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Feature: Manage my own settings
As a CMS user
I want to be able to change personal settings
In order to streamline my CMS experience
Given a "member" "Joe" belonging to "Admin Group" with "Email"="joe@test.com" and "Password"="secret"
And the "group" "Admin Group" has permissions "Full administrative rights"
And I log in with "joe@test.com" and "secret"
And I go to "admin/myprofile"
Scenario: I can edit my personal details
Given I fill in "First Name" with "Jack"
And I fill in "Surname" with "Johnson"
And I fill in "Email" with "jack@test.com"
When I press the "Save" button
Given I go to "admin/myprofile"
Then I should not see "Joe"
Then I should see "Jack"
And I should see "Johnson"
Scenario: I can't reset the password without the original
Given I follow "Change Password"
And I fill in "Current Password" with "idontknow"
And I fill in "New Password" with "newsecret"
And I fill in "Confirm Password" with "newsecret"
And I press the "Save" button
Then I should see "The current password you have entered is not correct."
Scenario: I can change my password
Given I follow "Change Password"
And I fill in "Current Password" with "secret"
And I fill in "New Password" with "newsecret"
And I fill in "Confirm Password" with "newsecret"
And I press the "Save" button
And I am not logged in
When I log in with "joe@test.com" and "newsecret"
And I go to "admin/myprofile"
Then I should see the CMS
Scenario: I can change the interface language
And I select "German (Germany)" from "Interface Language"
And I press the "Save" button
Then I should see "Sprache"
# TODO Date/time format - Difficult because its not exposed anywhere in the CMS?
# TODO Group modification as ADMIN user