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namespace SilverStripe\ORM;
use BadMethodCallException;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use SilverStripe\Control\Director;
use SilverStripe\Control\HTTPRequest;
use SilverStripe\Core\Config\Config;
use SilverStripe\Core\Convert;
use SilverStripe\Core\Environment;
use SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injector;
use SilverStripe\Dev\Deprecation;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Connect\Database;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Connect\DBConnector;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Connect\DBSchemaManager;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Connect\Query;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Queries\SQLExpression;
* Global database interface, complete with static methods.
* Use this class for interacting with the database.
class DB
* This constant was added in SilverStripe 2.4 to indicate that SQL-queries
* should now use ANSI-compatible syntax. The most notable affect of this
* change is that table and field names should be escaped with double quotes
* and not backticks
const USE_ANSI_SQL = true;
* Session key for alternative database name
const ALT_DB_KEY = 'alternativeDatabaseName';
* Allow alternative DB to be disabled.
* Necessary for DB backed session store to work.
* @config
* @var bool
private static $alternative_database_enabled = true;
* The global database connection.
* @var Database
protected static $connections = [];
* List of configurations for each connection
* @var array List of configs each in the $databaseConfig format
protected static $configs = [];
* The last SQL query run.
* @var string
public static $lastQuery;
* Internal flag to keep track of when db connection was attempted.
private static $connection_attempted = false;
* Set the global database connection.
* Pass an object that's a subclass of SS_Database. This object will be used when {@link DB::query()}
* is called.
* @param Database $connection The connecton object to set as the connection.
* @param string $name The name to give to this connection. If you omit this argument, the connection
* will be the default one used by the ORM. However, you can store other named connections to
* be accessed through DB::get_conn($name). This is useful when you have an application that
* needs to connect to more than one database.
public static function set_conn(Database $connection, $name = 'default')
self::$connections[$name] = $connection;
* Get the global database connection.
* @param string $name An optional name given to a connection in the DB::setConn() call. If omitted,
* the default connection is returned.
* @return Database
public static function get_conn($name = 'default')
if (isset(self::$connections[$name])) {
return self::$connections[$name];
// lazy connect
$config = static::getConfig($name);
if ($config) {
return static::connect($config, $name);
return null;
* @deprecated since version 4.0 Use DB::get_conn instead
* @todo PSR-2 standardisation will probably un-deprecate this
public static function getConn($name = 'default')
Deprecation::notice('4.0', 'Use DB::get_conn instead');
return self::get_conn($name);
* Retrieves the schema manager for the current database
* @param string $name An optional name given to a connection in the DB::setConn() call. If omitted,
* the default connection is returned.
* @return DBSchemaManager
public static function get_schema($name = 'default')
$connection = self::get_conn($name);
if ($connection) {
return $connection->getSchemaManager();
return null;
* Builds a sql query with the specified connection
* @param SQLExpression $expression The expression object to build from
* @param array $parameters Out parameter for the resulting query parameters
* @param string $name An optional name given to a connection in the DB::setConn() call. If omitted,
* the default connection is returned.
* @return string The resulting SQL as a string
public static function build_sql(SQLExpression $expression, &$parameters, $name = 'default')
$connection = self::get_conn($name);
if ($connection) {
return $connection->getQueryBuilder()->buildSQL($expression, $parameters);
} else {
$parameters = [];
return null;
* Retrieves the connector object for the current database
* @param string $name An optional name given to a connection in the DB::setConn() call. If omitted,
* the default connection is returned.
* @return DBConnector
public static function get_connector($name = 'default')
$connection = self::get_conn($name);
if ($connection) {
return $connection->getConnector();
return null;
* Set an alternative database in a browser cookie,
* with the cookie lifetime set to the browser session.
* This is useful for integration testing on temporary databases.
* There is a strict naming convention for temporary databases to avoid abuse:
* <prefix> (default: 'ss_') + tmpdb + <7 digits>
* As an additional security measure, temporary databases will
* be ignored in "live" mode.
