mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
This ensures that the correct stage is selected, even if the request does not come through the model as controller system. This fixes an issue where custom controllers would always be on the "Stage" stage.
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* The Versioned extension allows your DataObjects to have several versions,
* allowing you to rollback changes and view history. An example of this is
* the pages used in the CMS.
* @package framework
* @subpackage model
class Versioned extends DataExtension {
* An array of possible stages.
* @var array
protected $stages;
* The 'default' stage.
* @var string
protected $defaultStage;
* The 'live' stage.
* @var string
protected $liveStage;
* A version that a DataObject should be when it is 'migrating',
* that is, when it is in the process of moving from one stage to another.
* @var string
public $migratingVersion;
* A cache used by get_versionnumber_by_stage().
* Clear through {@link flushCache()}.
* @var array
protected static $cache_versionnumber;
* @var string
protected static $reading_mode = null;
* @var Boolean Flag which is temporarily changed during the write() process
* to influence augmentWrite() behaviour. If set to TRUE, no new version will be created
* for the following write. Needs to be public as other classes introspect this state
* during the write process in order to adapt to this versioning behaviour.
public $_nextWriteWithoutVersion = false;
* Additional database columns for the new
* "_versions" table. Used in {@link augmentDatabase()}
* and all Versioned calls extending or creating
* SELECT statements.
* @var array $db_for_versions_table
private static $db_for_versions_table = array(
"RecordID" => "Int",
"Version" => "Int",
"WasPublished" => "Boolean",
"AuthorID" => "Int",
"PublisherID" => "Int"
* @var array
private static $db = array(
'Version' => 'Int'
* Used to enable or disable the prepopulation of the version number cache.
* Defaults to true.
* @var boolean
private static $prepopulate_versionnumber_cache = true;
* Keep track of the archive tables that have been created.
* @var array
private static $archive_tables = array();
* Additional database indexes for the new
* "_versions" table. Used in {@link augmentDatabase()}.
* @var array $indexes_for_versions_table
private static $indexes_for_versions_table = array(
'RecordID_Version' => '("RecordID","Version")',
'RecordID' => true,
'Version' => true,
'AuthorID' => true,
'PublisherID' => true,
* An array of DataObject extensions that may require versioning for extra tables
* The array value is a set of suffixes to form these table names, assuming a preceding '_'.
* E.g. if Extension1 creates a new table 'Class_suffix1'
* and Extension2 the tables 'Class_suffix2' and 'Class_suffix3':
* $versionableExtensions = array(
* 'Extension1' => 'suffix1',
* 'Extension2' => array('suffix2', 'suffix3'),
* );
* Make sure your extension has a static $enabled-property that determines if it is
* processed by Versioned.
* @var array
protected static $versionableExtensions = array('Translatable' => 'lang');
* Reset static configuration variables to their default values.
public static function reset() {
self::$reading_mode = '';
* Construct a new Versioned object.
* @var array $stages The different stages the versioned object can be.
* The first stage is considered the 'default' stage, the last stage is
* considered the 'live' stage.
public function __construct($stages = array('Stage','Live')) {
if(!is_array($stages)) {
$stages = func_get_args();
$this->stages = $stages;
$this->defaultStage = reset($stages);
$this->liveStage = array_pop($stages);
* Amend freshly created DataQuery objects with versioned-specific
* information.
* @param SQLQuery
* @param DataQuery
public function augmentDataQueryCreation(SQLQuery &$query, DataQuery &$dataQuery) {
$parts = explode('.', Versioned::get_reading_mode());
if($parts[0] == 'Archive') {
$dataQuery->setQueryParam('Versioned.mode', 'archive');
$dataQuery->setQueryParam('Versioned.date', $parts[1]);
} else if($parts[0] == 'Stage' && $parts[1] != $this->defaultStage
&& array_search($parts[1],$this->stages) !== false) {
$dataQuery->setQueryParam('Versioned.mode', 'stage');
$dataQuery->setQueryParam('Versioned.stage', $parts[1]);
* Augment the the SQLQuery that is created by the DataQuery
* @todo Should this all go into VersionedDataQuery?
