mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
ENHANCEMENT Removed constructor overloading in ScaffoldingComplexTableField, was reconstrcuting its own Requirements (with lots of unnecessary jQuery plugins) which should really be done by the individual form fields and the parent popup class git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/sapphire/branches/2.3@74919 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
1431 lines
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Executable File
1431 lines
40 KiB
Executable File
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-relational
* Form field that embeds a list into a form, such as a member list or a file list.
* All get variables are namespaced in the format ctf[MyFieldName][MyParameter] to avoid collisions
* when multiple TableListFields are present in a form.
* @param $name string The fieldname
* @param $sourceClass string The source class of this field
* @param $fieldList array An array of field headings of Fieldname => Heading Text (eg. heading1)
* @param $sourceFilter string The filter field you wish to limit the objects by (eg. parentID)
* @param $sourceSort string
* @param $sourceJoin string
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-relational
class TableListField extends FormField {
* @var $cachedSourceItems DataObjectSet Prevent {@sourceItems()} from being called multiple times.
protected $cachedSourceItems;
protected $sourceClass;
protected $sourceFilter = "";
protected $sourceSort = "";
protected $sourceJoin = array();
protected $fieldList;
* @var $fieldListCsv array
protected $fieldListCsv;
* @var $clickAction
protected $clickAction;
* @var bool
public $IsReadOnly;
* Called method (needs to be retained for AddMode())
protected $methodName;
* @var $summaryFieldList array Shows a row which summarizes the contents of a column by a predefined
* Javascript-function
protected $summaryFieldList;
* @var $summaryTitle string The title which will be shown in the first column of the summary-row.
* Accordingly, the first column can't be used for summarizing.
protected $summaryTitle;
* @var $template string Template-Overrides
protected $template = "TableListField";
* @var bool Do we use checkboxes to mark records, or delete them one by one?
public $Markable;
public $MarkableTitle = null;
* @var $readOnly boolean Deprecated, please use $permssions instead
protected $readOnly;
* @var $permissions array Influence output without having to subclass the template.
* See $actions for adding your custom actions/permissions.
protected $permissions = array(
* @var $actions array Action that can be performed on a single row-entry.
* Has to correspond to a method in a TableListField-class (or subclass).
* Actions can be disabled through $permissions.
* Format (key is used for the methodname and CSS-class):
* array(
* 'delete' => array('label' => 'Delete', 'icon' => 'cms/images/delete.gif')
* )
public $actions = array(
'delete' => array(
'label' => 'Delete',
'icon' => 'cms/images/delete.gif',
'class' => 'deletelink'
* @var $defaultAction String Action being executed when clicking on table-row (defaults to "show").
* Mostly needed in ComplexTableField-subclass.
public $defaultAction = '';
* @var $customQuery Specify custom query, e.g. for complicated having/groupby-constructs.
* Caution: TableListField automatically selects the ID from the {@sourceClass}, because it relies
* on this information e.g. in saving a TableField. Please use a custom select if you want to filter
* for other IDs in joined tables: $query->select[] = "MyJoinedTable.ID AS MyJoinedTableID"
protected $customQuery;
* @var $customCsvQuery Query for CSV-export (might need different fields or further filtering)
protected $customCsvQuery;
* @var $customSourceItems DataObjectSet Use the manual setting of a result-set only as a last-resort
* for sets which can't be resolved in a single query.
* @todo: Add pagination support for customSourceItems.
protected $customSourceItems;
* Character to seperate exported columns in the CSV file
protected $csvSeparator = ",";
* Boolean deciding whether to include a header row in the CSV file
protected $csvHasHeader = true;
* @var array Specify custom escape for the fields.
* <code>
* array("\""=>"\"\"","\r"=>"", "\r\n"=>"", "\n"=>"")
* </code>
public $csvFieldEscape = array(
* @var int Shows total count regardless or pagination
protected $totalCount;
* @var boolean Trigger pagination
protected $showPagination = false;
* @var int Number of items to show on a single page (needed for pagination)
protected $pageSize = 10;
* @var array Definitions for highlighting table-rows with a specific class. You can use all column-names
* in the result of a query. Use in combination with {@setCustomQuery} to select custom properties and joined objects.
* Example:
* array(
* array(
* "rule" => '$Flag == "red"',
* "class" => "red"
* ),
* array(
* "rule" => '$Flag == "orange"',
* "class" => "orange"
* )
* )
public $highlightConditions = array();
* @var array Specify castings with fieldname as the key, and the desired casting as value.
