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synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
Database abstraction broken up into controller, connector, query builder, and schema manager, each independently configurable via YAML / Injector Creation of new DBQueryGenerator for database specific generation of SQL Support for parameterised queries, move of code base to use these over escaped conditions Refactor of SQLQuery into separate query classes for each of INSERT UPDATE DELETE and SELECT Support for PDO Installation process upgraded to use new ORM SS_DatabaseException created to handle database errors, maintaining details of raw sql and parameter details for user code designed interested in that data. Renamed DB static methods to conform correctly to naming conventions (e.g. DB::getConn -> DB::get_conn) 3.2 upgrade docs Performance Optimisation and simplification of code to use more concise API API Ability for database adapters to register extensions to ConfigureFromEnv.php
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975 lines
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* This class handles the representation of a file on the filesystem within the framework.
* Most of the methods also handle the {@link Folder} subclass.
* Note: The files are stored in the assets/ directory, but SilverStripe
* looks at the db object to gather information about a file such as URL
* It then uses this for all processing functions (like image manipulation).
* <b>Security</b>
* Caution: It is recommended to disable any script execution in the "assets/"
* directory in the webserver configuration, to reduce the risk of exploits.
* See http://doc.silverstripe.org/secure-development#filesystem
* <b>Properties</b>
* - "Name": File name (including extension) or folder name.
* Should be the same as the actual filesystem.
* - "Title": Optional title of the file (for display purposes only).
* Defaults to "Name". Note that the Title field of Folder (subclass of File)
* is linked to Name, so Name and Title will always be the same.
* - "Filename": Path of the file or folder, relative to the webroot.
* Usually starts with the "assets/" directory, and has no trailing slash.
* Defaults to the "assets/" directory plus "Name" property if not set.
* Setting the "Filename" property will override the "Name" property.
* The value should be in sync with "ParentID".
* - "Content": Typically unused, but handy for a textual representation of
* files, e.g. for fulltext indexing of PDF documents.
* - "ParentID": Points to a {@link Folder} record. Should be in sync with
* "Filename". A ParentID=0 value points to the "assets/" folder, not the webroot.
* <b>Synchronization</b>
* Changes to a File database record can change the filesystem entry,
* but not the other way around. If the filesystem path is renamed outside
* of SilverStripe, there's no way for the database to recover this linkage.
* New physical files on the filesystem can be "discovered" via {@link Filesystem::sync()},
* the equivalent {@link File} and {@link Folder} records are automatically
* created by this method.
* Certain property changes within the File API that can cause a "delayed" filesystem change:
* The change is enforced in {@link onBeforeWrite()} later on.
* - setParentID()
* - setFilename()
* - setName()
* It is recommended that you use {@link write()} directly after setting any of these properties,
* otherwise getters like {@link getFullPath()} and {@link getRelativePath()}
* will result paths that are inconsistent with the filesystem.
* Caution: Calling {@link delete()} will also delete from the filesystem.
* Call {@link deleteDatabaseOnly()} if you want to avoid this.
* <b>Creating Files and Folders</b>
* Typically both files and folders should be created first on the filesystem,
* and then reflected in as database records. Folders can be created recursively
* from SilverStripe both in the database and filesystem through {@link Folder::findOrMake()}.
* Ensure that you always set a "Filename" property when writing to the database,
* leaving it out can lead to unexpected results.
* @package framework
* @subpackage filesystem
* @property string Name Basename of the file
* @property string Title Title of the file
* @property string Filename Filename including path
* @property string Content
* @property string ShowInSearch Boolean that indicates if file is shown in search. Doesn't apply to Folder
* @property int ParentID ID of parent File/Folder
* @property int OwnerID ID of Member who owns the file
* @method File Parent() Returns parent File
* @method Member Owner() Returns Member object of file owner.
class File extends DataObject {
private static $default_sort = "\"Name\"";
private static $singular_name = "File";
private static $plural_name = "Files";
private static $db = array(
"Name" => "Varchar(255)",
"Title" => "Varchar(255)",
"Filename" => "Text",
"Content" => "Text",
// Only applies to files, doesn't inherit for folder
'ShowInSearch' => 'Boolean(1)',
private static $has_one = array(
"Parent" => "File",
"Owner" => "Member"
private static $has_many = array();
private static $many_many = array();
private static $defaults = array(
"ShowInSearch" => 1,
private static $extensions = array(
private static $casting = array (
'TreeTitle' => 'HTMLText'
* @config
* @var array List of allowed file extensions, enforced through {@link validate()}.