public function augmentSQL(SQLQuery &$query, DataQuery &$dataQuery = null) {
$baseTable = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($dataQuery->dataClass());
switch($dataQuery->getQueryParam('Versioned.mode')) {
// Noop
case '':
// Reading a specific data from the archive
case 'archive':
$date = $dataQuery->getQueryParam('Versioned.date');
foreach($query->getFrom() as $table => $dummy) {
if(!DB::getConn()->hasTable($table . '_versions')) {
$query->renameTable($table, $table . '_versions');
$query->replaceText("\"{$table}_versions\".\"ID\"", "\"{$table}_versions\".\"RecordID\"");
$query->replaceText("`{$table}_versions`.`ID`", "`{$table}_versions`.`RecordID`");
// Add all <basetable>_versions columns
foreach(Config::inst()->get('Versioned', 'db_for_versions_table') as $name => $type) {
$query->selectField(sprintf('"%s_versions"."%s"', $baseTable, $name), $name);
$query->selectField(sprintf('"%s_versions"."%s"', $baseTable, 'RecordID'), "ID");
if($table != $baseTable) {
$query->addWhere("\"{$table}_versions\".\"Version\" = \"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"Version\"");
// Link to the version archived on that date
$safeDate = Convert::raw2sql($date);
"\"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"Version\" IN
(SELECT LatestVersion FROM
MAX(\"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"Version\") AS LatestVersion
FROM \"{$baseTable}_versions\"
WHERE \"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"LastEdited\" <= '$safeDate'
GROUP BY \"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"RecordID\"
) AS \"{$baseTable}_versions_latest\"
WHERE \"{$baseTable}_versions_latest\".\"RecordID\" = \"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"RecordID\"
// Reading a specific stage (Stage or Live)
case 'stage':
$stage = $dataQuery->getQueryParam('Versioned.stage');
if($stage && ($stage != $this->defaultStage)) {
foreach($query->getFrom() as $table => $dummy) {
// Only rewrite table names that are actually part of the subclass tree
// This helps prevent rewriting of other tables that get joined in, in
// particular, many_many tables
if(class_exists($table) && ($table == $this->owner->class
|| is_subclass_of($table, $this->owner->class)
|| is_subclass_of($this->owner->class, $table))) {
$query->renameTable($table, $table . '_' . $stage);
// Reading a specific stage, but only return items that aren't in any other stage
case 'stage_unique':
$stage = $dataQuery->getQueryParam('Versioned.stage');
// Recurse to do the default stage behavior (must be first, we rely on stage renaming happening before
// below)
$dataQuery->setQueryParam('Versioned.mode', 'stage');
$this->augmentSQL($query, $dataQuery);
$dataQuery->setQueryParam('Versioned.mode', 'stage_unique');
// Now exclude any ID from any other stage. Note that we double rename to avoid the regular stage rename
// renaming all subquery references to be Versioned.stage
foreach($this->stages as $excluding) {
if ($excluding == $stage) continue;
$tempName = 'ExclusionarySource_'.$excluding;
$excludingTable = $baseTable . ($excluding && $excluding != $this->defaultStage ? "_$excluding" : '');
$query->addWhere('"'.$baseTable.'"."ID" NOT IN (SELECT "ID" FROM "'.$tempName.'")');
$query->renameTable($tempName, $excludingTable);
// Return all version instances
case 'all_versions':
case 'latest_versions':
foreach($query->getFrom() as $alias => $join) {
if($alias != $baseTable) {
$query->setJoinFilter($alias, "\"$alias\".\"RecordID\" = \"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"RecordID\""
. " AND \"$alias\".\"Version\" = \"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"Version\"");
$query->renameTable($alias, $alias . '_versions');
// Add all <basetable>_versions columns
foreach(Config::inst()->get('Versioned', 'db_for_versions_table') as $name => $type) {
$query->selectField(sprintf('"%s_versions"."%s"', $baseTable, $name), $name);
// Alias the record ID as the row ID
$query->selectField(sprintf('"%s_versions"."%s"', $baseTable, 'RecordID'), "ID");
// Ensure that any sort order referring to this ID is correctly aliased
$orders = $query->getOrderBy();
foreach($orders as $order => $dir) {
if($order === "\"$baseTable\".\"ID\"") {
$orders["\"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"RecordID\""] = $dir;
// latest_version has one more step
// Return latest version instances, regardless of whether they are on a particular stage
// This provides "show all, including deleted" functonality
if($dataQuery->getQueryParam('Versioned.mode') == 'latest_versions') {
"\"{$alias}_versions\".\"Version\" IN
(SELECT LatestVersion FROM
MAX(\"{$alias}_versions\".\"Version\") AS LatestVersion
FROM \"{$alias}_versions\"
GROUP BY \"{$alias}_versions\".\"RecordID\"
) AS \"{$alias}_versions_latest\"
WHERE \"{$alias}_versions_latest\".\"RecordID\" = \"{$alias}_versions\".\"RecordID\"
} else {
// If all versions are requested, ensure that records are sorted by this field
$query->addOrderBy(sprintf('"%s_versions"."%s"', $baseTable, 'Version'));
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Bad value for query parameter Versioned.mode: "
. $dataQuery->getQueryParam('Versioned.mode'));
* For lazy loaded fields requiring extra sql manipulation, ie versioning.
