Ingo Schommer c57ce5f1a4 FEATURE Formatting MySQL error messages with newlines through new SQLFormatter class (used in MySQLDatabase)
ENHANCEMENT Using CliDebugView to report errors on ajax requests (with plaintext output)
ENHANCEMENT Removed "ERROR:" prefix hack for ajax error responses - clientside evaluation should inspect HTTP status codes instead

git-svn-id: svn:// 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2008-09-16 18:12:07 +00:00

647 lines
20 KiB

* @package sapphire
* @subpackage core
* Supports debugging and core error handling.
* Attaches custom methods to the default
* error handling hooks in PHP. Currently, three levels
* of error are supported:
* - Notice
* - Warning
* - Error
* Notice level errors are currently unsupported, and will be passed
* directly to the normal PHP error output.
* Uncaught exceptions are currently passed to the debug
* reporter as standard PHP errors.
* There are four different types of error handler supported by the
* Debug class:
* - Friendly
* - Fatal
* - Logger
* - Emailer
* Currently, only Friendly, Fatal, and Emailer handlers are implemented.
* @todo port header/footer wrapping code to external reporter class
* @todo add support for user defined config: Debug::die_on_notice(true | false)
* @todo add appropriate handling for E_NOTICE and E_USER_NOTICE levels
* @todo better way of figuring out the error context to display in highlighted source
* @todo implement error logger handler
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage core
class Debug {
* @var $custom_smtp_server string Custom mailserver for sending mails.
protected static $custom_smtp_server = '';
* @var $send_errors_to string Email address to send error notifications
protected static $send_errors_to;
* @var $send_warnings_to string Email address to send warning notifications
protected static $send_warnings_to;
* String indicating the file where errors are logged.
* Filename is relative to the site root.
* The named file will have a terse log sent to it, and the full log (an
* encoded file containing backtraces and things) will go to a file of a similar
* name, but with the suffix ".full" added.
protected static $log_errors_to = null;
* Show the contents of val in a debug-friendly way.
* Debug::show() is intended to be equivalent to dprintr()
static function show($val, $showHeader = true) {
if(!Director::isLive()) {
if($showHeader) {
$caller = Debug::caller();
if(Director::is_ajax() || Director::is_cli())
echo "Debug ($caller[class]$caller[type]$caller[function]() in line $caller[line] of " . basename($caller['file']) . ")\n";
echo "<div style=\"background-color: white; text-align: left;\">\n<hr>\n<h3>Debug <span style=\"font-size: 65%\">($caller[class]$caller[type]$caller[function]() \n<span style=\"font-weight:normal\">in line</span> $caller[line] \n<span style=\"font-weight:normal\">of</span> " . basename($caller['file']) . ")</span>\n</h3>\n";
echo Debug::text($val);
if(!Director::is_ajax() && !Director::is_cli()) echo "</div>";
else echo "\n\n";
* Emails the contents of the output buffer
static function mailBuffer( $email, $subject ) {
mail( $email, $subject, ob_get_contents() );
* Close out the show dumper
* @param mixed $val
static function endshow($val) {
if(!Director::isLive()) {
$caller = Debug::caller();
echo "<hr>\n<h3>Debug \n<span style=\"font-size: 65%\">($caller[class]$caller[type]$caller[function]() \n<span style=\"font-weight:normal\">in line</span> $caller[line] \n<span style=\"font-weight:normal\">of</span> " . basename($caller['file']) . ")</span>\n</h3>\n";
echo Debug::text($val);
* Quick dump of a variable.
* @param mixed $val
static function dump($val) {
echo '<pre style="background-color:#ccc;padding:5px;font-size:14px;line-height:18px;">';
$caller = Debug::caller();
echo "<span style=\"font-size: 12px;color:#666;\">Line $caller[line] of " . basename($caller['file']) . ":</span>\n";
if (is_string($val)) print_r(wordwrap($val, 100));
else print_r($val);
echo '</pre>';
* ??
