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synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
This fixes a limitation introduced through http://www.silverstripe.org/ss-2013-008-xss-in-numericfield-validation/. Form messages used to accept HTML, now they’re escaped by default, effectively removing the ability to pass in HTML and take care of escaping manually. We pass through HTML to message in core through the CTF system, so this needs to be fixed. It’s an alternative fix to https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework/pull/2803.
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* Provides view and edit forms at GridField-specific URLs.
* These can be placed into pop-ups by an appropriate front-end.
* Usually added to a grid field alongside of {@link GridFieldEditButton}
* which takes care of linking the individual rows to their edit view.
* The URLs provided will be off the following form:
* - <FormURL>/field/<GridFieldName>/item/<RecordID>
* - <FormURL>/field/<GridFieldName>/item/<RecordID>/edit
class GridFieldDetailForm implements GridField_URLHandler {
* @var String
protected $template = 'GridFieldDetailForm';
* @var string
protected $name;
* @var Validator The form validator used for both add and edit fields.
protected $validator;
* @var String
protected $itemRequestClass;
* @var function With two parameters: $form and $component
protected $itemEditFormCallback;
public function getURLHandlers($gridField) {
return array(
'item/$ID' => 'handleItem',
'autocomplete' => 'handleAutocomplete',
* Create a popup component. The two arguments will specify how the popup form's HTML and
* behaviour is created. The given controller will be customised, putting the edit form into the
* template with the given name.
* The arguments are experimental API's to support partial content to be passed back to whatever
* controller who wants to display the getCMSFields
* @param string $name The name of the edit form to place into the pop-up form
public function __construct($name = 'DetailForm') {
$this->name = $name;
* @param type $gridField
* @param type $request
* @return GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
public function handleItem($gridField, $request) {
$controller = $gridField->getForm()->Controller();
if(is_numeric($request->param('ID'))) {
$record = $gridField->getList()->byId($request->param("ID"));
} else {
$record = Object::create($gridField->getModelClass());
$class = $this->getItemRequestClass();
$handler = Object::create($class, $gridField, $this, $record, $controller, $this->name);
return $handler->handleRequest($request, DataModel::inst());
* @param String
public function setTemplate($template) {
$this->template = $template;
return $this;
* @return String
public function getTemplate() {
return $this->template;
* @param String
public function setName($name) {
$this->name = $name;
return $this;
* @return String
public function getName() {
return $this->name;
* @param Validator $validator
public function setValidator(Validator $validator) {
$this->validator = $validator;
return $this;
* @return Validator
public function getValidator() {
return $this->validator;
* @param String
public function setItemRequestClass($class) {
$this->itemRequestClass = $class;
return $this;
* @return String
public function getItemRequestClass() {
if($this->itemRequestClass) {
return $this->itemRequestClass;
} else if(ClassInfo::exists(get_class($this) . "_ItemRequest")) {
return get_class($this) . "_ItemRequest";
} else {
return 'GridFieldItemRequest_ItemRequest';
* @param Closure $cb Make changes on the edit form after constructing it.