* @param SQLQuery $query
* @param DataQuery $dataQuery
* @param DataObject $dataObject
public function augmentLoadLazyFields(SQLQuery &$query, DataQuery &$dataQuery = null, $dataObject) {
// The VersionedMode local variable ensures that this decorator only applies to
// queries that have originated from the Versioned object, and have the Versioned
// metadata set on the query object. This prevents regular queries from
// accidentally querying the *_versions tables.
$versionedMode = $dataObject->getSourceQueryParam('Versioned.mode');
$dataClass = $dataQuery->dataClass();
$modesToAllowVersioning = array('all_versions', 'latest_versions', 'archive');
!empty($dataObject->Version) &&
(!empty($versionedMode) && in_array($versionedMode,$modesToAllowVersioning))
) {
$dataQuery->where("\"$dataClass\".\"RecordID\" = " . $dataObject->ID);
$dataQuery->where("\"$dataClass\".\"Version\" = " . $dataObject->Version);
$dataQuery->setQueryParam('Versioned.mode', 'all_versions');
} else {
// Same behaviour as in DataObject->loadLazyFields
$dataQuery->where("\"$dataClass\".\"ID\" = {$dataObject->ID}")->limit(1);
* Called by {@link SapphireTest} when the database is reset.
* @todo Reduce the coupling between this and SapphireTest, somehow.
public static function on_db_reset() {
// Drop all temporary tables
$db = DB::getConn();
foreach(self::$archive_tables as $tableName) {
if(method_exists($db, 'dropTable')) $db->dropTable($tableName);
else $db->query("DROP TABLE \"$tableName\"");
// Remove references to them
self::$archive_tables = array();
public function augmentDatabase() {
$classTable = $this->owner->class;
$isRootClass = ($this->owner->class == ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class));
// Build a list of suffixes whose tables need versioning
$allSuffixes = array();
foreach (Versioned::$versionableExtensions as $versionableExtension => $suffixes) {
if ($this->owner->hasExtension($versionableExtension)) {
$allSuffixes = array_merge($allSuffixes, (array)$suffixes);
foreach ((array)$suffixes as $suffix) {
$allSuffixes[$suffix] = $versionableExtension;
// Add the default table with an empty suffix to the list (table name = class name)
foreach ($allSuffixes as $key => $suffix) {
// check that this is a valid suffix
if (!is_int($key)) continue;
if ($suffix) $table = "{$classTable}_$suffix";
else $table = $classTable;
if($fields = DataObject::database_fields($this->owner->class)) {
$options = Config::inst()->get($this->owner->class, 'create_table_options', Config::FIRST_SET);
$indexes = $this->owner->databaseIndexes();
if ($suffix && ($ext = $this->owner->getExtensionInstance($allSuffixes[$suffix]))) {
if (!$ext->isVersionedTable($table)) continue;
$fields = $ext->fieldsInExtraTables($suffix);
$indexes = $fields['indexes'];
$fields = $fields['db'];
// Create tables for other stages
foreach($this->stages as $stage) {
// Extra tables for _Live, etc.
// Change unique indexes to 'index'. Versioned tables may run into unique indexing difficulties
// otherwise.
foreach($indexes as $key=>$index){
if(is_array($index) && $index['type']=='unique'){
if($stage != $this->defaultStage) {
DB::requireTable("{$table}_$stage", $fields, $indexes, false, $options);
// Version fields on each root table (including Stage)
if($isRootClass) {
$stageTable = ($stage == $this->defaultStage) ? $table : "{$table}_$stage";
$parts=Array('datatype'=>'int', 'precision'=>11, 'null'=>'not null', 'default'=>(int)0);
$values=Array('type'=>'int', 'parts'=>$parts);
DB::requireField($stageTable, 'Version', $values);
if($isRootClass) {
// Create table for all versions
$versionFields = array_merge(
Config::inst()->get('Versioned', 'db_for_versions_table'),
$versionIndexes = array_merge(
Config::inst()->get('Versioned', 'indexes_for_versions_table'),
} else {
// Create fields for any tables of subclasses
$versionFields = array_merge(
"RecordID" => "Int",
"Version" => "Int",
//Unique indexes will not work on versioned tables, so we'll convert them to standard indexes:
foreach($indexes as $key=>$index){
if(is_array($index) && strtolower($index['type'])=='unique'){
$versionIndexes = array_merge(
'RecordID_Version' => array('type' => 'unique', 'value' => '"RecordID","Version"'),
'RecordID' => true,
'Version' => true,
if(DB::getConn()->hasTable("{$table}_versions")) {
// Fix data that lacks the uniqueness constraint (since this was added later and
// bugs meant that the constraint was validated)
$duplications = DB::query("SELECT MIN(\"ID\") AS \"ID\", \"RecordID\", \"Version\"