* @param unknown_type $val
* @return unknown
static function text($val) {
if(is_object($val)) {
if(method_exists($val, 'hasMethod')) {
$hasDebugMethod = $val->hasMethod('debug');
} else {
$hasDebugMethod = method_exists($val, 'debug');
if($hasDebugMethod) {
return $val->debug();
if(is_array($val)) {
$result = "<ul>\n";
foreach($val as $k => $v) {
$result .= "<li>$k = " . Debug::text($v) . "</li>\n";
$val = $result . "</ul>\n";
} else if (is_object($val)) {
$val = var_export($val, true);
} else {
if(!Director::is_cli() && !Director::is_ajax()) {
$val = "<pre style=\"font-family: Courier new\">" . htmlentities($val) . "</pre>\n";
return $val;
* Show a debugging message
static function message($message, $showHeader = true) {
if(!Director::isLive()) {
$caller = Debug::caller();
$file = basename($caller['file']);
if(Director::is_cli()) {
if($showHeader) echo "Debug (line $caller[line] of $file):\n ";
echo trim($message) . "\n";
} else {
echo "<p style=\"background-color: white; color: black; width: 95%; margin: 0.5em; padding: 0.3em; border: 1px #CCC solid\">\n";
if($showHeader) echo "<b>Debug (line $caller[line] of $file):</b>\n ";
echo Convert::raw2xml(trim($message)) . "</p>\n";
* Log to a standard text file output.
* @param $message string to output
static function log($message) {
$file = dirname(__FILE__).'/../../debug.log';
$now = date('r');
$oldcontent = file_get_contents($file);
$content = $oldcontent . "\n\n== $now ==\n$message\n";
file_put_contents($file, $content);
private static $warning_pos = 220;
static function warning($notice) {
echo '<div style="background-color:#ccc;border:3px solid #999;position:absolute;right:0;bottom:'.self::$warning_pos.'px;">';
echo '<h6>Warning:</h6>';
echo '<p>'.$notice.'</p>';
echo '</div>';
self::$warning_pos = self::$warning_pos-50;
* Load error handlers into environment.
* Caution: The error levels default to E_ALL is the site is in dev-mode (set in main.php).
static function loadErrorHandlers() {
set_error_handler('errorHandler', error_reporting());
* Handle a non-fatal warning error thrown by PHP interpreter.
* @param unknown_type $errno
* @param unknown_type $errstr
* @param unknown_type $errfile
* @param unknown_type $errline
* @param unknown_type $errcontext
static function warningHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext) {
if(error_reporting() == 0) return;
if(self::$send_warnings_to) self::emailError(self::$send_warnings_to, $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext, "Warning");
self::log_error_if_necessary( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext, "Warning");
if(Director::isDev()) {
self::showError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext, "Warning");
* Handle a fatal error, depending on the mode of the site (ie: Dev, Test, or Live).
* Runtime execution dies immediately once the error is generated.
* @param unknown_type $errno
* @param unknown_type $errstr
* @param unknown_type $errfile
* @param unknown_type $errline
* @param unknown_type $errcontext
static function fatalHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext) {
if(self::$send_errors_to) self::emailError(self::$send_errors_to, $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext, "Error");
self::log_error_if_necessary( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext, "Error");
if(Director::isDev() || Director::is_cli()) {
Debug::showError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext, "Error");
} else {
Debug::friendlyError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext);
* Render a user-facing error page, using the default HTML error template
* if it exists.
* @param unknown_type $errno
* @param unknown_type $errstr
* @param unknown_type $errfile
* @param unknown_type $errline
* @param unknown_type $errcontext
static function friendlyError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext) {
header("HTTP/1.0 500 There has been an error");
if(Director::is_ajax()) {
echo "There has been an error";
} else {
if(file_exists('../assets/error-500.html')) {
} else {
echo "<h1>Error</h1><p>The website server has not been able to respond to your request.</p>\n";
* Create an instance of an appropriate DebugView object.
static function create_debug_view() {
if(Director::is_cli() || Director::is_ajax()) return new CliDebugView();
else return new DebugView();
* Render a developer facing error page, showing the stack trace and details
* of the code where the error occured.
* @param unknown_type $errno
* @param unknown_type $errstr
* @param unknown_type $errfile
* @param unknown_type $errline
* @param unknown_type $errcontext
static function showError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext, $errtype) {
if(!headers_sent()) {
$errText = "$errtype: \"$errstr\" at line $errline of $errfile";
$errText = str_replace(array("\n","\r")," ",$errText);
header("HTTP/1.0 500 $errText");
// Legacy error handling for customized prototype.js Ajax.Base.responseIsSuccess()
// if(Director::is_ajax()) echo "ERROR:\n";
$reporter = self::create_debug_view();
// Coupling alert: This relies on knowledge of how the director gets its URL, it could be improved.
