Damian Mooyman 316ac86036
API Writes to versioned dataobjects always writes to stage even when written on live
API Remove "Archive" actions
API "Delete" actions for pages now archives records
BUG Fix batch actions failing on certain controllers
Fixes #6059
2016-10-21 13:16:32 +13:00

433 lines
12 KiB

namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Versioning;
use SilverStripe\Admin\CMSPreviewable;
use SilverStripe\Assets\Thumbnail;
use SilverStripe\Control\Controller;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ArrayList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ManyManyList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\SS_List;
use SilverStripe\ORM\UnexpectedDataException;
use SilverStripe\Security\Member;
use SilverStripe\Security\Permission;
use BadMethodCallException;
use Exception;
* A single line in a changeset
* @property string $Added
* @property string $ObjectClass The _base_ data class for the referenced DataObject
* @property int $ObjectID The numeric ID for the referenced object
* @method ManyManyList ReferencedBy() List of explicit items that require this change
* @method ManyManyList References() List of implicit items required by this change
* @method ChangeSet ChangeSet()
class ChangeSetItem extends DataObject implements Thumbnail {
const EXPLICITLY = 'explicitly';
const IMPLICITLY = 'implicitly';
/** Represents an object deleted */
const CHANGE_DELETED = 'deleted';
/** Represents an object which was modified */
const CHANGE_MODIFIED = 'modified';
/** Represents an object added */
const CHANGE_CREATED = 'created';
/** Represents an object which hasn't been changed directly, but owns a modified many_many relationship. */
//const CHANGE_MANYMANY = 'manymany';
private static $table_name = 'ChangeSetItem';
* Represents that an object has not yet been changed, but
* should be included in this changeset as soon as any changes exist
const CHANGE_NONE = 'none';
private static $db = array(
'VersionBefore' => 'Int',
'VersionAfter' => 'Int',
'Added' => "Enum('explicitly, implicitly', 'implicitly')"
private static $has_one = array(
'ChangeSet' => 'SilverStripe\ORM\Versioning\ChangeSet',
'Object' => 'SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject',
private static $many_many = array(
'ReferencedBy' => 'SilverStripe\ORM\Versioning\ChangeSetItem'
private static $belongs_many_many = array(
'References' => 'ChangeSetItem.ReferencedBy'
private static $indexes = array(
'ObjectUniquePerChangeSet' => array(
'type' => 'unique',
'value' => '"ObjectID", "ObjectClass", "ChangeSetID"'
public function onBeforeWrite() {
// Make sure ObjectClass refers to the base data class in the case of old or wrong code
$this->ObjectClass = $this->getSchema()->baseDataClass($this->ObjectClass);
public function getTitle() {
// Get title of modified object
$object = $this->getObjectLatestVersion();
if($object) {
return $object->getTitle();
return $this->i18n_singular_name() . ' #' . $this->ID;
* Get a thumbnail for this object
* @param int $width Preferred width of the thumbnail
* @param int $height Preferred height of the thumbnail
* @return string URL to the thumbnail, if available
public function ThumbnailURL($width, $height) {
$object = $this->getObjectLatestVersion();
if($object instanceof Thumbnail) {
return $object->ThumbnailURL($width, $height);
return null;
* Get the type of change: none, created, deleted, modified, manymany
* @return string
* @throws UnexpectedDataException
public function getChangeType() {
if(!class_exists($this->ObjectClass)) {
throw new UnexpectedDataException("Invalid Class '{$this->ObjectClass}' in ChangeSetItem #{$this->ID}");
// Get change versions
if($this->VersionBefore || $this->VersionAfter) {
$draftVersion = $this->VersionAfter; // After publishing draft was written to stage
$liveVersion = $this->VersionBefore; // The live version before the publish
} else {
$draftVersion = Versioned::get_versionnumber_by_stage(
$this->ObjectClass, Versioned::DRAFT, $this->ObjectID, false
$liveVersion = Versioned::get_versionnumber_by_stage(
$this->ObjectClass, Versioned::LIVE, $this->ObjectID, false
// Version comparisons
if ($draftVersion == $liveVersion) {
return self::CHANGE_NONE;
} elseif (!$liveVersion) {
return self::CHANGE_CREATED;
} elseif (!$draftVersion) {
return self::CHANGE_DELETED;
} else {
return self::CHANGE_MODIFIED;
* Find version of this object in the given stage
* @param string $stage
* @return DataObject|Versioned
* @throws UnexpectedDataException
protected function getObjectInStage($stage) {
if(!class_exists($this->ObjectClass)) {
throw new UnexpectedDataException("Invalid Class '{$this->ObjectClass}' in ChangeSetItem #{$this->ID}");
return Versioned::get_by_stage($this->ObjectClass, $stage)->byID($this->ObjectID);
* Find latest version of this object
* @return DataObject|Versioned
* @throws UnexpectedDataException
protected function getObjectLatestVersion() {
if(!class_exists($this->ObjectClass)) {
throw new UnexpectedDataException("Invalid Class '{$this->ObjectClass}' in ChangeSetItem #{$this->ID}");
return Versioned::get_latest_version($this->ObjectClass, $this->ObjectID);
* Get all implicit objects for this change
* @return SS_List
public function findReferenced() {
if($this->getChangeType() === ChangeSetItem::CHANGE_DELETED) {
// If deleted from stage, need to look at live record
$record = $this->getObjectInStage(Versioned::LIVE);
if ($record) {
return $record->findOwners(false);
} else {
// If changed on stage, look at owned objects there
$record = $this->getObjectInStage(Versioned::DRAFT);
if ($record) {
return $record->findOwned()->filterByCallback(function ($owned) {
/** @var Versioned|DataObject $owned */
return $owned->stagesDiffer(Versioned::DRAFT, Versioned::LIVE);
// Empty set
return new ArrayList();
* Publish this item, then close it.