* Example: array("MyCustomDate"=>"Date","MyShortText"=>"Text->FirstSentence")
public $fieldCasting = array();
* @var array Specify custom formatting for fields, e.g. to render a link instead of pure text.
* Caution: Make sure to escape special php-characters like in a normal php-statement.
* Example: "myFieldName" => '<a href=\"custom-admin/$ID\">$ID</a>'
public $fieldFormatting = array();
public $csvFieldFormatting = array();
* @var string
public $exportButtonLabel = 'Export as CSV';
* @var string $groupByField Used to group by a specific column in the DataObject
* and create partial summaries.
public $groupByField = null;
* @var array
protected $extraLinkParams;
protected $__cachedQuery;
function __construct($name, $sourceClass, $fieldList = null, $sourceFilter = null,
$sourceSort = null, $sourceJoin = null) {
$this->fieldList = ($fieldList) ? $fieldList : singleton($sourceClass)->summaryFields();
$this->sourceClass = $sourceClass;
$this->sourceFilter = $sourceFilter;
$this->sourceSort = $sourceSort;
$this->sourceJoin = $sourceJoin;
$this->readOnly = false;
* Get the filter
function sourceFilter() {
return $this->sourceFilter;
function index() {
return $this->FieldHolder();
static $url_handlers = array(
'item/$ID' => 'handleItem',
'$Action' => '$Action',
function sourceClass() {
return $this->sourceClass;
function handleItem($request) {
return new TableListField_ItemRequest($this, $request->param('ID'));
function FieldHolder() {
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/prototype.js');
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/behaviour.js');
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/prototype_improvements.js');
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/scriptaculous/effects.js');
Requirements::add_i18n_javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/lang');
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/TableListField.js');
Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/css/TableListField.css');
if($this->clickAction) {
$id = $this->id();
'#$id tr' : {
onclick : function() {
return false;
return $this->renderWith($this->template);
function Headings() {
$headings = array();
foreach($this->fieldList as $fieldName => $fieldTitle) {
$isSorted = (isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['sort']) && $fieldName == $_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['sort']);
// we can't allow sorting with partial summaries (groupByField)
$isSortable = ($this->form && $this->isFieldSortable($fieldName) && !$this->groupByField);
// sorting links (only if we have a form to refresh with)
if($this->form) {
$sortLink = $this->Link();
$sortLink = HTTP::setGetVar("ctf[{$this->Name()}][sort]", $fieldName, $sortLink);
if(isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['dir'])) {
$XML_sort = (isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['dir'])) ? Convert::raw2xml($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['dir']) : null;
$sortLink = HTTP::setGetVar("ctf[{$this->Name()}][dir]", $XML_sort, $sortLink);
} else {
$sortLink = '#';
$headings[] = new ArrayData(array(
"Name" => $fieldName,
"Title" => ($this->sourceClass) ? singleton($this->sourceClass)->fieldLabel($fieldTitle) : $fieldTitle,
"IsSortable" => $isSortable,
"SortLink" => $sortLink,
"SortBy" => $isSorted,
"SortDirection" => (isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['dir'])) ? $_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['dir'] : null
return new DataObjectSet($headings);
* Determines if a field is "sortable".
* If the field is generated by a custom getter, we can't sort on it
* without generating all objects first (which would be a huge performance impact).
* @param string $fieldName
* @return bool
function isFieldSortable($fieldName) {
if($this->customSourceItems) {
return false;
if($this->__cachedQuery) {
$query = $this->__cachedQuery;
} else {
$query = $this->__cachedQuery = $this->getQuery();
$sql = $query->sql();
$SQL_fieldName = Convert::raw2sql($fieldName);
return (in_array($SQL_fieldName,$query->select) || stripos($sql,"AS {$SQL_fieldName}"));
* Dummy function to get number of actions originally generated in
* TableListField_Item.
* @return DataObjectSet
function Actions() {
$allowedActions = new DataObjectSet();
foreach($this->actions as $actionName => $actionSettings) {
if($this->Can($actionName)) {
$allowedActions->push(new ViewableData());
return $allowedActions;
* Provide a custom query to compute sourceItems. This is the preferred way to using
* {@setSourceItems}, because we can still paginate.
* Caution: Other parameters such as {@sourceFilter} will be ignored.
* Please use this only as a fallback for really complex queries (e.g. involving HAVING and GROUPBY).
