Damian Mooyman bf4e9eb044 API Singleton method allowing type inference
This pattern improves over the current usage of singleton by allowing type inference.
This also better supports refactor, code usage detection, and auto-completion of classes.
2014-09-26 09:10:25 +12:00

577 lines
19 KiB

* @package framework
* @subpackage tests
* @todo tests for addStaticVars()
* @todo tests for setting statics which are not defined on the object as built-in PHP statics
* @todo tests for setting statics through extensions (#2387)
class ObjectTest extends SapphireTest {
public function setUp() {
public function testHasmethodBehaviour() {
$obj = new ObjectTest_ExtendTest();
$this->assertTrue($obj->hasMethod('extendableMethod'), "Extension method found in original spelling");
$this->assertTrue($obj->hasMethod('ExTendableMethod'), "Extension method found case-insensitive");
$objs = array();
$objs[] = new ObjectTest_T2();
$objs[] = new ObjectTest_T2();
$objs[] = new ObjectTest_T2();
// All these methods should exist and return true
$trueMethods = array('testMethod','otherMethod','someMethod','t1cMethod','normalMethod');
foreach($objs as $i => $obj) {
foreach($trueMethods as $method) {
$methodU = strtoupper($method);
$methodL = strtoupper($method);
$this->assertTrue($obj->hasMethod($method), "Test that obj#$i has method $method ($obj->class)");
$this->assertTrue($obj->hasMethod($methodU), "Test that obj#$i has method $methodU");
$this->assertTrue($obj->hasMethod($methodL), "Test that obj#$i has method $methodL");
$this->assertTrue($obj->$method(), "Test that obj#$i can call method $method");
$this->assertTrue($obj->$methodU(), "Test that obj#$i can call method $methodU");
$this->assertTrue($obj->$methodL(), "Test that obj#$i can call method $methodL");
$this->assertTrue($obj->hasMethod('Wrapping'), "Test that obj#$i has method Wrapping");
$this->assertTrue($obj->hasMethod('WRAPPING'), "Test that obj#$i has method WRAPPING");
$this->assertTrue($obj->hasMethod('wrapping'), "Test that obj#$i has method wrapping");
$this->assertEquals("Wrapping", $obj->Wrapping(), "Test that obj#$i can call method Wrapping");
$this->assertEquals("Wrapping", $obj->WRAPPING(), "Test that obj#$i can call method WRAPPIGN");
$this->assertEquals("Wrapping", $obj->wrapping(), "Test that obj#$i can call method wrapping");
public function testSingletonCreation() {
$myObject = singleton('ObjectTest_MyObject');
$this->assertEquals($myObject->class, 'ObjectTest_MyObject',
'singletons are creating a correct class instance');
$this->assertEquals(get_class($myObject), 'ObjectTest_MyObject',
'singletons are creating a correct class instance');
$mySubObject = singleton('ObjectTest_MySubObject');
$this->assertEquals($mySubObject->class, 'ObjectTest_MySubObject',
'singletons are creating a correct subclass instance');
$this->assertEquals(get_class($mySubObject), 'ObjectTest_MySubObject',
'singletons are creating a correct subclass instance');
$myFirstObject = singleton('ObjectTest_MyObject');
$mySecondObject = singleton('ObjectTest_MyObject');
$this->assertTrue($myFirstObject === $mySecondObject,
'singletons are using the same object on subsequent calls');
public function testStaticGetterMethod() {
$obj = singleton('ObjectTest_MyObject');
'Uninherited statics through stat() on a singleton behave the same as built-in PHP statics'
public function testStaticInheritanceGetters() {
$obj = singleton('ObjectTest_MyObject');
$subObj = singleton('ObjectTest_MyObject');
'Statics defined on a parent class are available through stat() on a subclass'
public function testStaticSettingOnSingletons() {
$singleton1 = singleton('ObjectTest_MyObject');
$singleton2 = singleton('ObjectTest_MyObject');
$singleton1->set_stat('mystaticProperty', 'changed');
