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synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
496 lines
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496 lines
15 KiB
ToolbarForm = Class.create();
ToolbarForm.prototype = {
toggle: function(ed) {
if(this.style.display == 'block') this.close(ed);
else this.open(ed);
close: function(ed) {
open: function(ed) {
onsubmit: function() {
return false;
SideFormAction = Class.create();
SideFormAction.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
this.parentForm = this.parentNode;
while(this.parentForm && this.parentForm.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'form') {
this.parentForm = this.parentForm.parentNode;
destroy: function() {
this.parentForm = null;
this.onclick = null;
onclick: function() {
if(this.parentForm['handle' + this.name]) {
try {
this.parentForm['handle' + this.name]();
} catch(er) {
alert("An error occurred. Please try again, or reload the CMS if the problem persists.\n\nError details: " + er.message);
} else {
alert("Couldn't find form method handle" + this.name);
return false;
ImageForm = Class.extend('ToolbarForm');
ImageForm.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
var __form = this;
this.elements.AltText.onkeyup = function() { __form.update_params('AltText'); };
this.elements.ImageTitle.onkeyup = function() { __form.update_params('ImageTitle'); };
this.elements.CaptionText.onkeyup = function() { __form.update_params('CaptionText'); };
this.elements.AltText.onchange = function() { __form.update_params('AltText'); };
this.elements.Width.onchange = function() { __form.update_params('Width'); };
this.elements.Height.onchange = function() { __form.update_params('Height'); };
toggle: function(ed) {
resetFields: function() {
this.elements.AltText.value = '';
this.elements.ImageTitle.value = '';
this.elements.CSSClass.value = 'left';
this.elements.CaptionText.value = '';
this.elements.CaptionText.disabled = '';
this.elements.CSSClass.disabled = '';
destroy: function() {
this.ToolbarForm = null;
this.onsubmit = null;
this.elements.AltText.onkeyup = null;
this.elements.ImageTitle.onkeyup = null;
this.elements.CSSClass.onkeyup = null;
this.elements.CSSClass.onclick = null;
this.elements.Width.onchange = null;
this.elements.Height.onchange = null;
update_params: function(updatedFieldName) {
var ed = tinyMCE.activeEditor;
var imgElement = ed.selection.getNode();
if (!imgElement || imgElement.tagName != 'IMG') {
imgElement = this.selectedNode;
if(imgElement && imgElement.tagName == 'IMG') {
imgElement.alt = this.elements.AltText.value;
imgElement.title = this.elements.ImageTitle.value;
imgElement.className = this.elements.CSSClass.value;
var captionElement = imgElement.nextSibling;
if (captionElement && captionElement.tagName == 'P') {
if (typeof(captionElement.textContent) != 'undefined') {
captionElement.textContent = this.elements.CaptionText.value;
} else {
captionElement.innerText = this.elements.CaptionText.value;
// Proportionate updating of heights
if(updatedFieldName == 'Width') {
imgElement.width = this.elements.Width.value;
this.elements.Height.value = imgElement.height;
} else if(updatedFieldName == 'Height') {
imgElement.height = this.elements.Height.value;
this.elements.Width.value = imgElement.width;
} else if (this.selectedImageWidth && this.selectedImageHeight) {
// Proportionate updating of heights
var w = this.elements.Width.value, h = this.elements.Height.value;
var aspect = this.selectedImageHeight / this.selectedImageWidth;
if(updatedFieldName == 'Width') {
this.elements.Height.value = Math.floor(w * aspect);
} else if(updatedFieldName == 'Height') {
this.elements.Width.value = Math.floor(h / aspect);
respondToNodeChange: function(ed) {
var imgElement = ed.selection.getNode();
if(imgElement && imgElement.tagName == 'IMG') {
this.selectedNode = imgElement;
this.elements.AltText.value = imgElement.alt;
var captionElement = imgElement.nextSibling;
if (captionElement && captionElement.tagName == 'P') {
this.elements.CaptionText.value = captionElement.innerText || captionElement.textContent;
} else {
this.elements.CaptionText.disabled = 'disabled';
this.elements.ImageTitle.value = imgElement.title;
this.elements.CSSClass.value = imgElement.className;
this.elements.CSSClass.disabled = 'disabled';
this.elements.Width.value = imgElement.style.width ? parseInt(imgElement.style.width) : imgElement.width;
this.elements.Height.value = imgElement.style.height ? parseInt(imgElement.style.height) : imgElement.height;
} else {
this.selectedNode = null;
selectImage: function(image) {
if(this.selectedImage) {