* Note: if you modify this, you should also change a configuration file in the assets directory.
* Otherwise, the files will be able to be uploaded but they won't be able to be served by the
* webserver.
* - If you are running Apahce you will need to change assets/.htaccess
* - If you are running IIS you will need to change assets/web.config
* Instructions for the change you need to make are included in a comment in the config file.
private static $allowed_extensions = array(
'flv','gif','gpx','gz','hqx','ico','jar','jpeg','jpg','js','kml', 'm4a','m4v',
* @config
* @var array Category identifiers mapped to commonly used extensions.
private static $app_categories = array(
'audio' => array(
"aif" ,"au" ,"mid" ,"midi" ,"mp3" ,"ra" ,"ram" ,"rm","mp3" ,"wav" ,"m4a" ,"snd" ,"aifc" ,"aiff" ,"wma",
"apl", "avr" ,"cda" ,"mp4" ,"ogg"
'mov' => array(
"mpeg" ,"mpg" ,"m1v" ,"mp2" ,"mpa" ,"mpe" ,"ifo" ,"vob","avi" ,"wmv" ,"asf" ,"m2v" ,"qt", "ogv", "webm"
'zip' => array(
"arc" ,"rar" ,"tar" ,"gz" ,"tgz" ,"bz2" ,"dmg" ,"jar","ace" ,"arj" ,"bz" ,"cab"
'image' => array(
"bmp" ,"gif" ,"jpg" ,"jpeg" ,"pcx" ,"tif" ,"png" ,"alpha","als" ,"cel" ,"icon" ,"ico" ,"ps"
'flash' => array(
'swf', 'fla'
'doc' => array(
'doc','docx','txt','rtf','xls','xlsx','pages', 'ppt','pptx','pps','csv', 'html','htm','xhtml', 'xml','pdf'
* @config
* @var If this is true, then restrictions set in {@link $allowed_max_file_size} and
* {@link $allowed_extensions} will be applied to users with admin privileges as
* well.
private static $apply_restrictions_to_admin = true;
* @config
* @var boolean
private static $update_filesystem = true;
* Cached result of a "SHOW FIELDS" call
* in instance_get() for performance reasons.
* @var array
protected static $cache_file_fields = null;
* Replace "[file_link id=n]" shortcode with an anchor tag or link to the file.
* @param $arguments array Arguments to the shortcode
* @param $content string Content of the returned link (optional)
* @param $parser object Specify a parser to parse the content (see {@link ShortCodeParser})
* @return string anchor HTML tag if content argument given, otherwise file path link
public static function link_shortcode_handler($arguments, $content = null, $parser = null) {
if(!isset($arguments['id']) || !is_numeric($arguments['id'])) return;
$record = DataObject::get_by_id('File', $arguments['id']);
if (!$record) {
if(class_exists('ErrorPage')) {
$record = ErrorPage::get()->filter("ErrorCode", 404)->first();
if (!$record) return; // There were no suitable matches at all.
// build the HTML tag
if($content) {
// build some useful meta-data (file type and size) as data attributes
$attrs = ' ';
if($record instanceof File) {
'class' => 'file',
'data-type' => $record->getExtension(),
'data-size' => $record->getSize()
) as $name => $value) {
$attrs .= sprintf('%s="%s" ', $name, $value);
return sprintf('<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>', $record->Link(), rtrim($attrs), $parser->parse($content));
} else {
return $record->Link();
* Find a File object by the given filename.
