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synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
By passing the Config instantiation through the Injector and service configuration we're unnecessarily calling Config::inst()->get() on a config system which doesn't yet exist.
More specifically it calls Config::inst()->get('Config', 'dependencies') here: 4ae0d90c55/control/injector/Injector.php (L660)
which in turn calls Config::inst()->get('Config', 'extensions').
This jumps through hoops trying to find the cached config for this class using the current Config_LRU class. When it doesn't find it, it then tries to look through the manifests which don't get created or brought from cache until later on in Core.php. Eventually this returns null for both Config::inst()->get() calls.
I ran a quick performance test before and after on an ec2 t2.micro box using siege (concurrency 5, 10 repetitions) and saved 400ms on average response times on a default installation - it would be awesome if somebody could confirm this is actually the case?
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* This file is the Framework bootstrap. It will get your environment ready to call Director::direct().
* It takes care of:
* - Including Constants.php to include _ss_environment and initialise necessary constants
* - Checking of PHP memory limit
* - Including all the files needed to get the manifest built
* - Building and including the manifest
* @todo This file currently contains a lot of bits and pieces, and its various responsibilities should probably be
* moved into different subsystems.
* @todo A lot of this stuff is very order-dependent. This could be decoupled.
* @package framework
* @subpackage core
* All errors are reported, including E_STRICT by default *unless* the site is in
* live mode, where reporting is limited to fatal errors and warnings (see later in this file)
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
* Include Constants (if it hasn't already been included) to pull in BASE_PATH, etc
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/Constants.php';
* Priorities definition. These constants are used in calls to _t() as an optional argument
* Ensure we have enough memory
* Ensure we don't run into xdebug's fairly conservative infinite recursion protection limit
* Set default encoding
* Enable better garbage collection
// Include the files needed the initial manifest building, as well as any files
// that are needed for the boostrap process on every request.
require_once 'cache/Cache.php';
require_once 'core/Object.php';
require_once 'core/ClassInfo.php';
require_once 'core/DAG.php';
require_once 'core/Config.php';
require_once 'view/TemplateGlobalProvider.php';
require_once 'control/Director.php';
require_once 'dev/Debug.php';
require_once 'dev/DebugView.php';
require_once 'dev/Backtrace.php';
require_once 'dev/ZendLog.php';
require_once 'dev/Log.php';
require_once 'filesystem/FileFinder.php';
require_once 'core/manifest/ManifestCache.php';
require_once 'core/manifest/ClassLoader.php';
require_once 'core/manifest/ConfigManifest.php';
require_once 'core/manifest/ConfigStaticManifest.php';
require_once 'core/manifest/ClassManifest.php';
require_once 'core/manifest/ManifestFileFinder.php';
require_once 'core/manifest/TemplateLoader.php';
require_once 'core/manifest/TemplateManifest.php';
require_once 'core/manifest/TokenisedRegularExpression.php';
require_once 'control/injector/Injector.php';
// Initialise the dependency injector as soon as possible, as it is
// subsequently used by some of the following code
$injector = new Injector(array('locator' => 'SilverStripeServiceConfigurationLocator'));
// Regenerate the manifest if ?flush is set, or if the database is being built.
// The coupling is a hack, but it removes an annoying bug where new classes
// referenced in _config.php files can be referenced during the build process.
$requestURL = isset($_REQUEST['url']) ? trim($_REQUEST['url'], '/') : false;
$flush = (isset($_GET['flush']) || $requestURL === trim(BASE_URL . '/dev/build', '/'));
global $manifest;
$manifest = new SS_ClassManifest(BASE_PATH, false, $flush);
// Register SilverStripe's class map autoload
$loader = SS_ClassLoader::instance();
// Fall back to Composer's autoloader (e.g. for PHPUnit), if composer is used
if(file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/vendor/autoload.php')) {
require_once BASE_PATH . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Now that the class manifest is up, load the static configuration
$configManifest = new SS_ConfigStaticManifest(BASE_PATH, false, $flush);
// And then the yaml configuration
$configManifest = new SS_ConfigManifest(BASE_PATH, false, $flush);
// Load template manifest
SS_TemplateLoader::instance()->pushManifest(new SS_TemplateManifest(
BASE_PATH, project(), false, $flush
// If in live mode, ensure deprecation, strict and notices are not reported
if(Director::isLive()) {
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~(E_DEPRECATED | E_STRICT | E_NOTICE));
* Load error handlers
* Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.