'Statics setting is populated throughout singletons without explicitly clearing cache'
public function testStaticSettingOnInstances() {
$instance1 = new ObjectTest_MyObject();
$instance2 = new ObjectTest_MyObject();
$instance1->set_stat('mystaticProperty', 'changed');
'Statics setting through set_stat() is populated throughout instances without explicitly clearing cache'
* Tests that {@link Object::create()} correctly passes all arguments to the new object
public function testCreateWithArgs() {
$createdObj = ObjectTest_CreateTest::create('arg1', 'arg2', array(), null, 'arg5');
$this->assertEquals($createdObj->constructArguments, array('arg1', 'arg2', array(), null, 'arg5'));
$strongObj = Object::strong_create('ObjectTest_CreateTest', 'arg1', 'arg2', array(), null, 'arg5');
$this->assertEquals($strongObj->constructArguments, array('arg1', 'arg2', array(), null, 'arg5'));
public function testCreateLateStaticBinding() {
$createdObj = ObjectTest_CreateTest::create('arg1', 'arg2', array(), null, 'arg5');
$this->assertEquals($createdObj->constructArguments, array('arg1', 'arg2', array(), null, 'arg5'));
* Tests that {@link Object::useCustomClass()} correnctly replaces normal and strong objects
public function testUseCustomClass() {
$obj1 = ObjectTest_CreateTest::create();
$this->assertTrue($obj1 instanceof ObjectTest_CreateTest);
Object::useCustomClass('ObjectTest_CreateTest', 'ObjectTest_CreateTest2');
$obj2 = ObjectTest_CreateTest::create();
$this->assertTrue($obj2 instanceof ObjectTest_CreateTest2);
$obj2_2 = Object::strong_create('ObjectTest_CreateTest');
$this->assertTrue($obj2_2 instanceof ObjectTest_CreateTest);
Object::useCustomClass('ObjectTest_CreateTest', 'ObjectTest_CreateTest3', true);
$obj3 = ObjectTest_CreateTest::create();
$this->assertTrue($obj3 instanceof ObjectTest_CreateTest3);
$obj3_2 = Object::strong_create('ObjectTest_CreateTest');
$this->assertTrue($obj3_2 instanceof ObjectTest_CreateTest3);
* Tests {@link Object::singleton()}
public function testSingleton() {
$inst = Controller::singleton();
$this->assertInstanceOf('Controller', $inst);
$inst2 = Controller::singleton();
$this->assertSame($inst2, $inst);
public function testGetExtensions() {
Object::get_extensions('ObjectTest_ExtensionTest', true),
"ObjectTest_ExtendTest2('FOO', 'BAR')",
$inst = new ObjectTest_ExtensionTest();
$extensions = $inst->getExtensionInstances();
$this->assertEquals(count($extensions), 2);
* Tests {@link Object::has_extension()}, {@link Object::add_extension()}
public function testHasAndAddExtension() {
// ObjectTest_ExtendTest1 is built in via $extensions
"Extensions are detected when set on Object::\$extensions on has_extension() without case-sensitivity"
"Extensions are detected when set on Object::\$extensions on has_extension() without case-sensitivity"
"Extensions are detected when set on Object::\$extensions on instance hasExtension() without"
. " case-sensitivity"
// ObjectTest_ExtendTest2 is built in via $extensions (with parameters)
"Extensions are detected with static has_extension() when set on Object::\$extensions with"
. " additional parameters"
"Extensions are detected with instance hasExtension() when set on Object::\$extensions with"
. " additional parameters"
"Other extensions available in the system are not present unless explicitly added to this object"
. " when checking through has_extension()"
"Other extensions available in the system are not present unless explicitly added to this object"
. " when checking through instance hasExtension()"
// ObjectTest_ExtendTest3 is added manually
"Extensions are detected with static has_extension() when added through add_extension()"
// a singleton() wouldn't work as its already initialized