public function setItemEditFormCallback(Closure $cb) {
$this->itemEditFormCallback = $cb;
* @return Closure
public function getItemEditFormCallback() {
return $this->itemEditFormCallback;
class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest extends RequestHandler {
* @var GridField
protected $gridField;
* @var GridField_URLHandler
protected $component;
* @var DataObject
protected $record;
* @var Controller
protected $popupController;
* @var string
protected $popupFormName;
* @var String
protected $template = 'GridFieldItemEditView';
static $url_handlers = array(
'$Action!' => '$Action',
'' => 'edit',
* @param GridFIeld $gridField
* @param GridField_URLHandler $component
* @param DataObject $record
* @param Controller $popupController
* @param string $popupFormName
public function __construct($gridField, $component, $record, $popupController, $popupFormName) {
$this->gridField = $gridField;
$this->component = $component;
$this->record = $record;
$this->popupController = $popupController;
$this->popupFormName = $popupFormName;
public function Link($action = null) {
return Controller::join_links($this->gridField->Link('item'),
$this->record->ID ? $this->record->ID : 'new', $action);
public function view($request) {
if(!$this->record->canView()) {
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$form = $this->ItemEditForm($this->gridField, $request);
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Backlink' => $controller->Link(),
'ItemEditForm' => $form
$return = $data->renderWith($this->template);
if($request->isAjax()) {
return $return;
} else {
return $controller->customise(array('Content' => $return));
public function edit($request) {
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$form = $this->ItemEditForm($this->gridField, $request);
$return = $this->customise(array(
'Backlink' => $controller->hasMethod('Backlink') ? $controller->Backlink() : $controller->Link(),
'ItemEditForm' => $form,
if($request->isAjax()) {
return $return;
} else {
// If not requested by ajax, we need to render it within the controller context+template
return $controller->customise(array(
// TODO CMS coupling
'Content' => $return,
* Builds an item edit form. The arguments to getCMSFields() are the popupController and
* popupFormName, however this is an experimental API and may change.
* @todo In the future, we will probably need to come up with a tigher object representing a partially
* complete controller with gaps for extra functionality. This, for example, would be a better way
* of letting Security/login put its log-in form inside a UI specified elsewhere.
* @return Form
public function ItemEditForm() {
if (empty($this->record)) {
$controller = Controller::curr();
$noActionURL = $controller->removeAction($_REQUEST['url']);
$controller->getResponse()->removeHeader('Location'); //clear the existing redirect
return $controller->redirect($noActionURL, 302);
$actions = new FieldList();
if($this->record->ID !== 0) {
$actions->push(FormAction::create('doSave', _t('GridFieldDetailForm.Save', 'Save'))
->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept'));
$actions->push(FormAction::create('doDelete', _t('GridFieldDetailForm.Delete', 'Delete'))
}else{ // adding new record
//Change the Save label to 'Create'
$actions->push(FormAction::create('doSave', _t('GridFieldDetailForm.Create', 'Create'))
->setAttribute('data-icon', 'add'));
// Add a Cancel link which is a button-like link and link back to one level up.
$curmbs = $this->Breadcrumbs();
if($curmbs && $curmbs->count()>=2){
$one_level_up = $curmbs->offsetGet($curmbs->count()-2);
$text = sprintf(
"<a class=\"%s\" href=\"%s\">%s</a>",
"crumb ss-ui-button ss-ui-action-destructive cms-panel-link ui-corner-all", // CSS classes
$one_level_up->Link, // url
_t('GridFieldDetailForm.CancelBtn', 'Cancel') // label
$actions->push(new LiteralField('cancelbutton', $text));
$form = new Form(
$form->loadDataFrom($this->record, $this->record->ID == 0 ? Form::MERGE_IGNORE_FALSEISH : Form::MERGE_DEFAULT);
// TODO Coupling with CMS
$toplevelController = $this->getToplevelController();
if($toplevelController && $toplevelController instanceof LeftAndMain) {
// Always show with base template (full width, no other panels),
// regardless of overloaded CMS controller templates.
// TODO Allow customization, e.g. to display an edit form alongside a search form from the CMS controller
$form->addExtraClass('cms-content cms-edit-form center');
$form->setAttribute('data-pjax-fragment', 'CurrentForm Content');
if($form->Fields()->hasTabset()) {
$form->Backlink = $this->getBackLink();
$cb = $this->component->getItemEditFormCallback();
if($cb) $cb($form, $this);
$this->extend("updateItemEditForm", $form);
return $form;
* Traverse up nested requests until we reach the first that's not a GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest.
* The opposite of {@link Controller::curr()}, required because
* Controller::$controller_stack is not directly accessible.