* Note that the database will be set on the next request.
* Set it to null to revert to the main database.
* @param string $name
public static function set_alternative_database_name($name = null)
// Ignore if disabled
if (!Config::inst()->get(static::class, 'alternative_database_enabled')) {
// Skip if CLI
if (Director::is_cli()) {
// Validate name
if ($name && !self::valid_alternative_database_name($name)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'Invalid alternative database name: "%s"',
// Set against session
if (!Injector::inst()->has(HTTPRequest::class)) {
/** @var HTTPRequest $request */
$request = Injector::inst()->get(HTTPRequest::class);
if ($name) {
$request->getSession()->set(self::ALT_DB_KEY, $name);
} else {
* Get the name of the database in use
* @return string|false Name of temp database, or false if not set
public static function get_alternative_database_name()
// Ignore if disabled
if (!Config::inst()->get(static::class, 'alternative_database_enabled')) {
return false;
// Skip if CLI
if (Director::is_cli()) {
return false;
// Skip if there's no request object yet
if (!Injector::inst()->has(HTTPRequest::class)) {
return null;
/** @var HTTPRequest $request */
$request = Injector::inst()->get(HTTPRequest::class);
// Skip if the session hasn't been started
if (!$request->getSession()->isStarted()) {
return null;
$name = $request->getSession()->get(self::ALT_DB_KEY);
if (self::valid_alternative_database_name($name)) {
return $name;
return false;
* Determines if the name is valid, as a security
* measure against setting arbitrary databases.
* @param string $name
* @return bool
public static function valid_alternative_database_name($name)
if (Director::isLive() || empty($name)) {
return false;
$prefix = Environment::getEnv('SS_DATABASE_PREFIX') ?: 'ss_';
$pattern = strtolower(sprintf('/^%stmpdb\d{7}$/', $prefix));
return (bool)preg_match($pattern, $name);
* Specify connection to a database
* Given the database configuration, this method will create the correct
* subclass of {@link SS_Database}.
* @param array $databaseConfig A map of options. The 'type' is the name of the
* subclass of SS_Database to use. For the rest of the options, see the specific class.
* @param string $label identifier for the connection
* @return Database
public static function connect($databaseConfig, $label = 'default')
// This is used by the "testsession" module to test up a test session using an alternative name
if ($name = self::get_alternative_database_name()) {
$databaseConfig['database'] = $name;
if (!isset($databaseConfig['type']) || empty($databaseConfig['type'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("DB::connect: Not passed a valid database config");
self::$connection_attempted = true;
$dbClass = $databaseConfig['type'];
// Using Injector->create allows us to use registered configurations
// which may or may not map to explicit objects
$conn = Injector::inst()->create($dbClass);
self::set_conn($conn, $label);
return $conn;
* Set config for a lazy-connected database
* @param array $databaseConfig
* @param string $name
public static function setConfig($databaseConfig, $name = 'default')
static::$configs[$name] = $databaseConfig;
* Get the named connection config
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
public static function getConfig($name = 'default')
if (isset(static::$configs[$name])) {
return static::$configs[$name];
* Returns true if a database connection has been attempted.
* In particular, it lets the caller know if we're still so early in the execution pipeline that
* we haven't even tried to connect to the database yet.
public static function connection_attempted()
return self::$connection_attempted;
* Execute the given SQL query.
