Ingo Schommer c69381c33e API Remove Content-Length setting from HTTPResponse (fixes #8010)
This reverts commit 356a367eb5.
We can't use headers_sent() to determine an accurate
content length, since PHP defaults to buffering a couple of bytes
even without ob_start() (see "output_buffering" setting).
This makes the patch harmful, since it breaks any responses relying
on more structure data, like removing closing brackets from JSON.
Which in turn breaks the CMS in horrible ways (see #8010).
See #7574 for context.
2013-01-23 15:05:33 +01:00

976 lines
34 KiB

* Director is responsible for processing URLs, and providing environment information.
* The most important part of director is {@link Director::direct()}, which is passed a URL and will execute the
* appropriate controller.
* Director also has a number of static methods that provide information about the environment, such as
* {@link Director::set_environment_type()}.
* @package framework
* @subpackage control
* @see Director::direct(),Director::addRules(),Director::set_environment_type()
class Director implements TemplateGlobalProvider {
static private $urlParams;
static private $rules = array();
* @var SiteTree
private static $current_page;
static $alternateBaseFolder;
static $alternateBaseURL;
static $dev_servers = array();
static $test_servers = array();
static protected $environment_type;
* Add URL matching rules to the Director.
* The director is responsible for turning URLs into Controller objects.
* @param $priority The priority of the rules; higher values will get your rule checked first. We recommend
* priority 100 for your site's rules. The built-in rules are priority 10, standard modules are
* priority 50.
public static function addRules($priority, $rules) {
if ($priority != 100) {
Deprecation::notice('3.0', 'Priority argument is now ignored - use the default of 100. You should really'
. ' be setting routes via _config yaml fragments though.', Deprecation::SCOPE_GLOBAL);
Config::inst()->update('Director', 'rules', $rules);
* Process the given URL, creating the appropriate controller and executing it.
* Request processing is handled as follows:
* - Director::direct() creates a new SS_HTTPResponse object and passes this to Director::handleRequest().
* - Director::handleRequest($request) checks each of the Director rules and identifies a controller to handle
* this request.
* - Controller::handleRequest($request) is then called. This will find a rule to handle the URL, and call the
* rule handling method.
* - RequestHandler::handleRequest($request) is recursively called whenever a rule handling method returns a
* RequestHandler object.
* In addition to request processing, Director will manage the session, and perform the output of the actual
* response to the browser.
* @param $url String, the URL the user is visiting, without the querystring.
* @uses handleRequest() rule-lookup logic is handled by this.
* @uses Controller::run() Controller::run() handles the page logic for a Director::direct() call.
public static function direct($url, DataModel $model) {
// Validate $_FILES array before merging it with $_POST
foreach($_FILES as $k => $v) {
if(is_array($v['tmp_name'])) {
$v = ArrayLib::array_values_recursive($v['tmp_name']);
foreach($v as $tmpFile) {
if($tmpFile && !is_uploaded_file($tmpFile)) {
user_error("File upload '$k' doesn't appear to be a valid upload", E_USER_ERROR);
} else {
if($v['tmp_name'] && !is_uploaded_file($v['tmp_name'])) {
user_error("File upload '$k' doesn't appear to be a valid upload", E_USER_ERROR);
$req = new SS_HTTPRequest(
? $_SERVER['X-HTTP-Method-Override']
ArrayLib::array_merge_recursive((array)$_POST, (array)$_FILES),
$headers = self::extract_request_headers($_SERVER);
foreach ($headers as $header => $value) {
$req->addHeader($header, $value);
// Only resume a session if its not started already, and a session identifier exists
if(!isset($_SESSION) && (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()]) || isset($_REQUEST[session_name()]))) {
// Initiate an empty session - doesn't initialize an actual PHP session until saved (see belwo)
$session = new Session(isset($_SESSION) ? $_SESSION : null);
$output = Injector::inst()->get('RequestProcessor')->preRequest($req, $session, $model);
if ($output === false) {
// @TODO Need to NOT proceed with the request in an elegant manner
throw new SS_HTTPResponse_Exception(_t('Director.INVALID_REQUEST', 'Invalid request'), 400);
$result = Director::handleRequest($req, $session, $model);
// Save session data (and start/resume it if required)
// Return code for a redirection request
if(is_string($result) && substr($result,0,9) == 'redirect:') {
$response = new SS_HTTPResponse();
$response->redirect(substr($result, 9));
$res = Injector::inst()->get('RequestProcessor')->postRequest($req, $response, $model);
if ($res !== false) {
// Handle a controller
} else if($result) {
if($result instanceof SS_HTTPResponse) {
$response = $result;
} else {
$response = new SS_HTTPResponse();
$res = Injector::inst()->get('RequestProcessor')->postRequest($req, $response, $model);
if ($res !== false) {
// ?debug_memory=1 will output the number of bytes of memory used for this request
if(isset($_REQUEST['debug_memory']) && $_REQUEST['debug_memory']) {
"Peak memory usage in bytes: %s",
} else {
} else {
// @TODO Proper response here.