* Note: Unlike Versioned::doPublish() and Versioned::doUnpublish, this action is not recursive.
public function publish() {
if(!class_exists($this->ObjectClass)) {
throw new UnexpectedDataException("Invalid Class '{$this->ObjectClass}' in ChangeSetItem #{$this->ID}");
// Logical checks prior to publish
if(!$this->canPublish()) {
throw new Exception("The current member does not have permission to publish this ChangeSetItem.");
if($this->VersionBefore || $this->VersionAfter) {
throw new BadMethodCallException("This ChangeSetItem has already been published");
// Record state changed
$this->VersionAfter = Versioned::get_versionnumber_by_stage(
$this->ObjectClass, Versioned::DRAFT, $this->ObjectID, false
$this->VersionBefore = Versioned::get_versionnumber_by_stage(
$this->ObjectClass, Versioned::LIVE, $this->ObjectID, false
switch($this->getChangeType()) {
case static::CHANGE_NONE: {
case static::CHANGE_DELETED: {
// Non-recursive delete
$object = $this->getObjectInStage(Versioned::LIVE);
case static::CHANGE_MODIFIED:
case static::CHANGE_CREATED: {
// Non-recursive publish
$object = $this->getObjectInStage(Versioned::DRAFT);
* Once this item (and all owned objects) are published, unlink
* all disowned objects
public function unlinkDisownedObjects() {
$object = $this->getObjectInStage(Versioned::DRAFT);
if ($object) {
$object->unlinkDisownedObjects(Versioned::DRAFT, Versioned::LIVE);
/** Reverts this item, then close it. **/
public function revert() {
user_error('Not implemented', E_USER_ERROR);
public function canView($member = null) {
return $this->can(__FUNCTION__, $member);
public function canEdit($member = null) {
return $this->can(__FUNCTION__, $member);
public function canCreate($member = null, $context = array()) {
return $this->can(__FUNCTION__, $member, $context);
public function canDelete($member = null) {
return $this->can(__FUNCTION__, $member);
* Check if the BeforeVersion of this changeset can be restored to draft
* @param Member $member
* @return bool
public function canRevert($member) {
// Just get the best version as this object may not even exist on either stage anymore.
/** @var Versioned|DataObject $object */
$object = $this->getObjectLatestVersion();
if(!$object) {
return false;
// Check change type
switch($this->getChangeType()) {
case static::CHANGE_CREATED: {
// Revert creation by deleting from stage
return $object->canDelete($member);
default: {
// All other actions are typically editing draft stage
return $object->canEdit($member);
* Check if this ChangeSetItem can be published
* @param Member $member
* @return bool
public function canPublish($member = null) {
// Check canMethod to invoke on object
switch($this->getChangeType()) {
case static::CHANGE_DELETED: {
/** @var Versioned|DataObject $object */
$object = Versioned::get_by_stage($this->ObjectClass, Versioned::LIVE)->byID($this->ObjectID);
if ($object) {
return $object->canUnpublish($member);
default: {
/** @var Versioned|DataObject $object */
$object = Versioned::get_by_stage($this->ObjectClass, Versioned::DRAFT)->byID($this->ObjectID);
if($object) {
return $object->canPublish($member);
return false;
* Default permissions for this ChangeSetItem
* @param string $perm
* @param Member $member
* @param array $context
* @return bool
public function can($perm, $member = null, $context = array()) {
if(!$member) {
$member = Member::currentUser();
// Allow extensions to bypass default permissions, but only if
// each change can be individually published.
$extended = $this->extendedCan($perm, $member, $context);
if($extended !== null) {
return $extended;
// Default permissions
return (bool)Permission::checkMember($member, ChangeSet::config()->required_permission);
* Get the ChangeSetItems that reference a passed DataObject
* @param DataObject $object
* @return DataList
public static function get_for_object($object) {
return ChangeSetItem::get()->filter([
'ObjectID' => $object->ID,
'ObjectClass' => $object->baseClass(),
* Get the ChangeSetItems that reference a passed DataObject
* @param int $objectID The ID of the object
* @param string $objectClass The class of the object (or any parent class)
* @return DataList
public static function get_for_object_by_id($objectID, $objectClass) {
return ChangeSetItem::get()->filter([
'ObjectID' => $objectID,
'ObjectClass' => static::getSchema()->baseDataClass($objectClass)
* Gets the list of modes this record can be previewed in.
* {@link}
* @return array Map of links in acceptable HAL format
public function getPreviewLinks() {
$links = [];
// Preview draft
$stage = $this->getObjectInStage(Versioned::DRAFT);
if($stage instanceof CMSPreviewable && $stage->canView() && ($link = $stage->PreviewLink())) {
$links[Versioned::DRAFT] = [
'href' => Controller::join_links($link, '?stage=' . Versioned::DRAFT),
'type' => $stage->getMimeType(),
// Preview live
$live = $this->getObjectInStage(Versioned::LIVE);
if($live instanceof CMSPreviewable && $live->canView() && ($link = $live->PreviewLink())) {
$links[Versioned::LIVE] = [
'href' => Controller::join_links($link, '?stage=' . Versioned::LIVE),
'type' => $live->getMimeType(),
return $links;
* Get edit link for this item
* @return string
public function CMSEditLink()
$link = $this->getObjectInStage(Versioned::DRAFT);
if($link instanceof CMSPreviewable) {
return $link->CMSEditLink();
return null;