* @param string $sql The SQL query to execute
* @param int $errorLevel The level of error reporting to enable for the query
* @return Query
public static function query($sql, $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR)
self::$lastQuery = $sql;
return self::get_conn()->query($sql, $errorLevel);
* Helper function for generating a list of parameter placeholders for the
* given argument(s)
* @param array|integer $input An array of items needing placeholders, or a
* number to specify the number of placeholders
* @param string $join The string to join each placeholder together with
* @return string|null Either a list of placeholders, or null
public static function placeholders($input, $join = ', ')
if (is_array($input)) {
$number = count($input);
} elseif (is_numeric($input)) {
$number = intval($input);
} else {
return null;
if ($number === 0) {
return null;
return implode($join, array_fill(0, $number, '?'));
* @param string $sql The parameterised query
* @param array $parameters The parameters to inject into the query
* @return string
public static function inline_parameters($sql, $parameters)
$segments = preg_split('/\?/', $sql);
$joined = '';
$inString = false;
$numSegments = count($segments);
for ($i = 0; $i < $numSegments; $i++) {
$input = $segments[$i];
// Append next segment
$joined .= $segments[$i];
// Don't add placeholder after last segment
if ($i === $numSegments - 1) {
// check string escape on previous fragment
// Remove escaped backslashes, count them!
$input = preg_replace('/\\\\\\\\/', '', $input);
// Count quotes
$totalQuotes = substr_count($input, "'"); // Includes double quote escaped quotes
$escapedQuotes = substr_count($input, "\\'");
if ((($totalQuotes - $escapedQuotes) % 2) !== 0) {
$inString = !$inString;
// Append placeholder replacement
if ($inString) {
// Literal question mark
$joined .= '?';
// Encode and insert next parameter
$next = array_shift($parameters);
if (is_array($next) && isset($next['value'])) {
$next = $next['value'];
if (is_bool($next)) {
$value = $next ? '1' : '0';
} elseif (is_int($next)) {
$value = $next;
} else {
$value = (DB::get_conn() !== null) ? Convert::raw2sql($next, true) : $next;
$joined .= $value;
return $joined;
* Execute the given SQL parameterised query with the specified arguments
* @param string $sql The SQL query to execute. The ? character will denote parameters.
* @param array $parameters An ordered list of arguments.
* @param int $errorLevel The level of error reporting to enable for the query
* @return Query
public static function prepared_query($sql, $parameters, $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR)
self::$lastQuery = $sql;
return self::get_conn()->preparedQuery($sql, $parameters, $errorLevel);
* Execute a complex manipulation on the database.
* A manipulation is an array of insert / or update sequences. The keys of the array are table names,
* and the values are map containing 'command' and 'fields'. Command should be 'insert' or 'update',
* and fields should be a map of field names to field values, including quotes. The field value can
* also be a SQL function or similar.
* Example:
* <code>
* array(
* // Command: insert
* "table name" => array(
* "command" => "insert",
* "fields" => array(
* "ClassName" => "'MyClass'", // if you're setting a literal, you need to escape and provide quotes
* "Created" => "now()", // alternatively, you can call DB functions
* "ID" => 234,
* ),
* "id" => 234 // an alternative to providing ID in the fields list
* ),
* // Command: update
* "other table" => array(
* "command" => "update",
* "fields" => array(
* "ClassName" => "'MyClass'",
* "LastEdited" => "now()",
* ),
* "where" => "ID = 234",
* "id" => 234 // an alternative to providing a where clause
* ),
* )
* </code>
* You'll note that only one command on a given table can be called.
* That's a limitation of the system that's due to it being written for {@link DataObject::write()},
* which needs to do a single write on a number of different tables.
* @todo Update this to support paramaterised queries
* @param array $manipulation
public static function manipulate($manipulation)
self::$lastQuery = $manipulation;
* Get the autogenerated ID from the previous INSERT query.
* @param string $table
* @return int
public static function get_generated_id($table)
return self::get_conn()->getGeneratedID($table);
* Check if the connection to the database is active.
* @return boolean
public static function is_active()
return ($conn = self::get_conn()) && $conn->isActive();
* Create the database and connect to it. This can be called if the
* initial database connection is not successful because the database
* does not exist.
* @param string $database Name of database to create
* @return boolean Returns true if successful
public static function create_database($database)
return self::get_conn()->selectDatabase($database, true);
* Create a new table.