* @param String $filename Matched against the "Name" property.
* @return mixed null if not found, File object of found file
public static function find($filename) {
// Get the base file if $filename points to a resampled file
$filename = preg_replace('/_resampled\/[^-]+-/', '', $filename);
// Split to folders and the actual filename, and traverse the structure.
$parts = explode("/", $filename);
$parentID = 0;
$item = null;
foreach($parts as $part) {
if($part == ASSETS_DIR && !$parentID) continue;
$item = File::get()->filter(array(
'Name' => $part,
'ParentID' => $parentID
if(!$item) break;
$parentID = $item->ID;
return $item;
public function Link() {
return Director::baseURL() . $this->RelativeLink();
public function RelativeLink() {
return $this->Filename;
* @return string
public function getTreeTitle() {
return Convert::raw2xml($this->Title);
* Event handler called before deleting from the database.
* You can overload this to clean up or otherwise process data before delete this
* record. Don't forget to call {@link parent::onBeforeDelete()}, though!
protected function onBeforeDelete() {
// ensure that the record is synced with the filesystem before deleting
if($this->Filename && $this->Name && file_exists($this->getFullPath()) && !is_dir($this->getFullPath())) {
* @todo Enforce on filesystem URL level via mod_rewrite
* @return boolean
public function canView($member = null) {
if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUser();
$results = $this->extend('canView', $member);
if($results && is_array($results)) if(!min($results)) return false;
return true;
* Returns true if the following conditions are met:
* - CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin
* @todo Decouple from CMS view access
* @return boolean
public function canEdit($member = null) {
if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUser();
$result = $this->extendedCan('canEdit', $member);
if($result !== null) return $result;
return true;
* @return boolean
public function canCreate($member = null) {
if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUser();
$result = $this->extendedCan('canCreate', $member);
if($result !== null) return $result;
return $this->canEdit($member);
* @return boolean
public function canDelete($member = null) {
if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUser();
$results = $this->extend('canDelete', $member);
if($results && is_array($results)) if(!min($results)) return false;
return $this->canEdit($member);
* Returns the fields to power the edit screen of files in the CMS.
* You can modify this FieldList by subclassing folder, or by creating a {@link DataExtension}
* and implemeting updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields) on that extension.
* @return FieldList
public function getCMSFields() {
// Preview
if($this instanceof Image) {
$formattedImage = $this->getFormattedImage(
Config::inst()->get('Image', 'asset_preview_width')
$thumbnail = $formattedImage ? $formattedImage->URL : '';
$previewField = new LiteralField("ImageFull",
"<img id='thumbnailImage' class='thumbnail-preview' src='{$thumbnail}?r="
. rand(1,100000) . "' alt='{$this->Name}' />\n"
} else {
$previewField = new LiteralField("ImageFull", $this->CMSThumbnail());
// Upload
$uploadField = UploadField::create('UploadField','Upload Field')
if ($this->ParentID) {
$parent = $this->Parent();
if ($parent) { //set the parent that the Upload field should use for uploads
//create the file attributes in a FieldGroup
$filePreview = CompositeField::create(
new ReadonlyField("FileType", _t('AssetTableField.TYPE','File type') . ':'),
new ReadonlyField("Size", _t('AssetTableField.SIZE','File size') . ':', $this->getSize()),
$urlField = new ReadonlyField('ClickableURL', _t('AssetTableField.URL','URL'),
sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', $this->Link(), $this->RelativeLink())
new DateField_Disabled("Created", _t('AssetTableField.CREATED','First uploaded') . ':'),
new DateField_Disabled("LastEdited", _t('AssetTableField.LASTEDIT','Last changed') . ':')
$urlField->dontEscape = true;
//get a tree listing with only folder, no files
$folderTree = new TreeDropdownField("ParentID", _t('AssetTableField.FOLDER','Folder'), 'Folder');
$fields = new FieldList(
new TabSet('Root',
new Tab('Main',
//TODO: make the uploadField replace the existing file
// $uploadField,
new TextField("Title", _t('AssetTableField.TITLE','Title')),
new TextField("Name", _t('AssetTableField.FILENAME','Filename')),
new DropdownField("OwnerID", _t('AssetTableField.OWNER','Owner'), Member::mapInCMSGroups()),
// Folder has its own updateCMSFields hook
if(!($this instanceof Folder)) $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
return $fields;
* Returns a category based on the file extension.
