Ingo Schommer a3c406e4d2 NEW Merge i18nTextCollector with existing (fixes #1838)
This is a necessity for any further 3.1 pushes of master files to getlocalization.
Because we'd otherwise remove existing master strings for CTF etc,
which means we can no longer backport new translations to 3.0
(and there's no way for users to contribute translations to 3.0 via getlocalization).

It's still a very monolithic class, but at least I've refactored it to return
all collected strings without writing it to files (for easier testing).
2013-06-02 20:17:28 +02:00

670 lines
23 KiB

* SilverStripe-variant of the "gettext" tool:
* Parses the string content of all PHP-files and SilverStripe templates
* for ocurrences of the _t() translation method. Also uses the {@link i18nEntityProvider}
* interface to get dynamically defined entities by executing the
* {@link provideI18nEntities()} method on all implementors of this interface.
* Collects all found entities (and their natural language text for the default locale)
* into language-files for each module in an array notation. Creates or overwrites these files,
* e.g. framework/lang/en_US.php.
* The collector needs to be run whenever you make new translatable
* entities available. Please don't alter the arrays in language tables manually.
* Usage through URL: http://localhost/dev/tasks/i18nTextCollectorTask
* Usage through URL (module-specific): http://localhost/dev/tasks/i18nTextCollectorTask/?module=mymodule
* Usage on CLI: sake dev/tasks/i18nTextCollectorTask
* Usage on CLI (module-specific): sake dev/tasks/i18nTextCollectorTask module=mymodule
* @author Bernat Foj Capell <>
* @author Ingo Schommer <>
* @package framework
* @subpackage i18n
* @uses i18nEntityProvider
* @uses i18n
class i18nTextCollector extends Object {
protected $defaultLocale;
* @var string $basePath The directory base on which the collector should act.
* Usually the webroot set through {@link Director::baseFolder()}.
* @todo Fully support changing of basePath through {@link SSViewer} and {@link ManifestBuilder}
public $basePath;
public $baseSavePath;
* @var i18nTextCollector_Writer
protected $writer;
* @param $locale
public function __construct($locale = null) {
$this->defaultLocale = ($locale) ? $locale : i18n::get_lang_from_locale(i18n::default_locale());
$this->basePath = Director::baseFolder();
$this->baseSavePath = Director::baseFolder();
public function setWriter($writer) {
$this->writer = $writer;
public function getWriter() {
if(!$this->writer) $this->writer = new i18nTextCollector_Writer_RailsYaml();
return $this->writer;
* This is the main method to build the master string tables with the original strings.
* It will search for existent modules that use the i18n feature, parse the _t() calls
* and write the resultant files in the lang folder of each module.
* @uses DataObject->collectI18nStatics()
* @param array $restrictToModules
* @param array $mergeWithExisting Merge new master strings with existing ones
* already defined in language files, rather than replacing them. This can be useful
* for long-term maintenance of translations across releases, because it allows
* "translation backports" to older releases without removing strings these older releases
* still rely on.
public function run($restrictToModules = null, $mergeWithExisting = false) {
$entitiesByModule = $this->collect($restrictToModules, $mergeWithExisting);
// Write each module language file
if($entitiesByModule) foreach($entitiesByModule as $module => $entities) {
$this->getWriter()->write($entities, $this->defaultLocale, $this->baseSavePath . '/' . $module);
public function collect($restrictToModules = null, $mergeWithExisting = false) {
$modules = scandir($this->basePath);
$themeFolders = array();
// A master string tables array (one mst per module)
$entitiesByModule = array();
foreach($modules as $index => $module){
if($module != 'themes') continue;
else {
$themes = scandir($this->basePath."/themes");
foreach($themes as $theme) {
&& substr($theme,0,1) != '.'
&& is_dir($this->basePath."/themes/".$theme."/templates")){
$themeFolders[] = 'themes/'.$theme;
$themesInd = $index;
if(isset($themesInd)) {
$modules = array_merge($modules, $themeFolders);
foreach($modules as $module) {
// Only search for calls in folder with a _config.php file (which means they are modules, including
// themes folder)
$isValidModuleFolder = (
&& is_file("$this->basePath/$module/_config.php")
&& substr($module,0,1) != '.'