FROM \"{$table}_versions\" GROUP BY \"RecordID\", \"Version\"
HAVING COUNT(*) > 1");
foreach($duplications as $dup) {
DB::alteration_message("Removing {$table}_versions duplicate data for "
."{$dup['RecordID']}/{$dup['Version']}" ,"deleted");
DB::query("DELETE FROM \"{$table}_versions\" WHERE \"RecordID\" = {$dup['RecordID']}
AND \"Version\" = {$dup['Version']} AND \"ID\" != {$dup['ID']}");
// Remove junk which has no data in parent classes. Only needs to run the following
// when versioned data is spread over multiple tables
if(!$isRootClass && ($versionedTables = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($table))) {
foreach($versionedTables as $child) {
if($table == $child) break; // only need subclasses
$count = DB::query("
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"{$table}_versions\"
LEFT JOIN \"{$child}_versions\"
ON \"{$child}_versions\".\"RecordID\" = \"{$table}_versions\".\"RecordID\"
AND \"{$child}_versions\".\"Version\" = \"{$table}_versions\".\"Version\"
WHERE \"{$child}_versions\".\"ID\" IS NULL
if($count > 0) {
DB::alteration_message("Removing orphaned versioned records", "deleted");
$effectedIDs = DB::query("
SELECT \"{$table}_versions\".\"ID\" FROM \"{$table}_versions\"
LEFT JOIN \"{$child}_versions\"
ON \"{$child}_versions\".\"RecordID\" = \"{$table}_versions\".\"RecordID\"
AND \"{$child}_versions\".\"Version\" = \"{$table}_versions\".\"Version\"
WHERE \"{$child}_versions\".\"ID\" IS NULL
if(is_array($effectedIDs)) {
foreach($effectedIDs as $key => $value) {
DB::query("DELETE FROM \"{$table}_versions\""
. " WHERE \"{$table}_versions\".\"ID\" = '$value'");
DB::requireTable("{$table}_versions", $versionFields, $versionIndexes, true, $options);
} else {
foreach($this->stages as $stage) {
if($stage != $this->defaultStage) DB::dontrequireTable("{$table}_$stage");
* Augment a write-record request.
* @param SQLQuery $manipulation Query to augment.
public function augmentWrite(&$manipulation) {
$tables = array_keys($manipulation);
$version_table = array();
foreach($tables as $table) {
$baseDataClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($table);
$isRootClass = ($table == $baseDataClass);
// Make sure that the augmented write is being applied to a table that can be versioned
if( !$this->canBeVersioned($table) ) {
$id = $manipulation[$table]['id'] ? $manipulation[$table]['id'] : $manipulation[$table]['fields']['ID'];;
if(!$id) user_error("Couldn't find ID in " . var_export($manipulation[$table], true), E_USER_ERROR);
$rid = isset($manipulation[$table]['RecordID']) ? $manipulation[$table]['RecordID'] : $id;
$newManipulation = array(
"command" => "insert",
"fields" => isset($manipulation[$table]['fields']) ? $manipulation[$table]['fields'] : null
if($this->migratingVersion) {
$manipulation[$table]['fields']['Version'] = $this->migratingVersion;
// If we haven't got a version #, then we're creating a new version.
// Otherwise, we're just copying a version to another table
if(!isset($manipulation[$table]['fields']['Version'])) {
// Add any extra, unchanged fields to the version record.
$data = DB::query("SELECT * FROM \"$table\" WHERE \"ID\" = $id")->record();
if($data) foreach($data as $k => $v) {
if (!isset($newManipulation['fields'][$k])) {
$newManipulation['fields'][$k] = "'" . Convert::raw2sql($v) . "'";
// Set up a new entry in (table)_versions
$newManipulation['fields']['RecordID'] = $rid;
// Create a new version #
if (isset($version_table[$table])) $nextVersion = $version_table[$table];
else unset($nextVersion);
if($rid && !isset($nextVersion)) {
$nextVersion = DB::query("SELECT MAX(\"Version\") + 1 FROM \"{$baseDataClass}_versions\""
. " WHERE \"RecordID\" = $rid")->value();
$newManipulation['fields']['Version'] = $nextVersion ? $nextVersion : 1;
if($isRootClass) {
$userID = (Member::currentUser()) ? Member::currentUser()->ID : 0;
$newManipulation['fields']['AuthorID'] = $userID;
$manipulation["{$table}_versions"] = $newManipulation;
// Add the version number to this data
$manipulation[$table]['fields']['Version'] = $newManipulation['fields']['Version'];
$version_table[$table] = $nextVersion;
// Putting a Version of -1 is a signal to leave the version table alone, despite their being no version
if($manipulation[$table]['fields']['Version'] < 0 || $this->_nextWriteWithoutVersion) {
if(!$this->hasVersionField($table)) unset($manipulation[$table]['fields']['Version']);
// Grab a version number - it should be the same across all tables.