* It will always return the same instance for this class,
* which can be used for performance reasons and as a simple
* way to access instance methods which don't rely on instance
* data (e.g. the custom SilverStripe static handling).
* @param string $className
* @return Object
function singleton($className) {
if($className == "Config") user_error("Don't pass Config to singleton()", E_USER_ERROR);
if(!isset($className)) user_error("singleton() Called without a class", E_USER_ERROR);
if(!is_string($className)) user_error("singleton() passed bad class_name: " . var_export($className,true),
return Injector::inst()->get($className);
function project() {
global $project;
return $project;
* @see i18n::_t()
function _t($entity, $string = "", $context = "", $injection = "") {
return i18n::_t($entity, $string, $context, $injection);
* Increase the memory limit to the given level if it's currently too low.
* Only increases up to the maximum defined in {@link set_increase_memory_limit_max()},
* and defaults to the 'memory_limit' setting in the PHP configuration.
* @param A memory limit string, such as "64M". If omitted, unlimited memory will be set.
* @return Boolean TRUE indicates a successful change, FALSE a denied change.
function increase_memory_limit_to($memoryLimit = -1) {
$curLimit = ini_get('memory_limit');
// Can't go higher than infinite
if($curLimit == -1 ) return true;
// Check hard maximums
$max = get_increase_memory_limit_max();
if($max && $max != -1 && trANSLATE_MEMSTRING($memoryLimit) > translate_memstring($max)) return false;
// Increase the memory limit if it's too low
if($memoryLimit == -1 || translate_memstring($memoryLimit) > translate_memstring($curLimit)) {
ini_set('memory_limit', $memoryLimit);
return true;
$_increase_memory_limit_max = ini_get('memory_limit');
* Set the maximum allowed value for {@link increase_memory_limit_to()}.
* The same result can also be achieved through 'suhosin.memory_limit'
* if PHP is running with the Suhosin system.
* @param Memory limit string
function set_increase_memory_limit_max($memoryLimit) {
global $_increase_memory_limit_max;
$_increase_memory_limit_max = $memoryLimit;
* @return Memory limit string
function get_increase_memory_limit_max() {
global $_increase_memory_limit_max;
return $_increase_memory_limit_max;
* Increases the XDebug parameter max_nesting_level, which limits how deep recursion can go.
* Only does anything if (a) xdebug is installed and (b) the new limit is higher than the existing limit
* @param int $limit - The new limit to increase to
function increase_xdebug_nesting_level_to($limit) {
if (function_exists('xdebug_enable')) {
$current = ini_get('xdebug.max_nesting_level');
if ((int)$current < $limit) ini_set('xdebug.max_nesting_level', $limit);
* Turn a memory string, such as 512M into an actual number of bytes.
* @param A memory limit string, such as "64M"
function translate_memstring($memString) {
switch(strtolower(substr($memString, -1))) {
case "k": return round(substr($memString, 0, -1)*1024);
case "m": return round(substr($memString, 0, -1)*1024*1024);
case "g": return round(substr($memString, 0, -1)*1024*1024*1024);
default: return round($memString);
* Increase the time limit of this script. By default, the time will be unlimited.
* Only works if 'safe_mode' is off in the PHP configuration.
* Only values up to {@link get_increase_time_limit_max()} are allowed.
* @param $timeLimit The time limit in seconds. If omitted, no time limit will be set.
* @return Boolean TRUE indicates a successful change, FALSE a denied change.
function increase_time_limit_to($timeLimit = null) {
$max = get_increase_time_limit_max();
if($max != -1 && $timeLimit > $max) return false;
if(!ini_get('safe_mode')) {
if(!$timeLimit) {
return true;
} else {
$currTimeLimit = ini_get('max_execution_time');
// Only increase if its smaller
if($currTimeLimit && $currTimeLimit < $timeLimit) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
$_increase_time_limit_max = -1;
* Set the maximum allowed value for {@link increase_timeLimit_to()};
* @param Int Limit in seconds
function set_increase_time_limit_max($timeLimit) {
global $_increase_time_limit_max;
$_increase_time_limit_max = $timeLimit;
* @return Int Limit in seconds
function get_increase_time_limit_max() {
global $_increase_time_limit_max;
return $_increase_time_limit_max;