) || (
substr($module,0,7) == 'themes/'
&& is_dir("$this->basePath/$module")
if(!$isValidModuleFolder) continue;
// we store the master string tables
$processedEntities = $this->processModule($module);
if(isset($entitiesByModule[$module])) {
$entitiesByModule[$module] = array_merge_recursive($entitiesByModule[$module], $processedEntities);
} else {
$entitiesByModule[$module] = $processedEntities;
// extract all entities for "foreign" modules (fourth argument)
foreach($entitiesByModule[$module] as $fullName => $spec) {
if(isset($spec[2]) && $spec[2] && $spec[2] != $module) {
$othermodule = $spec[2];
if(!isset($entitiesByModule[$othermodule])) $entitiesByModule[$othermodule] = array();
$entitiesByModule[$othermodule][$fullName] = $spec;
// Optionally merge with existing master strings
// TODO Support all defined source formats through i18n::get_translators().
// Currently not possible because adapter instances can't be fully reset through the Zend API,
// meaning master strings accumulate across modules
if($mergeWithExisting) {
$adapter = Injector::inst()->get('i18nRailsYamlAdapter');
$masterFile = "{$this->basePath}/{$module}/lang/"
. $adapter->getFilenameForLocale($this->defaultLocale);
if(!file_exists($masterFile)) continue;
'content' => $masterFile,
'locale' => $this->defaultLocale
$entitiesByModule[$module] = array_merge(
// Transform each master string from scalar value to array of strings
function($v) {return array($v);},
// Restrict modules we update to just the specified ones (if any passed)
if($restrictToModules && count($restrictToModules)) {
foreach (array_diff(array_keys($entitiesByModule), $restrictToModules) as $module) {
return $entitiesByModule;
public function write($module, $entities) {
$this->getWriter()->write($entities, $this->defaultLocale, $this->baseSavePath . '/' . $module);
* Builds a master string table from php and .ss template files for the module passed as the $module param
* @see collectFromCode() and collectFromTemplate()
* @param string $module A module's name or just 'themes'
* @return array $entities An array of entities found in the files that comprise the module
* @todo Why the type juggling for $this->collectFromBlah()? They always return arrays.
protected function processModule($module) {
$entities = array();
// Search for calls in code files if these exists
$fileList = array();
if(is_dir("$this->basePath/$module/code")) {
$fileList = $this->getFilesRecursive("$this->basePath/$module/code");
} else if($module == FRAMEWORK_DIR || substr($module, 0, 7) == 'themes/') {
// framework doesn't have the usual module structure, so we'll scan all subfolders
$fileList = $this->getFilesRecursive("$this->basePath/$module", null, null, '/\/(tests|dev)$/');
foreach($fileList as $filePath) {
// exclude ss-templates, they're scanned separately
if(substr($filePath,-3) == 'php') {
$content = file_get_contents($filePath);
$entities = array_merge($entities,(array)$this->collectFromCode($content, $module));
$entities = array_merge($entities, (array)$this->collectFromEntityProviders($filePath, $module));
// Search for calls in template files if these exists
if(is_dir("$this->basePath/$module/")) {
$fileList = $this->getFilesRecursive("$this->basePath/$module/", null, 'ss');
foreach($fileList as $index => $filePath) {
$content = file_get_contents($filePath);
// templates use their filename as a namespace
$namespace = basename($filePath);
$entities = array_merge($entities, (array)$this->collectFromTemplate($content, $module, $namespace));
// sort for easier lookup and comparison with translated files
return $entities;
* Extracts translatables from .php files.