* @param $query Query
function setCustomQuery($query) {
$this->customQuery = $query;
function setCustomCsvQuery($query) {
$this->customCsvQuery = $query;
function setCustomSourceItems($items) {
$this->customSourceItems = $items;
function sourceItems() {
$SQL_limit = ($this->showPagination && $this->pageSize) ? "{$this->pageSize}" : null;
if(isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'])) {
$SQL_start = (isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'])) ? intval($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start']) : "0";
} else {
$SQL_start = 0;
if(isset($this->customSourceItems)) {
if($this->showPagination && $this->pageSize) {
$items = $this->customSourceItems->getRange($SQL_start, $SQL_limit);
} else {
$items = $this->customSourceItems;
} elseif(isset($this->cachedSourceItems)) {
$items = $this->cachedSourceItems;
} else {
// get query
$dataQuery = $this->getQuery();
// we don't limit when doing certain actions T
if(!isset($_REQUEST['methodName']) || !in_array($_REQUEST['methodName'],array('printall','export'))) {
'limit' => $SQL_limit,
'start' => (isset($SQL_start)) ? $SQL_start : null
// get data
$records = $dataQuery->execute();
$sourceClass = $this->sourceClass;
$dataobject = new $sourceClass();
$items = $dataobject->buildDataObjectSet($records, 'DataObjectSet');
$this->cachedSourceItems = $items;
return $items;
function Items() {
$fieldItems = new DataObjectSet();
if($items = $this->sourceItems()) foreach($items as $item) {
$fieldItem = new TableListField_Item($item, $this);
if($item) $fieldItems->push(new TableListField_Item($item, $this));
return $fieldItems;
* Generates the query for sourceitems (without pagination/limit-clause)
* @return string
function getQuery() {
if($this->customQuery) {
$query = clone $this->customQuery;
$baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->sourceClass);
$query->select[] = "{$baseClass}.ID AS ID";
$query->select[] = "{$baseClass}.ClassName AS ClassName";
$query->select[] = "{$baseClass}.ClassName AS RecordClassName";
} else {
$query = singleton($this->sourceClass)->extendedSQL($this->sourceFilter(), $this->sourceSort, null, $this->sourceJoin);
// Add more selected fields if they are from joined table.
$SNG = singleton($this->sourceClass);
foreach($this->FieldList() as $k=>$title){
if(!$SNG->hasField($k) && !$SNG->hasMethod('get' . $k) && !$SNG->hasMethod($k) && !strpos($k, "."))
$query->select[] = "`$k`";
if(isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['sort'])) {
$SQL_sort = Convert::raw2sql($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['sort']);
$sql = $query->sql();
// see {isFieldSortable}
if(in_array($SQL_sort,$query->select) || stripos($sql,"AS {$SQL_sort}")) {
$query->orderby = $SQL_sort;
return $query;
function getCsvQuery() {
$baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->sourceClass);
if($this->customCsvQuery) {
$query = $this->customCsvQuery;
$query->select[] = "{$baseClass}.ID AS ID";
$query->select[] = "{$baseClass}.ClassName AS ClassName";
$query->select[] = "{$baseClass}.ClassName AS RecordClassName";
} else if($this->customQuery) {
$query = $this->customQuery;
$query->select[] = "{$baseClass}.ID AS ID";
$query->select[] = "{$baseClass}.ClassName AS ClassName";
$query->select[] = "{$baseClass}.ClassName AS RecordClassName";
} else {
$query = singleton($this->sourceClass)->extendedSQL($this->sourceFilter(), $this->sourceSort, null, $this->sourceJoin);
// Add more selected fields if they are from joined table.
foreach($this->FieldList() as $k=>$title){
$query->select[] = "`$k`";
return clone $query;
function FieldList() {
return $this->fieldList;
* Configure this table to load content into a subform via ajax
function setClick_AjaxLoad($urlBase, $formID) {
$this->clickAction = "this.ajaxRequest('" . addslashes($urlBase) . "', '" . addslashes($formID) . "')";
* Configure this table to open a popup window
function setClick_PopupLoad($urlBase) {
$this->clickAction = "var w = window.open(baseHref() + '$urlBase' + this.id.replace(/.*-(\d*)$/,'$1'), 'popup'); w.focus();";
function performReadonlyTransformation() {
$clone = clone $this;
$clone->addExtraClass( 'readonly' );
return $clone;
* #################################
* #################################
* @return String
function delete() {
if($this->Can('delete') !== true) {
return false;
$this->methodName = "delete";
$childId = Convert::raw2sql($_REQUEST['ctf']['childID']);
if (is_numeric($childId)) {
$childObject = DataObject::get_by_id($this->sourceClass, $childId);
if($childObject) $childObject->delete();
// TODO return status in JSON etc.
