppress_array($value, array($suppress));
else {
if (self::check_value_contained_in_suppress_array($value, array($suppress))) {
if (!isset($this->suppresses[0][$class])) $this->suppresses[0][$class] = array();
if (!isset($this->suppresses[0][$class][$name])) $this->suppresses[0][$class][$name] = array();
$this->suppresses[0][$class][$name][] = $suppress;
* @package framework
* @subpackage core
class Config_LRU {
const SIZE = 1000;
protected $cache;
protected $indexing;
protected $i = 0;
protected $c = 0;
public function __construct() {
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.7', '<')) {
// SplFixedArray causes seg faults before PHP 5.3.7
$this->cache = array();
else {
$this->cache = new SplFixedArray(self::SIZE);
// Pre-fill with stdClass instances. By reusing we avoid object-thrashing
for ($i = 0; $i < self::SIZE; $i++) {
$this->cache[$i] = new stdClass();
$this->cache[$i]->key = null;
$this->indexing = array();
public function __clone() {
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.7', '<')) {
// SplFixedArray causes seg faults before PHP 5.3.7
$cloned = array();
else {
$cloned = new SplFixedArray(self::SIZE);
for ($i = 0; $i < self::SIZE; $i++) {
$cloned[$i] = clone $this->cache[$i];
$this->cache = $cloned;
public function set($key, $val, $tags = array()) {
// Find an index to set at
$replacing = null;
// Target count - not always the lowest, but guaranteed to exist (or hit an empty item)
$target = $this->c - self::SIZE + 1;
$i = $stop = $this->i;
do {
if (!($i--)) $i = self::SIZE-1;
$item = $this->cache[$i];
if ($item->key === null) { $replacing = null; break; }
else if ($item->c <= $target) { $replacing = $item; break; }
while ($i != $stop);
if ($replacing) unset($this->indexing[$replacing->key]);
$this->indexing[$key] = $this->i = $i;
$obj = $this->cache[$i];
$obj->key = $key;
$obj->value = $val;
$obj->tags = $tags;
$obj->c = ++$this->c;
private $hit = 0;
private $miss = 0;
public function stats() {
return $this->miss ? ($this->hit / $this->miss) : 0;
public function get($key) {
if (isset($this->indexing[$key])) {
$res = $this->cache[$this->indexing[$key]];
$res->c = ++$this->c;
return $res->value;
return false;
public function clean($tag = null) {
if ($tag) {
foreach ($this->cache as $i => $v) {
if ($v->key !== null && in_array($tag, $v->tags)) {
$this->cache[$i]->key = null;
else {
for ($i = 0; $i < self::SIZE; $i++) $this->cache[$i]->key = null;
$this->indexing = array();
* @package framework
* @subpackage core
class Config_ForClass {
* @var string $class
protected $class;
* @param string $class
public function __construct($class) {
$this->class = $class;
* @param string $name
public function __get($name) {
return Config::inst()->get($this->class, $name);
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $val
public function __set($name, $val) {
return Config::inst()->update($this->class, $name, $val);
* @param string $name
* @param int $sourceOptions
* @return array|scalar
public function get($name, $sourceOptions = 0) {
return Config::inst()->get($this->class, $name, $sourceOptions);
* @param string
* @return Config_ForClass
public function forClass($class) {
return Config::inst()->forClass($class);