* @param string $content The text content of a parsed template-file
* @param string $module Module's name or 'themes'
* @return array $entities An array of entities representing the extracted translation function calls in code
public function collectFromCode($content, $module) {
$entities = array();
$tokens = token_get_all("<?php\n" . $content);
$inTransFn = false;
$inConcat = false;
$finalTokenDueToArray = false;
$currentEntity = array();
foreach($tokens as $token) {
if(is_array($token)) {
list($id, $text) = $token;
if($inTransFn && $id == T_ARRAY) {
//raw 'array' token found in _t function, stop processing the tokens for this _t now
$finalTokenDueToArray = true;
if($id == T_STRING && $text == '_t') {
// start definition
$inTransFn = true;
} elseif($inTransFn && $id == T_VARIABLE) {
// Dynamic definition from provideEntities - skip
$inTransFn = false;
$inConcat = false;
$currentEntity = array();
} elseif($inTransFn && $id == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) {
// Fixed quoting escapes, and remove leading/trailing quotes
if(preg_match('/^\'/', $text)) {
$text = str_replace("\'", "'", $text);
$text = preg_replace('/^\'/', '', $text);
$text = preg_replace('/\'$/', '', $text);
} else {
$text = str_replace('\"', '"', $text);
$text = preg_replace('/^"/', '', $text);
$text = preg_replace('/"$/', '', $text);
if($inConcat) {
$currentEntity[count($currentEntity)-1] .= $text;
} else {
$currentEntity[] = $text;
} elseif($inTransFn && $token == '.') {
$inConcat = true;
} elseif($inTransFn && $token == ',') {
$inConcat = false;
} elseif($inTransFn && ($token == ')' || $finalTokenDueToArray || $token == '[')) {
// finalize definition
$inTransFn = false;
$inConcat = false;
$entity = array_shift($currentEntity);
$entities[$entity] = $currentEntity;
$currentEntity = array();
$finalTokenDueToArray = false;
foreach($entities as $entity => $spec) {
// call without master language definition
if(!$spec) {
$entities[$this->normalizeEntity($entity, $module)] = $spec;
return $entities;
* Extracts translatables from .ss templates (Self referencing)
* @param string $content The text content of a parsed template-file
* @param string $module Module's name or 'themes'
* @param string $fileName The name of a template file when method is used in self-referencing mode
* @return array $entities An array of entities representing the extracted template function calls
* @todo Why the type juggling for $this->collectFromTemplate()? It always returns an array.
public function collectFromTemplate($content, $fileName, $module, &$parsedFiles = array()) {
$entities = array();
// Search for included templates
preg_match_all('/<' . '% include +([A-Za-z0-9_]+) +%' . '>/', $content, $regs, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach($regs as $reg) {
$includeName = $reg[1];
$includeFileName = "{$includeName}.ss";
$filePath = SSViewer::getTemplateFileByType($includeName, 'Includes');
if(!$filePath) $filePath = SSViewer::getTemplateFileByType($includeName, 'main');
if($filePath && !in_array($filePath, $parsedFiles)) {
$parsedFiles[] = $filePath;
$includeContent = file_get_contents($filePath);
$entities = array_merge(
(array)$this->collectFromTemplate($includeContent, $module, $includeFileName, $parsedFiles)
// @todo Will get massively confused if you include the includer -> infinite loop
// use parser to extract <%t style translatable entities
$translatables = i18nTextCollector_Parser::GetTranslatables($content);
$entities = array_merge($entities,(array)$translatables);
// use the old method of getting _t() style translatable entities
// Collect in actual template
if(preg_match_all('/(_t\([^\)]*?\))/ms', $content, $matches)) {
foreach($matches[1] as $match) {
$entities = array_merge($entities, $this->collectFromCode($match, $module));
foreach($entities as $entity => $spec) {
$entities[$this->normalizeEntity($entity, $module)] = $spec;
return $entities;
* @uses i18nEntityProvider
public function collectFromEntityProviders($filePath, $module = null) {
$entities = array();
// HACK Ugly workaround to avoid "Cannot redeclare class PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult" error
// when running text collector with PHPUnit 3.4. There really shouldn't be any dependencies
// here, but the class reflection enforces autloading of seemingly unrelated classes.
// The main problem here is the CMSMenu class, which iterates through test classes,
// which in turn trigger autoloading of PHPUnit.
$phpunitwrapper = PhpUnitWrapper::inst();
$classes = ClassInfo::classes_for_file($filePath);
if($classes) foreach($classes as $class) {
// Not all classes can be instanciated without mandatory arguments,
// so entity collection doesn't work for all SilverStripe classes currently
// Requires PHP 5.1+
if(class_exists($class) && in_array('i18nEntityProvider', class_implements($class))) {
$reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($class);
if($reflectionClass->isAbstract()) continue;
$obj = singleton($class);
$entities = array_merge($entities,(array)$obj->provideI18nEntities());
return $entities;
* Normalizes enitities with namespaces.