//return $this->renderWith($this->template);
* #################################
* Summary-Row
* #################################
* Can utilize some built-in summary-functions, with optional casting.
* Currently supported:
* - sum
* - avg
* @param $summaryTitle string
* @param $summaryFields array
* Simple Format: array("MyFieldName"=>"sum")
* With Casting: array("MyFieldname"=>array("sum","Currency->Nice"))
function addSummary($summaryTitle, $summaryFieldList) {
$this->summaryTitle = $summaryTitle;
$this->summaryFieldList = $summaryFieldList;
function removeSummary() {
$this->summaryTitle = null;
$this->summaryFields = null;
function HasSummary() {
return (isset($this->summaryFieldList));
function SummaryTitle() {
return $this->summaryTitle;
* @param DataObjectSet $items Only used to pass grouped sourceItems for creating
* partial summaries.
function SummaryFields($items = null) {
if(!isset($this->summaryFieldList)) {
return false;
$summaryFields = array();
$fieldListWithoutFirst = $this->fieldList;
if(!empty($this->summaryTitle)) {
foreach($fieldListWithoutFirst as $fieldName => $fieldTitle) {
if(in_array($fieldName, array_keys($this->summaryFieldList))) {
if(is_array($this->summaryFieldList[$fieldName])) {
$summaryFunction = "colFunction_{$this->summaryFieldList[$fieldName][0]}";
$casting = $this->summaryFieldList[$fieldName][1];
} else {
$summaryFunction = "colFunction_{$this->summaryFieldList[$fieldName]}";
$casting = null;
// fall back to integrated sourceitems if not passed
if(!$items) $items = $this->sourceItems();
$summaryValue = ($items) ? $this->$summaryFunction($items->column($fieldName)) : null;
// Optional casting, Format: array('MyFieldName'=>array('sum','Currency->Nice'))
if(isset($casting)) {
$summaryValue = $this->getCastedValue($summaryValue, $casting);
} else {
$summaryValue = null;
$function = null;
$summaryFields[] = new ArrayData(array(
'Function' => $function,
'SummaryValue' => $summaryValue,
'Name' => DBField::create('Varchar', $fieldName),
'Title' => DBField::create('Varchar', $fieldTitle),
return new DataObjectSet($summaryFields);
function HasGroupedItems() {
return ($this->groupByField);
function GroupedItems() {
if(!$this->groupByField) {
return false;
$items = $this->sourceItems();
if(!$items || !$items->Count()) {
return false;
$groupedItems = $items->groupBy($this->groupByField);
$groupedArrItems = new DataObjectSet();
foreach($groupedItems as $key => $group) {
$fieldItems = new DataObjectSet();
foreach($group as $item) {
if($item) $fieldItems->push(new TableListField_Item($item, $this));
$groupedArrItems->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Items' => $fieldItems,
'SummaryFields' => $this->SummaryFields($group)
return $groupedArrItems;
function colFunction_sum($values) {
return array_sum($values);
function colFunction_avg($values) {
return array_sum($values)/count($values);
* #################################
* Permissions
* #################################
* Template accessor for Permissions
function Can($mode) {
if($mode == 'add' && $this->isReadonly()) {
return false;
} else if($mode == 'delete' && $this->isReadonly()) {
return false;
} else if($mode == 'edit' && $this->isReadonly()) {
return false;
} else {
return (in_array($mode, $this->permissions));
function setPermissions($arr) {
$this->permissions = $arr;
* @return array
function getPermissions() {
return $this->permissions;
* #################################
* Pagination
* #################################
function setShowPagination($bool) {
$this->showPagination = (bool)$bool;
* @return boolean
function ShowPagination() {
if($this->showPagination && !empty($this->summaryFieldList)) {
user_error("You can't combine pagination and summaries - please disable one of them.", E_USER_ERROR);
return $this->showPagination;
function setPageSize($pageSize) {
$this->pageSize = $pageSize;
function PageSize() {
return $this->pageSize;
function ListStart() {
return $_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'];
* @param array
* @deprecated Put the query string onto your form's link instead :-)
function setExtraLinkParams($params){
user_error("TableListField::setExtraLinkParams() deprecated - put the query string onto your form's FormAction instead; it will be handed down to all field with special handlers", E_USER_NOTICE);
$this->extraLinkParams = $params;
* @return array
function getExtraLinkParams(){
return $this->extraLinkParams;
function FirstLink() {
$start = 0;
if(!isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start']) || $_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'] == 0) {