throw new SS_HTTPResponse_Exception("Invalid response");
* Test a URL request, returning a response object.
* This method is the counterpart of Director::direct() that is used in functional testing. It will execute the
* URL given, and return the result as an SS_HTTPResponse object.
* @param string $url The URL to visit
* @param array $postVars The $_POST & $_FILES variables
* @param Session $session The {@link Session} object representing the current session. By passing the same
* object to multiple calls of Director::test(), you can simulate a persisted session.
* @param string $httpMethod The HTTP method, such as GET or POST. It will default to POST if postVars is set,
* GET otherwise. Overwritten by $postVars['_method'] if present.
* @param string $body The HTTP body
* @param array $headers HTTP headers with key-value pairs
* @param array $cookies to populate $_COOKIE
* @param HTTP_Request $request The {@see HTTP_Request} object generated as a part of this request
* @return SS_HTTPResponse
* @uses getControllerForURL() The rule-lookup logic is handled by this.
* @uses Controller::run() Controller::run() handles the page logic for a Director::direct() call.
public static function test($url, $postVars = null, $session = null, $httpMethod = null, $body = null,
$headers = null, $cookies = null, &$request = null) {
// These are needed so that calling Director::test() doesnt muck with whoever is calling it.
// Really, it's some inappropriate coupling and should be resolved by making less use of statics
$oldStage = Versioned::current_stage();
$getVars = array();
if(!$httpMethod) $httpMethod = ($postVars || is_array($postVars)) ? "POST" : "GET";
if(!$session) $session = new Session(null);
// Back up the current values of the superglobals
$existingRequestVars = isset($_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST : array();
$existingGetVars = isset($_GET) ? $_GET : array();
$existingPostVars = isset($_POST) ? $_POST : array();
$existingSessionVars = isset($_SESSION) ? $_SESSION : array();
$existingCookies = isset($_COOKIE) ? $_COOKIE : array();
$existingServer = isset($_SERVER) ? $_SERVER : array();
$existingCookieReportErrors = Cookie::report_errors();
$existingRequirementsBackend = Requirements::backend();
Requirements::set_backend(new Requirements_Backend());
// Handle absolute URLs
if (@parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST) != '') {
$bits = parse_url($url);
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $bits['host'];
$url = Director::makeRelative($url);
$urlWithQuerystring = $url;
if(strpos($url, '?') !== false) {
list($url, $getVarsEncoded) = explode('?', $url, 2);
parse_str($getVarsEncoded, $getVars);
// Replace the superglobals with appropriate test values
$_REQUEST = ArrayLib::array_merge_recursive((array)$getVars, (array)$postVars);
$_GET = (array)$getVars;
$_POST = (array)$postVars;
$_SESSION = $session ? $session->inst_getAll() : array();
$_COOKIE = (array) $cookies;
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = Director::baseURL() . $urlWithQuerystring;
$request = new SS_HTTPRequest($httpMethod, $url, $getVars, $postVars, $body);
if($headers) foreach($headers as $k => $v) $request->addHeader($k, $v);
// TODO: Pass in the DataModel
$result = Director::handleRequest($request, $session, DataModel::inst());
// Restore the superglobals
$_REQUEST = $existingRequestVars;
$_GET = $existingGetVars;
$_POST = $existingPostVars;
$_SESSION = $existingSessionVars;
$_COOKIE = $existingCookies;
$_SERVER = $existingServer;
// These are needed so that calling Director::test() doesnt muck with whoever is calling it.