* @param string $fullName
* @param string $_namespace
* @return string|boolean FALSE
protected function normalizeEntity($fullName, $_namespace = null) {
// split fullname into entity parts
$entityParts = explode('.', $fullName);
if(count($entityParts) > 1) {
// templates don't have a custom namespace
$entity = array_pop($entityParts);
// namespace might contain dots, so we explode
$namespace = implode('.',$entityParts);
} else {
$entity = array_pop($entityParts);
$namespace = $_namespace;
// If a dollar sign is used in the entity name,
// we can't resolve without running the method,
// and skip the processing. This is mostly used for
// dynamically translating static properties, e.g. looping
// through $db, which are detected by {@link collectFromEntityProviders}.
if($entity && strpos('$', $entity) !== FALSE) return false;
return "{$namespace}.{$entity}";
* Helper function that searches for potential files (templates and code) to be parsed
* @param string $folder base directory to scan (will scan recursively)
* @param array $fileList Array to which potential files will be appended
* @param string $type Optional, "php" or "ss"
* @param string $folderExclude Regular expression matching folder names to exclude
* @return array $fileList An array of files
protected function getFilesRecursive($folder, $fileList = null, $type = null, $folderExclude = null) {
if(!$folderExclude) $folderExclude = '/\/(tests)$/';
if(!$fileList) $fileList = array();
$items = scandir($folder);
$isValidFolder = (
!in_array('_manifest_exclude', $items)
&& !preg_match($folderExclude, $folder)
if($items && $isValidFolder) foreach($items as $item) {
if(substr($item,0,1) == '.') continue;
if(substr($item,-4) == '.php' && (!$type || $type == 'php')) {
$fileList[substr($item,0,-4)] = "$folder/$item";
} else if(substr($item,-3) == '.ss' && (!$type || $type == 'ss')) {
$fileList[$item] = "$folder/$item";
} else if(is_dir("$folder/$item")) {
$fileList = array_merge(
$this->getFilesRecursive("$folder/$item", $fileList, $type, $folderExclude)
return $fileList;
public function getDefaultLocale() {
return $this->defaultLocale;
public function setDefaultLocale($locale) {
$this->defaultLocale = $locale;
* Allows serialization of entity definitions collected through {@link i18nTextCollector}
* into a persistent format, usually on the filesystem.
interface i18nTextCollector_Writer {
* @param Array $entities Map of entity names (incl. namespace) to an numeric array, with at least one element,
* the original string, and an optional second element, the context.
* @param String $locale
* @param String $path The directory base on which the collector should create new lang folders and files.
* Usually the webroot set through {@link Director::baseFolder()}. Can be overwritten for
* testing or export purposes.
* @return Boolean success
public function write($entities, $locale, $path);
* Legacy writer for 2.x style persistence.
class i18nTextCollector_Writer_Php implements i18nTextCollector_Writer {
public function write($entities, $locale, $path) {
$php = '';
$eol = PHP_EOL;
// Create folder for lang files
$langFolder = $path . '/lang';
if(!file_exists($langFolder)) {
Filesystem::makeFolder($langFolder, Config::inst()->get('Filesystem', 'folder_create_mask'));
touch($langFolder . '/_manifest_exclude');
// Open the English file and write the Master String Table
$langFile = $langFolder . '/' . $locale . '.php';
if($fh = fopen($langFile, "w")) {
if($entities) foreach($entities as $fullName => $spec) {
$php .= $this->langArrayCodeForEntitySpec($fullName, $spec, $locale);
// test for valid PHP syntax by eval'ing it
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new LogicException(
'i18nTextCollector->writeMasterStringFile(): Invalid PHP language file. Error: ' . $e->toString());
fwrite($fh, "<"."?php{$eol}{$eol}global \$lang;{$eol}{$eol}" . $php . "{$eol}");
} else {
throw new LogicException("Cannot write language file! Please check permissions of $langFolder/"
. $locale . ".php");
return true;
* Input for langArrayCodeForEntitySpec() should be suitable for insertion
* into single-quoted strings, so needs to be escaped already.