return null;
$link = Controller::join_links($this->Link(), "?ctf[{$this->Name()}][start]={$start}");
if($this->extraLinkParams) $link .= "&" . http_build_query($this->extraLinkParams);
return $link;
function PrevLink() {
$currentStart = isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start']) ? $_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'] : 0;
if($currentStart == 0) {
return null;
$start = ($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'] - $this->pageSize < 0) ? 0 : $_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'] - $this->pageSize;
$link = Controller::join_links($this->Link(), "?ctf[{$this->Name()}][start]={$start}");
if($this->extraLinkParams) $link .= "&" . http_build_query($this->extraLinkParams);
return $link;
function NextLink() {
$currentStart = isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start']) ? $_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'] : 0;
$start = ($currentStart + $this->pageSize < $this->TotalCount()) ? $currentStart + $this->pageSize : $this->TotalCount() % $this->pageSize > 0;
if($currentStart >= $start-1) {
return null;
$link = Controller::join_links($this->Link(), "?ctf[{$this->Name()}][start]={$start}");
if($this->extraLinkParams) $link .= "&" . http_build_query($this->extraLinkParams);
return $link;
function LastLink() {
$pageSize = ($this->TotalCount() % $this->pageSize > 0) ? $this->TotalCount() % $this->pageSize : $this->pageSize;
$start = $this->TotalCount() - $pageSize;
// Check if there is only one page, or if we are on last page
if($this->TotalCount() <= $pageSize || (isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start']) && $_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'] >= $start)) {
return null;
$link = Controller::join_links($this->Link(), "?ctf[{$this->Name()}][start]={$start}");
if($this->extraLinkParams) $link .= "&" . http_build_query($this->extraLinkParams);
return $link;
function FirstItem() {
if ($this->TotalCount() < 1) return 0;
return isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start']) ? $_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'] + 1 : 1;
function LastItem() {
if(isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'])) {
return $_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'] + min($this->pageSize, $this->TotalCount() - $_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start']);
} else {
return min($this->pageSize, $this->TotalCount());
function TotalCount() {
if($this->totalCount) {
return $this->totalCount;
if($this->customSourceItems) {
return $this->customSourceItems->Count();
$countQuery = $this->getQuery();
$countQuery->orderby = array();
$baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->sourceClass);
// we can't clear the select if we're relying on its output by a HAVING clause
if(count($countQuery->having) || count($countQuery->groupby)) {
$records = $countQuery->execute();
// TODO figure out how to use COUNT and GROUBY together to produce a single rowcount
$this->totalCount = $records->numRecords();
} else {
$countQuery->select = array();
$countQuery->groupby = array();
$countQuery->select[] = "COUNT(DISTINCT {$baseClass}.ID) AS TotalCount";
$records = $countQuery->execute();
$record = $records->nextRecord();
$this->totalCount = $record['TotalCount'];
return $this->totalCount;
* #################################
* Search
* #################################
* @todo Not fully implemented at the moment
* Compile all request-parameters for search and pagination
* (except the actual list-positions) as a query-string.
* @return String URL-parameters
function filterString() {
* #################################
* CSV Export
* #################################
function setFieldListCsv($fields) {
$this->fieldListCsv = $fields;
* Set the CSV separator character. Defaults to ,
function setCsvSeparator($csvSeparator) {
$this->csvSeparator = $csvSeparator;
* Get the CSV separator character. Defaults to ,
function getCsvSeparator() {
return $this->csvSeparator;
* Remove the header row from the CSV export
function removeCsvHeader() {
$this->csvHasHeader = false;
* Exports a given set of comma-separated IDs (from a previous search-query, stored in a HiddenField).
* Uses {$csv_columns} if present, and falls back to {$result_columns}.
* We move the most filedata generation code to the function {@link generateExportFileData()} so that a child class
* could reuse the filedata generation code while overwrite export function.