* This can be useful when grouping files by type,
* showing icons on filelinks, etc.
* Possible group values are: "audio", "mov", "zip", "image".
* @return String
public static function get_app_category($ext) {
$ext = strtolower($ext);
foreach(Config::inst()->get('File', 'app_categories') as $category => $exts) {
if(in_array($ext, $exts)) return $category;
return false;
* Returns a category based on the file extension.
* @return String
public function appCategory() {
return self::get_app_category($this->getExtension());
public function CMSThumbnail() {
return '<img src="' . $this->Icon() . '" />';
* Return the relative URL of an icon for the file type,
* based on the {@link appCategory()} value.
* Images are searched for in "framework/images/app_icons/".
* @return String
public function Icon() {
$ext = strtolower($this->getExtension());
if(!Director::fileExists(FRAMEWORK_DIR . "/images/app_icons/{$ext}_32.gif")) {
$ext = $this->appCategory();
if(!Director::fileExists(FRAMEWORK_DIR . "/images/app_icons/{$ext}_32.gif")) {
$ext = "generic";
return FRAMEWORK_DIR . "/images/app_icons/{$ext}_32.gif";
* Should be called after the file was uploaded
public function onAfterUpload() {
* Delete the database record (recursively for folders) without touching the filesystem
public function deleteDatabaseOnly() {
if(is_numeric($this->ID)) {
DB::prepared_query('DELETE FROM "File" WHERE "ID" = ?', array($this->ID));
* Make sure the file has a name
protected function onBeforeWrite() {
// Set default owner
if(!$this->ID && !$this->OwnerID) {
$this->OwnerID = (Member::currentUser() ? Member::currentUser()->ID : 0);
// Set default name
if(!$this->getField('Name')) $this->Name = "new-" . strtolower($this->class);
* Set name on filesystem. If the current object is a "Folder", will also update references
* to subfolders and contained file records (both in database and filesystem)
protected function onAfterWrite() {
* Moving the file if appropriate according to updated database content.
* Throws an Exception if the new file already exists.
* Caution: This method should just be called during a {@link write()} invocation,
* as it relies on {@link DataObject->isChanged()}, which is reset after a {@link write()} call.
* Might be called as {@link File->updateFilesystem()} from within {@link Folder->updateFilesystem()},
* so it has to handle both files and folders.
* Assumes that the "Filename" property was previously updated, either directly or indirectly.
* (it might have been influenced by {@link setName()} or {@link setParentID()} before).
public function updateFilesystem() {
if(!$this->config()->update_filesystem) return false;
// Regenerate "Filename", just to be sure
$this->setField('Filename', $this->getRelativePath());
// If certain elements are changed, update the filesystem reference
if(!$this->isChanged('Filename')) return false;
$changedFields = $this->getChangedFields();
$pathBefore = $changedFields['Filename']['before'];
$pathAfter = $changedFields['Filename']['after'];
// If the file or folder didn't exist before, don't rename - its created
if(!$pathBefore) return;
$pathBeforeAbs = Director::getAbsFile($pathBefore);
$pathAfterAbs = Director::getAbsFile($pathAfter);
// TODO Fix Filetest->testCreateWithFilenameWithSubfolder() to enable this
// // Create parent folders recursively in database and filesystem
// if(!is_a($this, 'Folder')) {
// $folder = Folder::findOrMake(dirname($pathAfterAbs));
// if($folder) $this->ParentID = $folder->ID;
// }
// Check that original file or folder exists, and rename on filesystem if required.
