Ingo Schommer e1b827f7c8 Optimise webpack build time (#6049)
* Rename bundles (prep for webpack optimisation)

This might or might not reduce the overall repo size,
because git can combine similar chunks in the newly generated files

* Optimise webpack build time

Consolidates bundles, since a separation of bundle-framework.js vs. bundle-legacy.js
vs. bundle-lib.js no longer makes sense - they're all loaded upfront anyway,
since we'll be introducing more react-powered logic alongside the "legacy" JavaScript.

By consolidating into fewer bundles, we give the optimisation scripts (UglifyJS)
more options to reduce the overall file size.

The main motivation for a vendor.js is to shorten rebuild times:
Most active development is happening in files required through bundle.js.
This commit drastically reduces the rebuild time for those changes (15s to 4s).
2016-09-21 17:14:43 +12:00

2 lines
821 B

webpackJsonp([6],[function(e,n,o){"use strict";function t(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{"default":e}}var l=o(1),a=t(l),c=function u(e){var n=e.cloneNode(!0),o=(0,a["default"])("<div></div>");return o.append(n),o.html()};a["default"].leaktools={logDuplicateElements:function d(){var e=(0,a["default"])("*"),n=!1;e.each(function(o,t){e.not(t).each(function(e,o){c(t)==c(o)&&(n=!0,console.log(t,o))})}),n||console.log("No duplicates found")},logUncleanedElements:function f(e){a["default"].each(a["default"].cache,function(){var n=this.handle&&this.handle.elem;if(n){for(var o=n;o&&1==o.nodeType;)o=o.parentNode;o?o!==document&&console.log("Attached, but to",o,"not our document",n):(console.log("Unattached",n),console.log(,e&&(0,a["default"])(n).unbind().remove())}})}}}]);