* @todo Make relation-syntax available (at the moment you'll have to use custom sql)
function export() {
$now = Date("d-m-Y-H-i");
$fileName = "export-$now.csv";
if($fileData = $this->generateExportFileData($numColumns, $numRows)){
return HTTPRequest::send_file($fileData, $fileName);
user_error("No records found", E_USER_ERROR);
function generateExportFileData(&$numColumns, &$numRows) {
$separator = $this->csvSeparator;
$csvColumns = ($this->fieldListCsv) ? $this->fieldListCsv : $this->fieldList;
$fileData = '';
$columnData = array();
$fieldItems = new DataObjectSet();
if($this->csvHasHeader) {
$fileData .= "\"" . implode("\"{$separator}\"", array_values($csvColumns)) . "\"";
$fileData .= "\n";
if(isset($this->customSourceItems)) {
$items = $this->customSourceItems;
} else {
$dataQuery = $this->getCsvQuery();
$records = $dataQuery->execute();
$sourceClass = $this->sourceClass;
$dataobject = new $sourceClass();
$items = $dataobject->buildDataObjectSet($records, 'DataObjectSet');
if($items && $items->count()) foreach($items as $item) {
// create a TableListField_Item to support resolving of
// relation-fields in dot notation via TableListField_Item->Fields()
if($item) $fieldItems->push(new TableListField_Item($item, $this));
// temporary override to adjust TableListField_Item behaviour
$this->fieldList = $csvColumns;
if($fieldItems) {
foreach($fieldItems as $fieldItem) {
$fields = $fieldItem->Fields();
$columnData = array();
if($fields) foreach($fields as $field) {
$value = $field->Value;
// TODO This should be replaced with casting
if(array_key_exists($field->Name, $this->csvFieldFormatting)) {
$format = str_replace('$value', "__VAL__", $this->csvFieldFormatting[$field->Name]);
$format = preg_replace('/\$([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)/','$item->$1', $format);
$format = str_replace('__VAL__', '$value', $format);
eval('$value = "' . $format . '";');
$value = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "\n", $value);
$tmpColumnData = "\"" . str_replace("\"", "\"\"", $value) . "\"";
$columnData[] = $tmpColumnData;
$fileData .= implode($separator, $columnData);
$fileData .= "\n";
$numColumns = count($columnData);
$numRows = $fieldItems->count();
return $fileData;
} else {
return null;
* We need to instanciate this button manually as a normal button has no means of adding inline onclick-behaviour.
function ExportLink() {
$exportLink = Controller::join_links($this->Link(), 'export');
if($this->extraLinkParams) $exportLink .= "?" . http_build_query($this->extraLinkParams);
return $exportLink;
function printall() {
Requirements::css(CMS_DIR . '/css/typography.css');
Requirements::css(CMS_DIR . '/css/cms_right.css');
Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/css/TableListField_print.css');
$oldShowPagination = $this->showPagination;
$this->showPagination = false;
$oldLimit = ini_get('max_execution_time');
$result = $this->renderWith(array($this->template . '_printable', 'TableListField_printable'));
$this->showPagination = $oldShowPagination;
return $result;
function PrintLink() {
$link = Controller::join_links($this->Link(), 'printall');
if(isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['sort'])) {
$link = HTTP::setGetVar("ctf[{$this->Name()}][sort]",Convert::raw2xml($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['sort']), $link);
return $link;
* #################################
* Utilty
* #################################
function Utility() {
$links = new DataObjectSet();
if($this->can('export')) {
$links->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => _t('TableListField.CSVEXPORT', 'Export to CSV'),
'Link' => $this->ExportLink()
if($this->can('print')) {
$links->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => _t('TableListField.PRINT', 'Print'),
'Link' => $this->PrintLink()
return $links;
* Returns the content of the TableListField as a piece of FormResponse javascript
* @deprecated Please use the standard URL through Link() which gives you the FieldHolder as an HTML fragment.
