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The error thrown by `parseStatic` when there's an unexpected token is now more meaningful as it states the type of token that was encountered as well as the class that it was found in.
347 lines
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347 lines
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* A utility class which builds a manifest of the statics defined in all classes, along with their
* access levels and values
* We use this to make the statics that the Config system uses as default values be truely immutable.
* It has the side effect of allowing Config to avoid private-level access restrictions, so we can
* optionally catch attempts to modify the config statics (otherwise the modification will appear
* to work, but won't actually have any effect - the equvilent of failing silently)
* @subpackage manifest
class SS_ConfigStaticManifest {
protected $base;
protected $tests;
protected $cache;
protected $key;
protected $index;
protected $statics;
static protected $initial_classes = array(
'Object', 'ViewableData', 'Injector', 'Director'
* Constructs and initialises a new config static manifest, either loading the data
* from the cache or re-scanning for classes.
* @param string $base The manifest base path.
* @param bool $includeTests Include the contents of "tests" directories.
* @param bool $forceRegen Force the manifest to be regenerated.
* @param bool $cache If the manifest is regenerated, cache it.
public function __construct($base, $includeTests = false, $forceRegen = false, $cache = true) {
$this->base = $base;
$this->tests = $includeTests;
$cacheClass = defined('SS_MANIFESTCACHE') ? SS_MANIFESTCACHE : 'ManifestCache_File';
$this->cache = new $cacheClass('staticmanifest'.($includeTests ? '_tests' : ''));
$this->key = sha1($base);
if(!$forceRegen) {
$this->index = $this->cache->load($this->key);
if($this->index) {
$this->statics = $this->index['$statics'];
else {
public function get($class, $name, $default) {
if (!isset($this->statics[$class])) {
if (isset($this->index[$class])) {
$info = $this->index[$class];
if (isset($info['key']) && $details = $this->cache->load($this->key.'_'.$info['key'])) {
$this->statics += $details;
if (!isset($this->statics[$class])) {
$this->handleFile(null, $info['path'], null);
else {
$this->statics[$class] = false;
if (isset($this->statics[$class][$name])) {
$static = $this->statics[$class][$name];
if ($static['access'] != T_PRIVATE) {
Deprecation::notice('3.2.0', "Config static $class::\$$name must be marked as private",
// Don't warn more than once per static
$this->statics[$class][$name]['access'] = T_PRIVATE;
return $static['value'];
return $default;
* Completely regenerates the manifest file.
public function regenerate($cache = true) {
$this->index = array('$statics' => array());
$this->statics = array();
$finder = new ManifestFileFinder();
'name_regex' => '/^([^_].*\.php)$/',
'ignore_files' => array('index.php', 'main.php', 'cli-script.php', 'SSTemplateParser.php'),
'ignore_tests' => !$this->tests,
'file_callback' => array($this, 'handleFile')
if($cache) {
$keysets = array();
foreach ($this->statics as $class => $details) {
if (in_array($class, self::$initial_classes)) {
$this->index['$statics'][$class] = $details;
else {
$key = sha1($class);
$this->index[$class]['key'] = $key;
$keysets[$key][$class] = $details;
foreach ($keysets as $key => $details) {
$this->cache->save($details, $this->key.'_'.$key);
$this->cache->save($this->index, $this->key);
public function handleFile($basename, $pathname, $depth) {
$parser = new SS_ConfigStaticManifest_Parser($pathname);
$this->index = array_merge($this->index, $parser->getInfo());
$this->statics = array_merge($this->statics, $parser->getStatics());
public function getStatics() {
return $this->statics;
* A parser that processes a PHP file, using PHP's built in parser to get a string of tokens,
* then processing them to find the static class variables, their access levels & values
* We can't do this using TokenisedRegularExpression because we need to keep track of state
* as we process the token list (when we enter and leave a namespace or class, when we see
* an access level keyword, etc)
class SS_ConfigStaticManifest_Parser {
protected $info = array();