// Really, it's some inappropriate coupling and should be resolved by making less use of statics
return $result;
* Handle an HTTP request, defined with a SS_HTTPRequest object.
* @return SS_HTTPResponse|string
protected static function handleRequest(SS_HTTPRequest $request, Session $session, DataModel $model) {
$rules = Config::inst()->get('Director', 'rules');
if(isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) Debug::show($rules);
foreach($rules as $pattern => $controllerOptions) {
if(is_string($controllerOptions)) {
if(substr($controllerOptions,0,2) == '->') {
$controllerOptions = array('Redirect' => substr($controllerOptions,2));
} else {
$controllerOptions = array('Controller' => $controllerOptions);
if(($arguments = $request->match($pattern, true)) !== false) {
// controllerOptions provide some default arguments
$arguments = array_merge($controllerOptions, $arguments);
// Find the controller name
if(isset($arguments['Controller'])) $controller = $arguments['Controller'];
// Pop additional tokens from the tokeniser if necessary
if(isset($controllerOptions['_PopTokeniser'])) {
// Handle redirections
if(isset($arguments['Redirect'])) {
return "redirect:" . Director::absoluteURL($arguments['Redirect'], true);
} else {
Director::$urlParams = $arguments;
$controllerObj = Injector::inst()->create($controller);
try {
$result = $controllerObj->handleRequest($request, $model);
} catch(SS_HTTPResponse_Exception $responseException) {
$result = $responseException->getResponse();
if(!is_object($result) || $result instanceof SS_HTTPResponse) return $result;
user_error("Bad result from url " . $request->getURL() . " handled by " .
get_class($controllerObj)." controller: ".get_class($result), E_USER_WARNING);
* Returns the urlParam with the given name
* @deprecated 3.0 Use SS_HTTPRequest->param()
public static function urlParam($name) {
Deprecation::notice('3.0', 'Use SS_HTTPRequest->param() instead.');
if(isset(Director::$urlParams[$name])) return Director::$urlParams[$name];
* Returns an array of urlParams.
* @deprecated 3.0 Use SS_HTTPRequest->params()
public static function urlParams() {
Deprecation::notice('3.0', 'Use SS_HTTPRequest->params() instead.');
return Director::$urlParams;
* Set url parameters (should only be called internally by RequestHandler->handleRequest()).
* @param $params array
public static function setUrlParams($params) {
Director::$urlParams = $params;
* Return the {@link SiteTree} object that is currently being viewed. If there is no SiteTree object to return,
* then this will return the current controller.
* @return SiteTree
public static function get_current_page() {
return self::$current_page ? self::$current_page : Controller::curr();
* Set the currently active {@link SiteTree} object that is being used to respond to the request.
* @param SiteTree $page
public static function set_current_page($page) {
self::$current_page = $page;
* Turns the given URL into an absolute URL.
* @todo Document how relativeToSiteBase works
public static function absoluteURL($url, $relativeToSiteBase = false) {
if(!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) return false;
if(strpos($url,'/') === false && !$relativeToSiteBase) {
$url = dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . 'x') . '/' . $url;
if(substr($url,0,4) != "http") {
if($url[0] != "/") $url = Director::baseURL() . $url;
// Sometimes baseURL() can return a full URL instead of just a path
if(substr($url,0,4) != "http") $url = self::protocolAndHost() . $url;
return $url;
* Returns the part of the URL, ''.
* @return boolean|string The domain from the PHP environment. Returns FALSE is this environment variable isn't
* set.
public static function protocolAndHost() {
if(self::$alternateBaseURL) {
if(preg_match('/^(http[^:]*:\/\/[^\/]+)(\/|$)/', self::$alternateBaseURL, $matches)) {
return $matches[1];
if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
return Director::protocol() . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
} else {
if(Director::is_cli() && isset($_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING)) $errorSuggestion = ' You probably want to define '.
'an entry in $_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING that covers "' . Director::baseFolder() . '"';
else if(Director::is_cli()) $errorSuggestion = ' You probably want to define $_FILE_TO_URL_MAPPING in '.