function ajax_refresh() {
// compute sourceItems here instead of Items() to ensure that
// pagination and filters are respected on template accessors
$response = $this->renderWith($this->template);
FormResponse::update_dom_id($this->id(), $response, 1);
return FormResponse::respond();
function setFieldCasting($casting) {
$this->fieldCasting = $casting;
function setFieldFormatting($formatting) {
$this->fieldFormatting = $formatting;
function setCSVFieldFormatting($formatting) {
$this->csvFieldFormatting = $formatting;
* Edit the field list
function setFieldList($fieldList) {
$this->fieldList = $fieldList;
* @return String
function Name() {
return $this->name;
function Title() {
// adding translating functionality
// this is a bit complicated, because this parameter is passed to this class
// and should come here translated already
// adding this to TODO probably add a method to the classes
// to return they're translated string
// added by ruibarreiros @ 27/11/2007
return $this->sourceClass ? singleton($this->sourceClass)->singular_name() : $this->Name();
function NameSingular() {
// same as Title()
// added by ruibarreiros @ 27/11/2007
return $this->sourceClass ? singleton($this->sourceClass)->singular_name() : $this->Name();
function NamePlural() {
// same as Title()
// added by ruibarreiros @ 27/11/2007
return $this->sourceClass ? singleton($this->sourceClass)->plural_name() : $this->Name();
function setTemplate($template) {
$this->template = $template;
function CurrentLink() {
$link = $this->Link();
if(isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'])) {
$start = ($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'] < 0) ? 0 : $_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'];
$link .= "/?ctf[{$this->Name()}][start]={$start}";
if($this->extraLinkParams) $link .= "&" . http_build_query($this->extraLinkParams);
return $link;
function BaseLink() {
user_error("TableListField::BaseLink() deprecated, use Link() instead", E_USER_NOTICE);
return $this->Link();
* @return Int
function sourceID() {
$idField = $this->form->dataFieldByName('ID');
if(!isset($idField)) {
user_error("TableListField needs a formfield named 'ID' to be present", E_USER_ERROR);
return $idField->Value();
* Helper method to determine permissions for a scaffolded
* TableListField (or subclasses) - currently used in {@link ModelAdmin} and {@link DataObject->scaffoldFormFields()}.
* Returns true for each permission that doesn't have an explicit getter.
* @todo Temporary method, implement directly in FormField subclasses with object-level permissions.
* @param string $class
* @param numeric $id
* @return array
public static function permissions_for_object($class, $id = null) {
$permissions = array();
$obj = ($id) ? DataObject::get_by_id($class, $id) : singleton($class);
if(!$obj->hasMethod('canView') || $obj->canView()) $permissions[] = 'show';
if(!$obj->hasMethod('canEdit') || $obj->canEdit()) $permissions[] = 'edit';
if(!$obj->hasMethod('canDelete') || $obj->canDelete()) $permissions[] = 'delete';
if(!$obj->hasMethod('canCreate') || $obj->canCreate()) $permissions[] = 'add';
return $permissions;
* @param $value
function getCastedValue($value, $castingDefinition) {
if(is_array($castingDefinition)) {
$castingParams = $castingDefinition;
$castingDefinition = array_shift($castingDefinition);
} else {
$castingParams = array();
if(strpos($castingDefinition,'->') === false) {
$castingFieldType = $castingDefinition;
$castingField = DBField::create($castingFieldType, $value);
$value = call_user_func_array(array($castingField,'XML'),$castingParams);
} else {
$fieldTypeParts = explode('->', $castingDefinition);
$castingFieldType = $fieldTypeParts[0];
$castingMethod = $fieldTypeParts[1];
$castingField = DBField::create($castingFieldType, $value);
$value = call_user_func_array(array($castingField,$castingMethod),$castingParams);
return $value;
* #########################
* Highlighting
* #########################
function setHighlightConditions($conditions) {
$this->highlightConditions = $conditions;
* A single record in a TableListField.
* @package forms
* @subpackage fields-relational
* @see TableListField
class TableListField_Item extends ViewableData {
protected $item, $parent;
function __construct($item, $parent) {
$this->failover = $this->item = $item;
$this->parent = $parent;
function ID() {
return $this->item->ID;
function Parent() {
return $this->parent;
function Fields() {
$list = $this->parent->FieldList();
foreach($list as $fieldName => $fieldTitle) {
$value = "";
// This supports simple FieldName syntax
if(strpos($fieldName,'.') === false) {
$value = ($this->item->val($fieldName)) ? $this->item->val($fieldName) : $this->item->$fieldName;
// This support the syntax fieldName = Relation.RelatedField
} else {
$fieldNameParts = explode('.', $fieldName) ;
$tmpItem = $this->item;
for($j=0;$j<sizeof($fieldNameParts);$j++) {
$relationMethod = $fieldNameParts[$j];
$idField = $relationMethod . 'ID';
if($j == sizeof($fieldNameParts)-1) {
if($tmpItem) $value = $tmpItem->$relationMethod;
} else {
if($tmpItem) $tmpItem = $tmpItem->$relationMethod();
// casting
if(array_key_exists($fieldName, $this->parent->fieldCasting)) {
$value = $this->parent->getCastedValue($value, $this->parent->fieldCasting[$fieldName]);
// formatting
$item = $this->item;
if(array_key_exists($fieldName, $this->parent->fieldFormatting)) {
$format = str_replace('$value', "__VAL__", $this->parent->fieldFormatting[$fieldName]);
$format = preg_replace('/\$([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)/','$item->$1', $format);
$format = str_replace('__VAL__', '$value', $format);
eval('$value = "' . $format . '";');
if($escape = $this->parent->fieldEscape){
foreach($escape as $search => $replace){
$value = str_replace($search, $replace, $value);
$fields[] = new ArrayData(array(
"Name" => $fieldName,
"Title" => $fieldTitle,
"Value" => $value,
"CsvSeparator" => $this->parent->getCsvSeparator(),
return new DataObjectSet($fields);
function Markable() {
return $this->parent->Markable;
function Can($mode) {
return $this->parent->Can($mode);
function Link() {
if($this->parent->getForm()) {
$parentUrlParts = parse_url($this->parent->Link());
$queryPart = (isset($parentUrlParts['query'])) ? '?' . $parentUrlParts['query'] : null;
return Controller::join_links($parentUrlParts['path'], 'item', $this->item->ID, $queryPart);
} else {
// allow for instanciation of this FormField outside of a controller/form
// context (e.g. for unit tests)
return false;
* Returns all row-based actions not disallowed through permissions.