// The folder of the path might've already been renamed by Folder->updateFilesystem()
// before any filesystem update on contained file or subfolder records is triggered.
if(!file_exists($pathAfterAbs)) {
if(!is_a($this, 'Folder')) {
// Only throw a fatal error if *both* before and after paths don't exist.
if(!file_exists($pathBeforeAbs)) {
throw new Exception("Cannot move $pathBeforeAbs to $pathAfterAbs - $pathBeforeAbs doesn't exist");
// Check that target directory (not the file itself) exists.
// Only check if we're dealing with a file, otherwise the folder will need to be created
if(!file_exists(dirname($pathAfterAbs))) {
throw new Exception("Cannot move $pathBeforeAbs to $pathAfterAbs - Directory " . dirname($pathAfter)
. " doesn't exist");
// Rename file or folder
$success = rename($pathBeforeAbs, $pathAfterAbs);
if(!$success) throw new Exception("Cannot move $pathBeforeAbs to $pathAfterAbs");
// Update any database references
$this->updateLinks($pathBefore, $pathAfter);
* Collate selected descendants of this page.
* $condition will be evaluated on each descendant, and if it is succeeds, that item will be added
* to the $collator array.
* @param condition The PHP condition to be evaluated. The page will be called $item
* @param collator An array, passed by reference, to collect all of the matching descendants.
public function collateDescendants($condition, &$collator) {
if($children = $this->Children()) {
foreach($children as $item) {
if(!$condition || eval("return $condition;")) $collator[] = $item;
$item->collateDescendants($condition, $collator);
return true;
* Setter function for Name. Automatically sets a default title,
* and removes characters that might be invalid on the filesystem.
* Also adds a suffix to the name if the filename already exists
* on the filesystem, and is associated to a different {@link File} database record
* in the same folder. This means "myfile.jpg" might become "myfile-1.jpg".
* Does not change the filesystem itself, please use {@link write()} for this.
* @param String $name
public function setName($name) {
$oldName = $this->Name;
// It can't be blank, default to Title
if(!$name) $name = $this->Title;
// Fix illegal characters
$filter = FileNameFilter::create();
$name = $filter->filter($name);
// We might have just turned it blank, so check again.
if(!$name) $name = 'new-folder';
// If it's changed, check for duplicates
if($oldName && $oldName != $name) {
$base = pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
$ext = self::get_file_extension($name);
$suffix = 1;
'Name' => $name,
'ParentID' => (int) $this->ParentID
'ID' => $this->ID
) {
$name = "$base-$suffix$ext";
// Update actual field value
$this->setField('Name', $name);
// Ensure that the filename is updated as well (only in-memory)
// Important: Circumvent the getter to avoid infinite loops
$this->setField('Filename', $this->getRelativePath());
// Update title
if(!$this->Title) {
$this->Title = str_replace(array('-','_'),' ', preg_replace('/\.[^.]+$/', '', $name));
return $name;
* @param String $old File path relative to the webroot
* @param String $new File path relative to the webroot
protected function updateLinks($old, $new) {
$this->extend('updateLinks', $old, $new);
* Does not change the filesystem itself, please use {@link write()} for this.
public function setParentID($parentID) {
$this->setField('ParentID', (int)$parentID);
// Don't change on the filesystem, we'll handle that in onBeforeWrite()
$this->setField('Filename', $this->getRelativePath());
return $this->getField('ParentID');
* Gets the absolute URL accessible through the web.
* @uses Director::absoluteBaseURL()
* @return string
public function getAbsoluteURL() {
return Director::absoluteBaseURL() . $this->getFilename();
* Gets the relative URL accessible through the web.
* @uses Director::baseURL()
* @return string
public function getURL() {
return Director::baseURL() . $this->getFilename();
* Returns an absolute filesystem path to the file.
* Use {@link getRelativePath()} to get the same path relative to the webroot.
* @return String
public function getFullPath() {
$baseFolder = Director::baseFolder();
if(strpos($this->getFilename(), $baseFolder) === 0) {
// if path is absolute already, just return
return $this->getFilename();
} else {
// otherwise assume silverstripe-basefolder
return Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $this->getFilename();
* Returns path relative to webroot.