if(isset($manipulation[$table]['fields']['Version'])) {
$thisVersion = $manipulation[$table]['fields']['Version'];
// If we're editing Live, then use (table)_Live instead of (table)
if(Versioned::current_stage() && Versioned::current_stage() != $this->defaultStage) {
// If the record has already been inserted in the (table), get rid of it.
if($manipulation[$table]['command']=='insert') {
DB::query("DELETE FROM \"{$table}\" WHERE \"ID\"='$id'");
$newTable = $table . '_' . Versioned::current_stage();
$manipulation[$newTable] = $manipulation[$table];
// Clear the migration flag
if($this->migratingVersion) {
// Add the new version # back into the data object, for accessing
// after this write
if(isset($thisVersion)) {
$this->owner->Version = str_replace("'","", $thisVersion);
* Perform a write without affecting the version table.
* On objects without versioning.
* @return int The ID of the record
public function writeWithoutVersion() {
$this->_nextWriteWithoutVersion = true;
return $this->owner->write();
public function onAfterWrite() {
$this->_nextWriteWithoutVersion = false;
* If a write was skipped, then we need to ensure that we don't leave a
* migrateVersion() value lying around for the next write.
public function onAfterSkippedWrite() {
* Determine if a table is supporting the Versioned extensions (e.g.
* $table_versions does exists).
* @param string $table Table name
* @return boolean
public function canBeVersioned($table) {
return ClassInfo::exists($table)
&& is_subclass_of($table, 'DataObject')
&& DataObject::has_own_table($table);
* Check if a certain table has the 'Version' field.
* @param string $table Table name
* @return boolean Returns false if the field isn't in the table, true otherwise
public function hasVersionField($table) {
$rPos = strrpos($table,'_');
if(($rPos !== false) && in_array(substr($table,$rPos), $this->stages)) {
$tableWithoutStage = substr($table,0,$rPos);
} else {
$tableWithoutStage = $table;
return ('DataObject' == get_parent_class($tableWithoutStage));
* @param string $table
* @return string
public function extendWithSuffix($table) {
foreach (Versioned::$versionableExtensions as $versionableExtension => $suffixes) {
if ($this->owner->hasExtension($versionableExtension)) {
$ext = $this->owner->getExtensionInstance($versionableExtension);
$table = $ext->extendWithSuffix($table);
return $table;
* Get the latest published DataObject.
* @return DataObject
public function latestPublished() {
// Get the root data object class - this will have the version field
$table1 = $this->owner->class;
while( ($p = get_parent_class($table1)) != "DataObject") $table1 = $p;
$table2 = $table1 . "_$this->liveStage";
return DB::query("SELECT \"$table1\".\"Version\" = \"$table2\".\"Version\" FROM \"$table1\""
. " INNER JOIN \"$table2\" ON \"$table1\".\"ID\" = \"$table2\".\"ID\""
. " WHERE \"$table1\".\"ID\" = ". $this->owner->ID)->value();
* Move a database record from one stage to the other.
* @param fromStage Place to copy from. Can be either a stage name or a version number.
* @param toStage Place to copy to. Must be a stage name.
* @param createNewVersion Set this to true to create a new version number. By default, the existing version
* number will be copied over.
public function publish($fromStage, $toStage, $createNewVersion = false) {
$this->owner->extend('onBeforeVersionedPublish', $fromStage, $toStage, $createNewVersion);
$baseClass = $this->owner->class;
while( ($p = get_parent_class($baseClass)) != "DataObject") $baseClass = $p;
$extTable = $this->extendWithSuffix($baseClass);
if(is_numeric($fromStage)) {
$from = Versioned::get_version($baseClass, $this->owner->ID, $fromStage);
} else {
$from = Versioned::get_one_by_stage($baseClass, $fromStage, "\"{$baseClass}\".\"ID\"={$this->owner->ID}");
$publisherID = isset(Member::currentUser()->ID) ? Member::currentUser()->ID : 0;
if($from) {
if($createNewVersion) {
$latest = self::get_latest_version($baseClass, $this->owner->ID);
$this->owner->Version = $latest->Version + 1;
} else {
// Mark this version as having been published at some stage
DB::query("UPDATE \"{$extTable}_versions\" SET \"WasPublished\" = '1', \"PublisherID\" = $publisherID"
. " WHERE \"RecordID\" = $from->ID AND \"Version\" = $from->Version");
$oldMode = Versioned::get_reading_mode();
$conn = DB::getConn();
if(method_exists($conn, 'allowPrimaryKeyEditing')) $conn->allowPrimaryKeyEditing($baseClass, true);
if(method_exists($conn, 'allowPrimaryKeyEditing')) $conn->allowPrimaryKeyEditing($baseClass, false);
} else {
user_error("Can't find {$this->owner->URLSegment}/{$this->owner->ID} in stage $fromStage", E_USER_WARNING);
* Set the migrating version.