* See TableListField->Action for a similiar dummy-function to work
* around template-inheritance issues.
* @return DataObjectSet
function Actions() {
$allowedActions = new DataObjectSet();
foreach($this->parent->actions as $actionName => $actionSettings) {
if($this->parent->Can($actionName)) {
$allowedActions->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => $actionName,
'Link' => $this->{ucfirst($actionName).'Link'}(),
'Icon' => $actionSettings['icon'],
'Label' => $actionSettings['label'],
'Class' => $actionSettings['class'],
'Default' => ($actionName == $this->parent->defaultAction),
return $allowedActions;
function BaseLink() {
user_error("TableListField_Item::BaseLink() deprecated, use Link() instead", E_USER_NOTICE);
return $this->Link();
function DeleteLink() {
return Controller::join_links($this->Link(), "delete");
function MarkingCheckbox() {
$name = $this->parent->Name() . '[]';
return "<input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$name\" value=\"{$this->item->ID}\" disabled=\"disabled\" />";
return "<input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$name\" value=\"{$this->item->ID}\" />";
function HighlightClasses() {
$classes = array();
foreach($this->parent->highlightConditions as $condition) {
$rule = str_replace("\$","\$this->item->", $condition['rule']);
$ruleApplies = null;
eval('$ruleApplies = ('.$rule.');');
if($ruleApplies) {
if($condition['exclusive']) {
return $condition['class'];
} else {
$classes[] = $condition['class'];
return (count($classes) > 0) ? " " . implode(" ", $classes) : false;
* Legacy: Please use permissions instead
function isReadonly() {
return $this->parent->Can('delete');
class TableListField_ItemRequest extends RequestHandler {
protected $ctf;
protected $itemID;
protected $methodName;
static $url_handlers = array(
'$Action!' => '$Action',
'' => 'index',
function Link() {
return $this->ctf->Link() . '/item/' . $this->itemID;
function __construct($ctf, $itemID) {
$this->ctf = $ctf;
$this->itemID = $itemID;
function delete() {
if($this->ctf->Can('delete') !== true) {
return false;
* Return the data object being manipulated
function dataObj() {
// used to discover fields if requested and for population of field
if(is_numeric($this->itemID)) {
// we have to use the basedataclass, otherwise we might exclude other subclasses
return DataObject::get_by_id(ClassInfo::baseDataClass(Object::getCustomClass($this->ctf->sourceClass())), $this->itemID);
* Returns the db-fieldname of the currently used has_one-relationship.
function getParentIdName( $parentClass, $childClass ) {
return $this->getParentIdNameRelation( $childClass, $parentClass, 'has_one' );
* Manually overwrites the parent-ID relations.
* @see setParentClass()
* @param String $str Example: FamilyID (when one Individual has_one Family)
function setParentIdName($str) {
$this->parentIdName = $str;
* Returns the db-fieldname of the currently used relationship.
function getParentIdNameRelation($parentClass, $childClass, $relation) {
if($this->parentIdName) return $this->parentIdName;
$relations = singleton($parentClass)->$relation();
$classes = ClassInfo::ancestry($childClass);
foreach($relations as $k => $v) {
if(array_key_exists($v, $classes)) return $k . 'ID';
return false;