* Serves as a "fallback" method to create the "Filename" property if it isn't set.
* If no {@link Folder} is set ("ParentID" property),
* defaults to a filename relative to the ASSETS_DIR (usually "assets/").
* @return String
public function getRelativePath() {
if($this->ParentID) {
// Don't use the cache, the parent has just been changed
$p = DataObject::get_by_id('Folder', $this->ParentID, false);
if($p && $p->exists()) return $p->getRelativePath() . $this->getField("Name");
else return ASSETS_DIR . "/" . $this->getField("Name");
} else if($this->getField("Name")) {
return ASSETS_DIR . "/" . $this->getField("Name");
} else {
return ASSETS_DIR;
* @todo Coupling with cms module, remove this method.
public function DeleteLink() {
return Director::absoluteBaseURL()."admin/assets/removefile/".$this->ID;
public function getFilename() {
// Default behaviour: Return field if its set
if($this->getField('Filename')) {
return $this->getField('Filename');
} else {
return ASSETS_DIR . '/';
* Caution: this does not change the location of the file on the filesystem.
public function setFilename($val) {
$this->setField('Filename', $val);
// "Filename" is the "master record" (existing on the filesystem),
// meaning we have to adjust the "Name" property in the database as well.
$this->setField('Name', basename($val));
* Returns the file extension
* @todo This overrides getExtension() in DataObject, but it does something completely different.
* This should be renamed to getFileExtension(), but has not been yet as it may break
* legacy code.
* @return String
public function getExtension() {
return self::get_file_extension($this->getField('Filename'));
* Gets the extension of a filepath or filename,
* by stripping away everything before the last "dot".
* Caution: Only returns the last extension in "double-barrelled"
* extensions (e.g. "gz" for "tar.gz").
* Examples:
* - "myfile" returns ""
* - "myfile.txt" returns "txt"
* - "myfile.tar.gz" returns "gz"
* @param string $filename
* @return string
public static function get_file_extension($filename) {
return pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
* Return the type of file for the given extension
* on the current file name.
* @return string
public function getFileType() {
$types = array(
'gif' => _t('File.GifType', 'GIF image - good for diagrams'),
'jpg' => _t('File.JpgType', 'JPEG image - good for photos'),
'jpeg' => _t('File.JpgType', 'JPEG image - good for photos'),
'png' => _t('File.PngType', 'PNG image - good general-purpose format'),
'ico' => _t('File.IcoType', 'Icon image'),
'tiff' => _t('File.TiffType', 'Tagged image format'),
'doc' => _t('File.DocType', 'Word document'),
'xls' => _t('File.XlsType', 'Excel spreadsheet'),
'zip' => _t('File.ZipType', 'ZIP compressed file'),
'gz' => _t('File.GzType', 'GZIP compressed file'),
'dmg' => _t('File.DmgType', 'Apple disk image'),
'pdf' => _t('File.PdfType', 'Adobe Acrobat PDF file'),
'mp3' => _t('File.Mp3Type', 'MP3 audio file'),
'wav' => _t('File.WavType', 'WAV audo file'),
'avi' => _t('File.AviType', 'AVI video file'),
'mpg' => _t('File.MpgType', 'MPEG video file'),
'mpeg' => _t('File.MpgType', 'MPEG video file'),
'js' => _t('File.JsType', 'Javascript file'),
'css' => _t('File.CssType', 'CSS file'),
'html' => _t('File.HtmlType', 'HTML file'),
'htm' => _t('File.HtlType', 'HTML file')
$ext = $this->getExtension();
return isset($types[$ext]) ? $types[$ext] : 'unknown';
* Returns the size of the file type in an appropriate format.