* @param string $version The version.
public function migrateVersion($version) {
$this->migratingVersion = $version;
* Compare two stages to see if they're different.
* Only checks the version numbers, not the actual content.
* @param string $stage1 The first stage to check.
* @param string $stage2
public function stagesDiffer($stage1, $stage2) {
$table1 = $this->baseTable($stage1);
$table2 = $this->baseTable($stage2);
if(!is_numeric($this->owner->ID)) {
return true;
// We test for equality - if one of the versions doesn't exist, this
// will be false.
// TODO: DB Abstraction: if statement here:
$stagesAreEqual = DB::query("SELECT CASE WHEN \"$table1\".\"Version\"=\"$table2\".\"Version\""
. " THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM \"$table1\" INNER JOIN \"$table2\" ON \"$table1\".\"ID\" = \"$table2\".\"ID\""
. " AND \"$table1\".\"ID\" = {$this->owner->ID}")->value();
return !$stagesAreEqual;
* @param string $filter
* @param string $sort
* @param string $limit
* @param string $join Deprecated, use leftJoin($table, $joinClause) instead
* @param string $having
public function Versions($filter = "", $sort = "", $limit = "", $join = "", $having = "") {
return $this->allVersions($filter, $sort, $limit, $join, $having);
* Return a list of all the versions available.
* @param string $filter
* @param string $sort
* @param string $limit
* @param string $join Deprecated, use leftJoin($table, $joinClause) instead
* @param string $having
public function allVersions($filter = "", $sort = "", $limit = "", $join = "", $having = "") {
// Make sure the table names are not postfixed (e.g. _Live)
$oldMode = self::get_reading_mode();
$list = DataObject::get(get_class($this->owner), $filter, $sort, $join, $limit);
if($having) $having = $list->having($having);
$query = $list->dataQuery()->query();
foreach($query->getFrom() as $table => $tableJoin) {
if(is_string($tableJoin) && $tableJoin[0] == '"') {
$baseTable = str_replace('"','',$tableJoin);
} elseif(is_string($tableJoin) && substr($tableJoin,0,5) != 'INNER') {
$table => "LEFT JOIN \"$table\" ON \"$table\".\"RecordID\"=\"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"RecordID\""
. " AND \"$table\".\"Version\" = \"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"Version\""
$query->renameTable($table, $table . '_versions');
// Add all <basetable>_versions columns
foreach(Config::inst()->get('Versioned', 'db_for_versions_table') as $name => $type) {
$query->selectField(sprintf('"%s_versions"."%s"', $baseTable, $name), $name);
$query->addWhere("\"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"RecordID\" = '{$this->owner->ID}'");
$query->setOrderBy(($sort) ? $sort
: "\"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"LastEdited\" DESC, \"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"Version\" DESC");
$records = $query->execute();
$versions = new ArrayList();
foreach($records as $record) {
$versions->push(new Versioned_Version($record));
return $versions;
* Compare two version, and return the diff between them.
* @param string $from The version to compare from.
* @param string $to The version to compare to.
* @return DataObject
public function compareVersions($from, $to) {
$fromRecord = Versioned::get_version($this->owner->class, $this->owner->ID, $from);
$toRecord = Versioned::get_version($this->owner->class, $this->owner->ID, $to);
$diff = new DataDifferencer($fromRecord, $toRecord);
return $diff->diffedData();
* Return the base table - the class that directly extends DataObject.
* @return string
public function baseTable($stage = null) {
$tableClasses = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($this->owner->class);
$baseClass = array_shift($tableClasses);
if(!$stage || $stage == $this->defaultStage) {
return $baseClass;
return $baseClass . "_$stage";
* Choose the stage the site is currently on.
* If $_GET['stage'] is set, then it will use that stage, and store it in
* the session.
* if $_GET['archiveDate'] is set, it will use that date, and store it in
* the session.
* If neither of these are set, it checks the session, otherwise the stage
* is set to 'Live'.
public static function choose_site_stage() {
if(isset($_GET['stage'])) {
$stage = ucfirst(strtolower($_GET['stage']));
if(!in_array($stage, array('Stage', 'Live'))) $stage = 'Live';
Session::set('readingMode', 'Stage.' . $stage);
if(isset($_GET['archiveDate']) && strtotime($_GET['archiveDate'])) {
Session::set('readingMode', 'Archive.' . $_GET['archiveDate']);
if($mode = Session::get('readingMode')) {
} else {
if(!headers_sent() && !Director::is_cli()) {
if(Versioned::current_stage() == 'Live') {
// clear the cookie if it's set
if(!empty($_COOKIE['bypassStaticCache'])) {
Cookie::set('bypassStaticCache', null, 0, null, null, false, true /* httponly */);
} else {
// set the cookie if it's cleared
if(empty($_COOKIE['bypassStaticCache'])) {
Cookie::set('bypassStaticCache', '1', 0, null, null, false, true /* httponly */);
$_COOKIE['bypassStaticCache'] = 1;
* Set the current reading mode.