* @return Controller
protected function getToplevelController() {
$c = $this->popupController;
while($c && $c instanceof GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest) {
$c = $c->getController();
return $c;
protected function getBackLink(){
// TODO Coupling with CMS
$backlink = '';
$toplevelController = $this->getToplevelController();
if($toplevelController && $toplevelController instanceof LeftAndMain) {
if($toplevelController->hasMethod('Backlink')) {
$backlink = $toplevelController->Backlink();
} elseif($this->popupController->hasMethod('Breadcrumbs')) {
$parents = $this->popupController->Breadcrumbs(false)->items;
$backlink = array_pop($parents)->Link;
if(!$backlink) $backlink = $toplevelController->Link();
return $backlink;
public function doSave($data, $form) {
$new_record = $this->record->ID == 0;
$controller = Controller::curr();
try {
} catch(ValidationException $e) {
$form->sessionMessage($e->getResult()->message(), 'bad', false);
$responseNegotiator = new PjaxResponseNegotiator(array(
'CurrentForm' => function() use(&$form) {
return $form->forTemplate();
'default' => function() use(&$controller) {
return $controller->redirectBack();
$controller->getRequest()->addHeader('X-Pjax', 'CurrentForm');
return $responseNegotiator->respond($controller->getRequest());
// TODO Save this item into the given relationship
$link = '<a href="' . $this->Link('edit') . '">"'
. htmlspecialchars($this->record->Title, ENT_QUOTES)
. '"</a>';
$message = _t(
'Saved {name} {link}',
'name' => $this->record->i18n_singular_name(),
'link' => $link
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'good', false);
if($new_record) {
return Controller::curr()->redirect($this->Link());
} elseif($this->gridField->getList()->byId($this->record->ID)) {
// Return new view, as we can't do a "virtual redirect" via the CMS Ajax
// to the same URL (it assumes that its content is already current, and doesn't reload)
return $this->edit(Controller::curr()->getRequest());
} else {
// Changes to the record properties might've excluded the record from
// a filtered list, so return back to the main view if it can't be found
$noActionURL = $controller->removeAction($data['url']);
$controller->getRequest()->addHeader('X-Pjax', 'Content');
return $controller->redirect($noActionURL, 302);
public function doDelete($data, $form) {
$title = $this->record->Title;
try {
if (!$this->record->canDelete()) {
throw new ValidationException(
_t('GridFieldDetailForm.DeletePermissionsFailure',"No delete permissions"),0);
} catch(ValidationException $e) {
$form->sessionMessage($e->getResult()->message(), 'bad', false);
return Controller::curr()->redirectBack();
$message = sprintf(
_t('GridFieldDetailForm.Deleted', 'Deleted %s %s'),
htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES)
$toplevelController = $this->getToplevelController();
if($toplevelController && $toplevelController instanceof LeftAndMain) {
$backForm = $toplevelController->getEditForm();
$backForm->sessionMessage($message, 'good', false);
} else {
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'good', false);
//when an item is deleted, redirect to the parent controller
$controller = Controller::curr();
$controller->getRequest()->addHeader('X-Pjax', 'Content'); // Force a content refresh
return $controller->redirect($this->getBacklink(), 302); //redirect back to admin section
* @param String
public function setTemplate($template) {
$this->template = $template;
return $this;
* @return String
public function getTemplate() {
return $this->template;
* @return Controller
public function getController() {
return $this->popupController;
* @return GridField
public function getGridField() {
return $this->gridField;
* CMS-specific functionality: Passes through navigation breadcrumbs
* to the template, and includes the currently edited record (if any).
* see {@link LeftAndMain->Breadcrumbs()} for details.
* @param boolean $unlinked
* @return ArrayData
public function Breadcrumbs($unlinked = false) {
if(!$this->popupController->hasMethod('Breadcrumbs')) return;
$items = $this->popupController->Breadcrumbs($unlinked);
if($this->record && $this->record->ID) {
$items->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => $this->record->Title,
'Link' => $this->Link()
} else {
$items->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => sprintf(_t('GridField.NewRecord', 'New %s'), $this->record->i18n_singular_name()),
'Link' => false
return $items;