public function getSize() {
$size = $this->getAbsoluteSize();
return ($size) ? self::format_size($size) : false;
* Formats a file size (eg: (int)42 becomes string '42 bytes')
* @param int $size
* @return string
public static function format_size($size) {
if($size < 1024) return $size . ' bytes';
if($size < 1024*10) return (round($size/1024*10)/10). ' KB';
if($size < 1024*1024) return round($size/1024) . ' KB';
if($size < 1024*1024*10) return (round(($size/1024)/1024*10)/10) . ' MB';
if($size < 1024*1024*1024) return round(($size/1024)/1024) . ' MB';
return round($size/(1024*1024*1024)*10)/10 . ' GB';
* Convert a php.ini value (eg: 512M) to bytes
* @param string $phpIniValue
* @return int
public static function ini2bytes($PHPiniValue) {
switch(strtolower(substr(trim($PHPiniValue), -1))) {
case 'g':
$PHPiniValue *= 1024;
case 'm':
$PHPiniValue *= 1024;
case 'k':
$PHPiniValue *= 1024;
return $PHPiniValue;
* Return file size in bytes.
* @return int
public function getAbsoluteSize(){
if(file_exists($this->getFullPath())) {
$size = filesize($this->getFullPath());
return $size;
} else {
return 0;
public function flushCache($persistant = true) {
self::$cache_file_fields = null;
* @param boolean $includerelations a boolean value to indicate if the labels returned include relation fields
public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) {
$labels = parent::fieldLabels($includerelations);
$labels['Name'] = _t('File.Name', 'Name');
$labels['Title'] = _t('File.Title', 'Title');
$labels['Filename'] = _t('File.Filename', 'Filename');
$labels['Filename'] = _t('File.Filename', 'Filename');
$labels['Content'] = _t('File.Content', 'Content');
return $labels;
public function validate() {
if($this->config()->apply_restrictions_to_admin || !Permission::check('ADMIN')) {
// Extension validation
// TODO Merge this with Upload_Validator
$extension = $this->getExtension();
$allowed = array_map('strtolower', $this->config()->allowed_extensions);
if(!in_array(strtolower($extension), $allowed)) {
$exts = $allowed;
$message = _t(
'Extension is not allowed (valid: {extensions})',
'Argument 1: Comma-separated list of valid extensions',
array('extensions' => wordwrap(implode(', ',$exts)))
return new ValidationResult(false, $message);
// We aren't validating for an existing "Filename" on the filesystem.
// A record should still be saveable even if the underlying record has been removed.
$result = new ValidationResult(true);
$this->extend('validate', $result);
return $result;
* @config
* @var Array Only use lowercase extensions in here.
private static $class_for_file_extension = array(
'*' => 'File',
'jpg' => 'Image',
'jpeg' => 'Image',
'png' => 'Image',
'gif' => 'Image',
* Maps a {@link File} subclass to a specific extension.
* By default, files with common image extensions will be created
* as {@link Image} instead of {@link File} when using
* {@link Folder::constructChild}, {@link Folder::addUploadToFolder}),
* and the {@link Upload} class (either directly or through {@link FileField}).
* For manually instanciated files please use this mapping getter.
* Caution: Changes to mapping doesn't apply to existing file records in the database.
* Also doesn't hook into {@link Object::getCustomClass()}.
* @param String File extension, without dot prefix. Use an asterisk ('*')
* to specify a generic fallback if no mapping is found for an extension.
* @return String Classname for a subclass of {@link File}
public static function get_class_for_file_extension($ext) {
$map = array_change_key_case(self::config()->class_for_file_extension, CASE_LOWER);
return (array_key_exists(strtolower($ext), $map)) ? $map[strtolower($ext)] : $map['*'];
* See {@link get_class_for_file_extension()}.
* @param String|array
* @param String
public static function set_class_for_file_extension($exts, $class) {
if(!is_array($exts)) $exts = array($exts);
foreach($exts as $ext) {
if(!is_subclass_of($class, 'File')) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf('Class "%s" (for extension "%s") is not a valid subclass of File', $class, $ext)
self::config()->class_for_file_extension = array($ext => $class);