* @param string $mode
public static function set_reading_mode($mode) {
Versioned::$reading_mode = $mode;
* Get the current reading mode.
* @return string
public static function get_reading_mode() {
return Versioned::$reading_mode;
* Get the name of the 'live' stage.
* @return string
public static function get_live_stage() {
return "Live";
* Get the current reading stage.
* @return string
public static function current_stage() {
$parts = explode('.', Versioned::get_reading_mode());
if($parts[0] == 'Stage') {
return $parts[1];
* Get the current archive date.
* @return string
public static function current_archived_date() {
$parts = explode('.', Versioned::get_reading_mode());
if($parts[0] == 'Archive') return $parts[1];
* Set the reading stage.
* @param string $stage New reading stage.
public static function reading_stage($stage) {
Versioned::set_reading_mode('Stage.' . $stage);
* Set the reading archive date.
* @param string $date New reading archived date.
public static function reading_archived_date($date) {
Versioned::set_reading_mode('Archive.' . $date);
* Get a singleton instance of a class in the given stage.
* @param string $class The name of the class.
* @param string $stage The name of the stage.
* @param string $filter A filter to be inserted into the WHERE clause.
* @param boolean $cache Use caching.
* @param string $orderby A sort expression to be inserted into the ORDER BY clause.
* @return DataObject
public static function get_one_by_stage($class, $stage, $filter = '', $cache = true, $sort = '') {
// TODO: No identity cache operating
$items = self::get_by_stage($class, $stage, $filter, $sort, null, 1);
return $items->First();
* Gets the current version number of a specific record.
* @param string $class
* @param string $stage
* @param int $id
* @param boolean $cache
* @return int
public static function get_versionnumber_by_stage($class, $stage, $id, $cache = true) {
$baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($class);
$stageTable = ($stage == 'Stage') ? $baseClass : "{$baseClass}_{$stage}";
// cached call
if($cache && isset(self::$cache_versionnumber[$baseClass][$stage][$id])) {
return self::$cache_versionnumber[$baseClass][$stage][$id];
// get version as performance-optimized SQL query (gets called for each page in the sitetree)
$version = DB::query("SELECT \"Version\" FROM \"$stageTable\" WHERE \"ID\" = $id")->value();
// cache value (if required)
if($cache) {
if(!isset(self::$cache_versionnumber[$baseClass])) {
self::$cache_versionnumber[$baseClass] = array();
if(!isset(self::$cache_versionnumber[$baseClass][$stage])) {
self::$cache_versionnumber[$baseClass][$stage] = array();
self::$cache_versionnumber[$baseClass][$stage][$id] = $version;
return $version;
* Pre-populate the cache for Versioned::get_versionnumber_by_stage() for
* a list of record IDs, for more efficient database querying. If $idList
* is null, then every page will be pre-cached.
* @param string $class
* @param string $stage
* @param array $idList
public static function prepopulate_versionnumber_cache($class, $stage, $idList = null) {
if (!Config::inst()->get('Versioned', 'prepopulate_versionnumber_cache')) {
$filter = "";
if($idList) {
// Validate the ID list
foreach($idList as $id) {
if(!is_numeric($id)) {
user_error("Bad ID passed to Versioned::prepopulate_versionnumber_cache() in \$idList: " . $id,
$filter = "WHERE \"ID\" IN(" .implode(", ", $idList) . ")";
$baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($class);
$stageTable = ($stage == 'Stage') ? $baseClass : "{$baseClass}_{$stage}";
$versions = DB::query("SELECT \"ID\", \"Version\" FROM \"$stageTable\" $filter")->map();
foreach($versions as $id => $version) {
self::$cache_versionnumber[$baseClass][$stage][$id] = $version;
* Get a set of class instances by the given stage.
* @param string $class The name of the class.
* @param string $stage The name of the stage.
* @param string $filter A filter to be inserted into the WHERE clause.
* @param string $sort A sort expression to be inserted into the ORDER BY clause.
* @param string $join Deprecated, use leftJoin($table, $joinClause) instead
* @param int $limit A limit on the number of records returned from the database.