$objectTest_ExtensionTest = new ObjectTest_ExtensionTest();
"Extensions are detected with instance hasExtension() when added through add_extension()"
// @todo At the moment, this does NOT remove the extension due to parameterized naming,
// meaning the extension will remain added in further test cases
public function testRemoveExtension() {
// manually add ObjectTest_ExtendTest2
"Extension added through \$add_extension() are added correctly"
"Extension added through \$add_extension() are detected as removed in has_extension()"
"Extensions added through \$add_extension() are detected as removed in instances through hasExtension()"
// ObjectTest_ExtendTest1 is already present in $extensions
"Extension added through \$extensions are detected as removed in has_extension()"
$objectTest_ExtensionRemoveTest = new ObjectTest_ExtensionRemoveTest();
"Extensions added through \$extensions are detected as removed in instances through hasExtension()"
public function testRemoveExtensionWithParameters() {
"Extension added through \$add_extension() are added correctly"
Object::has_extension('ObjectTest_ExtensionRemoveTest', 'ObjectTest_ExtendTest2'),
"Extension added through \$add_extension() are detected as removed in has_extension()"
$objectTest_ExtensionRemoveTest = new ObjectTest_ExtensionRemoveTest();
"Extensions added through \$extensions are detected as removed in instances through hasExtension()"
public function testParentClass() {
$this->assertEquals(ObjectTest_MyObject::create()->parentClass(), 'Object');
public function testIsA() {
$this->assertTrue(ObjectTest_MyObject::create() instanceof Object);
$this->assertTrue(ObjectTest_MyObject::create() instanceof ObjectTest_MyObject);
* Tests {@link Object::hasExtension() and Object::getExtensionInstance()}
public function testExtInstance() {
$obj = new ObjectTest_ExtensionTest2();
$this->assertTrue($obj->getExtensionInstance('ObjectTest_Extension') instanceof ObjectTest_Extension);
public function testCacheToFile() {
// This doesn't run properly on our build slave.
$obj = new ObjectTest_CacheTest();
$obj->clearCache('cacheMethod', null, array(true));
$this->assertEquals('noarg', $obj->cacheToFile('cacheMethod', -1));
$this->assertEquals('hasarg', $obj->cacheToFile('cacheMethod', -1, null, array(true)));
$this->assertEquals('hasarg', $obj->cacheToFile('cacheMethod', 3600, null, array(true)));
// -1 lifetime will ensure that the cache isn't read - number incremented
$this->assertEquals(1, $obj->cacheToFile('incNumber', -1));
// -1 lifetime will ensure that the cache isn't read - number incremented
$this->assertEquals(2, $obj->cacheToFile('incNumber', -1));
// Number shouldn't be incremented now because we're using the cached version
$this->assertEquals(2, $obj->cacheToFile('incNumber'));
public function testExtend() {
$object = new ObjectTest_ExtendTest();
$argument = 'test';
$this->assertEquals($object->extend('extendableMethod'), array('ExtendTest2()'));
$this->assertEquals($object->extend('extendableMethod', $argument), array('ExtendTest2(modified)'));
$this->assertEquals($argument, 'modified');
$this->assertEquals($object->invokeWithExtensions('extendableMethod'), array('ExtendTest()', 'ExtendTest2()'));
$this->assertEquals (
$object->invokeWithExtensions('extendableMethod', 'test'),
array('ExtendTest(test)', 'ExtendTest2(modified)')
public function testParseClassSpec() {
// Simple case
array('Versioned',array('Stage', 'Live')),
// String with commas
array('Versioned',array('Stage,Live', 'Stage')),
// String with quotes
array('Versioned',array('Stage\'Stage,Live\'Live', 'Live')),
// True, false and null values
array('ClassName', array('string', true, array('string', false))),
Object::parse_class_spec('ClassName("string", true, array("string", false))')