* @param string $entity The entity name, e.g. CMSMain.BUTTONSAVE
public function langArrayCodeForEntitySpec($entityFullName, $entitySpec, $locale) {
$php = '';
$eol = PHP_EOL;
$entityParts = explode('.', $entityFullName);
if(count($entityParts) > 1) {
// templates don't have a custom namespace
$entity = array_pop($entityParts);
// namespace might contain dots, so we implode back
$namespace = implode('.',$entityParts);
} else {
"i18nTextCollector::langArrayCodeForEntitySpec(): Wrong entity format for $entityFullName with values "
. var_export($entitySpec, true),
return false;
$value = $entitySpec[0];
$comment = (isset($entitySpec[1])) ? addcslashes($entitySpec[1],'\'') : null;
$php .= '$lang[\'' . $locale . '\'][\'' . $namespace . '\'][\'' . $entity . '\'] = ';
$php .= (count($entitySpec) == 1) ? var_export($entitySpec[0], true) : var_export($entitySpec, true);
$php .= ";$eol";
// Normalise linebreaks due to fix var_export output
return Convert::nl2os($php, $eol);
* Writes files compatible with {@link i18nRailsYamlAdapter}.
class i18nTextCollector_Writer_RailsYaml implements i18nTextCollector_Writer {
public function write($entities, $locale, $path) {
$content = '';
// Create folder for lang files
$langFolder = $path . '/lang';
if(!file_exists($langFolder)) {
Filesystem::makeFolder($langFolder, Config::inst()->get('Filesystem', 'folder_create_mask'));
touch($langFolder . '/_manifest_exclude');
// Open the English file and write the Master String Table
$langFile = $langFolder . '/' . $locale . '.yml';
if($fh = fopen($langFile, "w")) {
fwrite($fh, $this->getYaml($entities,$locale));
} else {
throw new LogicException("Cannot write language file! Please check permissions of $langFile");
return true;
public function getYaml($entities, $locale) {
// Use the Zend copy of this script to prevent class conflicts when RailsYaml is included
require_once 'thirdparty/zend_translate_railsyaml/library/Translate/Adapter/thirdparty/sfYaml/lib'
. '/sfYamlDumper.php';
// Unflatten array
$entitiesNested = array();
foreach($entities as $entity => $spec) {
// Legacy support: Don't count *.ss as namespace
$entity = preg_replace('/\.ss\./', '___ss.', $entity);
$parts = explode('.', $entity);
$currLevel = &$entitiesNested;
while($part = array_shift($parts)) {
$part = str_replace('___ss', '.ss', $part);
if(!isset($currLevel[$part])) $currLevel[$part] = array();
$currLevel = &$currLevel[$part];
$currLevel = $spec[0];
// Write YAML
$yamlHandler = new sfYaml();
// TODO Dumper can't handle YAML comments, so the context information is currently discarded
return $yamlHandler->dump(array($locale => $entitiesNested), 99);
* Parser that scans through a template and extracts the parameters to the _t and <%t calls
class i18nTextCollector_Parser extends SSTemplateParser {
private static $entities = array();
private static $currentEntity = array();
public function Translate__construct(&$res) {
self::$currentEntity = array(null,null,null); //start with empty array
public function Translate_Entity(&$res, $sub) {
self::$currentEntity[0] = $sub['text']; //entity
public function Translate_Default(&$res, $sub) {
self::$currentEntity[1] = $sub['String']['text']; //value
public function Translate_Context(&$res, $sub) {
self::$currentEntity[2] = $sub['String']['text']; //comment
public function Translate__finalise(&$res) {
// set the entity name and the value (default), as well as the context (comment)
// priority is no longer used, so that is blank
self::$entities[self::$currentEntity[0]] = array(self::$currentEntity[1],null,self::$currentEntity[2]);
* Parses a template and returns any translatable entities
public static function GetTranslatables($template) {
self::$entities = array();
// Run the parser and throw away the result
$parser = new i18nTextCollector_Parser($template);
if(substr($template, 0,3) == pack("CCC", 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf)) $parser->pos = 3;
return self::$entities;