* @param string $containerClass The container class for the result set (default is DataList)
* @return SS_List
public static function get_by_stage($class, $stage, $filter = '', $sort = '', $join = '', $limit = '',
$containerClass = 'DataList') {
$result = DataObject::get($class, $filter, $sort, $join, $limit, $containerClass);
return $result->setDataQueryParam(array(
'Versioned.mode' => 'stage',
'Versioned.stage' => $stage
* @param string $stage
* @return int
public function deleteFromStage($stage) {
$oldMode = Versioned::get_reading_mode();
$clone = clone $this->owner;
$result = $clone->delete();
// Fix the version number cache (in case you go delete from stage and then check ExistsOnLive)
$baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class);
self::$cache_versionnumber[$baseClass][$stage][$this->owner->ID] = null;
return $result;
* @param string $stage
* @param boolean $forceInsert
public function writeToStage($stage, $forceInsert = false) {
$oldMode = Versioned::get_reading_mode();
$result = $this->owner->write(false, $forceInsert);
return $result;
* Roll the draft version of this page to match the published page.
* Caution: Doesn't overwrite the object properties with the rolled back version.
* @param int $version Either the string 'Live' or a version number
public function doRollbackTo($version) {
$this->owner->extend('onBeforeRollback', $version);
$this->publish($version, "Stage", true);
$this->owner->extend('onAfterRollback', $version);
* Return the latest version of the given page.
* @return DataObject
public static function get_latest_version($class, $id) {
$baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($class);
$list = DataList::create($baseClass)
->where("\"$baseClass\".\"RecordID\" = $id")
->setDataQueryParam("Versioned.mode", "latest_versions");
return $list->First();
* Returns whether the current record is the latest one.
* @todo Performance - could do this directly via SQL.
* @see get_latest_version()
* @see latestPublished
* @return boolean
public function isLatestVersion() {
$version = self::get_latest_version($this->owner->class, $this->owner->ID);
return ($version->Version == $this->owner->Version);
* Return the equivalent of a DataList::create() call, querying the latest
* version of each page stored in the (class)_versions tables.
* In particular, this will query deleted records as well as active ones.
* @param string $class
* @param string $filter
* @param string $sort
public static function get_including_deleted($class, $filter = "", $sort = "") {
$list = DataList::create($class)
->setDataQueryParam("Versioned.mode", "latest_versions");
return $list;
* Return the specific version of the given id.
* Caution: The record is retrieved as a DataObject, but saving back
* modifications via write() will create a new version, rather than
* modifying the existing one.
* @param string $class
* @param int $id
* @param int $version
* @return DataObject
public static function get_version($class, $id, $version) {
$baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($class);
$list = DataList::create($baseClass)
->where("\"$baseClass\".\"RecordID\" = $id")
->where("\"$baseClass\".\"Version\" = " . (int)$version)
->setDataQueryParam("Versioned.mode", 'all_versions');
return $list->First();
* Return a list of all versions for a given id.
* @param string $class
* @param int $id
* @return DataList
public static function get_all_versions($class, $id) {
$baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($class);
$list = DataList::create($class)
->where("\"$baseClass\".\"RecordID\" = $id")
->setDataQueryParam('Versioned.mode', 'all_versions');
return $list;
* @param array $labels
public function updateFieldLabels(&$labels) {
$labels['Versions'] = _t('Versioned.has_many_Versions', 'Versions', 'Past Versions of this page');
* @param FieldList
public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields) {
// remove the version field from the CMS as this should be left
// entirely up to the extension (not the cms user).
public function flushCache() {
self::$cache_versionnumber = array();
* Return a piece of text to keep DataObject cache keys appropriately specific.
* @return string
public function cacheKeyComponent() {
return 'versionedmode-'.self::get_reading_mode();
* Represents a single version of a record.
* @package framework
* @subpackage model
* @see Versioned
class Versioned_Version extends ViewableData {
* @var array
protected $record;
* @var DataObject
protected $object;
public function __construct($record) {
$this->record = $record;
$record['ID'] = $record['RecordID'];
$className = $record['ClassName'];
$this->object = ClassInfo::exists($className) ? new $className($record) : new DataObject($record);
$this->failover = $this->object;
* @return string
public function PublishedClass() {
return $this->record['WasPublished'] ? 'published' : 'internal';
* @return Member
public function Author() {
return Member::get()->byId($this->record['AuthorID']);
* @return Member
public function Publisher() {
if (!$this->record['WasPublished']) {
return null;
return Member::get()->byId($this->record['PublisherID']);
* @return boolean
public function Published() {
return !empty($this->record['WasPublished']);
* Copied from DataObject to allow access via dot notation.
public function relField($fieldName) {
$component = $this;
if(strpos($fieldName, '.') !== false) {
$parts = explode('.', $fieldName);
$fieldName = array_pop($parts);
// Traverse dot syntax
foreach($parts as $relation) {
if($component instanceof SS_List) {
if(method_exists($component,$relation)) {
$component = $component->$relation();
} else {
$component = $component->relation($relation);
} else {
$component = $component->$relation();
// Unlike has-one's, these "relations" can return false
if($component) {
if ($component->hasMethod($fieldName)) {
return $component->$fieldName();
return $component->$fieldName;