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namespace SilverStripe\Forms;
use Exception;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use SilverStripe\Assets\File;
use SilverStripe\Assets\Storage\AssetContainer;
use SilverStripe\Core\Object;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ArrayList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObjectInterface;
use SilverStripe\ORM\RelationList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\SS_List;
use SilverStripe\ORM\UnsavedRelationList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException;
* Provides operations for reading and writing uploaded files to/from
* {@see File} dataobject instances.
* Allows writing to a parent record with the following relation types:
* - has_one
* - has_many
* - many_many
* Additionally supports writing directly to the File table not attached
* to any parent record.
* Note that this trait expects to be applied to a {@see FormField} class
* @mixin FormField
trait FileUploadReceiver
use UploadReceiver;
* Flag to automatically determine and save a has_one-relationship
* on the saved record (e.g. a "Player" has_one "PlayerImage" would
* trigger saving the ID of newly created file into "PlayerImageID"
* on the record).
* @var boolean
public $relationAutoSetting = true;
* Parent data record. Will be infered from parent form or controller if blank.
* @var DataObject
protected $record;
* Items loaded into this field. May be a RelationList, or any other SS_List
* @var SS_List
protected $items;
protected function constructFileUploadReceiver()
* Force a record to be used as "Parent" for uploaded Files (eg a Page with a has_one to File)
* @param DataObject $record
* @return $this
public function setRecord($record)
$this->record = $record;
return $this;
* Get the record to use as "Parent" for uploaded Files (eg a Page with a has_one to File) If none is set, it will
* use Form->getRecord() or Form->Controller()->data()
* @return DataObject
public function getRecord()
if ($this->record) {
return $this->record;
if (!$this->getForm()) {
return null;
// Get record from form
$record = $this->getForm()->getRecord();
if ($record && ($record instanceof DataObject)) {
$this->record = $record;
return $record;
// Get record from controller
$controller = $this->getForm()->getController();
if ($controller
&& $controller->hasMethod('data')
&& ($record = $controller->data())
&& ($record instanceof DataObject)
) {
$this->record = $record;
return $record;
return null;
* Loads the related record values into this field. This can be uploaded
* in one of three ways:
* - By passing in a list of file IDs in the $value parameter (an array with a single
* key 'Files', with the value being the actual array of IDs).
* - By passing in an explicit list of File objects in the $record parameter, and
* leaving $value blank.
* - By passing in a dataobject in the $record parameter, from which file objects
* will be extracting using the field name as the relation field.
* Each of these methods will update both the items (list of File objects) and the
* field value (list of file ID values).
* @param array $value Array of submitted form data, if submitting from a form
* @param array|DataObject|SS_List $record Full source record, either as a DataObject,
* SS_List of items, or an array of submitted form data
* @return $this Self reference
* @throws ValidationException
public function setValue($value, $record = null)
// If we're not passed a value directly, we can attempt to infer the field
// value from the second parameter by inspecting its relations
$items = new ArrayList();
// Determine format of presented data
if (empty($value) && $record) {
// If a record is given as a second parameter, but no submitted values,
// then we should inspect this instead for the form values
if (($record instanceof DataObject) && $record->hasMethod($this->getName())) {
// If given a dataobject use reflection to extract details
$data = $record->{$this->getName()}();
if ($data instanceof DataObject) {
// If has_one, add sole item to default list
} elseif ($data instanceof SS_List) {
// For many_many and has_many relations we can use the relation list directly
$items = $data;
} elseif ($record instanceof SS_List) {
// If directly passing a list then save the items directly
$items = $record;
} elseif (!empty($value['Files'])) {
// If value is given as an array (such as a posted form), extract File IDs from this
$class = $this->getRelationAutosetClass();
$items = DataObject::get($class)->byIDs($value['Files']);
// If javascript is disabled, direct file upload (non-html5 style) can
// trigger a single or multiple file submission. Note that this may be
// included in addition to re-submitted File IDs as above, so these
// should be added to the list instead of operated on independently.
if ($uploadedFiles = $this->extractUploadedFileData($value)) {
foreach ($uploadedFiles as $tempFile) {
$file = $this->saveTemporaryFile($tempFile, $error);
if ($file) {
} else {
throw new ValidationException($error);
// Filter items by what's allowed to be viewed
$filteredItems = new ArrayList();
$fileIDs = array();
foreach ($items as $file) {
if ($file->exists() && $file->canView()) {
$fileIDs[] = $file->ID;
// Filter and cache updated item list
$this->items = $filteredItems;
// Same format as posted form values for this field. Also ensures that
// $this->setValue($this->getValue()); is non-destructive
$value = $fileIDs ? array('Files' => $fileIDs) : null;
// Set value using parent
parent::setValue($value, $record);
return $this;
* Sets the items assigned to this field as an SS_List of File objects.
* Calling setItems will also update the value of this field, as well as
* updating the internal list of File items.
