Ingo Schommer e8fbfc0bd1 NEW FixtureFactory separated out from YamlFixture
Enables more generic use of the fixture facilities
without dependency on the YAML format, for example
when creating fixtures from Behat step definitions.

Note: The YamlFixture class needs to be created via
Injector::inst()->create('YamlFixture') now,
direct instantiation is no longer supported.
2012-12-11 17:06:27 +01:00

267 lines
7.6 KiB

* A blueprint on how to create instances of a certain {@link DataObject} subclass.
* Relies on a {@link FixtureFactory} to manage database relationships between instances,
* and manage the mappings between fixture identifiers and their database IDs.
* @package framework
* @subpackage core
class FixtureBlueprint {
* @var array Map of field names to values. Supersedes {@link DataObject::$defaults}.
protected $defaults = array();
* @var String Arbitrary name by which this fixture type can be referenced.
protected $name;
* @var String Subclass of {@link DataObject}
protected $class;
* @var array
protected $callbacks = array(
'beforeCreate' => array(),
'afterCreate' => array(),
static $dependencies = array(
'factory' => '%$FixtureFactory'
* @param String $name
* @param String $class Defaults to $name
* @param array $defaults
public function __construct($name, $class = null, $defaults = array()) {
if(!$class) $class = $name;
if(!is_subclass_of($class, 'DataObject')) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'Class "%s" is not a valid subclass of DataObject',
$this->name = $name;
$this->class = $class;
$this->defaults = $defaults;
* @param String $identifier Unique identifier for this fixture type
* @param Array $data Map of property names to their values.
* @param Array $fixtures Map of fixture names to an associative array of their in-memory
* identifiers mapped to their database IDs. Used to look up
* existing fixtures which might be referenced in the $data attribute
* via the => notation.
* @return DataObject
public function createObject($identifier, $data = null, $fixtures = null) {
// We have to disable validation while we import the fixtures, as the order in
// which they are imported doesnt guarantee valid relations until after the import is complete.
$validationenabled = DataObject::get_validation_enabled();
$this->invokeCallbacks('beforeCreate', array($identifier, &$data, &$fixtures));
try {
$class = $this->class;
$obj = DataModel::inst()->$class->newObject();
// If an ID is explicitly passed, then we'll sort out the initial write straight away
// This is just in case field setters triggered by the population code in the next block
// Call $this->write(). (For example, in FileTest)
if(isset($data['ID'])) {
$obj->ID = $data['ID'];
// The database needs to allow inserting values into the foreign key column (ID in our case)
$conn = DB::getConn();
if(method_exists($conn, 'allowPrimaryKeyEditing')) {
$conn->allowPrimaryKeyEditing(ClassInfo::baseDataClass($class), true);
$obj->write(false, true);
if(method_exists($conn, 'allowPrimaryKeyEditing')) {
$conn->allowPrimaryKeyEditing(ClassInfo::baseDataClass($class), false);
// Populate defaults
if($this->defaults) foreach($this->defaults as $fieldName => $fieldVal) {
if(isset($data[$fieldName]) && $data[$fieldName] !== false) continue;
if(is_callable($fieldVal)) {
$obj->$fieldName = $fieldVal($obj, $data, $fixtures);
} else {
$obj->$fieldName = $fieldVal;
// Populate overrides
if($data) foreach($data as $fieldName => $fieldVal) {
// Defer relationship processing
if($obj->many_many($fieldName) || $obj->has_many($fieldName) || $obj->has_one($fieldName)) {
$this->setValue($obj, $fieldName, $fieldVal, $fixtures);
// Save to fixture before relationship processing in case of reflexive relationships
if(!isset($fixtures[$class])) {
$fixtures[$class] = array();
$fixtures[$class][$identifier] = $obj->ID;
// Populate all relations
if($data) foreach($data as $fieldName => $fieldVal) {
if($obj->many_many($fieldName) || $obj->has_many($fieldName)) {
$parsedItems = array();
$items = preg_split('/ *, */',trim($fieldVal));
foreach($items as $item) {
// Check for correct format: =><relationname>.<identifier>
if(!preg_match('/^=>[^\.]+\.[^\.]+/', $item)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'Invalid format for relation "%s" on class "%s" ("%s")',
$parsedItems[] = $this->parseValue($item, $fixtures);
if($obj->has_many($fieldName)) {
} elseif($obj->many_many($fieldName)) {
} elseif($obj->has_one($fieldName)) {
// Sets has_one with relation name
$obj->{$fieldName . 'ID'} = $this->parseValue($fieldVal, $fixtures);
} elseif($obj->has_one(preg_replace('/ID$/', '', $fieldName))) {
// Sets has_one with database field
$obj->$fieldName = $this->parseValue($fieldVal, $fixtures);
// If LastEdited was set in the fixture, set it here
if($data && array_key_exists('LastEdited', $data)) {
$edited = $this->parseValue($data['LastEdited'], $fixtures);
$class => array(
"command" => "update", "id" => $obj->id,
"fields" => array("LastEdited" => "'".$edited."'")
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw $e;
$this->invokeCallbacks('afterCreate', array($obj, $identifier, &$data, &$fixtures));
return $obj;
* @param Array $defaults
public function setDefaults($defaults) {
$this->defaults = $defaults;
return $this;
* @return Array
public function getDefaults() {
return $this->defaults;
* @return String
public function getClass() {
return $this->class;
* See class documentation.
* @param String $type
* @param callable $callback
public function addCallback($type, $callback) {
if(!array_key_exists($type, $this->callbacks)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid type "%s"', $type));
$this->callbacks[$type][] = $callback;
return $this;
* @param String $type
* @param callable $callback
public function removeCallback($type, $callback) {
$pos = array_search($callback, $this->callbacks[$type]);
if($pos !== false) unset($this->callbacks[$type][$pos]);
return $this;
protected function invokeCallbacks($type, $args = array()) {
foreach($this->callbacks[$type] as $callback) {
call_user_func_array($callback, $args);
* Parse a value from a fixture file. If it starts with =>
* it will get an ID from the fixture dictionary
* @param String $fieldVal
* @param Array $fixtures See {@link createObject()}
* @return String Fixture database ID, or the original value
protected function parseValue($value, $fixtures = null) {
if(substr($value,0,2) == '=>') {
// Parse a dictionary reference - used to set foreign keys
list($class, $identifier) = explode('.', substr($value,2), 2);
if($fixtures && !isset($fixtures[$class][$identifier])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'No fixture definitions found for "%s"',
return $fixtures[$class][$identifier];
} else {
// Regular field value setting
return $value;
protected function setValue($obj, $name, $value, $fixtures = null) {
$obj->$name = $this->parseValue($value, $fixtures);