'your _ss_environment.php as instructed on the "sake" page of the wiki';
else $errorSuggestion = "";
user_error("Director::protocolAndHost() lacks sufficient information - HTTP_HOST not set."
. $errorSuggestion, E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
* Return the current protocol that the site is running under
* @return String
public static function protocol() {
return "https://";
return (isset($_SERVER['SSL']) || (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off'))
? 'https://' : 'http://';
* Redirect to another page.
* @deprecated 2.5 Use Controller->redirect()
* - $url can be an absolute URL
* - or it can be a URL relative to the "site base"
* - if it is just a word without an slashes, then it redirects to another action on the current controller.
public static function redirect($url, $code=302) {
Deprecation::notice('2.5', 'Use Controller->redirect() instead.');
Controller::curr()->redirect($url, $code);
* Tests whether a redirection has been requested.
* @deprecated 2.5 Use Controller->redirectedTo() instead
* @return string If redirect() has been called, it will return the URL redirected to. Otherwise, it will
* return null;
public static function redirected_to() {
Deprecation::notice('2.5', 'Use Controller->redirectedTo() instead.');
return Controller::curr()->redirectedTo();
* Sets the HTTP status code
* @deprecated 2.5 Use Controller->getResponse()->setStatusCode() instead
public static function set_status_code($code) {
Deprecation::notice('2.5', 'Use Controller->getResponse()->setStatusCode() instead');
return Controller::curr()->getResponse()->setStatusCode($code);
* Returns the current HTTP status code
* @deprecated 2.5 Use Controller->getResponse()->getStatusCode() instead
public static function get_status_code() {
Deprecation::notice('2.5', 'Use Controller->getResponse()->getStatusCode() instead');
return Controller::curr()->getResponse()->getStatusCode();
* @deprecated 2.5 Use Controller->redirectBack()
public static function redirectBack() {
Deprecation::notice('2.5', 'Use Controller->redirectBack() instead.');
* Returns the root URL for the site.
* It will be automatically calculated unless it is overridden with {@link setBaseURL()}.
public static function baseURL() {
if(self::$alternateBaseURL) return self::$alternateBaseURL;
else {
$base = BASE_URL;
if($base == '/' || $base == '/.' || $base == '\\') $baseURL = '/';
else $baseURL = $base . '/';
if(defined('BASE_SCRIPT_URL')) return $baseURL . BASE_SCRIPT_URL;
else return $baseURL;
* Sets the root URL for the website.
* If the site isn't accessible from the URL you provide, weird things will happen.
public static function setBaseURL($baseURL) {
self::$alternateBaseURL = $baseURL;
* Returns the root filesystem folder for the site.
* It will be automatically calculated unless it is overridden with {@link setBaseFolder()}.
public static function baseFolder() {
if(self::$alternateBaseFolder) return self::$alternateBaseFolder;
else return BASE_PATH;
* Sets the root folder for the website.
* If the site isn't accessible from the folder you provide, weird things will happen.
public static function setBaseFolder($baseFolder) {
self::$alternateBaseFolder = $baseFolder;
* Turns an absolute URL or folder into one that's relative to the root of the site.
* This is useful when turning a URL into a filesystem reference, or vice versa.
* @todo Implement checking across http/https protocols
* @param string $url Accepts both a URL or a filesystem path
* @return string Either a relative URL if the checks succeeded, or the original (possibly absolute) URL.
public static function makeRelative($url) {
// Allow for the accidental inclusion of a // in the URL
$url = preg_replace('#([^:])//#', '\\1/', $url);
$url = trim($url);
// Only bother comparing the URL to the absolute version if $url looks like a URL.