* @param string $table The name of the table
* @param array $fields A map of field names to field types
* @param array $indexes A map of indexes
* @param array $options An map of additional options. The available keys are as follows:
* - 'MSSQLDatabase'/'MySQLDatabase'/'PostgreSQLDatabase' - database-specific options such as "engine"
* for MySQL.
* - 'temporary' - If true, then a temporary table will be created
* @param array $advancedOptions Advanced creation options
* @return string The table name generated. This may be different from the table name, for example with
* temporary tables.
public static function create_table(
$fields = null,
$indexes = null,
$options = null,
$advancedOptions = null
) {
return self::get_schema()->createTable($table, $fields, $indexes, $options, $advancedOptions);
* Create a new field on a table.
* @param string $table Name of the table.
* @param string $field Name of the field to add.
* @param string $spec The field specification, eg 'INTEGER NOT NULL'
public static function create_field($table, $field, $spec)
return self::get_schema()->createField($table, $field, $spec);
* Generate the following table in the database, modifying whatever already exists
* as necessary.
* @param string $table The name of the table
* @param string $fieldSchema A list of the fields to create, in the same form as DataObject::$db
* @param string $indexSchema A list of indexes to create. The keys of the array are the names of the index.
* The values of the array can be one of:
* - true: Create a single column index on the field named the same as the index.
* - array('fields' => array('A','B','C'), 'type' => 'index/unique/fulltext'): This gives you full
* control over the index.
* @param boolean $hasAutoIncPK A flag indicating that the primary key on this table is an autoincrement type
* @param string $options SQL statement to append to the CREATE TABLE call.
* @param array $extensions List of extensions
public static function require_table(
$fieldSchema = null,
$indexSchema = null,
$hasAutoIncPK = true,
$options = null,
$extensions = null
) {
self::get_schema()->requireTable($table, $fieldSchema, $indexSchema, $hasAutoIncPK, $options, $extensions);
* Generate the given field on the table, modifying whatever already exists as necessary.
* @param string $table The table name.
* @param string $field The field name.
* @param string $spec The field specification.
public static function require_field($table, $field, $spec)
self::get_schema()->requireField($table, $field, $spec);
* Generate the given index in the database, modifying whatever already exists as necessary.
* @param string $table The table name.
* @param string $index The index name.
* @param string|boolean $spec The specification of the index. See requireTable() for more information.
public static function require_index($table, $index, $spec)
self::get_schema()->requireIndex($table, $index, $spec);
* If the given table exists, move it out of the way by renaming it to _obsolete_(tablename).
* @param string $table The table name.
public static function dont_require_table($table)
* See {@link SS_Database->dontRequireField()}.
* @param string $table The table name.
* @param string $fieldName The field name not to require
public static function dont_require_field($table, $fieldName)
self::get_schema()->dontRequireField($table, $fieldName);
* Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary.
* @param string $table The name of the table.
* @return boolean Return true if the table has integrity after the method is complete.
public static function check_and_repair_table($table)
return self::get_schema()->checkAndRepairTable($table);
* Return the number of rows affected by the previous operation.
* @return integer The number of affected rows
public static function affected_rows()
return self::get_conn()->affectedRows();
* Returns a list of all tables in the database.
* The table names will be in lower case.
* @return array The list of tables
public static function table_list()
return self::get_schema()->tableList();
* Get a list of all the fields for the given table.
* Returns a map of field name => field spec.
* @param string $table The table name.
* @return array The list of fields
public static function field_list($table)
return self::get_schema()->fieldList($table);
* Enable supression of database messages.
* @param bool $quiet
public static function quiet($quiet = true)
* Show a message about database alteration
* @param string $message to display
* @param string $type one of [created|changed|repaired|obsolete|deleted|error]
public static function alteration_message($message, $type = "")
self::get_schema()->alterationMessage($message, $type);