* @param SS_List $items
* @return $this self reference
public function setItems(SS_List $items)
return $this->setValue(null, $items);
* Retrieves the current list of files
* @return SS_List|File[]
public function getItems()
return $this->items ? $this->items : new ArrayList();
* Retrieves the list of selected file IDs
* @return array
public function getItemIDs()
$value = $this->Value();
return empty($value['Files']) ? array() : $value['Files'];
public function Value()
// Re-override FileField Value to use data value
return $this->dataValue();
* @param DataObject|DataObjectInterface $record
* @return $this
public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $record)
// Check required relation details are available
$fieldname = $this->getName();
if (!$fieldname) {
return $this;
// Get details to save
$idList = $this->getItemIDs();
// Check type of relation
$relation = $record->hasMethod($fieldname) ? $record->$fieldname() : null;
if ($relation && ($relation instanceof RelationList || $relation instanceof UnsavedRelationList)) {
// has_many or many_many
} elseif ($class = DataObject::getSchema()->hasOneComponent(get_class($record), $fieldname)) {
// Assign has_one ID
$id = $idList ? reset($idList) : 0;
$record->{"{$fieldname}ID"} = $id;
// Polymorphic asignment
if ($class === DataObject::class) {
$file = $id ? File::get()->byID($id) : null;
$fileClass = $file ? get_class($file) : File::class;
$record->{"{$fieldname}Class"} = $id ? $fileClass : null;
return $this;
* Loads the temporary file data into a File object
* @param array $tmpFile Temporary file data
* @param string $error Error message
* @return AssetContainer File object, or null if error
protected function saveTemporaryFile($tmpFile, &$error = null)
// Determine container object
$error = null;
$fileObject = null;
if (empty($tmpFile)) {
$error = _t('SilverStripe\\Forms\\FileUploadReceiver.FIELDNOTSET', 'File information not found');
return null;
if ($tmpFile['error']) {
$error = $tmpFile['error'];
return null;
// Search for relations that can hold the uploaded files, but don't fallback
// to default if there is no automatic relation
if ($relationClass = $this->getRelationAutosetClass(null)) {
// Allow File to be subclassed
if ($relationClass === File::class && isset($tmpFile['name'])) {
$relationClass = File::get_class_for_file_extension(
// Create new object explicitly. Otherwise rely on Upload::load to choose the class.
$fileObject = Object::create($relationClass);
if (! ($fileObject instanceof DataObject) || !($fileObject instanceof AssetContainer)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid asset container $relationClass");
// Get the uploaded file into a new file object.
try {
$this->getUpload()->loadIntoFile($tmpFile, $fileObject, $this->getFolderName());
} catch (Exception $e) {
// we shouldn't get an error here, but just in case
$error = $e->getMessage();
return null;
// Check if upload field has an error
if ($this->getUpload()->isError()) {
$error = implode(' ' . PHP_EOL, $this->getUpload()->getErrors());
return null;
// return file
return $this->getUpload()->getFile();
* Gets the foreign class that needs to be created, or 'File' as default if there
* is no relationship, or it cannot be determined.
* @param string $default Default value to return if no value could be calculated
* @return string Foreign class name.
public function getRelationAutosetClass($default = File::class)
// Don't autodetermine relation if no relationship between parent record
if (!$this->getRelationAutoSetting()) {
return $default;
// Check record and name
$name = $this->getName();
$record = $this->getRecord();
if (empty($name) || empty($record)) {
return $default;
} else {
$class = $record->getRelationClass($name);
return empty($class) ? $default : $class;
* Set if relation can be automatically assigned to the underlying dataobject
* @param bool $auto
* @return $this
public function setRelationAutoSetting($auto)
$this->relationAutoSetting = $auto;
return $this;
* Check if relation can be automatically assigned to the underlying dataobject
* @return bool
public function getRelationAutoSetting()
return $this->relationAutoSetting;
* Given an array of post variables, extract all temporary file data into an array
* @param array $postVars Array of posted form data
* @return array List of temporary file data
protected function extractUploadedFileData($postVars)
// Note: Format of posted file parameters in php is a feature of using
// <input name='{$Name}[Uploads][]' /> for multiple file uploads
$tmpFiles = array();
if (!empty($postVars['tmp_name'])
&& is_array($postVars['tmp_name'])
&& !empty($postVars['tmp_name']['Uploads'])
) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($postVars['tmp_name']['Uploads']); $i++) {
// Skip if "empty" file
if (empty($postVars['tmp_name']['Uploads'][$i])) {
$tmpFile = array();
foreach (array('name', 'type', 'tmp_name', 'error', 'size') as $field) {
$tmpFile[$field] = $postVars[$field]['Uploads'][$i];
$tmpFiles[] = $tmpFile;
} elseif (!empty($postVars['tmp_name'])) {
// Fallback to allow single file uploads (method used by AssetUploadField)
$tmpFiles[] = $postVars;
return $tmpFiles;