if(preg_match('/^https?[^:]*:\/\//',$url)) {
$base1 = self::absoluteBaseURL();
// If we are already looking at baseURL, return '' (substr will return false)
if($url == $base1) return '';
else if(substr($url,0,strlen($base1)) == $base1) return substr($url,strlen($base1));
// Convert to ''
else if(substr($base1,-1)=="/" && $url == substr($base1,0,-1)) return "";
// test for base folder, e.g. /var/www
$base2 = self::baseFolder();
if(substr($url,0,strlen($base2)) == $base2) return substr($url,strlen($base2));
// Test for relative base url, e.g. mywebsite/ if the full URL is http://localhost/mywebsite/
$base3 = self::baseURL();
if(substr($url,0,strlen($base3)) == $base3) return substr($url,strlen($base3));
// Nothing matched, fall back to returning the original URL
return $url;
* Returns true if a given path is absolute. Works under both *nix and windows
* systems
* @param string $path
* @return bool
public static function is_absolute($path) {
if($path[0] == '/' || $path[0] == '\\') return true;
return preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]:[\\\\\/]/', $path) == 1;
* Checks if a given URL is absolute (e.g. starts with 'http://' etc.).
* URLs beginning with "//" are treated as absolute, as browsers take this to mean
* the same protocol as currently being used.
* Useful to check before redirecting based on a URL from user submissions
* through $_GET or $_POST, and avoid phishing attacks by redirecting
* to an attackers server.
* Note: Can't solely rely on PHP's parse_url() , since it is not intended to work with relative URLs
* or for security purposes. filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) has similar problems.
* @param string $url
* @return boolean
public static function is_absolute_url($url) {
$colonPosition = strpos($url, ':');
return (
// Base check for existence of a host on a compliant URL
parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST)
// Check for more than one leading slash without a protocol.
// While not a RFC compliant absolute URL, it is completed to a valid URL by some browsers,
// and hence a potential security risk. Single leading slashes are not an issue though.
|| preg_match('/\s*[\/]{2,}/', $url)
|| (
// If a colon is found, check if it's part of a valid scheme definition
// (meaning its not preceded by a slash, hash or questionmark).
// URLs in query parameters are assumed to be correctly urlencoded based on RFC3986,
// in which case no colon should be present in the parameters.
$colonPosition !== FALSE
&& !preg_match('![/?#]!', substr($url, 0, $colonPosition))
* Checks if a given URL is relative by checking {@link is_absolute_url()}.
* @param string $url
* @return boolean
public static function is_relative_url($url) {
return (!Director::is_absolute_url($url));
* Checks if the given URL is belonging to this "site" (not an external link).
* That's the case if the URL is relative, as defined by {@link is_relative_url()},
* or if the host matches {@link protocolAndHost()}.
* Useful to check before redirecting based on a URL from user submissions
* through $_GET or $_POST, and avoid phishing attacks by redirecting
* to an attackers server.
* @param string $url
* @return boolean
public static function is_site_url($url) {
$urlHost = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
$actualHost = parse_url(self::protocolAndHost(), PHP_URL_HOST);
if($urlHost && $actualHost && $urlHost == $actualHost) {
return true;
} else {
return self::is_relative_url($url);
* Takes a $_SERVER data array and extracts HTTP request headers.
* @param array $data
* @return array
public static function extract_request_headers(array $server) {
$headers = array();
foreach($server as $key => $value) {
if(substr($key, 0, 5) == 'HTTP_') {
$key = substr($key, 5);
$key = strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', $key));
$key = str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords($key));
$headers[$key] = $value;
if(isset($server['CONTENT_TYPE'])) $headers['Content-Type'] = $server['CONTENT_TYPE'];
if(isset($server['CONTENT_LENGTH'])) $headers['Content-Length'] = $server['CONTENT_LENGTH'];
return $headers;
* Given a filesystem reference relative to the site root, return the full file-system path.
* @param string $file
* @return string
public static function getAbsFile($file) {
return self::is_absolute($file) ? $file : Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $file;
* Returns true if the given file exists.
* @param $file Filename specified relative to the site root
public static function fileExists($file) {
// replace any appended query-strings, e.g. /path/to/foo.php?bar=1 to /path/to/foo.php
$file = preg_replace('/([^\?]*)?.*/','$1',$file);
return file_exists(Director::getAbsFile($file));
* Returns the Absolute URL of the site root.
public static function absoluteBaseURL() {
return Director::absoluteURL(Director::baseURL());
* Returns the Absolute URL of the site root, embedding the current basic-auth credentials into the URL.
public static function absoluteBaseURLWithAuth() {
$s = "";
$login = "";
return Director::protocol() . $login . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . Director::baseURL();
* Force the site to run on SSL.