$httpRequest = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : $_REQUEST['url'];
if(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) $httpRequest = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . ' ' . $httpRequest;
$reporter->writeError($httpRequest, $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext);
$lines = file($errfile);
// Make the array 1-based
$offset = $errline-10;
$lines = array_slice($lines, $offset, 16, true);
$reporter->writeSourceFragment($lines, $errline);
* Utility method to render a snippet of PHP source code, from selected file
* and highlighting the given line number.
* @param string $errfile
* @param int $errline
static function showLines($errfile, $errline) {
$lines = file($errfile);
$offset = $errline-10;
$lines = array_slice($lines, $offset, 16);
echo '<pre>';
foreach($lines as $line) {
$line = htmlentities($line);
if ($offset == $errline) {
echo "<span>$offset</span> <span class=\"error\">$line</span>";
} else {
echo "<span>$offset</span> $line";
echo '</pre>';
* Dispatch an email notification message when an error is triggered.
* @param unknown_type $emailAddress
* @param unknown_type $errno
* @param unknown_type $errstr
* @param unknown_type $errfile
* @param unknown_type $errline
* @param unknown_type $errcontext
* @param unknown_type $errorType
static function emailError($emailAddress, $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext, $errorType = "Error") {
if(strtolower($errorType) == 'warning') {
$colour = "orange";
} else {
$colour = "red";
$data = "<div style=\"border: 5px $colour solid\">\n";
$data .= "<p style=\"color: white; background-color: $colour; margin: 0\">$errorType: $errstr<br /> At line $errline in $errfile\n<br />\n<br />\n</p>\n";
$data .= Debug::backtrace(true);
$data .= "</div>\n";
// override smtp-server if needed
if(self::$custom_smtp_server) {
ini_set("SMTP", self::$custom_smtp_server);
$relfile = Director::makeRelative($errfile);
if($relfile[0] == '/') $relfile = substr($relfile,1);
mail($emailAddress, "$errorType at $relfile line $errline (http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI])", $data, "Content-type: text/html\nFrom:");
* Log the given error, if self::$log_errors is set.
protected static function log_error_if_necessary($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext, $errtype) {
if(self::$log_errors_to) {
$shortFile = "../" . self::$log_errors_to;
$fullFile = $shortFile . '.full';
$relfile = Director::makeRelative($errfile);
if($relfile[0] == '/') $relfile = substr($relfile,1);
$urlSuffix = "";
if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] && isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
$urlSuffix = " (http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI])";
error_log('[' . date('d-M-Y h:i:s') . "] $errtype at $relfile line $errline: $errstr$urlSuffix\n", 3, $shortFile);
* @param string $server IP-Address or domain
static function set_custom_smtp_server($server) {
self::$custom_smtp_server = $server;
* @return string
static function get_custom_smtp_server() {
return self::$custom_smtp_server;
* Send errors to the given email address.
* Can be used like so:
* if(Director::isLive()) Debug::send_errors_to("");
* @param emailAddress The email address to send them to
* @param sendWarnings Set to true to send warnings as well as errors.
static function send_errors_to($emailAddress, $sendWarnings = true) {
self::$send_errors_to = $emailAddress;
self::$send_warnings_to = $sendWarnings ? $emailAddress : null;
* @return string
static function get_send_errors_to() {
return self::$send_errors_to;
* @return string
static function get_send_warnings_to() {
return self::$send_warnings_to;
* Call this to enable logging of errors.
static function log_errors_to($logFile = ".sserrors") {
self::$log_errors_to = $logFile;
* Deprecated. Send live errors and warnings to the given address.
* @deprecated Use send_errors_to() instead.
static function sendLiveErrorsTo($emailAddress) {
user_error('Debug::sendLiveErrorsTo() is deprecated. Use Debug::send_errors_to() instead.', E_USER_NOTICE);
if(!Director::isDev()) self::send_errors_to($emailAddress, true);
static function caller() {
$bt = debug_backtrace();
$caller = $bt[2];
$caller['line'] = $bt[1]['line'];
$caller['file'] = $bt[1]['file'];
if(!isset($caller['class'])) $caller['class'] = '';
if(!isset($caller['type'])) $caller['type'] = '';
return $caller;
* Render or return a backtrace from the given scope.
