Christopher Joe d7ded0fb4a Add status flag to File and Image Edit Form
API extension hook "getIsModifiedOnStage" renamed to "updateIsModifiedOnStage", also moved "getIsDeletedFromStage", "getIsModifiedOnStage" and "getIsAddedToStage" from SiteTree class to Versioned data extension class
2016-10-06 10:30:52 +13:00

53 lines
3.2 KiB

// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from client/lang/src/en.js.
// See for details
if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') {
if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('en', {
"FormField.NONE": "None",
"File.DRAFT": "Draft",
"File.MODIFIED": "Modified",
"File.PUBLISHED": "Published",
"FILEIFRAMEFIELD.CONFIRMDELETE": "Are you sure you want to delete this file?",
"GRIDFIELD.ERRORINTRANSACTION": "An error occured while fetching data from the server\n Please try again later.",
"HtmlEditorField.SelectAnchor": "Select an anchor",
"LOADING": "loading...",
"LeftAndMain.IncompatBrowserWarning": "Your browser is not compatible with the CMS interface. Please use Internet Explorer 7+, Google Chrome 10+ or Mozilla Firefox 3.5+.",
"RESTRICTEDTEXTFIELD.CHARCANTBEUSED": "The character '%s' cannot be used in this field",
"TABLEFIELD.DELETECONFIRMMESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to delete this record?",
"TreeDropdownField.ENTERTOSEARCH": "Press enter to search",
"TreeDropdownField.FieldTitle": "Choose",
"TreeDropdownField.OpenLink": "Open",
"TreeDropdownField.SearchFieldTitle": "Choose or Search",
"UNIQUEFIELD.CANNOTLEAVEEMPTY": "This field cannot be left empty",
"UNIQUEFIELD.ENTERNEWVALUE": "You will need to enter a new value for this field",
"UNIQUEFIELD.SUGGESTED": "Changed value to '%s' : %s",
"UPDATEURL.CONFIRM": "Would you like me to change the URL to:\n\n%s\/\n\nClick Ok to change the URL, click Cancel to leave it as:\n\n%s",
"UPDATEURL.CONFIRMURLCHANGED": "The URL has been changed to\n'%s'",
"UploadField.ConfirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to remove this file from the server filesystem?",
"UploadField.EMPTYRESULT": "Empty file upload result",
"UploadField.Editing": "Editing ...",
"UploadField.HTML_MAXFILESIZE": "File exceeds MAX_FILE_SIZE (HTML form directive)",
"UploadField.INVALIDEXTENSION": "Extension is not allowed",
"UploadField.LOADING": "Loading ...",
"UploadField.MAXNUMBEROFFILESSIMPLE": "Max number of files exceeded",
"UploadField.NOFILEUPLOADED": "No File was uploaded",
"UploadField.NOTMPFOLDER": "Missing a temporary folder",
"UploadField.ONLYPARTIALUPLOADED": "File was only partially uploaded",
"UploadField.OVERWRITEWARNING": "File with the same name already exists",
"UploadField.PHP_MAXFILESIZE": "File exceeds upload_max_filesize (php.ini directive)",
"UploadField.STOPEDBYEXTENSION": "File upload stopped by extension",
"UploadField.TOOLARGE": "Filesize is too large",
"UploadField.TOOSMALL": "Filesize is too small",
"UploadField.UPLOADEDBYTES": "Uploaded bytes exceed file size",
"UploadField.Uploaded": "Uploaded",
"UploadField.WRITEFAILED": "Failed to write file to disk",
"VALIDATOR.FIELDREQUIRED": "Please fill out \"%s\", it is required."