* To use, call from _config.php. For example:
* <code>
* if(Director::isLive()) Director::forceSSL();
* </code>
* If you don't want your entire site to be on SSL, you can pass an array of PCRE regular expression
* patterns for matching relative URLs. For example:
* <code>
* if(Director::isLive()) Director::forceSSL(array('/^admin/', '/^Security/'));
* </code>
* Note that the session data will be lost when moving from HTTP to HTTPS.
* It is your responsibility to ensure that this won't cause usability problems.
* CAUTION: This does not respect the site environment mode. You should check this
* as per the above examples using Director::isLive() or Director::isTest() for example.
* @return boolean|string String of URL when unit tests running, boolean FALSE if patterns don't match request URI
public static function forceSSL($patterns = null) {
if(!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) return false;
$matched = false;
if($patterns) {
// protect portions of the site based on the pattern
$relativeURL = self::makeRelative(Director::absoluteURL($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
foreach($patterns as $pattern) {
if(preg_match($pattern, $relativeURL)) {
$matched = true;
} else {
// protect the entire site
$matched = true;
if($matched && (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'off')
&& strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTOCOL']) == 'https')) {
$destURL = str_replace('http:', 'https:', Director::absoluteURL($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
// This coupling to SapphireTest is necessary to test the destination URL and to not interfere with tests
if(class_exists('SapphireTest', false) && SapphireTest::is_running_test()) {
return $destURL;
} else {
if(!headers_sent()) header("Location: $destURL");
die("<h1>Your browser is not accepting header redirects</h1>"
. "<p>Please <a href=\"$destURL\">click here</a>");
} else {
return false;
* Force a redirect to a domain starting with "www."
public static function forceWWW() {
if(!Director::isDev() && !Director::isTest() && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'www') !== 0) {
$destURL = str_replace(Director::protocol(), Director::protocol() . 'www.',
header("Location: $destURL", true, 301);
die("<h1>Your browser is not accepting header redirects</h1>"
. "<p>Please <a href=\"$destURL\">click here</a>");
* Checks if the current HTTP-Request is an "Ajax-Request"
* by checking for a custom header set by prototype.js or
* wether a manually set request-parameter 'ajax' is present.
* @return boolean
public static function is_ajax() {
if(Controller::has_curr()) {
return Controller::curr()->getRequest()->isAjax();
} else {
return (
isset($_REQUEST['ajax']) ||
* Returns true if this script is being run from the command line rather than the webserver.
* @return boolean
public static function is_cli() {
return (php_sapi_name() == "cli");
// Environment type methods
* Set the environment type of the current site.
* Typically, a SilverStripe site have a number of environments:
* - development environments, such a copy on your local machine.
* - test sites, such as the one you show the client before going live.
* - the live site itself.
* The behaviour of these environments often varies slightly. For example, development sites may have errors
* dumped to the screen, and order confirmation emails might be sent to the developer instead of the client.
* To help with this, SilverStripe supports the notion of an environment type. The environment type can be dev,
* test, or live.
* You can set it explicitly with Director::set_environment_tpye(). Or you can use
* {@link Director::set_dev_servers()} and {@link Director::set_test_servers()} to set it implicitly, based on the
* value of $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']. If the HTTP_HOST value is one of the servers listed, then the environment type
* will be test or dev. Otherwise, the environment type will be live.
* Dev mode can also be forced by putting ?isDev=1 in your URL, which will ask you to log in and then push the
* site into dev mode for the remainder of the session. Putting ?isDev=0 onto the URL can turn it back.
* Test mode can also be forced by putting ?isTest=1 in your URL, which will ask you to log in and then push the
* site into test mode for the remainder of the session. Putting ?isTest=0 onto the URL can turn it back.
* Generally speaking, these methods will be called from your _config.php file.
* Once the environment type is set, it can be checked with {@link Director::isDev()}, {@link Director::isTest()},
* and {@link Director::isLive()}.
* @param $et string The environment type: dev, test, or live.
public static function set_environment_type($et) {
if($et != 'dev' && $et != 'test' && $et != 'live') {
user_error("Director::set_environment_type passed '$et'. It should be passed dev, test, or live",
} else {
self::$environment_type = $et;
* Can also be checked with {@link Director::isDev()}, {@link Director::isTest()}, and {@link Director::isLive()}.