protected $statics = array();
protected $path;
protected $tokens;
protected $length;
protected $pos;
function __construct($path) {
$this->path = $path;
$file = file_get_contents($path);
$this->tokens = token_get_all($file);
$this->length = count($this->tokens);
$this->pos = 0;
function getInfo() {
return $this->info;
function getStatics() {
return $this->statics;
* Get the next token to process, incrementing the pointer
* @param bool $ignoreWhitespace - if true will skip any whitespace tokens & only return non-whitespace ones
* @return null | int - Either the next token or null if there isn't one
protected function next($ignoreWhitespace = true) {
do {
if($this->pos >= $this->length) return null;
$next = $this->tokens[$this->pos++];
while($ignoreWhitespace && is_array($next) && $next[0] == T_WHITESPACE);
return $next;
* Parse the given file to find the static variables declared in it, along with their access & values
function parse() {
$depth = 0; $namespace = null; $class = null; $clsdepth = null; $access = 0;
while($token = $this->next()) {
$type = is_array($token) ? $token[0] : $token;
if($type == T_CLASS) {
$next = $this->next();
if($next[0] != T_STRING) {
user_error("Couldn\'t parse {$this->path} when building config static manifest", E_USER_ERROR);
$class = $next[1];
else if($type == T_NAMESPACE) {
$namespace = '';
while(true) {
$next = $this->next();
if($next == ';') {
} elseif($next[0] == T_NS_SEPARATOR) {
$namespace .= $next[1];
$next = $this->next();
if($next[0] != T_STRING) {
user_error("Couldn\'t parse {$this->path} when building config static manifest", E_USER_ERROR);
$namespace .= $next[1];
else if($type == '{' || $type == T_CURLY_OPEN || $type == T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES){
$depth += 1;
if($class && !$clsdepth) $clsdepth = $depth;
else if($type == '}') {
$depth -= 1;
if($depth < $clsdepth) $class = $clsdepth = null;
if($depth < 0) user_error("Hmm - depth calc wrong, hit negatives, see: ".$this->path, E_USER_ERROR);
else if($type == T_PUBLIC || $type == T_PRIVATE || $type == T_PROTECTED) {
$access = $type;
else if($type == T_STATIC && $class && $depth == $clsdepth) {
$this->parseStatic($access, $namespace ? $namespace.'\\'.$class : $class);
$access = 0;
else {
$access = 0;
* During parsing we've found a "static" keyword. Parse out the variable names and value
* assignments that follow.
* Seperated out from parse partially so that we can recurse if there are multiple statics
* being declared in a comma seperated list
function parseStatic($access, $class) {
$variable = null;
$value = '';
while($token = $this->next()) {
$type = is_array($token) ? $token[0] : $token;
if($type == T_PUBLIC || $type == T_PRIVATE || $type == T_PROTECTED) {
$access = $type;
else if($type == T_FUNCTION) {
else if($type == T_VARIABLE) {
$variable = substr($token[1], 1); // Cut off initial "$"
else if($type == ';' || $type == ',' || $type == '=') {
else if($type == T_COMMENT || $type == T_DOC_COMMENT) {
// NOP
else {
user_error('Unexpected token ("' . token_name($type) . '") when building static manifest in class "' . $class . '": '.print_r($token, true), E_USER_ERROR);
if($token == '=') {
$depth = 0;
while($token = $this->next(false)){
$type = is_array($token) ? $token[0] : $token;
// Track array nesting depth
if($type == T_ARRAY || $type == '[') {
$depth += 1;
} elseif($type == ')' || $type == ']') {
$depth -= 1;
// Parse out the assignment side of a static declaration,
// ending on either a ';' or a ',' outside an array
if($type == T_WHITESPACE) {
$value .= ' ';
else if($type == ';' || ($type == ',' && !$depth)) {
// Statics can reference class constants with self:: (and that won't work in eval)
else if($type == T_STRING && $token[1] == 'self') {
$value .= $class;
else {
$value .= is_array($token) ? $token[1] : $token;
if (!isset($this->info[$class])) {
$this->info[$class] = array(
'path' => $this->path,
'mtime' => filemtime($this->path),
if(!isset($this->statics[$class])) {
$this->statics[$class] = array();
$value = trim($value);
if ($value) {
$value = eval('static $temp = '.$value.";\n".'return $temp'.";\n");
else {
$value = null;
$this->statics[$class][$variable] = array(
'access' => $access,
'value' => $value
if($token == ',') $this->parseStatic($access, $class);