array('ClassName', array(true, false, null)),
Object::parse_class_spec('ClassName(true, false, null)')
// Array
array('Enum',array(array('Accepted', 'Pending', 'Declined', 'Unsubmitted'), 'Unsubmitted')),
Object::parse_class_spec("Enum(array('Accepted', 'Pending', 'Declined', 'Unsubmitted'), 'Unsubmitted')")
// Nested array
array('Enum',array(array('Accepted', 'Pending', 'Declined', array('UnsubmittedA','UnsubmittedB')),
"Enum(array('Accepted', 'Pending', 'Declined', array('UnsubmittedA','UnsubmittedB')), 'Unsubmitted')")
// 5.4 Shorthand Array
array('Enum',array(array('Accepted', 'Pending', 'Declined', 'Unsubmitted'), 'Unsubmitted')),
Object::parse_class_spec("Enum(['Accepted', 'Pending', 'Declined', 'Unsubmitted'), 'Unsubmitted']")
// 5.4 Nested shorthand array
array('Enum',array(array('Accepted', 'Pending', 'Declined', array('UnsubmittedA','UnsubmittedB')),
"Enum(['Accepted', 'Pending', 'Declined', ['UnsubmittedA','UnsubmittedB']], 'Unsubmitted')")
// Namespaced class
array('Test\MyClass', array()),
// Fully qualified namespaced class
array('\Test\MyClass', array()),
* @ignore
class ObjectTest_T1A extends Object {
public function testMethod() {
return true;
public function otherMethod() {
return true;
class ObjectTest_T1B extends Object {
public function someMethod() {
return true;
class ObjectTest_T1C extends Object {
public function t1cMethod() {
return true;
class ObjectTest_T2 extends Object {
protected $failover;
protected $failoverArr = array();
public function __construct() {
$this->failover = new ObjectTest_T1A();
$this->failoverArr[0] = new ObjectTest_T1B();
$this->failoverArr[1] = new ObjectTest_T1C();
public function defineMethods() {
$this->addWrapperMethod('Wrapping', 'wrappedMethod');
$this->createMethod('testCreateMethod', 'return "created";');
public function wrappedMethod($val) {
return $val;
public function normalMethod() {
return true;
class ObjectTest_MyObject extends Object {
public $title = 'my object';
/** @config */
private static $mystaticProperty = "MyObject";
static $mystaticArray = array('one');
class ObjectTest_MySubObject extends ObjectTest_MyObject {
public $title = 'my subobject';
private static $mystaticProperty = "MySubObject";
static $mystaticSubProperty = "MySubObject";
static $mystaticArray = array('two');
class ObjectTest_CreateTest extends Object {
public $constructArguments;
public function __construct() {
$this->constructArguments = func_get_args();
class ObjectTest_CreateTest2 extends Object {}
class ObjectTest_CreateTest3 extends Object {}
class ObjectTest_ExtensionTest extends Object {
private static $extensions = array (
"ObjectTest_ExtendTest2('FOO', 'BAR')",
class ObjectTest_ExtensionTest2 extends Object {
private static $extensions = array('ObjectTest_Extension');
class ObjectTest_ExtensionRemoveTest extends Object {
private static $extensions = array (
class ObjectTest_Extension extends Extension {}
class ObjectTest_CacheTest extends Object {
public $count = 0;
public function cacheMethod($arg1 = null) {
return ($arg1) ? 'hasarg' : 'noarg';
public function incNumber() {
return $this->count;
class ObjectTest_ExtendTest extends Object {
private static $extensions = array('ObjectTest_ExtendTest1', 'ObjectTest_ExtendTest2');
public function extendableMethod($argument = null) { return "ExtendTest($argument)"; }
class ObjectTest_ExtendTest1 extends Extension {
public function extendableMethod(&$argument = null) {
if($argument) $argument = 'modified';
return null;
class ObjectTest_ExtendTest2 extends Extension {
public function extendableMethod($argument = null) { return "ExtendTest2($argument)"; }
class ObjectTest_ExtendTest3 extends Extension {
public function extendableMethod($argument = null) { return "ExtendTest3($argument)"; }