* @return string 'dev', 'test' or 'live'
public static function get_environment_type() {
if(Director::isLive()) {
return 'live';
} elseif(Director::isTest()) {
return 'test';
} elseif(Director::isDev()) {
return 'dev';
} else {
return false;
* Specify HTTP_HOST values that are development environments.
* For information about environment types, see {@link Director::set_environment_type()}.
* CAUTION: Domain information can easily be spoofed in HTTP requests,
* we recommend to set this mode via {@link Director::set_environment_type()}
* or an _ss_environment.php instead.
* @deprecated 3.0 Use Director::set_environment_type() or an _ss_environment.php instead.
* @param $servers array An array of HTTP_HOST values that should be treated as development environments.
public static function set_dev_servers($servers) {
Deprecation::notice('3.0', 'Use Director::set_environment_type() or an _ss_environment.php instead.');
Director::$dev_servers = $servers;
* Specify HTTP_HOST values that are test environments.
* For information about environment types, see {@link Director::set_environment_type()}.
* CAUTION: Domain information can easily be spoofed in HTTP requests,
* we recommend to set this mode via {@link Director::set_environment_type()}
* or an _ss_environment.php instead.
* @deprecated 3.0 Use Director::set_environment_type() or an _ss_environment.php instead.
* @param $servers array An array of HTTP_HOST values that should be treated as test environments.
public static function set_test_servers($servers) {
Deprecation::notice('3.0', 'Use Director::set_environment_type() or an _ss_environment.php instead.');
Director::$test_servers = $servers;
* This function will return true if the site is in a live environment.
* For information about environment types, see {@link Director::set_environment_type()}.
public static function isLive() {
return !(Director::isDev() || Director::isTest());
* This function will return true if the site is in a development environment.
* For information about environment types, see {@link Director::set_environment_type()}.
* @param $dontTouchDB If true, the database checks are not performed, which allows certain DB checks
* to not fail before the DB is ready. If false (default), DB checks are included.
public static function isDev($dontTouchDB = false) {
// This variable is used to supress repetitions of the isDev security message below.
static $firstTimeCheckingGetVar = true;
$result = false;
if(isset($_SESSION['isDev']) && $_SESSION['isDev']) $result = true;
if(self::$environment_type && self::$environment_type == 'dev') $result = true;
// Use ?isDev=1 to get development access on the live server
if(!$dontTouchDB && !$result && isset($_GET['isDev'])) {
if(Security::database_is_ready()) {
if($firstTimeCheckingGetVar && !Permission::check('ADMIN')){
BasicAuth::requireLogin("SilverStripe developer access. Use your CMS login", "ADMIN");
$_SESSION['isDev'] = $_GET['isDev'];
$firstTimeCheckingGetVar = false;
$result = $_GET['isDev'];
} else {
if($firstTimeCheckingGetVar && DB::connection_attempted()) {
echo "<p style=\"padding: 3px; margin: 3px; background-color: orange;
color: white; font-weight: bold\">Sorry, you can't use ?isDev=1 until your
Member and Group tables database are available. Perhaps your database
connection is failing?</p>";
$firstTimeCheckingGetVar = false;
return $result;
* This function will return true if the site is in a test environment.
* For information about environment types, see {@link Director::set_environment_type()}.
public static function isTest() {
// Use ?isTest=1 to get test access on the live server, or explicitly set your environment
if(isset($_GET['isTest'])) {
if(Security::database_is_ready()) {
BasicAuth::requireLogin("SilverStripe developer access. Use your CMS login", "ADMIN");
$_SESSION['isTest'] = $_GET['isTest'];
} else {
return true;
if(self::isDev()) return false;
if(self::$environment_type) {
return self::$environment_type == 'test';
// Check if we are running on one of the test servers
if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], Director::$test_servers)) {
return true;
return false;
* @return array Returns an array of strings of the method names of methods on the call that should be exposed
* as global variables in the templates.
public static function get_template_global_variables() {
return array(
'isAjax' => 'is_ajax',
'BaseHref' => 'absoluteBaseURL', //@deprecated 3.0