this.selectedImage.setAttribute("class", "");
this.selectedImage.className = "";
this.selectedImage = image;
this.selectedImage.setAttribute("class", "selectedImage");
this.selectedImage.className = "selectedImage";
try {
var imgTag = image.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
this.selectedImageWidth = $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Width').value = imgTag.className.match(/destwidth=([0-9.\-]+)([, ]|$)/) ? RegExp.$1 : null;
this.selectedImageHeight = $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Height').value = imgTag.className.match(/destheight=([0-9.\-]+)([, ]|$)/) ? RegExp.$1 : null;
} catch(er) {
handleaction_insertimage: function() {
if(this.selectedImage) {
ImageThumbnail = Class.create();
ImageThumbnail.prototype = {
destroy: function() {
this.onclick = null;
onclick: function(e) {
return false;
insert: function() {
var formObj = $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm');
var altText = formObj.elements.AltText.value;
var titleText = formObj.elements.ImageTitle.value;
var cssClass = formObj.elements.CSSClass.value;
var baseURL = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].href;
var relativeHref = this.href.substr(baseURL.length);
var captionText = formObj.elements.CaptionText.value;
if(!tinyMCE.selectedInstance) tinyMCE.selectedInstance = tinyMCE.activeEditor;
if(tinyMCE.selectedInstance.contentWindow.focus) tinyMCE.selectedInstance.contentWindow.focus();
var data = {
'src' : relativeHref,
'alt' : altText,
'width' : $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Width').value,
'height' : $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Height').value,
'title' : titleText,
'class' : cssClass
this.ssInsertImage(tinyMCE.activeEditor, data, captionText);
jQuery(formObj).trigger('onafterinsert', data);
return false;
* Insert an image with the given attributes
ssInsertImage: function(ed, attributes, captionText) {
el = ed.selection.getNode();
var html;
if(captionText) {
html = '<div style="width: ' + attributes.width + 'px;" class="captionImage ' + attributes['class'] + '">';
html += '<img id="__mce_tmp" />';
html += '<p class="caption">' + captionText + '</p>';
html += '</div>';
} else {
html = '<img id="__mce_tmp" />';
if(el && el.nodeName == 'IMG') {
ed.dom.setAttribs(el, attributes);
} else {
ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, html, {
skip_undo : 1
ed.dom.setAttribs('__mce_tmp', attributes);
ed.dom.setAttrib('__mce_tmp', 'id', '');
var selectedimage = false;
function reselectImage(transport) {
if(selectedimage) {
links = $('Image').getElementsByTagName('a');
for(i =0; link = links[i]; i++) {
var quesmark = link.href.lastIndexOf('?');
image = link.href.substring(0, quesmark);
if(image == selectedimage) {
link.className = 'selectedImage';
$('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm').selectedImage = link;
this.addToTinyMCE = this.addToTinyMCE.bind(this);
FlashForm = Class.extend('ToolbarForm');
FlashForm.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
destroy: function() {
this.ToolbarForm = null;
this.onsubmit = null;
update_params: function(event) {
if(tinyMCE.imgElement) {
respondToNodeChange: function() {
if(tinyMCE.imgElement) {
} else {
selectFlash: function(flash) {
if(this.selectedFlash) {
this.selectedFlash.setAttribute("class", "");
this.selectedFlash = flash;
this.selectedFlash.setAttribute("class", "selectedFlash");
handleaction_insertflash: function() {
if(this.selectedFlash) {
FlashThumbnail = Class.create();
FlashThumbnail.prototype = {
destroy: function() {
this.onclick = null;
onclick: function(e) {
return false;
insert: function() {
var formObj = $('Form_EditorToolbarFlashForm');
var html = '';
var baseURL = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].href;
var relativeHref = this.href.substr(baseURL.length)
var width = formObj.elements.Width.value;
var height = formObj.elements.Height.value;
if(!tinyMCE.selectedInstance) tinyMCE.selectedInstance = tinyMCE.activeEditor;
if(tinyMCE.selectedInstance.contentWindow.focus) tinyMCE.selectedInstance.contentWindow.focus();
if (width == "") width = 100;
if (height == "") height = 100;
html = '';
html += '<object width="' + width +'" height="' + height +'" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="'+ relativeHref +'">';
html += '<param value="'+ relativeHref +'" name="movie">';
html += '</object>';
tinyMCE.selectedInstance.execCommand("mceInsertContent", false, html);
// ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, html, {skip_undo : 1});
jQuery(formObj).trigger('onafterinsert', {html: html, href: relativeHref, width: width, height: height});
return false;
ImageThumbnail.applyTo('#Form_EditorToolbarImageForm div.thumbnailstrip a');
SideFormAction.applyTo('#Form_EditorToolbarImageForm .Actions input');
FlashThumbnail.applyTo('#Form_EditorToolbarFlashForm div.thumbnailstrip a');
SideFormAction.applyTo('#Form_EditorToolbarFlashForm .Actions input');
* Image resizing
MCEImageResizer = Class.create();
MCEImageResizer.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
//TinyMCE.prototype.addEvent(this, 'click', this._onclick);
_onclick: function() {
var form = $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm');
if(form) {
form.elements.AltText.value = this.alt;
form.elements.ImageTitle.value = this.title;
form.elements.CSSClass.value = this.className;
onresizestart: function() {
this.heightDiff = 0;
onresizeend: function() {
this.resizeTo(this.style.width, this.style.height);
onmouseup: function() {
if(this.parentNode.parentNode.className.match(/(^|\b)specialImage($|\b)/)) {
prepareForResize: function() {
if(this.aspectRatio == null) {
this.aspectRatio = this.height / this.width;
this.originalWidth = this.width;
this.originalHeight = this.height;
ownerDoc: function() {
var f =this.parentNode;
while(f && f.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body') f = f.parentNode;
return f;
resizeTo: function(width, height) {
var newWidth = parseInt(height);
var newHeight = parseInt(height) - this.heightDiff;
if(isNaN(newWidth)) newWidth = this.width;
if(isNaN(newHeight)) newHeight = this.height;
// Constrain to width of the window
if((this.offsetLeft + this.offsetWidth + 20) > this.ownerDoc().offsetWidth)
newWidth += (this.ownerDoc().offsetWidth - this.offsetLeft - this.offsetWidth - 20);
if(this.aspectRatio) {
// Figure out which dimension we have altered more
var heightChange = this.originalHeight / this.height;
if(heightChange < 1) heightChange = 1/heightChange;
var widthChange = this.originalWidth / this.width;
if(widthChange < 1) widthChange = 1/widthChange;
// Scale by the more constant dimension (so if you edit the height, change width to suit)
if(widthChange > heightChange)
newHeight = newWidth * this.aspectRatio;
newWidth = newHeight / this.aspectRatio;
this.style.width = newWidth + 'px';
this.style.height = newHeight + 'px';
this.width = newWidth;
this.height = newHeight;
// Auto-size special image holders
if(this.parentNode.parentNode.className.match(/(^|\b)specialImage($|\b)/)) {
this.parentNode.parentNode.style.width = newWidth + 'px';
MCEDLResizer = Class.extend('MCEImageResize');
MCEDLResizer.prototype = {
onresizestart: function() {
var img = this.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
img.heightDiff = this.offsetHeight - img.height;
onresizeend: function() {
this.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].resizeTo(this.style.width, this.style.height);
* These callback hook it into tinymce. They need to be referenced in the TinyMCE config.
function sapphiremce_setupcontent(editor_id, body, doc) {
var allImages = body.getElementsByTagName('img');
var i,img;
for(i=0;img=allImages[i];i++) {
behaveAs(img, MCEImageResizer);
var allDLs = body.getElementsByTagName('img');
for(i=0;img=allDLs[i];i++) {
if(img.className.match(/(^|\b)specialImage($|\b)/)) {
behaveAs(img, MCEDLResizer);
function sapphiremce_cleanup(type, value) {
if(type == 'get_from_editor') {
// replace indented text with a <blockquote>
value = value.replace(/<p [^>]*margin-left[^>]*>([^\n|\n\015|\015\n]*)<\/p>/ig,"<blockquote><p>$1</p></blockquote>");
// replace VML pixel image references with image tags - experimental
value = value.replace(/<[a-z0-9]+:imagedata[^>]+src="?([^> "]+)"?[^>]*>/ig,"<img src=\"$1\">");
// Word comments
value = value.replace(new RegExp('<(!--)([^>]*)(--)>', 'g'), "");
// kill class=mso??? and on mouse* tags
value = value.replace(/([ \f\r\t\n\'\"])class=mso[a-z0-9]+[^ >]+/ig, "$1");
value = value.replace(/([ \f\r\t\n\'\"]class=")mso[a-z0-9]+[^ ">]+ /ig, "$1");
value = value.replace(/([ \f\r\t\n\'\"])class="mso[a-z0-9]+[^">]+"/ig, "$1");
value = value.replace(/([ \f\r\t\n\'\"])on[a-z]+=[^ >]+/ig, "$1");
value = value.replace(/ >/ig, ">");
// remove everything that's in a closing tag
value = value.replace(/<(\/[A-Za-z0-9]+)[ \f\r\t\n]+[^>]*>/ig,"<$1>");
if(type == 'get_from_editor_dom') {
var allImages =value.getElementsByTagName('img');
var i,img;
for(i=0;img=allImages[i];i++) {
img.onresizestart = null;
img.onresizeend = null;
var allDLs =value.getElementsByTagName('img');
for(i=0;img=allDLs[i];i++) {
if(img.className.match(/(^|\b)specialImage($|\b)/)) {
img.onresizestart = null;
img.onresizeend = null;
return value;