* @param unknown_type $returnVal
* @param unknown_type $ignoreAjax
* @return unknown
static function backtrace($returnVal = false, $ignoreAjax = false) {
$bt = debug_backtrace();
$result = self::get_rendered_backtrace($bt, Director::is_cli() || (Director::is_ajax() && !$ignoreAjax));
if ($returnVal) {
return $result;
} else {
echo $result;
* Render a backtrace array into an appropriate plain-text or HTML string.
* @param $bt The trace array, as returned by debug_backtrace() or Exception::getTrace().
* @param $plainText Set to false for HTML output, or true for plain-text output
static function get_rendered_backtrace($bt, $plainText = false) {
// Ingore functions that are plumbing of the error handler
$ignoredFunctions = array('DebugView->writeTrace', 'CliDebugView->writeTrace', 'Debug::emailError','Debug::warningHandler','Debug::fatalHandler','errorHandler','Debug::showError','Debug::backtrace', 'exceptionHandler');
while( $bt && in_array(self::full_func_name($bt[0]), $ignoredFunctions) ) {
$result = "<ul>";
foreach($bt as $item) {
if($plainText) {
$result .= self::full_func_name($item,true) . "\n";
if(isset($item['line']) && isset($item['file'])) $result .= "line $item[line] of " . basename($item['file']) . "\n";
$result .= "\n";
} else {
if ($item['function'] == 'user_error') {
$name = $item['args'][0];
} else {
$name = self::full_func_name($item,true);
$result .= "<li><b>" . $name . "</b>\n<br />\n";
$result .= isset($item['line']) ? "Line $item[line] of " : '';
$result .= isset($item['file']) ? basename($item['file']) : '';
$result .= "</li>\n";
$result .= "</ul>";
return $result;
* Return the full function name. If showArgs is set to true, a string representation of the arguments will be shown
static function full_func_name($item, $showArgs = false) {
$funcName = '';
if(isset($item['class'])) $funcName .= $item['class'];
if(isset($item['type'])) $funcName .= $item['type'];
if(isset($item['function'])) $funcName .= $item['function'];
if($showArgs && isset($item['args'])) {
$args = array();
foreach($item['args'] as $arg) {
if(!is_object($arg) || method_exists($arg, '__toString')) {
$args[] = (string) $arg;
} else {
$args[] = get_class($arg);
$funcName .= "(" . implode(",", $args) .")";
return $funcName;
* Check if the user has permissions to run URL debug tools,
* else redirect them to log in.
static function require_developer_login() {
if(Director::isDev()) {
if(isset($_SESSION['loggedInAs'])) {
// We have to do some raw SQL here, because this method is called in Object::defineMethods().
// This means we have to be careful about what objects we create, as we don't want Object::defineMethods()
// being called again.
// This basically calls Permission::checkMember($_SESSION['loggedInAs'], 'ADMIN');
$memberID = $_SESSION['loggedInAs'];
$groups = DB::query("SELECT GroupID from Group_Members WHERE MemberID=" . $memberID);
$groupCSV = implode($groups->column(), ',');
$permission = DB::query("
FROM Permission
Code = 'ADMIN'
AND Type = " . Permission::GRANT_PERMISSION . "
AND GroupID IN ($groupCSV)
if($permission) {
// This basically does the same as
// Security::permissionFailure(null, "You need to login with developer access to make use of debugging tools.");
// We have to do this because of how early this method is called in execution.
$_SESSION['Security']['Message']['message'] = "You need to login with developer access to make use of debugging tools.";
$_SESSION['Security']['Message']['type'] = 'warning';
header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found");
header("Location: " . Director::baseURL() . "Security/login");
* Generic callback, to catch uncaught exceptions when they bubble up to the top of the call chain.
* @ignore
* @param unknown_type $exception
function exceptionHandler($exception) {
$errno = E_USER_ERROR;
$type = get_class($exception);
$message = "Uncaught " . $type . ": " . $exception->getMessage();
$file = $exception->getFile();
$line = $exception->getLine();
$context = $exception->getTrace();
Debug::fatalHandler($errno, $message, $file, $line, $context);
* Generic callback to catch standard PHP runtime errors thrown by the interpreter
* or manually triggered with the user_error function.
* Caution: The error levels default to E_ALL is the site is in dev-mode (set in main.php).
* @ignore
* @param unknown_type $errno
* @param unknown_type $errstr
* @param unknown_type $errfile
* @param unknown_type $errline
* @param unknown_type $errcontext
function errorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext) {
switch($errno) {
case E_ERROR:
Debug::fatalHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext);
case E_NOTICE:
Debug::warningHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext);